Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3337: Inference (Ben Meow rolls over and scratches his belly)

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I have to say, Fang Zheng was speechless after listening to the explanation of the police officer Date.

Originally thought it was just three thousand miles to find my mother, but I didn't expect it to turn into a police and bandit movie...

"What now? What are your thoughts?"

Fang Zheng looked at Police Officer Date, who thought for a moment before looking at Haruka.

"I think the child should be handed over to the police for protection, so that neither the Dongcheng Association nor the Omi Union will do anything at will."

"Speaking of which, I still don't understand why Omi United, as a gangster in Kansai, would be with... eh?"

However, when Fangzheng was chatting with Ida, he suddenly heard a burst of hurried footsteps from outside the door, which made Fangzheng nervous. The next moment, the door of the bar, which had been locked, was kicked open. Then a group of men in black suits rushed in. They raised their silenced pistols and aimed directly at Fang Zheng and others.

"Who are you?"

Seeing the appearance of these black suits, Detective Date was also taken aback.

"I'm Ida from Criminal Division 4, how dare you..."


However, the black suit headed didn't wait for Ida to finish speaking, and immediately gave the order, and then saw the group of black suits point their guns at Fang Zheng and others without hesitation, and pulled the trigger.

It was too late and it was too soon, almost at the same time, Fang Zheng kicked the table next to him and kicked the table up, only to see the heavy square guest table roaring through the air, towards the person in front of him. The black suits bumped over.


The people in black suits obviously didn't expect that someone could kick the table, and at this moment they hurriedly fired in panic. However, they were standing in the narrow area of ​​the entrance, and they had nowhere to hide when facing the flying table, and they were hit directly by the table.

"Get down!"

Fang Zheng roared at Sayu and Yao, the latter hurriedly pressed Yao to the ground, while Fang Zheng jumped up, turned over the square table and rushed into the black suit.

In the distance of close combat, the black suits naturally dare not shoot again, so as not to mislead their own people. On the other hand, Fang Zheng was like a tiger entering a flock, and he was beaten up by the black suits.

A horse strides forward, throws a left hook and a right hook. Someone who provokes me is in danger... Hehehehe...

"Yes, **** it! Quickly withdraw!"

Seeing that he couldn't hold it, the men in black suits immediately ran away. Fang Zheng picked up the pistols they dropped and took a look... After all, he didn't do anything. After all, there was a policeman next to him. ?

Fortunately, they were not without success. Although most of them ran away, a few black suits were still knocked to the ground by Fang Zheng. They were groaning in pain and fear that they would not be able to escape.

"Okay, tell me, where did you come from?"

Fangzheng kicked it directly, and then put the muzzle of the gun on the head of the black suit.


However, the black suit clenched his teeth and did not say a word, and Fang Zheng stopped speaking, raising the gun to his right hand with a shot.


Hearing the screams from the black suits, Sayu and Haruka were both startled and hurriedly shrank their bodies, while Date frowned and looked at Fangzheng.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"The gun went off, it's none of my business."

Fang Zheng replied coldly, then moved the muzzle again and stuffed it into the mouth of the black suit.

"Okay, if you don't want to answer, then let's go out again... After all, there are too many people in the world who died of gun misfires, and you are not alone, right?"

"Woo...! Woo!!"

This time, the black suit turned pale and shook his head desperately. Fang Zheng also raised his muzzle and asked again.

"Who sent you here? Who are you? It's not like the Dongcheng Society."

"We are... MIA... ordered by Mr. Jingu... to come... to obliterate Haruka Sawamura..."

"What? MIA?"

Hearing the answer from the black suit, Detective Date was shocked, and Fang Zheng glanced at him.

"What's that?"

"That's what the Cabinet uses for private activities, similar to the CIA..."

"It's the government's dirty work organization... What about the shrine?"

"If I remember correctly, he should be talking about Jingu Jingping..."

At this time, Criminal Date's face was not only serious, but even solemn.

"He is a politician from the police system and has a lot of influence over the police..."

"It's strange, why did this guy kill Yao? And he also used this underground armed organization?"

"This...I don't know."

Detective Date shook his head and looked at Haruka suspiciously.

"Maybe, this child has some secrets that we don't know."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter."

Fang Zheng looked at the black suit by his hand that had passed out, sighed helplessly, stood up, and looked at Detective Date.

"At least for now, Haruka can't be handed over to the police for protection."

"...Although I would like to object, but I have to agree with you..."

Detective Date also nodded at this moment. If the other party is only a triad, then the police can still protect Xiaoyao. But when it comes to politicians -- and people with deep ties to the police, that's another story.

But the cabinet... it's not impossible to bomb the Diet building. Of course, the premise is that you have enough money. If you really spend 10 billion yen, then I will blow it up for you...

"However, who are you?"

At this time, police officer Date's eyes on Fangzheng also changed a lot. Before, he felt that this young man was very mysterious. Not only was he quite familiar with the police procedures, but he even looked very calm and calm, as if nothing could change him in the slightest. similar. Not only that, but what surprised Detective Date most was Fang Zheng's decisiveness and ruthlessness when he shot. Although he has shown very strong combat effectiveness before, he can use firearms and is willing to use firearms to kill people...then Just not ordinary people.

"I never thought that you would still use a gun."

"I learned it in Hawaii as a hobby."

Fang Zheng took out the handkerchief, wiped the gun silently, and threw it aside. Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Detective Date was even more speechless.

Are you a liar?

As far as your skillful technique is concerned, I'm not surprised that you took a few lives on your back!

And you just remove fingerprints in front of my face, why don't you take me as a police officer in the eye?

You are very skilled at this kind of thing, pretty boy, do you want to go to the police station for a pork chop meal? Shall we have a good talk?

