Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1167 [Appetizer: Chicken in the Forbidden Forest! 】

Regarding the content of the [Goblet of Fire. Game 1] competition, Bailang only knew about it on the morning of the competition.

On this day, it can be described as an empty space for thousands of people. The entire European magic world, and even the global circle of extraordinary powers, received the notice in advance of Hogwarts holding the Triwizard Tournament. They stayed in front of the TV on time and watched the live broadcast on a special channel.

Even the old Mr. Dumbledore in the luxurious single room of Azkaban was allowed to sit in front of the screen with a glass of red wine and a white nightgown.

Inside Hogwarts, it was even more lively. The whole school had a day off and went to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest collectively.

Approved outstanding seventh-grade students, as well as teachers, are allowed to use magic props or rely on their own abilities to freely travel (fly) in the Forbidden Forest.

In addition to maintaining the order of the game and supervising the fairness of the game, you can also appreciate the content of the game at close range and work part-time as a camera.

The large number of ordinary students are only allowed to stay outside the Forbidden Forest, and watch second-hand live content projected by the school onto the 'protective barrier (big screen)' in the form of dinner parties, camping + cheerleading.

Of course, if a 'player' gets close to the edge of the Forbidden Forest during the competition, then the students will be able to appreciate the fresh content first-hand.

It's a bit like an illegal underground black car race. The spectators guarding the edge of the track are lucky enough to get a glimpse of the afterimage of the passing car. If luck is unlucky, the racing car simply does not run this road, and keeps a lonely one.

The showy [Virtual Academy] opened again, calculated according to the game rules at the speed of light, and then released different single bet odds and combination games.

Bailang read the details of this round of competition.

[The first game: appetizer game]

It was only 10 days before the [Goblet of Fire] lottery, and the four brave men from the two major magic schools had only initially gotten used to the Hogwarts environment. If you zoom in directly from the beginning, there may not be no excuses for "poor state" and a big drop in standard, and you may end up blaming the game for being uneven.

Therefore, the content of today's competition is just a water-testing exhibition match, which aims to help the players quickly enter the state of hegemony and show the outside world the level of strength of the brave.

But it's not just a show. Although the difficulty is limited, the results of this round of competition will also determine the first-mover advantage of the brave. The better the performance in the appetizer competition and the higher the score, then you will have the advantage in the next [Triwizard Contest] and widen the gap with other opponents.

In the same way, because of the 'appetizer', these gaps will not be so large as to determine the final score. If a certain brave man is really talented, but falls behind due to abnormal performance; in the next game, it may not be impossible to stage a desperate comeback. This also adds suspense and interest to the game.

"So the content of the appetizer is [Chicken in the Forest]?"

Counsel nodded pretendingly, and explained: "The school carefully selected 30 dangerous magical animals of different species, put them into different areas of the Forbidden Forest, and then used magic to cover up the breath of the magical animals to help them hide. Then In the next three hours, seven warriors will enter the Forbidden Forest from different entrances, track and hunt these targets. Each magical animal hides different information about the next round of the game. The more kills, the more abundant the information. The less difficult it is."

Lang Wenyan: "Sounds okay, how can the school maintain the fairness and difficulty of the competition? What if two dangerous species get together to ambush the contestants? Or if the two fight first and are picked up by someone?"

Cowardly girl shook her head: "There is no fairness. Entering the Forbidden Forest is all about luck. However, the teacher in charge of patrolling can intervene in the competition appropriately, but it is more about shooting + watching. If you don't want to enter the Forbidden Forest to watch the game, the school will also send 100 golden snitches were monitored and filmed, and the 'snitch perspective' can be switched."

Bailang shook his head: "Then I won't go in."

Counselor, however, looked excited: "Such an interesting game, of course watching live performances is the most interesting, so I'll go first. Chairs!"

Gao Wen snapped his fingers, and a super-large luxury wheelchair flew through the air. Regardless of size or luxury, it is no less than an ancient exquisite noble chariot.

At first glance, it is difficult to tell whether it is a [wheelchair] or an ancient Greek [chariot]? (Similar to the Emperor's [Shenwei Wheel]; the Prime Minister's [Zhuge Ju Baby Carriage])

The chariot is not for people to stand on, or to tie the reins of wild beasts, but only a huge 'seat', like a combination of a massage chair and a gaming chair, allowing people to lie down comfortably. On both sides are huge wheels, which can be suspended as a whole.

