Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1128 Doomsday! [The Era of Buddha’s Evil] (End of this volume)

After the father and daughter three completed the main task of [Entering and Exiting the Root], they received a reminder from the paradise to complete this trial and return at any time.

With the playing off of a certain person in charge of the organizer, and Bailang successfully piercing through the passage leading to the [root], the news of [void]'s deep invasion of the 'singularity' has been known by the 'Moon World', and it has been completely taken over and blocked Current mission world. Declare a state of red alert.

Here, "Moon World" can be understood as a community with countless real estate properties. Every building is a parallel world, and every square meter is a "singularity".

The current mission world is a private villa that a certain lord applied for and purchased.

The lord can do anything in his villa, as long as it doesn't affect the community. Even the appearance of [Pollution Source. Void] did not disturb the 'Moon World'.

Because this "singularity" is the private property of the lord, it is attached to the "Moon World" and enjoys the "basic magic rules" provided by the Moon World. Even if [Void] is summoned, as long as the pollution leaves the villa and pollutes the environment of the community, Moon World will not take action.

I heard that there is a kind of magical garbage guy (fire passer) who is very good at cleaning this kind of stains?

Until Bailang opened a hole in the lord's villa, connecting to the [root] of the community. The Moon World just started to blow up, and the 'singularity' was blocked and isolated in all directions.

At this time, the surviving contractors also restored the signal of the paradise. The final task has also been completed by Lang, and everyone can go home and settle the final income.

As for the sponsor? Who care!


When the Bailang family returned to the world of Fuyuki, it was still a doomsday scene. The rain of blood is still pouring down, but the sun has already appeared in the ruins of the city in the distance?

As the imprisonment that blocked Fuyuki was lifted, [Ten Calamities] also began to split + move, leaving this well-developed land to pollute more new sites.

After many days of pollution, Fuyuki City has already been remodeled. At this time, the 'blood cloud' in the sky seemed to come alive, it was no longer formed by the condensation of 'fog', but turned into wriggling lumps of blood-red flesh, densely packed together, floating in the sky against gravity, like wriggling wriggling lumps The dark clouds also grew dense tentacles like plant fibrous roots, floating and falling from the sky, twisting and twisting.

These clouds of flesh and blood twisted irregularly, like twisting a towel, squeezing out a large rain of blood from the inside, watering the brand new land. Along with the blood rain, there are also a large number of deformed frogs and locusts... A gust of wind whizzes past, bringing a large number of 'nightmare spores', which attach to the ground, buildings, and plant performances, and grow bloody fleshy mushrooms, completing the ecological transformation.

During Bailang's entry into the [Nightmare Dimension], Fuyuki's first disaster [Blood Rain] was transformed by [Void] into its current indescribable appearance, gained life, and completed a split.

Another piece of "creeping blood cloud" is already heading in the direction of Hyogo North, and it can't wait to give the neon people a chewy and coriander-like smile.

In the future, these "crawling flesh clouds" will grow and split into countless pieces, spreading neon lights, transforming the ecological circle, and eventually crossing the ocean to benefit the entire earth.

However, Bailang's attention was not attracted by these 'flesh clouds' that were slowly going away, but was staring at the big hole in midair that was still giving birth to the 'Void Salary King'.

At this time, a piercing electric noise suddenly came from his ears, and a steel figure appeared in front of him through the air accompanied by dark purple lightning. It was Zhuang Lanting, the captain's sister who was spotless and had a long knife across her waist.


The full-coverage steel helmet opened automatically, revealing a beautiful face: "Thanks to you, the harvest is good. This is a gift for Fufu and Jack! I can't deal with this guy. Now that the signal of the paradise has been restored, I won't stay any longer." Yes. I will contact you later.”

While speaking, Team Zhuang took out an opened treasure chest from his private space and threw it to Bailang. Then he waved his hands to Fufu and Little Jack with a smile, and chose to return.

