Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1075 Armed Color King Kong Indestructible vs Man of Steel

After the release of the Ruler task, the red and black sides began to act, but they did not go all out. Neither Bone Daoist nor Heideman was optimistic about the attack.

But first, it is a paradise task, and it is required to be executed, and there will be corresponding rewards whether it is successful or not. Secondly, they also observed for a long time, and the most troublesome black hands in Liudong Temple did not show up. These two groups of targets are likely to be 'bait'.

Well, fishermen who have fishing experience know that the bait is often eaten by the fish without biting the hook. Could this attack not be able to eat the bait thrown by the black hands behind the scenes?

So they each separated a team of masters to make a tentative attack.

All of this was done without Bailang's knowledge. From the beginning to the end, he didn't receive a single related task. This wave is Ruler's unilateral fire.

Although the missions were released at the same time, due to the distance, the timing of the two attacks was not uniform.

The first to suffer is the "Earth Rin Group". The black side is second only to Thanos' heroic spirits. Saber Xiongba and Master Jiao Xuan are the first to target the coyote and Tohsaka Rin who have cleaned up the source of radiation pollution and their magic power has been severely consumed.

This battle was very simple. Saber Xiongba was unilaterally attracted by Archer Emiya's [Unlimited Sword Control].

Just one more glance at 'Faker Godzilla' and he ignored it, and the artistic conception of [Noble Phantasm: Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect] burst out of his body, and then detonated the sword and fighting will in the hearts of Hong A and Shirou.

It's just that Shirou's [Origin: Sword] has been covered and polluted by [Origin: Fish]. His response with a fierce fighting spirit aroused disgust and repulsion in Saber's heart, and he couldn't help showing a trace of killing intent.

And Hong A, who was also aroused by the sword will, has more tenacious mental perseverance. Unlike Shirou who is dazed, he quickly overcomes the impulse to fight and thinks about how to protect Rin to evacuate safely.

As for the powerful radiation monsters entrenched around them, they were cut into pieces everywhere by Xiongba's 'killing intent', and blood flowed all over the place.

Coupled with the oppressive and intimidating sword intent of [Wan Jian Gui Zong], Rin's hands and feet were cold, and he couldn't lift the 'radiation gem' in his hand to aim, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, Hong A's heart sank to the bottom. He could feel that within a radius of 100 meters, everything was firmly locked by the invisible sword energy. Although it is not an [Inherent Barrier], it has formed a sword domain, no matter which direction it is, it is difficult for Rin to escape.

"I've heard for a long time that Your Excellency [Unlimited Sword System] daimyo, today is a battle of life and death, and you don't involve others, how about it?"

Saber Xiongba smiled and looked at Red A, ignoring the two indigenous teenagers, and sent out an invitation, wanting to have a fair and enjoyable game. This kind of heroic spirit of the origin of the 'sword' is too suitable for his appetite, and any conspiracy, method, or weakening is a disappointment. The Master beside him, Jiao Xuan, lowered his eyebrows and said nothing, obediently like a servant, following the Servant's lead in everything.

However, Jiao Xuan's mind was also firmly locked on Tohsaka Rin. Once the red A refuses, the master and the slave will attack at the same time, and it will be difficult for the opponent to protect their own Master.

Faced with such a danger, feeling the ultimate kendo oppression brought by [Wanjian Guizong], Hong A had no luck in his heart, looked seriously at Xiongba who was purely eager for a fight, and said, "Okay. I hope you don't break your promise."

Then Red A began to sing the opening title made of infinite swords, the space around him began to distort, and a red wasteland sword mound world full of gears in the sky gradually emerged, and Saber was wrapped in it.

Xiongba didn't resist at all, but looked around curiously.

Soon... as the chanting ended, the two heroic spirits disappeared at the same time. In the real Fuyuki City, only the nervous Rin and the unwilling Shirou are left.

Jiao Xuan looked at the combination of the two and Godzilla, and suddenly the flying sword came out of its sheath and pierced through the head of the little fruit farmer. Leave a hole that squirts brains.


