Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1076 [Diamond Law Realm]

Relying on the 'covering + strengthening' effect of armed blood, Bai Lang successfully dragged the battle into the ground round. When the bodies of the two parties are in contact with each other, they are glued together with a strong iron-like 'armed color', making it difficult to separate from each other.

With this move, Lang offset the speed and agility advantages of Superwoman Kara.

But at the next moment, Kara's body once again burned a huge amount of magic power, bursting out with a huge force that far exceeded the limit of the imprisonment of the armed color and blood.

I saw the black-stained body, using Bailang's current posture of "riding cara belly + armed color solidification" as the point of force, violently contracted the abdominal muscles, and made a sit-up movement.

At the same time, he slammed his blood-stained forehead hard on Bailang's face.


Head hammer!

The violent shock was transmitted into each other's brains at the same time, while Bailang felt a soreness at the tip of his nose, followed by a tightness in the back of his neck.

Although he was sitting tightly on the woman's body, Kara was already close to him at this moment, and tightly wrapped her steel-like arms around Bailang's neck, holding him in her arms.

Carla clasped her arms to death, and kept contracting forcefully, making a hug-holding kill and strangling Lang. His arms were retracted further and further, like a boa constrictor, Lang didn't feel the joy of being caught in the headlight at all, he just felt the world spinning, his perspective went dark, and he fell into suffocation.

The armed color quickly retracted back to the defense, further strengthening and strengthening the hanged neck, and resisting the strange force erupting from the Man of Steel. After all, the weak point of the cervical spine is far less powerful than the arms.

The Kryptonian's ability to fly and levitate is always resisted by Bailang's solidified armed forces.

Do the force analysis at this moment: the force of the waves is like the friction force after an expansion screw is dead on the ground, and the bolt is firmly stuck in the cement. And the force of Kara's flight was like another pull trying to pull the bolt out of the ground.

The two forces have been fighting against each other from beginning to end. It's just that Bailang is full of energy and blood, and the enhanced effect of the armed color created by him firmly imprisoned the two of them on the ground, never being moved by external forces.

But at this moment, the dizziness brought about by catching and strangling caused Bailang to lose his balance. Kara spun and rolled, deflecting the flying force off the ground, and fell sideways.

The direction of the force changed, Bailang didn't notice it for a while, the two bodies were locked together and turned sideways at the same time. Kara twisted her waist and got rid of Bailang's lower body, but they were still inseparable from each other in the bond of "armed color".

bang bang bang!

Kara's sonic boom knees hit Bailang continuously. After Lang left the riding posture, he also used the roll to unload the force, and used the ground skills to break away from the steel chest. While rolling on the ground, the two seized the opportunity one after another, further entangled with each other, constantly changing positions, trying to subdue each other, then crack, and then subdue... like two entangled earthworms that are constantly wriggling.

When Bailang was on the top and Kara was on the bottom, they pressed each other down again. The superwoman's legs suddenly opened, and they were raised high, making a welcome sign that the door was wide open. Then the calf suddenly bent, clamping Bailang's back tightly, hooking his feet together and buckling them to death.

Sensing that something was wrong, Lang was about to break free, but the other party's arms slapped his neck passionately again.

Kara was like a koala, hanging tightly on Lang's burly body, trying to make a new lock. At this moment, Bailang finally realized that the other party was also an expert in sleeping skills. When he wanted to use professional ground skills to subdue and control Kara, the heroic spirit responded with more proficient skills.

An unstoppable sense of sight of the big brother meeting the takeaway boy He Jinyin appeared in Lang's brain.

However, the real situation is that when Kara came to this holy grail battlefield, she didn't know the slightest ground skills.

But in the multiplayer sports with Kate, Ethan, Dior...Yujiro, practice makes perfect, she has mastered a series of not-so-serious but very practical sex-enhancing skills, and turned them into physical instincts, and was captured by this steel body keep in mind.

Just because they are not very serious, the original intentions of the two parties are different. The opponent's moves seem to be ground skills, but in fact they are bed skills. Instead, with an unconventional magic, they beat Meng Lang, a martial arts master of migrant workers. (After all, Lang has practiced all killing skills, and suddenly added an assisting element, but he was confused.)

But in the next moment, the armed color in Lang's body spread again, he controlled the opponent, exerted strength with his legs, and stood up unsteadily. The five fingers of the right arm clenched into a fist and turned into a hammer.

When Kara hugged him to death and couldn't free his hands, his fists tore through the air like cannonballs, and hit the opponent's waist heavily.

boom! boom! boom! boom! Punch after punch, hitting the opponent's waist and eyes continuously, as if to break the ribs, and like forging [Dragon Scale Blade] by hammering fish embryos, punching the liver, hardworking.

Profound meaning! Armed Color Forging Fish Technique!

After being hit by continuous heavy punches, Kara couldn't hold on any longer, and suddenly let go of her hands. But her legs were still firmly locked around Bailang's waist, her arms were opened wide, furious blood flames burst out from her body, she floated up with a roar, and countless bloody afterimages swung out of her arms, beating Bailang's body continuously like a machine gun.

