Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3534: My approach (it's still a little cooler today)

For Fangzheng, he was very uninterested in this hunter test.

To tell the truth, the hunter license is a thing that he knows a little bit and knows that it is very useful, but there is a premise - that is, in a normal orderly world, this thing is useful.

In this world full of slaughter and fights, in Fang Zheng's view, a hunter's license is nothing more than a legal homicide certificate.

To be honest, if I had known it was this test, Fang Zheng would have been too lazy to come.

But now to be honest, his personal patience is almost at its limit.

The first test is to follow a French mustache through an underground tunnel, and those who can't keep up are eliminated. Then they ran for nearly 80 kilometers, then climbed up an unknown number of steps, and then came to a wetland. Next, we have to follow the instructor through the wetlands... Of course, the more we go inside, the more fog there will be, and there are even various beasts and monsters. But for Fangzheng, this level of test is really meaningless except for wasting time.

It's like playing a game, you have to spend half an hour at the beginning to teach you WSAD is up and down, left and right, and then teach you F is interaction, the left button is to shoot, the right button is to aim at the middle and the grenade - the player will absolutely go crazy .

After passing through the wetlands, the candidates came to the second examination room. This time, they had to face the test of a duo of food hunters. Among them, there was a huge strong man and a petite woman. The former's request is very simple, just to eat a roasted whole pig - but the latter's request is somewhat maddening.


I have to say that when I heard the exam questions from the examiner, everyone was dumbfounded. Many of them don't even know what sushi is, but someone still said it, so everyone quickly started making sushi according to the information they got.

"Uh... Kasuga-sama, aren't we going to do it?"

Seeing Fang Zheng leaning against the wall motionless, Katima asked with some doubts, while Fang Zheng sighed.

"To be honest, I'm fed up with this kind of monkey trick..."

While speaking, Fang Zheng glanced at the people around him. He also saw the protagonists of the hunters, including Leo Li, Kurapika, Xiaojie and Qiyi, but Fang Zheng did not intend to greet them. In fact, after learning that this world is the hunter world , Fangzheng already has his own ideas and practices.

At this time, there was a commotion in front of her, and the reason was very simple, that is, until the woman was full, there was no sushi that could satisfy her.


"No one passed the cooking test in the second half of the second test!"

Seeing the woman sitting on the sofa proudly announcing the result, everyone present was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

However, at this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"Stop joking."

Fang Zheng walked out of the crowd and stared coldly at the woman in front of him.

"To be honest, this monkey show has already made me feel a little bored, food hunter? You must be satisfied to pass? What are you? We are here to participate in the hunter test, not the food competition. It depends on your mood. , just want to eliminate us? You don't really think that this will be all right."

"Then there's no way."

However, facing Fang Zheng's words, the woman just pouted.

"It can only show that you don't have any luck in the exam this year, and you will continue to work hard next year—!"

However, before the woman's words were finished, the next moment was accompanied by a "boom", and everyone only felt a flash in front of them, and the next moment Fang Zheng pressed the woman's head and pressed her against the wall. In his right hand, he held a rice ball mixed with mud and rice, which was tightly stuffed into the woman's mouth.

"All in all, as long as you say it's delicious, you can pass the test, right?"

Looking at the woman who was struggling desperately, Fang Zheng grinned, revealing a hideous smile.

"Then, let's choose now. Do you think this mud sushi I made is delicious?"


Seeing this scene, the strong man behind the woman suddenly raised his hand and slapped Fang Zheng with a slap. However, Fang Zheng didn't turn his head back, he clenched his left hand and threw a backhand fist. The next moment was accompanied by a huge roar. , The strong man was directly knocked out, and his fat-looking body was even sunken from the middle of his chest at this moment.

"Tell me, is it delicious?"

Fang Zheng was holding the woman's head tightly, and his fingers slowly closed together, and the woman's skull made a crisp "click, click, click" sound.


The woman who was pressed against the wall by Fang Zheng's eyes widened. She tried desperately to struggle, but she couldn't move. The other contestants looked at this scene and didn't know what to do.