Rin Tohsaka, who was belatedly aware of it, screamed, and rushed forward, hugging the pet that died of a headshot. Shirou pulled out the sword angrily, his hands holding the handle were quickly covered by fish scales, his complexion turned blue at the same time, showing the faint characteristics of a deep diver, which is exactly the fighting form of [Carp Swordsman].

Jiao Xuan frowned, and looked at Faker who had come back from the dead, and gradually appeared an angry Faker. After confirming that he didn't get any kill rewards, he withdrew his sword in a dull mood.

"Let's go, I'm not interested in taking action against you. If you want to live up to Archer's kindness, I don't mind giving you a ride."

After all, Jiao Xuan stepped on the corpses strewn all over the ground with great interest, and walked towards the 'Radiation Crater' which was just a short distance away, feeling the power of [The Sixth Calamity]. The Sixth Plague is the legacy of Emperor Mai, and it should belong to Black. Now the captains of the two sides are unwilling to make a move. The main reason is that they are fighting for the ownership of the "Sixth Plague" that has no owner.

Rin hugged the little fruit farmer who had come back from the dead, and looked at the corpses all over the place. The pride and excitement brought about by the improvement of strength disappeared. He was once again shocked by the attack of the top heroic spirit, and his self-confidence suffered a blow. Shirou looked at Rin who had no fighting spirit, and after weighing it, he decided to send his little friend out of this dangerous area first, and then make further calculations.

When Bai Lang realizes later that the Tu Lin group was attacked, he learns that Xiongba and Hong A both entered the inherent barrier and disappeared, and wonders if this is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain? When you want to lure yourself out of the hole...

The news that Fufu and Little Jack were attacked was transmitted to him immediately through the [Little Holy Bowl].

In an instant, Bailang was furious, and decisively the tiger came out of the mountain! ! !

Can't wait to get out of Liudong Temple, and recruit a high-end motorcycle collected by Liudong's family, use the [small holy bowl] to temporarily copy the [riding] that was copied from King Dumao, and replace it with 'spiritual pollution (blue bar)' The magic power drove the engine, let out waves of desperate wailing roars, and galloped down the mountain, heading towards the direction where Fufu and Jack were attacked.

(Shirou and Rin: ????)


While driving, Lang continued to pay attention to the situation of the two sisters through the [Little Holy Bowl]. The good news is that after the two obtained the 'New Noble Phantasm', their life-saving ability has been greatly improved, and they are very resistant (able) to fight.

The one who launched the attack was the suspected contractor of the Witch Paradise on the red side. This was beyond Lang's expectation. He thought it was another group of contractors from the black side. I didn't expect that the red and black camps were so tacit this time, and they attacked themselves at the same time.

Not long after, Little Jack manipulated the [Inherent Enchantment. Fog City] to swallow the witch in. After that, Langneng received only the battle content of the Faker channel.

The brand new [Inherent Barrier] is no longer as simple as last night. With the help of [Mist City + Our Lady of Disintegration], Little Jack and the Witch Kate fought back and forth.

But the boss, Self, is not in the barrier, so there is no way to know what the situation is? Fortunately, through the contact between the contractor and the familiar, Lang was able to judge that Fufu, who had left the live channel, was safe and unharmed.

So Lang accelerated with all his strength and rushed towards the location where he was attacked.

On the only way to the attack point, a 165cm petite figure stood alone in the blood rain, blocking Bailang's way.

Langyu riding on the 'Howling Motorcycle' yelled angrily: "Go away!"


A mass of blood-colored flames shot straight, and then detonated the waves who were eager to hurry. In the flames of the explosion, Bailang kicked the wreckage of the motorcycle flying away, and walked out with a vicious expression on his face. He lowered his head and looked down at the blond girl opposite: "Get out! I, Bailang, don't hit women."

