Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1168 Fire Bombing, Magic Bombing

When Potter on the tree was inspired by the flashing firearm in the sky, he instantly realized the truth, opened his mouth and roared out the [Flying Curse] he had mastered, and called out the equipment he chose from the castle not far away.

At the same time, the cowardly girl who was cruising at high speed in a supersonic wheelchair also had a heartbeat, and instantly opened her sense of force, and also saw the scene of machine guns and rockets flying away. But what made her even more happy was that there was a successor. Ordered in bulk by myself, the 'Flying Wheelchair', which is popular among Gryffindors, is now moving.

In the storage room of the physical education (flight) class, a wheelchair that had been imprinted by her suddenly shook in the dark room, then bounced violently, and finally the two wheels automatically accelerated without wind, and continued to speed up in a limited space.

I saw the two wheels rotating at high speed and rushing straight to the wall. At the moment of impact, they ran 90° against the gravity of the wall and rose, and finally smashed the window.

The 'Flying Wheelchair' was originally a magic item, it was imbued with the 'flying spell', and it was born with an anti-gravity effect. And Harry's [Dragon Roar. Flying Curse] doesn't need to pay too much magic power, it just locks the 'mount' that he once drove and left a mark on, and then provides a coordinate.

Inspired by this 'flying wheelchair', it spontaneously increased its speed and rubbed against the air violently, leaving a long black shadow in the air, and headed straight for Potter on the treetop with a whistling sound.

At this time, the wizards watching the live broadcast were amazed when they saw this scene, and then started arguing:

"Damn it! Look, there are wheelchairs flying in the sky!"

"He's so smart to think of such a way? So clever."

"Must be inspired by Bobosha, despicable plagiarist! Of the seven warriors, he is the worst."

"That's different. The former summons weapons to be tough, while Harry summons vehicles to travel. He clearly has his own thinking and ideas. It's not plagiarism."

"But why a wheelchair?"

"That's right. Why is it a wheelchair? Not a broom, a motorcycle, a magic carpet, or a dump truck? Are any of them better than a wheelchair?"

Although the "Flying Wheelchair" brought a severe mental shock to the small audience, many people fell into self-doubt. But Harry leaped without distraction and committed suicide from the top of the tree.

In the next second, the 'flying wheelchair' that was still some distance away from him drifted in the air, stopped suddenly, flicked its tail, drew a beautiful U-shaped arc, caught the falling Harry, and sat firmly in the center of the wheelchair.

I saw him put his hands on the armrests, and his aura changed instantly, from being confused at the beginning to calm and confident. There is no need for countless dragon roars, and the human and chair become one in an instant, as if the wheelchair has become a part of the body.

The flying talent of Gryffindor's top Seeker exploded at this moment. His strong confidence and flying skills gave him the flexibility to surpass birds. The huge wheelchair moved and dodged flexibly in the narrow gaps in the dense forest at lightning-fast speed. Harry's sitting posture is as stable as an old dog, and he has regained the feeling of galloping on the Quidditch field.

And the direction of his movement was exactly the end point of the fall of those weapons.

Because the style is too strong, it leaves a deep impression on people. Soon, the title of [Wheelchair King] was the first to be discussed in the "Virtual Academy" communication channel. Harry also took the lead in winning the first 'title' by virtue of his unique style of play.

When the wheelchair king arrived at the area where the weapons disappeared, the sound of fierce fighting came from his ears. There was the sound of dense bullet shooting, continuous explosions, and clusters of flames flickered in the forest. An angry and terrified roar, a violently stirring black forest, and branches that kept breaking.

Before Potter got close, two rounds of intensive explosions were heard in the forest. Then several small melons with their rings pulled out flew into the air at an extremely fast speed and exploded in front of him.

Before he had time to dodge, Potter's body was full of golden light. The [Advanced Iron Armor Curse] he cast on himself just now was automatically released, creating a golden defensive force field around the wheelchair, outlining the outline of the armor and shield, and dispersing the explosive shells. Resist one by one.

And Potter, with quick eyes and quick hands, also quickly swept his right hand through the air like he was catching a golden snitch, picked up a piece of debris that passed by, and pinched it precisely in his hand.

Looking carefully, the surface of the irregular shrapnel is carved with distorted runes. Even if it is broken and exploded, there are still weak fluctuations in magic power.

"Alchemy grenade?"

He further raised the wheelchair to a safe height, then adjusted the angle and looked down.

The forest at this time was reduced to ruins during the battle, a large number of trees were broken, and a small open space was cleared. The tall and burly Eastern European youth (14 years old) is holding two Boboshas with both hands at the moment, and there are several RPGs, rifles, and grenades behind him. Mi's humanoid creature: [Hybrid Cyclops]

This is a kind of hybrid magical creature experiment that was not successful in the Hufflepuff kitchen in the past ten years.

