Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1151 [Dragonborn] Correct Opening Method

Not long after, it was finally the turn of Jack, the most handsome boy among the group of brats. Although she was messed up with a boy's hairstyle, her appearance is exquisite and cute, and she is indistinguishable from male and female, and she is very eye-catching among all the little peas.

She was finally the prettiest without Self competing with her.

At this time, without waiting for the domestic punk elves on both sides to give instructions, Jack, who had already understood the process, climbed onto the bench in a hurry, and hooked his fingers at the floating sorting hat.

"Well, well."

The Sorting Hat moved its mouth in displeasure, and then put it on Jack's little head, trying to read her scattered thoughts to collect information, and choose a suitable college through metaphysics.

Other children can usually read characters such as 'bravery, cowardice, enthusiasm, curiosity, autism, arrogance...', and sometimes, the Sorting Hat can communicate briefly with bold children through the spiritual channel for further analysis judge.

But this time, it read from Jack's mind 'excited, interesting, can't wait...Assassination, dissecting small animals, critically attacking classmates, slaying dragons, assassinating teachers, watching blood flow into rivers, eating the most expensive, killing sister Occupying maternal love, refusing to study, burning down the school...'


The Sorting Hat almost blurted out and sent the magic star to Azkaban for further study. But thinking of the little black skin who had been dissented before, the idea of ​​'selling fans at school' appeared in his mind, and he finally endured it.

The student in front of him is a related household, a child of an employee, and he came to Hogwarts to study through the back door, so he could only endure it. Then, according to her scumbag attributes, it is impossible to be assigned to Ravenclaw or Slytherin, and then consider the other party's violent tendencies, and finally decide to be assigned to...

"You've been sorted into Hogwarts School of Civil Engineering!"


Little Jack had the expression I had expected, clenched his fists in front of him, jumped off the chair, ran to the first-year area of ​​the Dahui Academy without looking back, and began to eat.

The next one was Silly Fufu, who was a maverick wearing a black cat-eared mechanical helmet. Until now, she has no intention of taking it off.

Because her old man hoped that she could have a low-key, ordinary and unassuming campus life.

If Fufu showed her true face, it would mean that Marysu had opened the halo of reducing wisdom, so how could she still go to school? The teacher was afraid that he would kneel down and give her a lecture. Such a campus life, but also to learn knowledge? Can you still experience friendship?

Sharf also deeply agrees with this, and firmly stated that she will never take off the helmet, and try her best to restrain her charm and not engage in specialization.

So at this moment, the unique high-tech helmet Fu instantly became the most eye-catching focus of the whole school, and the attention was no less than that of the little Internet celebrity Harry Potter branch four years ago.

The sorting hat was difficult to put on the one-size-larger helmet, and began to read Xiao Fufu's thoughts, but the yarn could not be read. Because the character of this helmet = a divine weapon, if [Evil Spirit-Bai Chuan Genius] one day becomes a god, this offering of hers will be transformed into [Godhead + Divine Tool].

Therefore, no matter how much the Sorting Hat is lifted, it is impossible to read Fufu's thoughts through the helmet.

Fortunately, the two parties can still communicate, and Sharfe has no intention of refusing. After a simple inquiry, silly fufu answered a few questions raised by the sorting hat according to his own understanding (misunderstanding) of himself, and gave himself this General evaluation:

'Humility', 'hard work', 'thirst for knowledge', 'be able to endure hardship', 'love to solve problems', 'good at cooking', 'tempura'...

After a simple communication with Xiaoba, the tired Sorting Hat finally shouted decisively: "Salph, Hufflepuff!"

After watching his two daughters realize their childhood dreams and being sorted into different colleges, Lang also felt bursts of relief and satisfaction. The banquet lasted for another hour or so, and finally the senior students with strong appetites were fed, and the sorting ceremony officially ended.

The freshmen followed the prefects to the dormitories of their respective colleges. Silly Fufu and Little Jack left the team and came to their father.

As a special day student who does not engage in specialization, he naturally has to live with his biological father. The presidential suite arranged by the principal himself or the noisy and crowded student dormitory, which one is more suitable for concentrating on homework?

At night, Fufu and Jack's first-grade textbooks, as well as Bailang's lesson plans, were delivered by a few house elves who knocked on the door.

Bailang picked up the two sisters' class lists and looked at them, and found that even for first-year freshmen, there were slight differences in the courses of the two colleges. But most of the courses are still the same, including the traditional 'charms'.