He recognized the person blocking the way, Hongfang Heroic Spirit, DC Supergirl, who even invaded Liudong Temple last night. Arriving in the form of a heroic spirit, it has the characteristics of the "man of steel" of the Kryptonians. However, a series of superpowers belonging to Superman have been rewritten by [Holy Grail] with the underlying rules of "heroic spirits and magic".

During this period of time, no matter whether you try it yourself (study Little Jack, Mother C, make Faker yourself), or observe it through the live broadcast of the TV channel (the third day. The battle of the nuclear explosion), and fight against the heroic spirits in person...

It has been verified that those familiar 'characters from another world' are not the original version. It is the creation of the Holy Grail. Paradise extracts the information after the death of the aborigines in other mission worlds, and uses the "magic power" as the foundation to reshape the heroic spirits in this mission world through the "No. 2 Cup", including the memories and abilities of life.

Even Thanos must abide by the basic laws of the 'Moon World'. So Supergirl is a Kryptonian, but not entirely a Kryptonian, but a heroic spirit.

In yesterday's battle, although he did not face the opponent directly, he also collected the data of this heroic spirit. Confident that even if he loses the blessing of the home court, he will not be afraid in the midst of these [Ten Calamities], and even kill him.

Hearing the "Voice of Discrimination" coming from the opposite side, the blond rebellious girl who grew up in the United States, has the buffs of "American women, LGBTQIAPKDXREW+, aliens" and mixed with the Red Lantern Corps, instantly became furious. The soul of female boxing is burning.

Powerful magic power burst out from within his body, his blond hair moved without wind, his uneven figure was entwined with red flames, making him even hotter, and his eyes glowed blood-red. The whole person exudes a powerful momentum, levitates up, and looks straight at the waves. Then he raised his right hand and stretched out his index finger, across the neck, making a provocative 'throat cut'.

She decided to beat this snarky dog ​​man to death with her fists!

Seeing this obviously unwilling attitude, Lang Lu felt helpless, then tilted his neck, and his cervical spine creaked. After confirming that Fufu was in a safe state, Lang's eyes became dangerous. He also raised his hand and hooked his palm, signaling the opponent to attack.

"Bitch, labor and management are in a hurry, hurry up!"

When the distance between the two sides was about fifteen meters, Lang looked calm, clenched his fists with both hands, hugged the frame low, kept jumping and changing positions with his feet, kept his eyes on the opponent's body, and observed Elcala's every move.

The next moment, the superwoman rushed forward instantly, relying on the lantern ring and her own flying ability, she came to Bailang in an instant, raised her hand and punched a superman.

Anticipate and grasp the waves of the opponent's movements, step sideways to avoid them one step ahead, and at the same time dodge, turn the ankles, the blood explodes, dive at the speed of light in an instant, the feet step on the shaved steps, flash and move, and the movements flow smoothly and flash a series of afterimages.

When Kara punched the afterimage left by Bailang's head, Lang had successfully circled his back, bent his knees and squatted, bowed his body, opened his arms like a tiger pouncing on his food, and closed his arms like a knife , intending to hug Kara's waist from behind and start the ground technique.

At this very moment, the superwoman burst out with A-level speed, without relying on body skills like Bailang, and using the friction of the ground to move and move.

We all know that Kryptonians can fly. No need to rely on force, the speed of rotating 180° out of thin air is faster than Bailang diving around his back. When Bailang tried to catch him, Kara moved back and stretched out his arms at a faster speed to hold Bailang's shoulders, relying on thrust to maintain the distance.

The tiger-like grasp was missed by a tiny bit, and at this moment Kara's hands changed from pushing to pressing, and when Lang readjusted his arms, there was a whistling sound between the two of them.

Kara exerted strength with her arms, twisted her waist, and suddenly raised her right knee, breaking through the speed of sound with her steel body. Her knees accelerated instantly to form a cone-shaped sound barrier, like a heavy hammer or a sharp cone. Before Bailang had time to react, they hit hard on the cheeks.

The speed and explosive power of the Kryptonians, even if they are limited to the body of the heroic spirit, are at the supersonic level. As for Bailang's data on paper, speed is second only to charm.