The speed was too fast, it seemed as if hundreds of arms were attacking at the same time, leaving blood trails behind. Immediately afterwards, Bailang was submerged in a dense explosion.

Kara hit hard, but Bailang still stood upright, motionless. On the contrary, the blackness under his feet continued to spread, and had already stained an area of ​​more than ten square meters.

When Kara's punches were getting slower and slower... Crack! There was a dull sound of metal colliding on the face of the fist.

Kara's fist was firmly held by the seemingly unchanged but different black palm. No matter how hard you struggle, you can't break free.

The red light ring pushed with all her strength, and her right fist struck out again with lightning, beyond the reaction of the wave, it hit the temple. After the sonic boom, there was a 'clicking' sound on the face of the fist.

It seemed to be tightly attached to Bailang's forehead, but it was so close to the sky, as if separated by an invisible barrier, which still could not make his skin even a little bit sunken.

[Armed Color Vajra Realm Method] is online.

The armed blood qi and blood coating is only the basic passive effect of Bailang's qi and blood. But as the fight progressed, Lang realized that his normal strength was far from being able to compete with this Tier 3 Heroic Spirit. After all, he is just a fragile ordinary human being, and cannot be compared with the Kryptonian heroes.

In the battle of Liudong Temple last night, under the live channel of the master of the red square, he premeditatedly showed a series of cards of [blasphemy priest + fish grinder], confirming the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes and exposing the 'power system' .

Going down the mountain to rescue his daughter today, due to the consideration of human design, it is impossible for him to suddenly reveal a completely different 'core system'. That's too hanging on the wall, which may not be a good thing.

After careful consideration, Lang decided to get along with the enemy as a normal "second-tier ordinary contractor". Then, according to the abilities of different heroic spirits, selectively unlock some [ability bars], like an ordinary second-level, slowly release the strength, and pretend to be struggling.

Therefore, in the previous series of fights, Lang behaved like an ordinary person, his nerve reaction could not keep up with the supersonic speed, and the normal strength of 12 tons was far inferior to the huge force of the Kryptonian after he went berserk. The only thing to rely on is that the mere 'armed color and blood' is very resistant to fighting.

And all of this is the true face of Bailang, the second-order contractor's 'basic attribute + vitality bar'. He is a Tier 2 contractor who participated in the promotion trial, how strong can he be?

(Admittedly, he had inadvertently tore up a lot of Tier 3, and could even pk off Tier 4. But that was when the [Ability Bar] was fully open, superimposed [Evil Spirit Transformation], and even continued to superimpose the virtual profession [Raliyah-Seafood King, Demon God Pillar-Family of the Gods], and the false power obtained after blessing the [Greedy Sequence] with the help of the mission world at the right time and place. It is not true!)

What is displayed at this moment is Bailang's truest level (naked makeup data). Very much in line with the positioning of the second order, right?

For a dick!

At this moment, the live broadcast channel opened by Superwoman Kara has already exploded. A group of contractors who were concerned about the rivalry between the 'master' and the 'heroic spirit' questioned Bailang's performance.

You, a [blasphemy priest] who 'engages in faith + plays with positions', how can you play such an effect casually? No, how dare you be so resistant?

Judging from Bailang's series of fighting moves, the biggest feature he showed was 'meat'. The speed can't keep up, and the strength is not as good, but it is extraordinarily tough. After receiving so many punches from Superwoman, it is not as serious as Kara's injury?

Is this fucking [blasphemy priest]? ! This fucking is second order? ! How many special effects did Heidemann turn on when he tore Cu Chulainn? Is your mother Baluo the Balrog reincarnated? Just one armed color? What about sincerity? ?

A group of viewers started complaining one after another, questioning how Bailang added attributes? With such a brutal physique, how can he be a good 'blasphemy priest'? Could it be that the [Ability Bar] solidified three [Armed Colors]?

Another group of viewers gave a strong rebuttal. Since it can be designated by the organizer as the mastermind behind the scenes, it is natural to have two skills!

The captains of the red and black sides have already taken action, and they are all hanging B in the second level. There is no pressure to tear up the third level by hand. Then, under the excellent matching mechanism of the park, if you can be the opponent (boss) to the leader B, don't you have to open at least two players?

Is it wrong to be physically strong? It is reasonable and convincing that the blasphemy priest can fight so well.

However, when Bai Lang determined that the [Qi and Blood Column] alone might not be able to defeat the Superwoman, he activated another ability [Armed Color Diamond Realm], officially mobilizing the power of the "Qi and Blood Source" to try to equalize the gap between the two sides.

[Little Holy Bowl] A large amount of heroic spirit data has been collected, and this 'Holy Grail' trial is used as a standard. Bailang confirmed that his [Fifth Column: Armed Color Vajra Realm] has reached the minimum threshold of the Moon World's 'Inherent Barrier'.