At the top of the lesson list and textbooks, the sisters were specifically asked to get up early tomorrow to go to the castle's 7th floor to accept the exclusive wand test and equip them with wands.

Then Lang looked back at his own tutorials, and he was responsible for the courses of grades 3, 4, and 5. Not only are the textbooks of each grade different; there are also differences in the teaching content of different colleges in the same grade.

The first and second grades don't need him to be in charge. These two lower grades don't have "Fantastic Beasts Cooking Class", but they offer "Fantastic Beasts Basic Anatomy Class".

From the third grade, "Anatomy Class" becomes "Cooking Class". The students spent two school years cultivating basic theories of anatomy and dismemberment from a young and ignorant stage. What kind of magical animal is clear, and how to deal with it easily? Which parts are non-toxic and edible, which parts are slightly poisonous and can be treated and eaten, and which parts are highly poisonous and ordinary wizards cannot eat them?

After two years of theoretical accumulation, from the third grade, it is time to formally test your skills. Starting from those common magical animals that are simple and weak, but normal people can't use them, apply what you have learned, cut, slice, detoxify with potion, cook and use.

In grades three, four, five, and three, the difficulty of cooking practice continued to increase. The level, danger, and rarity of magical animals began to increase, and the third grade was exposed to dead objects, the fourth grade was exposed to subdued living creatures, and the fifth grade and above had to personally subdue and kill certain dangerous ingredients.

As for the more advanced grades six and seven, usually only Hufflepuff offers the "Advanced Fantastic Beasts Cooking Class". If the other three colleges want to take electives, they need to pass the Hufflepuff assessment. This aspect is taught by an experienced cooking teacher, and Bailang does not need to be responsible.

Then, Lang briefly browsed the curriculum settings of different colleges. "Cooking Class" is listed as a compulsory main course in Hufflepuff, three times a week, with detailed content and the highest requirements for teachers.

It is not only necessary to teach students how to cook 'ingredients' to the point of [edibility], but also strive to tap the potential contained in the ingredients themselves, so that tasters can feel delicious.

For the other three colleges, "Cooking Class" is a sub-subject, one class a week, and students only need to practice it by themselves, and pass the ingredients provided by the school [cooked, non-toxic, immortal after eating].

This kind of request is just to hope that after entering the society in the future, students from the other three colleges will not poison themselves to death when they hunt and obtain a magical animal without Hufflepuff.

Lang didn't know how the contractors who were invited before taught the class, and whether they were competent?

But after he briefly read the textbooks of the three grades, he felt that it was not difficult. First of all, as a foreign [Gourmet Department] contractor, he already has a wealth of professionalism.

Although I am unfamiliar with "cooking magical animals", the materials' properties, side effects, and processing methods have been described in detail in the textbook. For each magical animal, according to the different parts and organs, it also provides a number of optimal recipes, which is simply a dictionary-level manual.

There is no difficulty in teaching students!

Tomorrow is the first class of the third grade: "Cooking of Fried-tailed Whelks". Lang read the recipes provided in the textbook, and there are 14 kinds to choose from. Hufflepuff has the highest requirements and needs to teach any three recipes within three class hours; while the other three colleges only need to master one cooking method.

So Lang made a decisive decision: "It's such a happy decision! Tomorrow, I will teach me what I am best at, "Spicy Crayfish". The appearance of fried-tailed snails is not as good as 1/10 of the mutated Pipi Shrimp in [La Laiye Seafood City]. , and the cooking techniques are quite similar.”

As he browsed, Lang discovered that these three textbooks could be called the "Gourmet Collection" in the magic world, recording a large number of high-ranking cooking methods, and completing unreserved presentations to lower-grade students for extracurricular reference.

It can be said that for each unit, students only need to master about 1/10 of the content to pass the school's test. As for the remaining 9/10, it depends entirely on interest and self-consciousness.

Continue to read, the practice of dragon meat can be found in all three grades, and it is even a compulsory part of the final exam. The third grade only needs to deal with cooking the meat of the sub-dragon species, two kinds of common ones each semester. The fourth grade cooks dragon meat...the fifth grade even participates in dragon slaying, but most of them are on the sidelines doing chores.

Suddenly, Lang discovered the culinary art of iron-eating beasts in the elective part of the fifth grade? !

This thing has never been a rare and protected animal in this world. On the contrary, it has a large number and a professional breeding base. It is even exported as a special product by that mysterious 404 country.

Counsel, [Danger! 】

"Instead, you can buy a few of them as pets, and you can also sneak back to the main world, put them in the kitten tutoring house, and provide cat petting services."