Under this collision, the armor of the tank can also be smashed out of the pit. What's more, Bailang, whose mass is less than 1 ton, is hit by the sudden sonic boom. lost balance.


The moment Bailang's feet were off the ground, Kara took advantage of the situation to sweep the whip leg to make up the knife, hitting Bailang's side thigh, trying to continue to disrupt the balance and grasp the rhythm and initiative.

The wild sonic boom exploded in the collision, like a bomb being detonated, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye spreads in the air. Then the harsh collision between steel and steel came from her calf.

Inherent Skills of Heroic Spirits [Kryptonians: Man of Steel. The body has the ultimate physical strength], [Speed ​​A+: Kryptonians should have supersonic explosive power (burning magic power to accelerate, the greater the magic power consumption, the faster the speed.)]

Kara retracted her left leg secretly in surprise, feeling that the person hit twice in a row was not a person at all. The hard touch was more like a solid statue made of steel?

Soon, the super vision captured that Bailang's skin was covered with a metallic, reddish-black color?

When there was no time left, Bailang's nervous reaction couldn't keep up with the sudden burst of super speed of the Kryptonian heroic spirit, but he had cultivated his martial arts intuition for many years, honed his master-level combat quality, and coated his body with a layer of magic before he could react consciously. Armed color blood film.

At this moment, Lang, King Kong is indestructible, armed and tempered, and the body is sanctified!

The "supersonic knee bump" on the face was protected by the armed blood in time, but the terrible shock effect could not be removed, and the strong shock was still transmitted into the head, causing a momentary dizziness.

On the contrary, the low-sweeping whip kick was easily tolerated by him. However, his quality is still too low. Although his physical body has been tempered repeatedly with the "armed color energy and blood", and the density of muscles and bones has reached the limit of ordinary humans, it is a pity that he still cannot be described as "tonnage", and his weight is only 700kg.

So the wave was swept away by this leg for a certain distance.

When the waves stand still again and consciousness comes online again. Carla once again tore through the air with her physical body, and rushed to Bailang against the sound barrier. The fists were entwined with blood-red flames, and they were struck continuously at high speed, leaving a series of twisted arcs in the air. After the screen of the fists was played, a series of explosions came belatedly.

Prove that light travels faster than sound.

After receiving two punches in a row, his physical body gradually adapted to the opponent's rhythm, and his brain's reaction was half a beat slower. However, after years of unremitting training, his body began to predict... dodge with the intuition of martial arts.

Back, back, dodge, dodge...

In the first few rounds of attacks, Lang's physical body relied on the passive combat literacy brought by the master of Henglian, plus the external perception of the "knowledge and sex demon species", successfully predicted and responded accurately.

Step back, dodge, √

Bow your head, avoid, √

Lean back, move sideways, √

It's a pity that although the physical body successfully dodges, the speed and immediate response have become the biggest shortcomings. In just a few seconds, Kara's consecutive combination punches, regardless of the number or speed, were not something an ordinary person like Lang could keep up with.

Of course, "sensing + prediction" can lock the first three moves in advance, and even Lang's intuition can continue to make accurate predictions. However, after the bombardment of the three groups of supersonic combinations, the time difference brought about by the prediction has been equalized.

Even if the prediction is made, there is no time for the body to defend. After all, he is just an ordinary human being, and his quality is completely inferior to that of a Kryptonian. And the invincible 'physical side attack' is the signature of Heroic Spirit Alcala.

All the abilities of this Kryptonian hero are manifested as powerful "physical defense, physical hardness, and super speed" through the consumption of magic power, and the only energy attack [heat ray], but it is still an optical attack on the physical side.

If you want to cause 'magic damage', you must rely on the treasure [Red Lantern Ring] worn on your hand, consume the [magic power + anger] in your body to create a bloody flame enchanting attack, and add a layer on top of the powerful physical attack' magic damage'.

