Dimensional Codex

Chapter 845: Adventures in the Master World (III)

Looking at the dense fog in front of them, everyone was alert. After all, Kuangsan and Walnut are also coming to the main world for the first time, and no one knows what will happen here. Although they are somewhat mixed in their own world, but ... this world can be with the world they live in It's totally different ...

"Be careful, it's hard to walk here. It took me a long time to get out of it last time ... To be honest, I didn't know there was a village here before."

"Then how did you walk in?"

Hearing Fina's words, Fang Zheng couldn't help asking a question, you didn't know there was a village here, how could you come here?

Upon hearing Founder's inquiry, Fina turned her head and looked forward.

"………I'm lost………"

Well, this reason is really good and powerful.

Founder shrugged his shoulders, then he looked at the fog in front of him, and made a decision after a moment of silence.

"Let's go in and see the situation."

At the moment of stepping into the dense fog, the white, moist mist rushed towards the face, making people even feel suffocated. Founder frowned, glanced around, and saw that the visibility of the mist in front of him was only about one hundred meters, and when he looked away, he couldn't even see the woods on both sides.

"How did this mist come?"

"I do not know either."

Fina shook her head.

"I walked well in the mountains before, and then I suddenly encountered such a fog. I also asked in the village, and they said that this is a natural phenomenon here, which happens several times a year. And in these villages these days Almost no one will go out ... but now they can't go out if they want to go out. I checked that it was just a normal dense fog, no toxins, and no illusions. "

"It really is not ..."

Fang Zheng is a prophet mage, born with restraint of illusion. If this mist is illusion, he can't escape his eyes. However, this dense fog does not look like an illusion at the moment, so I can only say that ... this is a natural phenomenon.

I don't know if it is an illusion. After entering the fog, there is silence all around. Everyone could hear the chirping of birds in the woods before going up the mountain, but now they can hear nothing but the sound of their own footsteps and talking, not even the sound of a breeze.

"Woo ... this feels really bad ..."

Walnut held the shovel in his hand and looked around uneasily.

"I feel like I'm in a horror game ..."

Don't say it, I feel the same way.

When he heard the spit of the walnut, Founder nodded secretly, and now he will see if he walks out of the foggy area to see a town that looks like it was burned by the fire and a sign "Welcome to Silent Hill" Already.

…… Probably not.

On this way, everyone did not encounter any threats, and there were no monsters or enemies taking the opportunity to attack. Under the leadership of Fina, Founder and others took only more than 20 minutes to walk out of the misty area and then came to a village. .

"Here it is ......... hey?"

As she said, Fina pointed to the village in front of her, and then she could not help but stunned. And watching Fina's response, Fang Zheng and others also looked forward.

I saw in front of them a very ordinary village with people coming and going on the road and people working in the fields. It looked normal and there was no problem. But Fina looked as if she had seen an incredible scene, her eyes widened in surprise, watching the scene in front of her.

"Why ...? It wasn't like this before?"

Fina's eyes widened in surprise, and she slowly walked into the village. She looked at the crowd on both sides, but she seemed to see some rare creatures.

"Everyone had been lying in bed before, they couldn't even get down ..."

"Yo, isn't this a priest?"

At this time, I saw a rather spirited, farmer-dressed old man walking up with his farm tools and waving a smile to Fina. Seeing this old man, Fina's expression was even more surprised.

"Uncle Land? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine? What can I do?"

Hearing Fina's inquiry, the old farmer froze and said with a smile.

"You see, I'm fine, but where did you go, Miss Shenguan? You just left without saying hello, but it worries us."

"Hey ...? I'm looking for someone to help get rid of the plague. Uncle Rand, what's going on with everyone? The plague is lifted?"

"Plague? What plague?"

Facing Fina's inquiry, the old farmer looked surprised.

"Miss Shenguan, what are you talking about? We are fine here. Nothing has happened. What plague did you say? Wouldn't it make you sleepless, hahaha ..."

"Oh? But ..."