It's just that the "Diamond Realm" is a very special alternative "inherent enchantment", which is not external, does not form a mental image space, and cannot capture targets. It is also not facing the inside, it will not form any interior scene, internal space...

From the beginning to the end, [Diamond Realm] was used as a boundary to separate the "individual" Bailang from the "world (outside)". Once the [Diamond Realm] is opened, there will be a layer of 'enchantment' with no thickness between his body surface and the outside world, a total of six layers, like a six-fold temple that protects and enshrines waves.

Before the return of the last mission, Lang carefully studied the "Vajra Barrier Method" with the personality of the "Great Sage Bodhisattva". Once he has completed the twelve great consummations, he will superimpose 12 layers of the Vajra Barrier, and finally condense and smelt it. out of bounds.

The "realm" of the Three Realms and Six Paths, and the "realm" of the world can also be understood as the Buddha Kingdom and the World Wall. Physical defense, with the same physical fitness, reached the strength of a world. At the same time, the great power of the dragon and elephant brought by the King Kong enchantment method can easily shake a world, or fight with the power of a world. (here 'world' = Buddha country, small world)

Now the six-layer diamond barrier is already comparable to the strength of the 'inherent barrier'.

Therefore, Bailang remained motionless when Kara continued to enchant critical strikes. It is no longer just coated with a layer of 'armed color film'. This time, he and Kara were separated by six barriers.

At this moment, Lang is a genuine 'Resident Arhat', and his combat power is as close as that of a third-tier veteran. And in the live channel, those viewers who tried to clean up the black hands behind the scenes also started cursing. This is completely different from last night's [Grinding Fish Man]!

However, there is still a group of reasonable people who calmly analyzed: "Wait a minute! The other party's alternative golden Arhat body is not the effect of a pile of physical attributes, nor is the physical body sanctified. It is an alternative blessing. I analyze this It's a professional skill! That's right, this guy is [Priest of Desecration], he must have desecrated a certain Arhat and stole the temporary gain of the 'Golden Body of Arhat'."

"Wait, when did the [blasphemy priest] become so fierce? Isn't that kind of rubbish just stealing magic spells and pretending to be a second-rate poor priest?"

"It must be a special variant of the 'Oriental Mythology System', the converted [Buddhism. Blasphemy Zen Master]!"

"It makes sense. Last night's 'Carp Sword Formation' also has the artistic conception of a cultivation system."

When Lang's strength soared to the point where his body was sanctified and he became the resident arhat, the area within ten meters of him as the center had already been deeply infected with armed blood, strengthening a ring.

Kara, who failed in a series of critical attacks, also realized that she had been fooled. The opponent is not an ordinary master at all, she was able to draw with herself before, but now that she has activated a special state, she can no longer shake the opponent, so she is about to fly backwards, widen the distance, and get out of this battle.

"It's late! [Vajra Law Realm], open!"

At this moment, with the armed color spreading under Bailang's feet as the boundary and himself as the center of the circle, the 'King Kong Realm' that originally separated his body from the world and brought ultimate defense, hardness, and strength suddenly expanded outward.

Before Kara flew upside down and left the battlefield, a solemn and solemn dark Buddhist temple suddenly appeared in the limited space of the bank lobby, imprisoning Kara.

When she evacuated at high speed, she slammed into the black temple wall and was bounced back. Looking around again, the bank hall disappeared, replaced by a huge black temple.

With the experience of successfully making treasures such as [Baotou Township] and [Inherent Barrier. Fog City] yesterday, Lang has a new understanding of [Inherent Barrier]. He couldn't make the fifth column [King Kong World] into a treasure approved by Paradise, but he could develop and transform his own 'ability'.

At this moment, he split his own six-layer Vajra Realm into one layer, ejected and projected it to the outside world, forming a crude [Inherent Barrier], which was used as a cage to imprison the enemy in it. At the same time, there are still five layers of barriers left on his body surface, which are used to defend + the great power of the dragon and elephant.

As for the projected layer of Vajra Realm, its function is far less powerful than that of [Fog City]. It only has a simple 'solid, hard' effect, forming a small solid space. Pulled to the side, continue to fight.

Let me explain briefly, what you call Bailang pulls his hips.

First of all, Lang has the self-cultivation of an actor, and after realizing that he encountered a heroic spirit, he entered the live broadcast mode. Naturally, we have to play a wave, be weaker, and hide our trump cards (evil spirit transformation, virtual occupation).

Secondly, my daughter was attacked, and my heart was on fire. Encountering a heroic spirit blocking the way, under the condition that her daughter is temporarily safe and has to perform again. Of course I have to vent my displeasure.

So, what better way to vent your frustrations than finding a beautiful girl to fight close to the flesh? Bai Lang is a great martial arts master for migrant workers. The joy of fighting hand-to-hand, the joy of being beaten and beating beautiful girls, the joy of being inseparable from masters of the same level and playing ground skills to the fullest...that is quite a joy.

In the end, didn't you agree to play five games? Isn't this playing?

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