In addition, [Red Light Ring] can also be equipped with various hot and cold weapons according to Kara's wishes. Because of its powerful functions and universal changes, one ring = eighteen kinds of weapons. Therefore, the weapon manifested by [Lantern Ring] is regarded as a treasure, but the level is generally not high.

Therefore, Kara seldom used the manifestation function, only superimposed a layer of blood flame on the body surface, and converted 'physical attack' to 'magic attack' or 'magic resistance' as needed.


Another sonic boom right uppercut hit Bailang's chin, bending his whole body, the impact invaded his brain again, and a burst of dizziness came. Kara's left leg swept across again, and her calf was as sharp as a knife, bringing up a bloody vacuum blade, which slashed fiercely on Bailang's right arm, which was bent to defend his head.

The high-speed moving steel body and the armed blood defense collided with a series of sparks, which vaporized the burning clothes and cloth into ashes. Then, under the violent explosion, the waves smashed into a building like cannonballs, smashed the concrete and steel bars, and were flooded by countless concrete.

A thick red light flashed in the air, and Kara turned into a cannonball and crashed straight into the human-shaped depression made by the white waves. A blow of Krypton violently crashed into Tieshankou, slammed into Bailang's arms, smashed against him through the solid and thick outer wall, smashed through the office, smashed through the service counter, and both fell into the lobby of a bank.

There was no one in the empty hall at the moment, and the disheveled Lang shook his head, scattering dust. However, under the protection of the endless 'armed blood', there was not a single scar on his whole body.

The dizziness gradually faded away, Lang looked at the superwoman mockingly, and asked in doubt: "Bitch, haven't you fucking eaten? Use some..."

boom! boom! boom!

Sonic boom, teleportation, close quarters!

Before Lang could finish speaking the word 'force', Kara had already appeared in front of him. With both hands in a Thai-style hoop, both hands overlapped to hug the back of Bailang's head, and her elbows firmly pressed against the depression of Bailang's collarbone. Using joint skills to confine and lock Shilang's head, she embraced her extremely elastic headlight.

Immediately afterwards, before Lang Shuangfei was suffocated, the supersonic Thai knee strike hit three times in a row, like three cannonballs that pressed a cannon to his chest, hitting Bailang's abdomen consecutively.

In the first collision, Xiami pushed his whole body into a bow shape, and the violent impact brought the two of them off the ground at the same time. In the end, Kara, relying on superman's levitation ability, made two sonic boom knee strikes comparable to steel battering rams. Let the white waves rise into the sky continuously, and then into the sky.

boom! boom! ! boom! ! !

After three consecutive rounds of action, the following sonic booms were connected together. The shock wave exploded in the hall, and the rumbling sound caused fine cracks on the bulletproof glass of the counter. The surrounding decorations, sofas, tables and chairs were all destroyed into debris, and were blown to the corner by the violent air wave, clearing the hall with one click.

The clothes on Bailang's back were first torn apart by the invisible penetrating force, creating an irregular hole, and then the top was torn into countless pieces by the transmitted kinetic energy, flying in the air like a butterfly.

Not only that, but the layer of 'armed blood' covering the body finally couldn't support it, and there were dense cracks in the porcelain, as if it had been pierced?

At the same time that Kara burned the magic power to complete the third sonic boom impact, Bailang finally moved. The countless qi and blood accumulated in the right arm instantly ignited, and the flesh was infected and strengthened by the armed color, turning into a steel furnace to lock the qi and blood released by the internal expansion.

Six Styles: Blood Steam. Finger Gun Fist!

This punch landed in Kara's eyes, she clearly saw it, and then reacted in her mind, when she wanted to move her body again, she was suddenly shocked!

Can't move by yourself? !

I don't know when, Lang's left hand was pressed on Kara's thigh, and the endless "armed color" spread along his palm and spread all the way to Kara's body.

As we all know, armed colors can spread, cover, and bring reinforcement. The simplest application is to consume physical energy, cover the weapon (knife) with the armed color, temporarily enhance the hardness of the weapon and maintain its original sharpness.

