Dimensional Codex

Chapter 846: Adventures in the Master World (IV)

? After telling the story to those children, Fina reappeared exhaustedly in front of Fang Zheng.

"Sorry, Mr. Founder, I don't know what happened ..."

At this moment, Fina was also exhausted, she didn't know what to say. However, from "The Obituary", it is already known that Fina is not controlled, and there is no magic, and the founder who is not dreaming will certainly not be too embarrassed. He also knows why Fina is so, after all, human nature is common Often times, human responses rely on cognition around them. Maybe Fina had doubted that this was a cult trap or something, but after chatting with those children, her thoughts began to shake.

"Don't worry, Miss Fina."

Fang Zheng reached out and patted Fina on the shoulder to signal her to cheer up.

"It's a bit weird here, maybe we should expand the search ...... By the way, you said you saw cultists?"


Upon hearing Founder's inquiries, Fina nodded strongly, and her expression brightened again.

"Come with me, Mr. Founder, I remember that lair's lair well, it's on the opposite hill!"

So, under the leadership of Fina, Founder and his party set off again. They left from the other side of the village, followed Fina on the mountain path, then entered the dense forest, and then ...

"What's wrong? Miss Fina?"

"Not here ..."

Fina looked at the wood in front of him in surprise, with an incredible look.

"When did the woods pop out here? I clearly remember that this is a slope, and then there is a river below, and there are bushes nearby ... I almost scratched my clothes here ..."

However, the scene in front of her is completely different from Fina's description. Large tracts of dense woods cover the mountains. There are no traces of rivers and bushes. However, looking at Fina's appearance, she clearly said that not this.

"Can it be Fina, you have misunderstood?"

"This is impossible!"

Facing a curious inquiry from Walnut, Fina shook her head vigorously.

"I also watched the direction intentionally. Although I didn't leave a mark to avoid being noticed by the cultists, I'm sure it was the right direction ..."

Afterwards, Fina's voice was getting smaller and smaller ... apparently accompanied by this series of failures, Fina herself seemed not so sure.

"Well, don't think too much."

Founder also tried to find some clues by using his own prophetic spells, but this area is indeed very strange. Founder's prophetic spells did not work at all. All he could perceive were only some messy and messy fragments. And "Oblique Articles" also started to appear various records like a virus ...

"Let's go back to the village first, and then talk about it in the long run."

At this moment, Fina had begun to doubt her life. Looking at her, Founder couldn't say more. And Fina seemed to be rectified by this mess, and she didn't know what to do. She nodded blankly when she heard Fang Zheng's suggestion, and then the group returned along the same path and headed towards the village. Go on.

The crowd tossed back and forth like this, when it was dark again when they came down, they stood on the hillside and looked down, and they could even see a little fire in the village. At the moment, Fina was listless, with her head down, she walked without talking. And Founder and Walnut wanted to comfort her and didn't know what to say. After all, Fina had vowed to say something had happened here, but now it looks like ...... to tell the truth, it wouldn't be deceiving if it wasn't for "The Obituary". Founder really wondered if Fina was confused.


At this moment, suddenly a gust of wind blew on with dust, and everyone turned around instinctively, even the Founder narrowed his eyes.

But when Fang Zheng opened his eyes and looked forward again, he suddenly noticed that there was something wrong ... ... and then Fang Zheng looked closely, and then he was surprised to find that the village with a little light under the mountain was here. It's dark!

"Brother Founder, look below!"

At this moment, Walnut also screamed in surprise and pointed down the hillside, apparently she also found out the problem.

"Kangsan, do you know what happened?"

Founder turned to look at Kuangsan, and Kuangsan shook his head.

"I lowered my head a little to hide from the wind just now, and it turned out like this when I came back ..."

What is going on?

Fang Zheng frowned, staring carefully at the dark village below. If the village just now found Fang Zheng feeling very peaceful, then now he can feel the evil and death hidden in the darkness ... Just now, just a blink of an eye, it seems that everything has changed?

"Miss Fina, do you feel anything? Miss Fina?"


Hearing Founder's shout, Fina seemed to be back, and looked up in surprise at Founder.

"What's wrong? Mr. Founder?"


I'm going all the way with you.

Looking at Fina's dumb look, Fang Zheng rolled his eyes helplessly, then reached out and pointed to the front. Fina looked in the direction of the Founder's finger, and was suddenly surprised.

"How is this going?"

"I don't know ...... just fine just now, then suddenly ..."

As he said, Founder stretched out his hand and clenched the black giant sword behind him.

"Everyone be careful, I suspect it's not quite right ..."

In fact, it's not quite right, it's very wrong.

When Fang Zheng and others walked along the mountain road to the village entrance again, they were surprised to find that the village in front of them was completely different from the past. The whole village was dead and silent, and only the moonlight fell from the sky. view. Unlike the peaceful and peaceful village before, this village now looks as if it has suffered some disaster. Many houses have collapsed, and they can even smell a strong **** smell and a smell of burnt rancidity.

At this moment, everyone was nervous. Founder was walking in front of him with his huge sword. Walnut also picked up his shovel. On the other side, Kuang San also silently summoned the musket that she usually used. Fina was protected in the middle, so she slowly walked into the village.


The whole village was silent and could not even hear the sound of wind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Only the footsteps of everyone echoed in it. Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and glanced around, then he suddenly lifted the great sword in his hand, facing firmly to the next one!

"嗷 —————— !!!!"

With the screams, the ground suddenly turned away, and then a skinny monster crawled out of it, struggling wildly and waving its arms, trying to tear the enemy in front of it. But the next moment, accompanied by the hot red flames, the monster that was penetrated by the giant sword was burned to ashes.

"what is this?"

Looking at the skinny monster, Walnut's eyes widened in astonishment, while Founder slammed a huge sword.

"Ghoul, be careful, we are surrounded!"

At the same time, as if to verify the founder's speech, I saw that from all sides, one by one, thin and red, with red eyes in his eyes gradually emerged, and they issued a frightening cry, and the next moment I saw these silhouettes suddenly accelerate, and rushed towards Founder and others!

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