The next day, Bailang brought Fufu and Jack to the seventh floor of the castle early in the morning, and gave them their own magic wands, all of which passed smoothly.

Jack got a yew dragon heartstring wand representing evil, and Fou got a rosewood dragon nerve wand, a symbol of beauty and astringency.

From the point of view of the meaning of wood, this test is quite accurate. So Lang also tried it curiously, but was told that he had no magic talent, and magic affinity = 0.

The other party was even more surprised how Lang got into Hogwarts and became a professor?

Enraged, Lang thought about it a lot, and finally loaded the [Black Holy Bowl] for himself, and instantly opened the [Limited Edition. The Third Magician] virtual profession. Under Mother C's protection, she finally didn't lose face, released unscrupulous magic power, and got a yew wood wand.

After getting the 'magic wand' officially provided by Hogwarts, it does not belong to the equipment of the paradise, but after passing the identification of the [Lord of Secret Treasures], the quality is only light blue, which is very average.

A wizard with a magic wand can mobilize and condense the magical elements in his body more efficiently and smoothly. The specific effect is like the antenna that comes with an old-fashioned TV. If there is no magic wand, your screen is full of snowflakes and noises. With the magic wand, you can see the outline and hear the noise clearly.

Jack has little interest in the wand, and Fufu directly shows the operation of Bo Wu's wand. But even so, it still cannot shake the status of the 'magic wand' in Hogwarts.

Because Lang saw from Fufu's teaching materials that the 'magic wand' is the first step on the road to [Dragonborn].

The wand core provided by Hogwarts is unified as 'dragon material'. The only difference lies in the type, age, and specific parts of the dragon... Implanting different parts of giant dragons/dragons of different ages, genders, and species into different woods will produce wands with widely different effects.

First-year freshmen, after getting a "dragon wand" that fits them, will learn the orthodox "spell class" as described in the original book, read the spell and then use the wand to cast spells, releasing the most basic magic .

In addition, first-year freshmen also need to undergo a blood type matching test to determine the type of dragon blood they can take, choose a young dragon, take one drop a day in the first half of the school year, and two drops a day in the second half of the school year, slowly transform their physique and lay a foundation.

After the second grade, the little wizard will continue to study the "spell class" and further improve his physique at the same time. With the foundation of oral dragon blood in the first school year, the second school year will divide into five injections of different doses of dragon blood to lay the foundation for the 'artificial dragon vein warlock'.

In addition, there is a crucial link, which is the tempering and transformation of the'magic wand'. From the second year onwards, students need to buy a large amount of dragon's blood, and then configure different potions, soak and soften the 'magic wand', and at the same time engrave the curse of natal life.

That is to engrave the most proficient 'spell' on the surface of the wand in the form of runes. Xueba masters more spells and engraves them more; Xueba masters fewer spells and engraves them less.

In the end, at the end of the second grade, while injecting a large dose of dragon blood for the last time, under the supervision of the main subject teacher, he took the 'magic wand'.

Literally, like the Jiupin Zhimaguan swallowing Shangfang's sword alive, he swallowed a forearm-long magic wand, inserted it into the throat, and fused with the throat little by little, transforming the throat into a magic organ.

This step is a crucial part of the [Dragonborn] training. Once the transformation is completed during the summer vacation, this wizard will have the abilities of 'Weak Dragon Blood' and 'Elementary Dragon Roar' at the same time.

In the third grade in the coming year, little wizards will completely get rid of the shackles of the 'magic wand' and master the technique of casting spells without a wand.

For there is no rod in the hand, but a rod in the throat! From then on, every word you say is equivalent to a spell waving a magic wand, which will have the effect of [Speaking Spirit]. And the orthodox method of casting [Dragonborn] is [Dragon Roar].

What is Dragon Roar? Just roar with your mouth!

And the young wizards who have received the "Hogwarts Dragonborn Training" for two years often have dragon blood flowing in their bodies, their throats have turned into spell-casting organs, and they even contain the "dragon staff core".

Using the same type of "magic organ" to stimulate the "dragon blood" in the body can naturally achieve the low-end dragon roar effect, especially the spell engraved on the wand, the effect will burst out several times.

After the third grade, wizards no longer need such useless things as wands. The training content has also become the maintenance, consolidation, and strengthening of one's most important spell-casting organ "throat", as well as further development and excavation of the "own dragon vein".

Since then, my food intake has increased sharply, output depends on roaring, hands are free, and brutal hand-to-hand combat training begins.

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