Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1127 One family, three fathers and daughters, set parent-child titles

When C's mother believed in Bailang's nonsense, accepted the [Black Holy Bowl. Administrator] offer, let go of her defenses and sacrificed herself, and took the initiative to be swallowed up by [The Hunger of This World] to absorb the spirit base, transferred for 0 yuan, and quit Bai's Fishery, after becoming a new generation of 'Little Holy Bowl Carrying Spirit. Queen of Black Mud'...

She was pleasantly surprised to find that everything that Bailang had promised her was really worthless!

Her control authority over the [Third Law. Black Holy Bowl] is only under Lang Yiren.

If [Black Holy Bowl] is compared to a company, Lang is the chairman, and she is the CEO, and has the right to manage the company. Lang has completely entrusted [Black Holy Bowl] to her. (After all, Bailang does not lack this treasure)

In addition, C's mother also sensed her right to belong, and transferred from [Heroic Seat] to Lang's private [sub-professional column].

This is a huge space, which belongs to the food department [Food Great Source (Secondary). Big Mushroom] and [3/8 portion] resonance recipes are open to her.

This is another new god-making system that is not inferior to the "Holy Grail Ceremony" and has even higher potential.

The reason why the 'Holy Grail Ceremony' has a high B rank is entirely because the 'Third Law' is based on the magic rules of the 'Moon World'.

"Moon World" can be understood as an Android platform, open source to all magicians, allowing custom development of various "magic factions (application software)", enriching and expanding the magic ecosystem of "Moon World".

And the emergence of "magic genres" and the development and excavation of magic are also helping the "Moon World" to thrive.

Therefore, the administrators of the Moon World encourage and support excellent magic genres, set up ranking rankings, and officially confer the best "products", grant them the status of "magic + magician", and get various privileges.

Therefore, although the achievements of the [Third Method] are extremely high, but after breaking away from the Moon World, to be precise, the current "singularity", the B level plummeted.

After losing the magical ecosystem of the "Moon World", this private law wants to be transplanted to other worlds and be recognized. There is still a long way to go to "adapt to the local water and soil". (Now that the [Black Holy Grail] has fallen into the hands of the contractor and has been certified by Paradise, it is another situation.)

On the other hand, Bailang's [sub-profession column], and even Lang Yi's [ability column, occupation column], are extremely special, not dependent on any world at all, purely self-sufficient.

As C's mother gradually integrated into the [sub-professional column], she obtained a lot of information about the "paradise alliance, mountain and sea world". Widen the horizon, reshape the three views, jump out of the bottom of the well, open up the pattern, but break the filter of the "moon world".

If the simple [Gourmet Department Sub-Dayuan. Big Mushroom] is already very promising, then Bailang is waiting to be developed in another remote world (Mountain and Sea Realm), which is not inferior to the current "singularity" , Proper local tyrant.

and! The [Black Holy Bowl] she manages and the 'Big Mushroom' brewed in the [Associate Occupation Column] come from the same source and are complementary products of two in one. Together, the future is bright!

Compared with a Caster clone of the witch Medea in the seat of Heroes, it is obvious that following Bailang as a charter woman in the [sub-professional column] is more promising.

However...Medea was not happy at all.

Lang did not lie to her, but he concealed the news of [Healing Divine System] and [Ji Du].

The moment he became an administrator of the [Deputy Occupation Column], he not only participated in and took control of the development right of the 'Gourmet Department'...but also learned that a main god named [Ji Du] is the real big landlord.

The other party holds the [Healing Divine System] and holds 100% control of the [Blood Bar], because of the [Original Stone], it is not under the management of the largest [Paradise] at all, and monopolizes [Spiritual Pollution], one of Bai Xiansen's two great sources.

This is not enough, she has five exclusive evil spirits under her command, each of which has been stationed in Bai Xiansen's five [ability bars], deeply infiltrating and infiltrating. The status of each [evil spirit] is higher than that of the administrator of the [sub-professional column].

At the same time, [Ji Du] also monitored Bai Xiansen's vital signs and held his soul. He has a deep control over another great source [Qi and Blood], and even the underlying law [Greedy Sequence] of the [Black Holy Bowl] that he relies on is also held by the other party.

The [Third Magician] promised by Bai Xiansen can only be successfully loaded after the opponent unfolds the [Nightmare Demon Realm].

So mother C's dream of monopolizing Bailang was shattered as soon as she was born, and she finally realized that if she was a 'magician', then the other party was clearly a 'Gaia + Alaya' existence...