Although Date really wanted to do this, he couldn't, after all...the two of them were on the same front anyway. Moreover, as a policeman, Ida also knows that some people walk between black and white like this, and sometimes he will find some intelligence dealers and other people to help him when solving cases.

It's just that Ida didn't expect the young man in front of him to have this kind of ability.

"It now seems that this person called Jingu is likely to be the mastermind behind the scenes."

Fang Zheng said, and waved to Sayu and Yao, who then stood up from the ground and looked at the messy bar around him a little uneasy.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"It's very simple. There are three groups of people looking for Xiaoyao. Dongcheng will want to find the whereabouts of 10 billion yen through Xiaoyao. It is not clear why Omi is looking for her, but both of them are gangsters, Omi said. It is not impossible that if you want to take this to eat Dongcheng, you will expand your power in Kanto."

Having said this, Fang Zheng thought for a while.

"However... Jinghei Jingu, it is very strange that a politician is involved in this. Indeed, 10 billion yen sounds quite scary, the so-called wealth is moving, it is said that the 10 billion yen intervenes because of jealousy. It's not surprising to come in. But unlike the underworld, this guy is a politician. Once the matter is exposed, his career will be completely over... This guy has a high status now."

After all, those who can dispatch MIA must have a high position.

"That's right."

"Then, if it is revealed that he killed a little girl for 10 billion, wouldn't this guy's career be completely over? He is different from the underworld, and he managed to climb so high, not for the sake of being so unlucky. Bar."

"You say that...it does make sense..."

"And, in the final analysis, why did you want to kill Xiaoyao?"

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng also narrowed his eyes and thought.

"Everyone else hopes to find Yumi through Xiaoyao, so as to find the 10 billion yen, but if a person dies, won't they find nothing?"

As he spoke, Fang Zheng looked at Haruka Sawamura.

"Do you know this man?"


Facing Fang Zheng's question, Haruka Sawamura shook his head.

"No, I've never heard of that name."

"Nor did your mother mention it?"


"So, do you know who your father is?"

However, at this moment, Fang Zheng suddenly asked such a question, which made Haruka Sawamura also stunned.

"No, I don't know... I also wrote to my mother, but she... didn't tell me..."

"Oh...that's interesting."

While muttering to himself, Fang Zheng looked at Detective Date again.

"Is that guy called Jingu married?"

"Married...the other party is the daughter of the Prime Minister...Wait, don't you mean to say..."

Detective Date first subconsciously answered Fangzheng's question, then he was stunned for a moment and came back to his senses.

"Isn't this a very normal thing, Mr. Ida, since you are a police officer, you must have encountered similar cases. If someone climbs on the high branch, they think their yellow-faced woman is in the way. Not to mention, in case The other party is still engaged in the custom business, and he has given birth to a child for himself. If this matter is exposed, it will really be ruined and completely ruined..."

"That's what it says..."

Hearing Fangzheng's answer, Detective Date muttered to himself while looking at Haruka Sawamura. As a detective, he certainly understood what Fangzheng meant, and detective Date had to admit that the possibility was really great! After all, as a police insider, he knows that Jingping Jingping is currently a hot figure in the political arena, and he might run for prime minister in the future.

If such a person is exposed to a scandal, then the results can be imagined.

In this way, it is understandable that Jinghei Jingu Jing will use MIA to obliterate Haruka Sawamura.

But at this moment, Fang Zheng once again threw a blockbuster.

"Also, maybe that man named Jingu has something to do with that 10 billion yen?"


"The underworld has always been the dog of politicians. Since the shrine has a high status, I don't believe it has nothing to do with the gang. Besides, the rumor of 10 billion is very strange."


"Yeah, wouldn't the Dongcheng be blown up? The high-level executives are also dead on the spot, and I don't think that 10 billion yen is something that my little brother can know, it should be regarded as a secret. Let's keep the secrets in it. Everyone who learned the secret should be dead, so who broke the secret of this 10 billion yen, and specifically mentioned that a woman named Yumi stole it? The whole process seems to be Weird, isn't it?"

"You said that...it's really strange, so you think Jingu Jingping is the mastermind behind everything?"

"That's right, think about it carefully, all the senior members of the Dongcheng Association are dead, and it is impossible for someone to come out and tell them about 10 billion at this time, and they will believe it, but Jingping Jingping's identity is different. If What he said, Dongcheng will naturally not suspect that the other party is playing with himself. And I suspect that Yumi may have disappeared because she knew that she was in danger. Jingping Jinghe couldn't find Yumi with great fanfare, so he threw it out. They took the bait of 10 billion yen, and told them that Yumi stole it, and if you want to find the money, you must find Yumi.”

Having said this, Fang Zheng pouted.

"The underworld dares to do anything for money, let alone 10 billion yen. With such a big piece of meat and bones hanging in front of them, they must be more active than anyone else. And in the end, even if an accident is exposed, Jingu Jingping can do it. Push all these things to the underworld and keep yourself out of it, right?"

"If that's the case, then it's a big case!"

After hearing Fangzheng's reasoning, Ida was also excited, but he soon became discouraged.

"However, we have no evidence... Although what you said makes sense, but without evidence, how can we not take them?"

"Aren't these people evidence?"

"Of course not, what we need is hard evidence. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Then it's troublesome, come on, Mr. Criminal."

Fang Zheng picked up the table and put it aside, then waved to the two girls.

"Let's say goodbye first."

"Where are you going?"

"Go back to sleep first. These two are tired after running for a day. Let's find a place to rest and talk. As for what happens after this... Let's get in touch."

After saying this, Fangzheng took Sayu and Yao and turned to leave, while Detective Date stood there, stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"It's me, there is something for you to deal with."

After all, no matter what, he has to take care of the aftermath.

(End of this chapter)

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