Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3533: Hunter test (Ben's tail is too sleepy to move)

After that, Fangzheng and Katima passed the second test, which was the hut at the end of the road. There they met a couple of guides who were being attacked by some kind of monster...well, at least it seemed that way.

But Fang Zheng could see at a glance that whether it was the couple playing the tour guide or the monster that attacked them, they were actually the same thing. So after that, this demonic beast family called the ferocious fox who could transform freely took them to a place that looked like a restaurant on the outside.

And it wasn't until this time that Fangzheng learned from the other party what the test he was about to take was.

"Hunter test... um, it can't be that thing..."

Sitting in the elevator, Fang Zheng frowned slightly when he saw the numbers flashing in front of him. To be honest, there are monsters in this world, modern civilization, and even superpowers... Well, if it is this world, then it is normal.

"Master Kasugano, do you know what this is? Hunter...?"

"Well, I know a little bit about it. Although it's a hunter, it's not the same as the hunters who specialize in hunting in your imagination. You can think of it as a type of mercenary."

Hearing Katima's question, Fang Zheng gave her a brief introduction, and Katima nodded.

"I see……"

"Ding dong."

At this moment, the elevator slowly stopped, and then the door opened. Then, an empty and huge underground tunnel appeared in front of the two of them. In this tunnel, there were hundreds of people looking at their bodies and ages. Different people, obviously these guys should also be part of the hunter test if that's right.

The arrival of Fangzheng and Katima naturally attracted the attention of other people. Needless to say, Fangzheng naturally has a 100% chance of turning his head when he walks on the road. And Katima is also a beautiful girl, not to mention that as the princess of Eldia, she has the special temperament of the royal family. In addition, unlike ordinary people, Katima also wears dark armor. striking.

And Fang Zheng soon saw a man in a clown costume with a teardrop-like pattern on his face... Well, seeing this man, Fang Zheng was already sure that he had gone to the wrong place.

It really is a hunter's world...

To be honest, Fangzheng was somewhat surprised when he determined this, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was reasonable.

After all, although it is also a juvenile manga that belongs to the blood king, the world view of "Hunter" is actually very "politically correct".

Because in this world, as long as you meet a certain condition, you can kill at will, and most people regard it as a normal state of life. Killing and being killed are commonplace in this world.

Not only that, even Xiaojie, the protagonist of "Hunter", is actually not "politically correct".

According to the usual protagonists of the JUMP series, they all hate and dislike the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, and naturally they do not like those who indiscriminately kill innocent people. But Xiaojie is different. He doesn't have the same thoughts as other hot-blooded teenagers. For him, the most important thing is his friends, the most important thing is to find his father, and everyone else...die just died.

Even if he sees other people being killed in front of him, he basically won't burst into a small universe with righteous indignation like other protagonists of hot-blooded teenage manga.

It can be said that this world is indeed suitable for trials and tests... Moreover, the people here are also suitable for being valued by that guy as a fighter.

After all, although this world maintains certain rules, in terms of the concept of good and evil... that's it.

"Master Kasuga, although it's a test, but here... I haven't found a few strong ones?"

Reaching out her hand to hold the divine sword, Katima looked around, but to her disappointment, among these people, she didn't seem to find a few particularly powerful beings.

"Hehehe, the power system is different like this, and the most important thing in this world is not the power itself, but the will."

Fang Zheng pointed to his chest. In fact, after he determined that the test world possessed by the other party was the hunter world, Fangzheng understood the process of that guy. Indeed, if an ordinary boss finds a younger brother, he must set up a lot of tests, and then let the strongest person pass.

But as an order clan, they don't need such "power-type subordinates", because as an order clan, they have a way to give those people powerful power.

The most typical example of Fangzheng's subordinates is Qihai Qianqiu. She was originally just a "super-high school-level gamer". Although she played games at a high level, she didn't have any superpowers or anything other than that. However, her will is very firm and she has a good character, so Fangzheng gave Qihai Qianqiu the hard light armor - nothing else, enough to let Qihai Qianqiu walk sideways in her own world.