The armrests on both sides are covered with dense buttons, handles, and small screens. It is full of high-tech content, very much like the operation interface of a fighter jet or Gundam. Behind the throne, multiple display screens can be pulled down to block the front, and a fully enclosed visual helmet can also be worn.

The only difference from the flying equipment is probably that there is no front windshield, and it is completely open, right?

After Gawain climbed into his [Universal Wheelchair-Emperor], he was trapped in it, extremely small. Tapping the button on the right with his fingers, he immediately popped out a pair of windproof sunglasses, put them on his face, and muttered something. Then there is an energy shield that wraps the'throne'.

It is the basic function of Thanos' "cosmic wheelchair", which can travel in space without being troubled by the vacuum environment of cosmic radiation.

Then, she shouted loudly: "Emperor wheelchair, start ejection!"

Between the two huge decorative wheels that come with the wheelchair, I don't even bother to turn it. From the bottom of the emperor's wheelchair, a plasma plume beam as thick as the diameter of a basketball is sprayed out, and there are clearly visible circles of 'Mach rings' inside.

In the next second, the wheelchair soared into the sky, breaking through the sound barrier in an instant, leaving behind a series of piercing beeps that disappeared. He forced the fully open wheelchair to look like a supersonic fighter.

Soon, teachers cast spells, transformed into birds, or rode broomsticks, and flew into the endless Forbidden Forest one after another. Cruise at high altitude, overlooking the stadium.

Bailang was too lazy to wander around in the Forbidden Forest, so he asked for the signal codes of 114 golden snitches from Snape, and connected their shooting angles one by one to the [Virtual Academy], providing a better experience for the bored students who had dinner and farts. Rich live broadcast options.

At about 11:30 in the morning, the seven brave men arrived one after another.

In Golden Snitch's follow-up live broadcast, the seven of them did not carry any equipment except for a standard jacket. There will be a fair and just chicken eating competition in the Forbidden Forest with bare hands.

Ron, who paid to open the [Virtual Academy] temporary account, suddenly became excited: "Hermione has started, the competition is about to begin! Who do you think will win this round?"

The girl thought about it for a moment, and responded: "From the data provided by the academy, it is natural that the three seventh-grade contestants have an advantage. With three years of experience, stronger magic power, and richer spells, Harry and the four of them are at a disadvantage."

"Really? Right! I thought so too! I borrowed 20 Galleons from my brother, and divided into three groups to bet on the combination package of three seventh-grade senior students. This wave will definitely win!"

Hermione rolled her eyes: "You were so confident last time."

As a whistle rang through the sky above the Forbidden Forest, the indicator lights of the seven entrances turned on at the same time, and the warriors rushed into the dark forest one after another. At the same time, strange howls, beast roars, and cries echoed from different places in the forest, which made the little wizards in the periphery tremble.

The two contestants from Durmstrang School were the most wild and unruly, without any strategy or skill, they both ran wildly like beasts, not caring about alarming the lurking beasts, and rushed into the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

But Beauxbaton's two female Bodhisattvas adopted different tactics. Fu Rong, a seventh grader with Veela blood, has a flexible and vigorous body. After entering the dense forest, after a few vertical leaps, she is like an elf in transmission, jumping lightly on the treetops and moving at high speed.

Wherever she went, there was a constant rustling of leaves. When the hand gently brushes the branches, it seems to be able to exchange information with the plants, immediately adjust the direction, and chase a certain position purposefully.

On the other side, Kesha, who was younger, did not hurry after entering the Forbidden Forest. Instead, she looked around curiously like a tourist.

As she went deeper into the Forbidden Forest, the girl suddenly raised her palm, as if calling for something? After a while, a bird with gray feathers boldly landed on the palm, jumped back and forth along the edge of the palm, and began to chirp under the charm of the girl.

"Oh? Then please lead me the way?"

The gray bird nodded, flapped its wings and flew up the branch again, turning its head and yelling frequently, motioning for her to follow.

As for the three warriors of the Hogwarts camp, Cedric of Hufflepuff is the most professional. After entering the Forbidden Forest, he started with an "ultrasonic dragon roar". Send out a faint dragon power to deter.

Threatened by him, the weak animals either shivered or fled; but those hidden 'dangerous species' were stimulated by him, so they couldn't stand it, and they were enraged and jumped out to fight to the death.

Calculating the magic reserve and recovery speed in his body, Cedric ran quickly in the forest, and from time to time let out a few "overclocking dragon roars" that were difficult for human ears to search around, scaring the grass and startling the snake.

As for the other two primary school boys?