No! [Ji Du] is the [root] of self-awareness based on Bai Xiansen as the planet!

In an instant, the little concubine felt the tension of being summoned by the big house when she entered the door for the first time. Fortunately, [Ji Du] is not jealous, on the contrary, like Fufu, he is very satisfied with Bailang, the good-for-nothing Neptune, and finally knows how to attack high-quality girls. There is a lot of favor for Medea.

Bailang didn't know about the series of psychological changes after C's mother was kidnapped by him and entered the [sub-professional column].

Not to mention that [Ji Du] took two little sisters, and immediately pulled Caster into the [Devil God Pillar] for a secret talk, and then asked him to worship in the [Healing God System], promising that under the 'evil spirit', the chief The person of an angel.

The influence of [Jidu Department] has grown stronger, and it has begun to expand to the [sub-profession column], and the last pure land [occupation column: Master of Secret Treasures] is in danger...


While Medea started worshiping the mountain, Lang, who was unaware of it, was admiring the newly created [Title] of the father and daughter. The style is very uniform, and it looks like a very rare 'parent-child suit' at first glance.

Although this mission is held in the "singularity" with limited erosion, the "moon world-root" of Holy Grail Unicom is more authentic than the "alchemy world" experienced back then.

In addition, Bailang opened the 'Live Mode', although he (manipulated the 'Nightmare Dimension' to experience a lot of content), and [Root Source] (Moon World coded the live broadcast and blurred the root source), it still attracted countless contracts Viewers watch it, leading to a surge in "famousness".

Therefore, Lang brushed out the new title of "In and Out of Truth"!

【In the hole leading to the 'root', you drove a super-space roller to crush a rainbow road, and drove a nuclear-explosive lamb to repeatedly bend and drift. The legendary deeds, witnessed by four-digit contractors, sparked unprecedented discussions , became a sensation and was widely circulated in the park, making headlines successfully. 】

[World-class reputation +3]

Spend 1000 embers to unlock and wear it: [You have unlocked the title: Root Drift, Light Orange. After returning, it can consume 10,000 embers to solidify. 】

[Root drift: wearing effect, in any mission world, can ignore the favorability of the world will, easier and more covert invasion of the world origin, or other laws, hidden subsidiary planes/time and space...]

[1 In the concealed state, for a world with an erosion degree lower than 30%, gain the invasion and breakthrough ability of 5% of the current world strength. 】

[2 In the concealed state, for a world with a degree of erosion higher than 30%, gain an invasion and breakthrough ability of 3% of the current world strength. 】

[3 In the exposed state, for a world with an erosion rate lower than 30%, gain... 10%...]

[4 In the state of exposure, for more than 30%... get... 7%...]

How to understand?

The "invasion and breakthrough ability" based on the strength of the world corresponds to the defense strength of a world's "law of heaven/truth/root/planet will".

Even the lowest 3% can cause damage to a world's 'origin' firewall. As long as it can cause damage, it can covert erosion, which can be understood as termites in furniture and silverfish in wood.

Breaking away from the material level of the world, on the more metaphysical level of concepts, rules, and time and space, it gnaws and invades the "inside" of the world bit by bit.

Regarding this aspect, Bailang's [door] has a similar function. The part of the sacred tree contained in the [door] can take root in a region, subtly invade the world rules behind this land, and draw energy from the veins.

On the one hand, it erodes and explores towards the world's internal test and extracts energy; on the other hand, in reality, it lays its own power system, constructs a 'colony', and resists the suppression from the world.

Lang's [Root Drift] essentially ignores the world's likes or dislikes, forcefully breaks through various concepts, and completes the invasion.

The highest difficulty is naturally to invade the "planet origin"; but if you lower the target, invade a rule, a certain concept, or a "secret realm", and break through from the yang to the underworld, you will get a higher bonus.

If it is favored by the world itself, then the effect of 'Invasion Breakthrough' will be even better.

It is better to understand the two modes of concealment and exposure.

Although the effect of [Erosion Breakthrough] is great, a mature world must have a strict killing system. There are always professional security guards, looking for and hunting this silverfish.

Therefore, in the 'covert mode', it is possible to shield the secrets to a certain extent and act secretly. As long as it is not excessive and does not stimulate the 'world consciousness', small-scale benefits will not be discovered.