The young lady walked freely, and now Bailang is the only contractor left, staying in this already red alert, doomed world, feeling somewhat lonely.

"I... I... Pay me back..."

Just when Lang felt emotional, immersed in experiencing the desolation, loneliness, and tragic feeling of driving a wheelchair alone in the end of the ninja world, and traveling alone in the land of fire in the sunset... a discordant note came from his ear, and then On the stone path of Yuanzang Mountain, there was a rustling sound.

Looking down, an unexpected figure appeared behind him reluctantly.

The black side player, the master of Assassin, Jabba the technology exorcist? !

"Give me back... my life... the demon... you promise... mine..."

At this time, Jabba's lower body was sliced ​​off by a sword, and both legs were broken. He didn't know where he came from? With a sigh of relief, on the long stone road, a long bloodstain crawled out, like a zombie undead, crawling towards the waves, raising his arms with difficulty, grabbing towards the waves...

"Are you going to write a big miserable word on my leg?"

"Give me back my demon...to fulfill...the promise..."

Jabba seemed to have lost his sanity, and with the support of obsession, he repeated the stuttering content to Lang like a repeater. The tragic end is touching. Little Jack even took out a small dagger, eager to pounce on him, and helped him carve the word 'miserable' on his forehead.

"It's so dangerous and you still don't escape? Hey, whatever! For the sake of your persistence... I'll give it back to you."

At the beginning, Lang sealed [Freddy] and kidnapped a few monsters, mainly because he was curious about the digital rules of the heroic spirit [Joker King], and wanted to use it to complete the capital. Now, he has even proved the private law [the third law. Materialization of digital souls], so there is no point in keeping a few rubbish killers.

It seems that this guy can still climb out tenaciously to ask for it after the trial mission is over. Lang was moved by this love of making, so he returned it in full.

After getting the four natal demons, although the ability bar is incomplete, Jabba finally rests his eyes, and the paradise behind the communication chooses to return.

"Now, I'm really the only one left."

Looking at the empty Yuanzang Mountain, Lang opened the gift box presented by the young lady. I don't know how many treasures the Zhuang team released? At this time, in the treasure chest, there is only one treasure that has not been taken out, which is the common treasure of 【Heavenly Killing Star. Luo Likui】:【Ghost King Axe×2】

Is this suitable for a child? And is it still given to two sisters, each with a hatchet?

Although the painting style does not match, Lang still chooses to accept it. Just kidding, did you say 'inappropriate' in front of him [Lord of Secret Treasures]? Change it casually, or not.

Looking up at the sky, his eyes pierced through the 'hollow', looking at the 'Void Salary King' who had developed more than half, Lang sighed: "The last battle."

Although the promotion test has been completely completed, this singularity has also been blocked and isolated by the 'Moon World', and everything that follows has nothing to do with him, but Lang still plans to do something big.

In the face of the spokesperson conceived by [Void], of course we must avoid their edge, and never compete head-on with the mature body who conceived perfection. At this moment, the semi-finished product is very good, helping it to give birth prematurely, defeating the immature premature baby in an upright manner, and proving his bravery to [Void].

As for how to dig out the premature baby from the hole created by [Void]?

[Root Drift] Is this title just for idle food? Shouldn't the ability of [Breakthrough Invasion] be used in this kind of situation? Moreover, the 'singularity' is polluted by the [Void]. When Lang chooses to use the title, a little bit of invasion breaks through the 'void' to dig out premature babies in advance, he will definitely gain the favor of the current world, and the effect will be further improved!

"Here is the correct usage of the title! It echoes the previous chapter, who would dare to say that I am water!"

Just when the waves were triumphant, the path at the foot of Yuanzang Mountain began to vibrate violently, and a colossal Ultraman statue that released infinitely warm sunlight from its crotch was walking towards its ashram 'Liudong Temple' step by step.

Exactly: Namo Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Crotch Protector Buddha!

