Dimensional Codex

Chapter 924: Old drivers never slip when driving

For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Yinglili opened her eyes wide and stared at Fangzheng, but the next moment, she responded quickly.

How could I say that?

Thinking of this, Ying Lili couldn't help but burn her face. The reason why she just said that, half of it was because she suddenly found out when listening to Fang Zheng's comfort. After all, anyone would say it, but she was lost in love How can it be so irresponsible?

Ying Lili was a bad-tempered person again. Listening to what Founder said was so understatement, her head burst into a sudden heat.

Now that she calmed down, she also found that she seemed a little too thoughtful just now.

"That ... I'm ..."


However, Ying Lili's words had just begun, and she found Fang Zheng nodded sharply. Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Ying Lili held her back instead.

"Hey? Mr. Founder ...... what do you mean ...?"

"That's what I mean, if you confess to me, then I will naturally promise you."

"Hey ... hey hey? !!!"

Hearing here, Ying Lili paused for a moment, then suddenly screamed and jumped up, and the two golden horsetails swayed along with her movements.

"Why, why, why promise!"

"Did I just say that? If you are under such a condition, you must confess to a man to confess."

Founder spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"If a beautiful and lively girl like you confessed to me, then I naturally have no reason to refuse, don't I? But there are certain things that I must tell you in advance."

"………what's up?"

In the face of Founder's answer that did not follow the card reasoning, Yinglili was dizzy at the moment and did not know how to respond.

"If you really confess to me, then I will of course accept it, but I also need to remind you, Ying Lili, I really like you and would like to accept your confession. However, I have no way to like you alone I'm not afraid to tell you that there are several women around me, and they all have a very close relationship with me. So, if you really want to do this, then I hope you can understand this. "


In the face of Fang Zheng's so frank statement, Ying Lili didn't know what to say for a while. She stared at Fang Zheng blankly, her brain was confused.

"Mr. Founder, do you mean Miss Esther and Miss Restia?"

"Well ... the two are different. They are very important to me, but they are not the same as you think."

"Why don't I understand what you mean ..."

Ying Lili was supposed to be angry at this time, but she was surrounded by the Founder's three rounds, but she didn't know what to say.

"Ms. Astor did say that you have several girlfriends, Mr. Founder, but ... she said that they are all in another world ..."

"It's true, literally, but it's not as simple as you think."

Having said that, Founder smiled slightly, then stood up.

"So you see, you don't know much about me, and I'm not a very dedicated man. In this case, if you want to confess to me, you have to think more."

As he said, Founder held Yui's hand.

"Okay, we should go back ... too ... you should return to the station earlier, Yinglili, the new weapon customized for you has arrived, I think you must be very interested."

After saying this, Founder took Yui to the teleport crystal on the other side of the square, and Yinglili stood there blankly, watching his back.

Indeed, as Founder said, they didn't know him at all. Since entering the game, Yingli Li and Founder have also been together for a short period of time, and she thinks that the other party is still somewhat understanding. For example, his personality is relatively mild, knowledgeable, and imposing. It's a very reassuring person who is worthy of reliance.

At first Yingli Li thought that the other party knew enough, but after hearing the Founder's words, she was surprised to find out that she only knew him in this game world.

So what kind of person is he in reality?

Yinglili knew nothing about this. For a long time, they knew each other a little bit. For example, they knew that Asuna was a young lady, the black cat had a poor family, and two sisters. Gabriel has a stupid friend named Satania, Lifa's family has a Kendo Dojo, and she has won a place in the competition.

But no one knows about Fang's reality. What does he do in the real world, and why did he come to this game world, who is in his family, what is his relationship with Esther and Restia ... ... these pears know almost nothing .

In fact, it wasn't just her, I'm afraid other people in the Darkmoon Sword Guild knew nothing about it.

"Huh, what, obviously it's my own fancy, I have to let me choose, like this fancy man, I ..."

She stomped her hate, Ying Lili bit her teeth and complained unhappyly, but before she finished speaking, her voice became quieter and weaker.

"………I just………"

... If that person is as carey as he is, maybe ... there is still a chance for himself.

However, this is no longer possible.


Yinglili shook her head, followed the Founder's back, and walked towards the teleportation crystal.

When the Founder returned to the station again, the crowd had already received the news from the Founder. At this moment, he was standing in the square where the guild station was happily waiting anxiously.

"You are back, Mr. Founder!"

When Fang Zheng and Jie Yi appeared, Yuji ran first, as if a puppy saw the owner go home, and turned around Fang Zheng.

"You're back. What about our weapons? What about weapons?"

"Of course, it's already prepared."

Looking at Yuuki, who was begging for food like a puppy, Fang Zheng also smiled. Then he opened the prop bar and chose to trade. Then, a strange long sword appeared in Fang Zheng's hands.

"Oh oh oh oh!!"

When I saw this sword, Ji suddenly exclaimed excitedly. This is a two-headed sword. In front of it is a sword shaped like a western sword, and behind the hilt is connected a short sword. sword.

"It's called Luoyang. It's your weapon."

Founder handed the two-headed sword to Yuji, and then pointed at the sword body.

"You also saw that it can be detached from the middle and turned into two swords. I think this is very suitable for your second sword."

Just when she got through the 25th floor, Yuji gained her exclusive skill of two swords. As the name implies, she can use two one-handed weapons to release sword skills. It's just that Yuji hasn't found the weapon she has been using for a long time, and now, Founder can be considered as a solution to her worries.

"Oh oh oh oh!!"

After taking Luoyang, Yuji waved excitedly, then she clenched the sword handle as Fang Zheng said and pulled it out. With a click, Yuji's double-headed sword turned into a long, a short and two swords. And Yuji clenched his two swords, facing forward, and then saw that the two swords in Yuji's hands suddenly appeared the dazzling sword light ...

Skill release!

"Starburst chopped!"

With Yuki's shout, dozens of dazzling Jianguang burst out suddenly, covering everything in front of him. At a time, everyone could only see the glory of the shining sword and the air waves sweeping across the earth like a blast.


When the last blow ended ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yuuki stopped moving, and around her, a little bit of starlight gradually fell.


At this moment, Aoba also clapped with excitement desperately, while others began to applaud. Yuji also retracted the sword, and happily caught the founder.

"Thank you Mr. Founder! This sword is awesome !!"

"Just like it."

After touching Yuji's head, Fang Zheng smiled slightly, then he turned his head and looked at Shi Nong, who was standing in the crowd.

"Shi Nong, I've got your weapon, too."

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