"That's it!"

At this moment, suddenly, a roar sounded, everyone looked up, and saw an airship flying towards this side in the sky. Immediately afterwards, a black shadow leaped down from the airship and landed in front of everyone. It was an old man with a short stature. He stared at Fang Zheng and said solemnly.

"Please stop. I admit that the examiner's actions are indeed a little emotional. Here, I apologize to you and the candidates on her behalf."


Hearing this, Fang Zheng raised his hand, and the next moment the woman was shot like a bullet, smashing through the wall and thick trees, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"If the Hunter Association are all idiots like you, then I don't want to waste time joining."

After saying this, Fang Zheng didn't even look at the old man, he just turned around and left.

"Katima, let's go, this kind of boring monkey show has no interest in continuing to participate."

"Ah, yes, my lord."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Katima was stunned for a moment, but she hurriedly followed. Faced with this unexpected scene, everyone was stunned and didn't know what to say. They could only watch the figures of the two disappear into the rainforest.

Looking at this scene, the old man also had a solemn expression. He wanted to say something, but he quickly retracted his eyes and looked at the examination room in front of him.

After all, there is still such a big mess to deal with here.

"Master Kasuga, are we really not going to continue taking the hunter exam?"

On the other side, Katima also followed Fang Zheng and asked anxiously. After all, she didn't expect Fangzheng to suddenly go into a frenzy, and he even gave up on the spot?

What is this unfolding?

"Don't forget, Katima."

Fang Zheng looked around and said in a low voice.

"This is that guy's world, we have fallen into his grasp from the beginning, after all, you see, he gave us that position mark, and when we came to this world according to this position mark, it was inexplicable got involved in this hunter test, right?"

"So...that's also..."

Hearing Fang Zheng's explanation, Katima suddenly became serious.

"Although I don't know what this hunter test is, I'm not willing to follow his route."

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng showed a smug smile.

"Since this is that guy's world, then Katima... Are you interested in turning this world upside down with me?"


That's right, after confirming that this world is the hunter world, Fangzheng has already figured out how to act.

Acting as a hunter?

Don't be so troublesome!

In this world, there are many kinds of crazy rich people, those gangsters with **** debts, and even many murderous and terrifying families.

And Fangzheng's goal is to kill them all, leaving none of them.

I dismantled all your figurines for you. Are you angry, you jerk?

Hey, I not only dismantled it for you, but also dismantled it in front of you, and then burned it for you!

And since you want to do this kind of thing, you don't need a hunter license.

Just turn the world upside down!

All the Phantom Troupe stuff, all of them are given to him!

Uh... But should Xi Suo kill him? If I kill Xi Suo, will Xi Suo's fangirl come to trouble me...

This thought circled in Fangzheng's mind, and then quickly retracted.

It doesn't matter, they don't know anyway, and they can't find themselves after they know it, right?

"So, what are we going to do now?"

"Of course it is to punish evil and promote good."

Hearing Katima's question, Fang Zheng sneered.

After all, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com This world is called evil, but there are too many.

Not long after the two left, a figure came quickly. He looked around, but he didn't find the target he expected.

"Have you left?"

Looking at the empty surroundings, the shadow sighed. He is none other than the old man who stopped this farce before, and is also a behind-the-scenes member of the Hunter Test Committee. This time, he came here to invite Fang Zheng and Katima to go back and continue the hunter exam. But unfortunately, it seems that he is still a step late.

"Master, why do you have to invite them back to take the exam?"

Standing behind the old man was the gourmet hunter from before. At this moment, her face was pale and her whole body was covered in tatters.

"That man was very dangerous. He just looked at me at the time, which made me feel like I would be killed... If such a person joins the hunter..."

"That's why I wanted to invite him to join."

The old man shook his head and interrupted the woman's words.

"I have a very bad feeling that if I miss it here, something terrible may happen... Unfortunately, it seems that we still missed it now."

Having said this, the old man sighed and raised his head uneasy to look at the sky.

Hope...it wasn't a mistake.


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