When the [Ten Plagues] left the range of Fuyuki, locusts, blood rain, and spores first invaded various places in Neon through the "space passages" all over Fuyuki City.

Ordinary people who suffered mutations instantly recalled the "Otto Buddha" worshiped by Fuyuki's PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, so they offered their beliefs in fear and helplessness, and at this moment they were greatly accepted by the "Crotch Protector Buddha".


The top of Yuanzang Mountain also trembled violently, four abstract goat hooves like a thousand-year-old tree ruthlessly crushed the gate of Liudong Temple, and a "flesh lotus platform (black goat)" covered with countless eyeballs and tentacles descended on the world.

On its back, there is a giant mushroom with the same body shape as the crotch protector Buddha, but without a head. Unlike the 'crotch-protecting Buddha' that emits infinite light and heat from the crotch, the big mushroom wafts spicy red mist and lingers around, half devil and half Buddha, both evil and holy.

The two old enemies gathered together at this moment, and no conflict broke out, but at the same time they took the salary king bred by [Void] as the target to kill. The insider must be excluded first!

Regardless of the 'Crotch Protecting Buddha' or the 'Big Mushroom', they are all their own business. Therefore, Lang decided to play a wave, and teamed up to kill the 'Void Premature Babies', and then unfolded the endless entanglement of fate inside.

After wearing the [Title], Lang blesses the power of 'Breakthrough Invasion' on 'Altford', and takes his daughter to hide far away.

At this moment, he had forgotten what [Unlimited Fish System], suddenly recalled the profession of [Profane Zen Master], and realized that all his abilities were in this 'Ottofer'.

The crotch-protecting Buddha lived up to Lang's high expectations, and immediately used the "Ultimate Bladder Ray" to shoot at the hollow in the air. The killing was limited, but under the blessing of breaking through the erosion of the "root/void", it stimulated half of the birth 'Nyarlathotep'.

I saw an undisclosed monster with a thick fleshy tentacle on its neck falling out. It is the most common image of Naia, the Night Roarer.

A new battle is on the verge of breaking out. The crotch-protecting Buddha slapped his palms on the chest, thousands of hands, and his whole body was protected by the "AT Buddha Light Force Field". Roaring and standing together.

However, it is a pity, how can the solitary 'crotch-protecting Buddha' be an opponent of premature babies with their backs against [Void]? Under the cheating blessing of the "big hole" in the sky, after one round, the "crotch-protecting Buddha" was deeply polluted again, a large number of wooden arms were deformed, and the seventh plague, flesh and blood mushrooms grew.

Fortunately, the strong man in Altford cut off his wrists and hundreds of arms. He rolled out of the scope of the 'void pollution' in a panic, and relied on the holy light to resist and purify himself.

However, the battle of the 'Crotch Protecting Buddha' once gave Bailang a record, which meant that Bailang could return, but he still stayed. Secondly, it creates an opportunity for the Buddha's Evil Mushroom who is also not afraid of [Void].

Sure enough, when the delirious Roaring Night was fighting the crotch-protecting Buddha, Big Mushroom saw the right opportunity and suddenly slapped the mount under him.

The black goat cub jumped down from the top of the mountain, and roared ferociously with steps that shook the ground. Roaring and pulling the giant whip over its head towards the big mushroom, the black goat cub raised its tentacles all over its body and entangled with the opponent's giant whip.

At this time, Big Mushroom followed suit, grasping the Night Growler who was entwined with the black goat cub with both arms, and found a space-time passage. With a sudden force, he lifted the growler and the black goat together, and the Buddha threw the elephant and smashed it out.

Then the big mushroom kicked its feet, and both disappeared from Fuyuki City.

Fighting under the void of the [Void] Invasion Singularity, premature babies possess endless tainted energy. If Big Mushroom wants to challenge him, he must switch the battlefield.

At this time, the Ultra Crotch Protector Buddha also stubbornly climbed up, and then rushed into the space-time tunnel.