"It's really rare to think of a nightmare like Miss Shenguan. By the way, my little girl is waiting for you, aren't you saying that you want to tell her the story in the scriptures? She can't wait to see you before She left and cried a lot. Now it's okay, Miss Shenguan, you're back, just go and see the girl. "

After saying this, the old farmer carried the farm tools and swayed towards the field on the other side, while Fina stood there idly, looking at the back of the old farmer for a while, completely I don't know what to say.

"Brother Founder, what's the situation?"

At this moment the walnut came together with a shovel and asked curiously.

"Fina said before that the situation here was not urgent? Why doesn't it seem like nothing is happening now?"

"It's a little strange."

When Founder asked, Founder nodded. He certainly didn't believe that Fina would lie. In fact, it seemed that the priestess girl did not seem to have lied. Looking at her expression, she knew that Fina's whole face was aggressive and completely uncomfortable. Know how to react.

Of course, according to common sense reasoning, if Fina did not lie, the remaining possibility was that the cultist had performed illusions on Fina and controlled her spirit. Or it may be too late when Fina returns, and the villagers are already possessed by something evil-basically many game movies are developed like this.

However, when Fina talked to the old farmer just now, Founder also secretly turned on divine detection, and everything was normal. In front of them was a normal old man, not possessed by any evil spirits, nor under the spiritual control of some kind of spell. Everything was normal, normal and normal.

"......... Let's go to Uncle Rand's house, where I stayed before."

At this moment, Fina returned to God. Although she didn't know what happened, she shook her head and then led Fangzheng and others toward the village. Under the leadership of Fina, a group of people quickly crossed the path in the village to the end of the hillside on the other side of the village.

"This is Uncle Rand's home. He ... uh?"

As Fang Zheng waited for the introduction, Fina walked up the steps of the slope, and when Fina saw the wooden house in front of her, she froze again. I saw the priestess girl crooked her head, looked at the wooden house, and looked at the tree next to her, confused.

"What happened? What happened?"

Looking at Fina's look of doubt, Fang Zheng stepped forward and asked, and Fina shook her head.

"I don't know, but I remember that Uncle Rand's house seemed to be on the left ... The big tree should be on the right ... It's weird, did I remember it wrong?"

"Sister Magister!"

At this time, a tender voice sounded, and then saw a few children playing under the tree running around, surrounded by Fina.

"where did you go?"

"We all miss you so much, you haven't finished that story yet."

"Who are these people?"

"Ah, they are my companions ... well, then I will tell you yesterday's story first."

It can be seen that at the moment, Fina was also a little dazed. She let the children pull herself to the big tree, and told them the story with a glance. At this time, a master dressed like a crazy three came to Fang Zheng's side with a smile.

"How? Mr. Founder? Have you found out who is lying?"

"I've checked."

After hearing Kuangsan's inquiries, Founder shook the "Oblique Chapter" in his hand.

"Interestingly, neither side lied."


This time Kuangsan's turn was taken aback.

"That is to say, it is true that the people in this village have been infected with the plague, but is it true that the people in this village have never been infected with the plague?"


Founder nodded, and then opened the "Oblique Chapter" again. Just now he investigated Fina's actions with an omniscient angel and found that everything the priestess girl said was true. She came to this village because she got lost and got along with the people here. Then she found that a plague was spreading here. Uncle Rand did contract the plague, even before Fina left.

However, what happened in this village in the record of Obituary Puppet was rather messy and even contradictory.

For example, according to the records in "The Obituary", Uncle Rand took a final breath shortly after Fina left the village, turned into an undead, and killed her family.

But after a few lines ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Suddenly the next paragraph went to Uncle Rand, got up from bed, washed his face and brushed his teeth to eat and went out to farm.

Then the next paragraph became a plague epidemic in the village, almost all of whom have died.

And just after writing this paragraph, the next paragraph became the whole village happy and everyone lived a peaceful and beautiful life ...

To put it simply, this is almost as if two different authors wrote a plot at the same time, but the interlude is so strange.

"This is really interesting ..."

Looking at the records in "Obsolete Chapter", Founder couldn't help but be moved. All-knowledge angels record facts that have already happened, but how can these two contradictory facts happen at the same time?

What secret is hidden in this village?

Thinking of this, Founder is increasingly interested in this.

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