Malfoy from Slytherin was the most flamboyant. It seems that because he knew in advance that there was a golden snitch following him, since he entered the Forbidden Forest, he has paid great attention to his appearance.

Subconsciously, he deliberately imitated his dog-licking godfather, Dean Snape, and his every move was elegant, as if he was deliberately performing for others. It's a pity that this kind of travel speed is too slow, he thought for a while, and decided to use the magic spell he practiced hard this summer.

Being a Slytherin is naturally unique. Their physique is far inferior to that of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but they have also studied magic nets since they were young, and their familiarity with magic spells far surpasses these two colleges.

The real Slytherin, known as the "spell weaver", can remodel and optimize the "magic" of Hogwarts in the [Magic Net]; and use the ubiquitous [Magic Net] to reduce the difficulty of casting spells , Enhance the magic effect.

Therefore, although he is in the fourth grade, with the support of [Dragon Roar + Xiaonei], his magic skills are no less than that of the seventh-grade students.

He uttered a strange syllable, and the shadows under his feet quickly came to life, scrambling to spread upwards along his legs, and in a blink of an eye, Malfoy's body was covered by a cloak woven by shadows.

Then a large amount of black smoke rose up, completely submerging him, the whole person turned into a cloud of black smoke and flew through the forest at high speed, facing the twisted and dense dead branches without dodging, just bumped into it like a cloud of smoke easily passed through.

The invisible black smoke is like a giant python, speeding through the forest, looking for prey hidden by magic.

As for the last Harry, he hovered on the passing line for three consecutive years. After the initial excitement, he quickly calmed down. Facing the gloomy and dark Forbidden Forest, his mind was blank, and he walked extremely slowly, trying to think of countermeasures.

The special training in the past ten days also involved survival in the wild. Although there was no intentional reminder, [Forbidden Forest Eating Chicken] was also mentioned by the instructor in the form of knowledge points.

At this moment, he was trying hard to recall, strategies and classic plans for survival in the wild kept appearing in his mind. But because of the scumbag nature, I can't remember all the three sets of plans. Contradictions are always emerging. For a while, I feel that I should speed up, and then I feel cautious. .

This information is valuable, but because of incomplete memory, useless, and conflicting, he is in a dilemma.

"Oh, forget it! Don't think about it, let's go by instinct."

Annoyed that the ten-day special training was meaningless and instead delayed the normal performance of a talented wild player like him, he simply decided to give up his brain and leave everything to his senses.

So he activated the [Dragon Soul (2%)] sleeping in his body, and the throat that had fused, digested, and absorbed the entire wand began to itch slightly. 】Refined and transformed golden magic power.

After a dragon roar: "【Iron armor body protection!】", a layer of golden shimmer appeared on Potter's body surface, forming a western knight's armor with a sense of Zen.

This [Iron Armor Curse] was originally a widely used protective spell in the magic world, which can create a magic shield. After the release of Hogwarts' [Dragon Roar], the defense strength has been raised to another level.

On this basis, [Iron Armor Curse] and Gryffindor's inheritance [Hit Ash Sutra] have a deeper boosting effect. Once activated with the 'Power of Ash Hitting', it will immediately soar from [enhanced version. Iron Armor Curse] To the point of 【King Kong Armor】.

Therefore, [Iron Armor Curse] is also one of the few compulsory spells in 'Gryffindor', which endows the gray dragon descendants with indestructible defense. Potter's spell level may not be as good as Malfoy's, but his [King Kong. Iron Armor Curse] is superior to the opponent's [Magic Web Amplification. Iron Armor Curse].

After opening the armor, feeling the limited 'power of ashes' in the body slowly descending, Potter also trotted, rushing recklessly in the Forbidden Forest, looking for hidden dangerous magical animals.

Just when he was worried about where the prey was? Deep in the Forbidden Forest the first battle has broken out, and howls of anger sound in the distance. At this time, it seems to be rushing over, I am afraid it will be too late. But Harry still climbed up an old tree nimbly, stood on the branch and looked into the distance.

Suddenly, he heard 'whoosh! Whoosh! ’ The sound came from behind, and before he could turn his head, black shadows quickly passed over his head and flew towards the direction he was looking at.

"At this time?!"

The boy's eyes widened, his pupils transformed into dark golden vertical pupils, and he could clearly see the scene in the sky. Rifles carved with runes, bazookas, and a series of grenades flew at high speed in the air, flying straight towards the warrior who summoned them.

"Flying Curse!"

At this moment, Harry's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had learned something! This is much more useful than training!

Then he activated the magic power in his body, and [Dragon Roar] again: "Fly around!"

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