Use a common, huge, easy-to-raise mountain monster to surrogate the mythical "Cyclops". The giant's seeds come from other mission worlds. In order to increase the birth rate, the genes of the mountain monsters are used to pollute and degrade, and finally get a poor-quality, unintelligent defective product.

Da da da da da... da da!

At this moment, a layer of unique red magic power appeared all over Bobosha's body, which was attached to the weapons around him. Every bullet fired has the effect of 'breaking the devil'.

In addition, the bullets in his drum are all engraved with runes, which belong to the category of alchemy bullets. The drum was also cast with the 'No Trace Expansion Curse' to complete the expansion of the space.

It seems that it can hold 100 rounds of ammunition, but in fact it is almost equal to infinite ammunition. The gun body also has "cooling, frost" runes to prevent overheating.

As he continued to shoot, the bullets ignored the magic force field released by the 'One-eyed Mountain Monster', broke the tough rock skin, embedded in the flesh and then exploded.

And the RPGs and grenades behind him also shot non-stop, with a certain rhythm, and they blew themselves up in the armpits, knee pockets, crotch, and back of the head.

The one-eyed mountain monster has extremely tenacious vitality, high defense, and great strength. It broke a giant log with both hands, and used it as a weapon to block in front of it.

But its speed is slow, its attack frequency is low, and it is passively beaten all the way. Bobosha turned into a gunner, suppressing with a machine gun, shooting the head, eyes and other vital points, while focusing on his legs, hitting the monsters bloody and bloody, slowing down his speed, and at the same time constantly retreating, always keeping a certain distance.

Finally, less than 3 minutes after the battle broke out, the one-eyed mountain monster's right leg and wrist were completely broken, and the huge figure staggered and rolled to the bottom. No matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't stand up with the wooden stick in its hand.

The corners of Harry's eyes twitched as he watched in the air. This was like a scene of Magneto, which made him doubt the traditional magic of Hogwarts for a moment.

Modern firepower coverage + alchemy enchantment + simple witchcraft, without consuming too much magic power, one person can form an army and burst out with terrible lethality.

Such a big rough-skinned and thick-skinned "one-eyed mountain monster" was put down by a frontal attack without any tricks in just 4 minutes?

At this moment, Bobosha put aside the machine guns in his hands, stretched his right hand, and a grenade automatically flew into his palm.

At this time, the red light in his hand made a loud noise, and then he uttered a foreign spell that Harry had never heard of before: "【Sukabule!"

Then his right hand swelled exaggeratedly, and his muscles bulged like a monster. He threw the grenade into a black line with pure physical speed, and then disappeared into the hideous wound on the mountain monster's lower abdomen. Open a huge spherical cavity.

Paji! Paji...

Countless pieces of flesh and internal organs splattered, and the upper and lower sections of the corpse fell to the ground. Because it was too fresh, the upper and lower sections of the dead mountain monster were still twitching violently.

At this time, Bobosha stepped forward quickly, and being drawn by the magic, he inserted one hand into the upper half of his chest and dug out the heart. Then he pressed the other hand on the head of the corpse, and pulled out a sticky, silver thread, like a snot.

"Legiliency?" Harry, who had limited knowledge, watched the scene, then quickly turned around and flew away, not staying any longer. Although the school does not encourage fighting between players, it does not prohibit it. In case the opponent doesn't like him, he can't handle such a powerful firepower with a flying target.


As the first prey was killed by Durmstrang's warriors, other warriors also found traces of other prey one after another. Some rely on strength, while others are pure luck.

The second one to find the prey was none other than Slytherin's Master Malfoy.

Focusing on his own image the whole time, maintaining elegance, he deliberately pretended to be aggressive, and did not spend his mind on hunting at all. Knowing that there are teachers nearby and the Golden Snitch following him to shoot, he is surrounded by cameras everywhere, showing the best side of himself to the audience all the time.

Until a piercing scream came from behind. A hairless baboon with three tails, snake-like scales, and two heads spewed out a cloud of green flames that woke him from his world.

The eldest young master, who was flying in a smoky state, was suddenly attacked and hit by a cloud of dark green flames. The smoke was immediately pierced through a hole, dispersed, and then recondensed at a position three meters away, twisting continuously, and finally turned into a pale and frightened Malfoy.

After the flame fell, it flowed down the trunk and melted away, making a corroding sound of 'sizzling', and then ignited a flame.

Malfoy glanced slightly out of the corner of his eye, and found that it was a mass of foul-smelling corrosive slime, and it was also burning with dark green flames, which was very disgusting.

The two-headed baboon has three flexible tails, curled up on different branches, and then raised its hand to scratch its head.