Bailang's 'Armed Qi and Blood' maximized the effect of the coating. At this moment, relying on physical contact, part of the superwoman's body was covered and strengthened. At the same time, it is also equivalent to imprisonment!

The evacuation action was counteracted by the endless hardening of armed forces, and the two sides were connected together, unable to distance themselves. Lang's heavy and ruthless blow 'Steam Punch' hit Kara directly in the face.

The superwoman wanted to tilt her head to dodge, and the 'armed color' that had spread to her neck forcibly corrected and strengthened her neck.


The tall and straight bridge of the steel nose was hit by a pitch-black fist, a violent blow that ignored the limits of the physical body, and the neck that was reinforced by the armed color was thrown back, and a burst of blood spattered.

With Kara's painful panting, Bai Lang's face was splashed with blood, and coupled with his grin, he looked extraordinarily ferocious + happy.

The "armed color" of the body contact did not disappear. On the contrary, Lang used this as a point of force to burn the blood and blood in his body again to destroy the body, and in an instant, he emitted a huge force that surpassed his own power attributes.

It is the forbidden technique of [Armed Color Energy and Blood Bar] that burns life.

With both arms exerted strength again, he grabbed from the front. Kara sensed that something was wrong, and activated the Kryptonian's 'flying' ability to fly backwards + lift up with all his strength, trying to get rid of Bailang's armed reinforcements by virtue of the huge kinetic energy released by supersonic flight.

No matter how bad it is, fly with the waves. Once off the ground, the opponent has nowhere to rely on, and it is still her home field.

It's a pity that her calculations came to nothing, Bailang's feet spread a large black 'armed blood' at some point, covering the ground on which she stood.

At this moment, he not only 'reinforced' his connection with Kara, but also strengthened the connection between his feet and the ground of the bank lobby.

If you simply stand on the ground, even if your feet are tightly connected to the ground, with Superman's powerful flying ability, you can pull out a large piece of ground and fly together.

But at this time, the effect of the "armed color coating" is completely different. Not only is the wave down-to-earth, but it also strengthens and reinforces the earth together, making it indestructible.

hug! success!

At this moment, the muscles of the upper body were in waves, and a layer of red and black 'armed color coating' appeared all over the body, dyeing and imprisoning half of Kara's body. With the help of the armed forces covering the ground, he used his right leg as a pivot, turned around and swung, and smashed the helpless Kara hard on the ground of armed forces!


If it was pure concrete ground, Bailang would smash the steel body on it without causing any damage. Because Kara's physical body is still harder than cement.

Just like before Kara whipped Bailang into the building, and then smashed through the outer wall of the bank, Lang was only slightly dizzy by the shock, and his physical body was unscathed.

But when he coated the ground with armor, the ground under his feet was as hard as iron, bringing real impact damage.

At the moment of hugging and falling, Lang canceled the armed defense on Kara's back, and slammed the girl to the ground like a sledgehammer. Then he pressed down, kicked the ground, pounced, and rode on Kara's body. The arms of his legs spread, connecting and solidifying with the abdomen of the heroic spirit riding on it! Control each other.


Taking a deep breath, Bailang laughed wildly and waved his fists. At this moment: Dragon Elephant Juli! Blood steam burns! Armed color coating! Six styles: iron block + finger gun + shave!

Boom boom boom!

Lang's double fists blasted out ruthlessly like a pile driver, aiming at the opponent's delicate and beautiful face, and beat him to death as a mortal enemy. In an instant, fists to the flesh, blood spattering...

And Kara's arms, at this moment, are covered with a large number of armed colors, maintaining a bent posture. When she wanted to defend, she was strengthened and frozen.

However, under the continuous burning of the magic power of the superwoman, the Kryptonian's huge power gradually took effect, bending Bailang's invincible "armed color enhancement" a little bit, making a difficult sound of metal being distorted and deformed, and when Lang's armed color random arrows hit, Protect your head little by little.

I was accidentally dove yesterday, and today 6666 expresses my sincerity...

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