Therefore, such things as strength are not important to the Order Clan, because no matter how strong you are, you cannot be an opponent of the Creator God. What matters is the person's character and character. Of course, because everyone in the Order Clan has different ideas, their criteria for selecting talents are also different.

Some like the goddess of order... that's fine.

And there are orthodox ones like the Goddess of the Sky.

Right now, this Order Clan obviously prefers to find those more ruthless and dangerous guys to be their subordinates.

"Anyway, let's go first."

While speaking, Fang Zheng walked forward.

Of course, the crowd in front of them didn't mean to let Fang Zheng and others go. They stared at the two men fiercely, as if a pack of wild wolves were trying to show their aura and deterrence to alien species.

Unfortunately, it didn't work when their opponent was a giant dragon.

As Fang Zheng gradually moved forward, the people standing in front of him also felt enormous pressure. The sense of fear that seemed to have taken their own lives to the point of death forced them to instinctively bow their heads and move out of the way.

"Hey, you... it's really useless!"

Seeing the people in front give way one by one, the people in the back naturally showed a dismissive expression. Many of them are not the first time to participate in the hunter test, and some of them are even strong, but they are simply unlucky to pass the test. Of course they won't allow themselves to back down in front of this kind of hairy boy!

Absolutely not!

Fang Zheng didn't care about the opinions of the people around him, he just put his hands in his pockets and walked forward silently. And Katima was like a guard, quietly following behind him.

And the people in front of him will go from anger at the beginning, to solemnity, to panic... and then get out of the way.

However, there are always people who do not believe in evil.

Never let go!

The strong man clenched his fists, stared at Fang Zheng who was slowly walking towards him, and gritted his teeth.

No matter what tricks you use, I will let you know that I won't give up so easily! If you back down here, what kind of hunter are you!

Of course, Fang Zheng didn't know what the man was thinking. He just walked forward step by step, just walking, as if no one was blocking him in front of him, he was just walking.

"Da da da………"

However, in that man's ears, he seemed to feel that the whole world had become extremely dim. The underground tunnel, which was originally dimly lit, was now more like a shady filter had been added. Even he He couldn't even see the faces of the other people around him, not only that, but the sounds around him became weaker, and only the sound of footsteps echoed in his ears.

"Da da da…"

It was just the sound of the shoes colliding with the slate, but for some reason, it seemed to be inexplicably merged with the beating of the heart. At first, he thought it was just an illusion, but later, the man found that his heart seemed to have changed - as if the footsteps were beating his heart.

Well, what's going on here?

The man raised his head in surprise, but at this moment, he found that everything in front of him had completely changed. The originally dark and dim underground tunnel seemed to have become the internal organs of some kind of animal. The upper pillars became Sensen's ribs. The whole ground trembled, like the esophagus of a live animal. Not only that………

Me, my clothes? !

Originally, what the man was wearing was just an ordinary martial arts uniform, but when he looked down, he was horrified to find that the clothes he was wearing had turned into a bloody, weird thing like human skin!

Then, as if aware of the man's sight, the "skin" on his chest slowly opened, and then, tentacles like earthworms stretched out from them, with huge eyes at the top. These eyes stare like this...


The heart-piercing screams broke the silence in the tunnel. Everyone turned their heads in surprise and saw a burly man tearing at his body desperately. His eyes were round, and ten fingers stabbed into his body, tearing his own flesh and blood desperately.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Seeing the man tearing at his body frantically, the others hurried away from him, staring at this guy who suddenly went crazy. However, the man tore the flesh on his body piece by piece, then fell to the ground in pain, and swallowed his last breath.


For a while, the entire tunnel was dead silent, and everyone looked at each other, not knowing what was going on. But Fang Zheng didn't even look here, he just walked past the man's corpse and went straight to the front of the crowd.

However, this time, no one dared to stop him.

"Ding Lingling Ling-!!"

At this moment, suddenly, the piercing bell rang, and everyone looked up, only to find a man in a suit with a mustache appeared in front of them at some point.

He opened his eyes, stared at the people in front of him, and then said

"The check-in time is over, and the hunter test officially begins."

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