One of its heads stared at the young master, the other muttered its throat, made a posture of leaning back, and then swung it violently, like a fortress, and spit out a cloud of burning green phlegm from its mouth.

And when this head finished firing, the other head also gave up aiming and locking, finished its throat muttering, and began to lean back. And the head that had been sprayed with thick phlegm stared at the other party, locked the direction, and showed a smug smile. The hands that were free were still clapping in front of the chest.

Faced with such a disgusting and insidious attack, Malfoy instinctively consumed a spell slot, and immediately sent out the [Dragon Roar. Many obstacles] he had stored in the [Magic Network in School] in advance.

With him as the center, the invisible force field released its resistance in all directions. Not only did it bounce off the flying lump of 'burning sticky phlegm', the strong impact also ejected the two-headed baboon hanging from the tree.


The monster screamed, and its two tails ejected and elongated at the same time, entangled tightly with two thick tree trunks, stabilizing its body in the air without being bounced away by the force field.

The next second, its tail suddenly released, like a tape measure rebounding, and snapped back behind it. The body also sprang up swiftly, moving at high speed among the treetops, aiming at Malfoy with its sharp, scaly tail from time to time and shooting it out, mixed with clusters of burning slime spray.

Young Master Ma's face was pale, his heart was flustered, and he managed to deal with it in an orderly manner. His brain was somewhat unable to react, but fortunately, his grades were excellent. With the help of the godfather's position in Slytherin, he opened up more than twice the spell slots of his peers in the [Magic Net], and the sealed 'witchcraft' was stronger than other magicians. Humans are a class above.

Facing the elusive baboon monster at this moment, although he has no tactics, the spells uploaded and stored are consumed and fired one by one. These are carefully selected spells that don't require any brains, but have good effects.

Combining attack and area damage, as long as you keep releasing it without thinking, although it is wasteful, it can replace defense with offense, making people calmly deal with everything in a hurry. And weak enemies are likely to rush to the street in the continuous output.

After releasing 6 'Dragon Roar Witchcraft' in a row, Malfoy gradually calmed down when he heard the scream of the monster and saw the traces of blood spilled by the other party.

Recalling his performance just now, he finally showed a faint smile. He didn't lose his composure, even though he was stunned for a moment, his body was still calm, and that wave of brainless output made him calmer and calmer.

The young Slytherin wizards who were watching the live broadcast felt that the senior was so fucking calm! From being attacked to counterattacking, he didn't move his feet at all. He stood up and output the whole process, and the Dragon Roar spell was cast continuously and instantly, with superb skills and elegant demeanor, as if he had seen through everything.

Teachers who are a little knowledgeable think that this is a fucking mentally handicapped person. He didn't even choose the direction of attack, didn't have any thoughts, just fucking output without brains, and wounded the prey with extremely low efficiency.

However, the reaction speed when releasing the spell is still admirable. How scary is this? To develop this kind of extravagant instinctive reaction?

And Malfoy, who had calmed down, felt that he could do it again. He picked an auxiliary spell from [Magic net. My spell slot] and added it to him.

Vision, hearing, and perception are instantly enhanced, the whole world slows down, the mind becomes clearer and clearer, and a large number of neglected sounds are captured in the ears, but the information does not appear to be messy.

When he caught sight of the injured two-headed baboon from the corner of his eye, his eyes locked instantly, and he couldn't control his focus to follow it; the sounds in his ears quickly disappeared one by one, leaving only the noise of the monster moving.

The brain became calmer and clearer. Although it was only a spell effect, he was 'really calm' at the moment. He not only conceived the tactics in his mind, but also took the audience's reaction into consideration.

Finally, Malfoy gave a wicked smile full of confidence. The magic power in the body gushes out and rushes into the throat, the dragon soul vibrates, and the natal curse: [Dragon Roar. Shenfeng Wuying-Invisible Sword Cry]

In an instant, dense sword chants resounded in the Forbidden Forest, forming a symphony, and the invisible sword energy, invisible to the naked eye, also blocked the activity space of the two-headed baboons, weaving a three-dimensional sword net.

As Malfoy finished casting the spell, the baboon crackled into countless pieces and scattered all over the ground. And the magic power in his body also plummeted by 1/3, his face turned paler, but he smiled even more proudly.

Slytherin forced the king to bend down elegantly, extracted a stream of 'silver snot' from the broken corpse, put it on the tip of his nose and sucked it hard, and a lot of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

The wizards from other schools who watched the live broadcast also exchanged ideas: "Is that the Hogwarts sword master's famous technique, [Dragon Chanting Sword Formation]?"


A bearded wizard from Durmstrang had fascinated eyes: "The blond boy is so coquettish! His figure is so thin and his skin is so white. It seems like I can get close to him."

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