Dimensional Codex

Chapter 923: Yingli pear troubles

? Ion Grant on the 25th floor, the main block.

Lizbert Weapons Store.

When Founder walked into the shop, the first thing she saw was Lizbet's unlovable face.

"What's wrong? It looks like it's indescribable?"

Looking at the whole person lying on the counter was Lizbet's turn to collapse, Fang Zheng laughed and greeted her, and Lizbet heard Fang Zheng's voice, opened his eyes and looked at him, then A long sigh.


After sighing, Liz closed her eyes again, so she rested her chin on the counter, motionless.

"What happened? You got dumped? Don't worry, you will always find the right man."

"Who is looking for the right man!"

Hearing this sentence, Liz didn't pretend to be dead. She patted the table and stood up, staring angrily at the Founder. At this time, I saw Jie Yi also leaned out from behind the Founder and waved at Liz.

"Sister Liz, hello."

When she saw Yui, Liz's expression like a lioness suddenly turned into a domestic cat, only to see her stare at the Founder, and then she smiled and waved her hand.

"Yo, isn't this Yui? Hello? You didn't scare you."

"No, but sister Liz, what happened to you just now?"

"It's nothing, but ... I thought of something unpleasant."

Liz replied helplessly, then looked at the Founder.

"You're here to pick up the goods."

"Yeah, you should be all set."

"Of course it's done ..."

As she said, Liz opened the inventory, but she looked at the weapons in the inventory for a long time and complained involuntarily.

"I said how did your brain grow?"


When Founder Liz complained, Founder froze for a moment.

"What grows?"

"I mean these weapons!"

Liz looked at the various deformed weapons in the inventory, and almost drool came out. Not long after the boss on the 25th floor was defeated, Founder came to Lizbet's shop and gave her several blueprints for her to help build.

At first Lizbett didn't pay much attention, but after these weapons were built, she became more and more devoted to them. These weapons were not only beautiful in appearance, but also easy to use. That is, Liz also knew that she had professional ethics, otherwise she was afraid that she would roll up these weapons and run away!

Because these weapons look so good! !! Why isn't it mine! !!

Right now Liz is like a bank clerk, watching the flowing banknotes pass by herself, but none of them belong to her ...

It feels really uncomfortable at all!

"I'll give you half the price. How about you also make one for me?"

"Of course no problem, as long as you join the Darkmoon Sword, I will build it for you."

Facing Liz's request, Founder calmly gave an answer. Upon hearing Founder's answer, Liz pouted with dissatisfaction. Founder had previously invited her to join Darkmoon Sword, but as a production player, Liz was unwilling to join a particular guild.

Before, she had only created a beast-cutting knife for Founder, so she didn't particularly care. But this time, seeing all kinds of gorgeous and cool weapons that Founder designed for others, Lizbett as a craftsman finally couldn't help it. If only she could also have such awesome weapon ... but ...

Sell ​​yourself for a weapon?

I always feel that this is a bit pricey ...

"Let me think about it."

Hesitating again and again, Liz still didn't make a decision. After all, her life is also pretty good now, although those deformed weapons are very good, but if you want to exchange them, Liz feels a bit disadvantaged. The Founder didn't care about this either, Liz was indeed the best tech he knew and the highest-level blacksmith was right, but it wasn't that she couldn't make weapons without her. It's really impossible. Founder can practice forging himself ...

It just takes more time.

"Forget it, let's deliver first."

With a sigh of emotion, Liz shook her head and threw the matter behind her, then she opened the prop bar and started to connect with Fang orthogonally.

"I use these weapons in accordance with your requirements and use the best materials. There should be no problem ... Of course, if there is a problem, there is nothing I can do. After all, your weapons are too strange ..."

After listening to Liz's complaint, Founder just smiled and didn't speak. After putting away the weapon, he touched Yui's little head and took her away from the weapon shop.

Walking all the way to the transmission crystal, Founder also took Yui, and listened to her smilingly about what shops are nearby-unlike Founder, Jie Yi likes to go shopping on the streets on weekdays. The main streets on each floor are She knows what shops, restaurants, where things are delicious, and where there are hidden shops. This also makes Yuiyi very popular among those girls. Basically, they go with Yuiyi every time they go shopping and enjoy it.

It's just that ... there is still no clue about Jie Yi's life experience. Fortunately, as time passed by day by day, Yui became familiar with others. Except for not regaining memory, Yui is no different from ordinary children.


When the two walked to the street, they suddenly stopped and pointed curiously not far away.

"Look over there, Sister Yinglili is there!"

"Ying Lili?"

Hearing the words of Jieyi, Fang Zheng stopped and looked towards the fingers of Jieyi. Sure enough, he saw Ying Lili sitting on a dining table not far away, holding a bottle of drink in his hand, and his eyes were fascinating. Looking at the sea and the sky next to him, his face seemed a little gloomy.

"Sister Yinglili doesn't seem very happy ...... what happened?"