And the 'exposure mode' is to pursue the effect of invasion purely and brutally, to play a wave of 'short, flat and fast' invasion tactics, and run away immediately after reaping the benefits.

Lang is personally very satisfied with this highly professional title. Use it with [door], it's like a tiger with wings! If the 'invasion and breakthrough ability' can be improved a little bit, he will be more satisfied.

After all, the highest 10% can't really penetrate the 'origin' of a mission world. To operate it, you must have the right time, place, and people, and then add other equipment, such as [doors], and [non/legal Holy Grail rituals]... Only then can you really penetrate the source with your strength.

In addition to the newly acquired professional drilling title [Root Drift], he also received a new reminder:

'It is detected that the title [In and Out of Truth] has a strong correlation with [Root Drift], and you can pay 50,000 embers for fusion...'

Skipping this prompt for now, Lang looked at Fufu and Jack's newly created titles:

The parent-child titles of the same origin as [Genyuan Drift] [Genyuan Elementary School Tyrant] and [Genyuan Elementary School Scum].

Bai Lang first looked at the title of Little Jack:

[Genyuan elementary school slag: light green. 】

[Wearing Effect 1: The basic reward for achieving the achievement of 'Entering the Roots'. In any mission world, you only need to wear it once, and you can get 1% (\u003e30%)/2% (\u003c30%) of the current world strength. Sensitivity. This effect (blessing) is non-cumulative and diminishes with actions that harm the current world. 】

[Wearing effect 2: When you are engaged in your favorite activities (driving vehicles, dissecting, cooking, assassination...), there is a certain chance to enter the state of concentration/if there is divine assistance, and there is a slight chance to gain epiphany, in the 'world' Under the blessing of God, comprehend the skills that conform to the rules of the current world. 】

[Effect of wearing 3: The curse of the scumbag. Because you ignored the disrespectful attitude of the 'root' and angered the 'root' to cast a curse. You will acquire negative states such as stupidity, weariness, dyslexia, trance, lethargy, etc. in all areas that are not hobbies. Your ability to learn is greatly reduced. This curse deepens as Effect 2 increases. 】


After watching Jack's "Genuine Elementary School Scum", Bailang felt a little guilty.

He suspects that Jack's anger [root] is caused by his happy drift with her? Otherwise, although Little Jack is a bit scumbag, as long as he shows his face, stays by his sister's side, and listens to [Root Source]'s teachings, he won't end up in this situation?

At least the effect is 1+2, but 3 will never appear. But I was also drifting, why didn't I see the curse? Could it be that this [source] bullies the weak and fears the hard?

After mourning for Little Jack for 1 second, Lang looked at Fufu's 【Genyuan Elementary School Bully】

[Root Elementary School Tyrant: Dark Green]

[Wearing Effect 1: The basic reward for achieving the achievement of 'Entering and Exiting Roots'. In any mission world, you only need to wear it once to get 5% (\u003e30%)/7% (\u003c30%) of the current world strength. Sensitivity. This effect (blessing) is non-accumulative, and will continue to increase as you perform more actions that are beneficial to the current world. 】

[Wearing effect 2: World-class charm. The blessing from the 'world' has activated the 'seven deadly sins. Slaanesh (artificial human core)' and 'tear mole. Charm (Fujiang potion)' in your body. Before the 'World Blessing' is used up, you will gain favor from the world, nature... Any native life in a non-evil camp has an initial favorability value of 5%/7% for you...]

[Wearing effect 3: The epiphany of a top student! In the learning state, you have a certain chance to hear the knowledge flowing from the world, nature, different time and space, rules, magic, friendly extraordinary creatures... and gain insights. When studying, the efficiency is slightly improved. When studying magic, the efficiency is greatly improved. 】

Compared with Jack's miserable "Genyuan Primary School Scumbag", Fufu's "Genyuan Primary School Bastard" is Bai Fumei's real daughter in the world. Bailang suspected that the reason why his title was light orange instead of orange was that part of his popularity was taken away by Fufu.

As long as Fufu doesn't do anything that endangers the world, she will naturally be favored by almost all existences. At the same time, [Show cute and domineering] gets the comprehensive bonus of the alchemy core [Slaanesh] and [Charm.Tear mole]...it is even more popular.

Become a natural 'angel warlock', even if you don't need talent, you can rely on 'charm' to make a living. Even nature is biased towards her, the cut version of the "protagonist's halo", who dies and becomes auspicious, and goes out to pick up treasures.

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