Time and space changed, and the scene switched to "Top of Mount Fuji".

At this time, the Ruler sea star who professionally shot the video with the magic eye has died, but another TV station that filmed the program on Mount Fuji was lucky enough to film the "Old Enlightened One. Giant Multiplication Buddha Evil Big Mushroom VS The Old Ruler. Nai Arlathotep', the epic scene of the decisive battle on the top of Mount Fuji.

Fuyuki, far away from Hyogo Prefecture, touched the top of Mount Fuji, and lost the blessing of [Void]. The Night Growler was instantly beaten back to his original form as a premature baby, while the 'Big Mushroom' had experienced many battles and just started fighting each other in the 'Nightmare Dimension' where he was not full of 'hungry in this world'.

In this battle, the two sides fought so hard that they fought all the way to the top of Mount Fuji, even the snow on the top of the mountain was wiped away, and the mountain cover was blown up, all the way into the crater.

In the end, Mushroom borrowed the natural disaster power of Fuji magma, supplemented by the [Limited Lava Flow-Three Thousand Worlds Red Dust Public Virtue Pot] method of warfare, regarded the volcano as a hot pot, and cooked the "Roarer" with the power of heaven and earth.

When Quan Neon's savior "Crotch Protecting Buddha" came late, with tears in the eyes of Quan Neon's audience, he jumped into Fuji Volcano without hesitation, and chose to perish with the demon gods.

In the end, this battle will detonate the "Mount Fuji" that has been dormant for more than a hundred years. Although the premature babies of King Xin were killed, countless people were fully mixed with "Flesh and Blood of King Xin" and boiled into red soup magma that was "the source of pollution of Buddha's evil". It soared into the sky in an instant, turning into super big fireworks, mixed with endless 'spore volcanic ash', completely covering the entire Tokyo area.

Greatly accelerated the rhythm of [Void] polluting the singularity.

And this round of high-quality pollution was planned from beginning to end by [Buddha Evil Mushroom], with [Void Salary King] as a sacrifice. Although it is suspected of beheading the [Void Spokesperson], after the eruption of the 'red soup magma' boiled by the spokesperson, the effect is even more immediate.

【The Emperor Mai】The nuclear explosion at the end of life can't pollute a small city of Fuyuki. But [Big Mushroom] This wave of pots made from Mt. Fuji, and the 'Buddha Red Pot' made by King Xin, have successfully polluted the entire Tokyo area, and the efficiency is higher than [Pollution Source. Big Hole].

What's this? This is efficiency!

[Void] Eyes but no pearls, cultivate garbage spokespersons.

Only me [Big Mushroom] has both ability and political integrity, and with a little trickery, I can easily infect the Tokyo area, and my efficiency is higher than that of [Ten Calamities]. The speaker should be replaced by me!

Therefore, the "Void Speaker" was killed by tricks, but in exchange for a more brilliant performance [Big Mushroom], successfully replaced by 'Nyarlathotep', and then escaped into the [Nightmare Dimension], incarnating a new generation of Void salary king.

Shortly after the Battle of Mount Fuji, the Tokyo circle followed Fuyuki into a doomsday mode. Countless evils in red soup are rampant and rampant, and flesh and blood spores are parasitic and proliferating, turning the most prosperous and densely populated urban area into a human Shura field, a demon city.

At this point, the dark doomsday era covering the neon lights and even the whole world has come, and later generations will call it [Buddha Era].

In the endless despair, a light shot out from under the completely collapsed Mount Fuji, illuminating the night.

Ott - the return of the crotch protector Buddha!

A long fight between [Holy Light. Greedy Sect] and [Void. Buddha Evil] unfolded in the singularity... staged countless new joys and sorrows.

However, all of this had nothing to do with Bailang.

Lang took her daughter to get wet!

(end of this volume)

I said it's over this month, so it's over this month! In the postscript of the next chapter, all pitfalls and remaining questions will be answered in a unified way.

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