Looking at Ying Lili, Jie Yi approached Fang Zheng a little uneasily, and whispered. In these days with the little guy, Fang Zheng found that Jie Yi was very sensitive to other people's mood fluctuations, others were happy or angry, and she could immediately feel it, obviously, this is a very sensitive child.

"Well ......... Let's go and see."

Looking at Ying Lili's unscrupulous look now, Founder also felt that it was not right. You must know that Ying Lili was a very lively and cheerful person in the guild. It rarely happened like now. Is it because she and the guild have trouble What contradiction?

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng also held the hand of Yui and walked towards Yinglili.

The girl with blond ponytails seemed to be really cyanotic, even if Fang Zheng and Jie Yi walked to her side, she didn't notice it. Looking at Ying Lili's appearance, Fang Zheng also sighed helplessly, then he reached out and knocked at the table.

"Ying Lili?"

"Um ......... who? Who is it?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's voice, Ying Lili froze a bit, then suddenly jumped up and looked towards Fang Zheng in surprise. After seeing the two, she exhaled a long breath.

"Really, Mr. Founder and Yui, don't scare me ..."

"I didn't mean to scare you, but what happened to you?"

Fang Zhengshun opened the chair by hand and let Jie Yi sit down, then he also sat opposite Yingli Li and looked at her curiously.

"Did you quarrel with the people in the guild? Or are there any thoughts? If there is one, it is better to say it, maybe I can help?"

"Woo ... it's not a big deal ..."

After hearing Founder's inquiry, Yinglili hesitated for a moment. She reached out and held a straw around the cup. After a while, she whispered.

"Mr. Founder, if we go through the 100th floor, we will leave this world and go back to reality."

"That's right."

"... To be honest, I don't know a bit now ... I'm willing to go back."


Hearing here, Fang Zheng frowned curiously.


"... I have a boy who I like."

Having said that, Yinglili paused, and then she spoke again.

"To be exact, it used to be that there was a boy who liked him. His appearance is far from Mr. Founder, you are a guy with no features everywhere. And he is a dead house and will be in the library. Put it lightly here, the stupid person who runs the animation seminar at the school festival. However, such a guy, I like him, or ......... I always like him. "


Founder didn't interrupt, at least for now, he has guessed the end.

"Then, that idiot came to me one day, saying that he had met 'the man in destiny', and then he planned to make a game with her protagonist. To be honest, I didn't care much at that time because I know he's a idiot with only two-dimensional eyes in his eyes. I'm afraid he liked the girl because he wanted to see her, but not her. But I was wrong ... "

Yinglili lowered her head and held the cup tightly with both hands.

"... although many things happened in the middle, but in the end, I still lost. Like Gabriella said, I am a defeated dog. Although I am proud that he is his childhood friend, in fact we are just Starting from elementary school, and he still has a childhood friend who has been together since he was born in his mother's womb. Compared with her, I am just a cottage ...... and he also found the one in his destiny people'………"

"... To be honest, I was really uncomfortable and sad, so after the stealth game came out completely, I used the excuse to get into the game. Unlike other people, in fact, when I knew I might After I ca n’t leave this game anymore, I even have a little deep joy in my heart. If I have been living in this game or died someday in battle, then I do n’t have to go back to that hateful real world , And then no longer have to face all the annoying things. He no longer has to worry about me, he can associate with the people he wants to associate with ... "

Having said that, Ying Lili turned her head and looked out to the sea not far away.

"I've thought about it, maybe it's okay for me to die like that. The guy might be sad and sad for me. But they will eventually associate and one day step into the hall of marriage. Maybe after ten years. , They will bring children to incense me, and then remember in front of my grave all kinds of stupid things that happened when we played games together ... and I just need to be a photo on the tombstone, face Just bless them with a smile ... "


You've made yourself too clear.

Looking at Ying Lili's cold and cold breath, Fang Zheng was speechless. However, he is not incomprehensible. After all, girls of this age think that love is more important than life and death. You can see from the poor rumors that the heroines jumped cliffs and rivers for the love. The one who blinked was also rated as the "Master of Generation who understands love the most" ...

"You're young, so cute, you can't talk about death."

Thinking of this, Founder shook his head.

"Life is still very long. You have to think about your parents. Broken love is really painful, but as long as you have a new love relationship, can you solve it? Where is the world? No fragrant grass ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Why bother with a single flower. With so many men in the world, don't you have to hang yourself on this crooked neck tree? Depending on your conditions, to find any man to confess, isn't it all in hand?


Hearing Fang Zheng's consolation, Ying Lili turned her head and looked at Fang Zheng curiously, while Fang Zheng nodded.

"Of course, I don't believe you are looking for someone without a girlfriend in the street now, confess to him and see if he will agree."


This time, Yinglili hesitated for a while, then stared at Fangzheng and said again.

"What if you want to confess to Mr. Founder?"


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