Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1184 Purification of Fans


With a loud bang, the door of Bailang's room was torn into pieces by countless "Shenfeng Wuying", Snape, whose eyes were red as if he had just cried, broke into his office aggressively, staring at him with icy eyes .

Bailang looked innocent: "What happened? Your Excellency."

Hearing this sentence, Snape was so angry that his whole body trembled, and the choked throat was brewing for a long time before he looked at it with difficulty: "You, how did you promise me? You..."

"Calm down! Although there were some mistakes, we are only 0.1% away from success. In other words, this experiment has been a great success! The only mistake is that when tracing the 'Memory of Blood', we chose the wrong one." The chromosome has been mapped to y. Here I want to apologize to you, I didn’t learn biology well in junior high school, and I recorded xy as a split. But our technology has been extremely successful, and it has been directly located to the nearest parent without any accidents.”

What Bailang said was right, the technique he boasted was completely a castle in the air. I have never mastered any relevant technology, and I rely on Jidu's "evil spirit rules" and the "big salted fish research team" to work hard day and night.

Although he has pigeonholed the opponent for a long time, it is not a real pigeon, but an excuse to delay the time and make up this skill temporarily. Just now I was worried about making a mistake halfway.

Simply everything is under the control of [Jidu]. The god of life, the god of blood, and the master of dreams can of course extract the imprint of life from the blood and play it through dreams.

However, Snape didn't want to hear this, he was fascinated by the white waves for nearly two months. Originally, it was fine not to mention Lily, but the other party gave him hope, but he didn't fulfill it for a long time, which caused the feeling of longing to ferment unbearably, and finally broke out uncontrollably today. He wanted to escape into Harry's dream and glimpse the goddess back then. style.

Then the anticipation is as strong as the mental trauma. Not only did his dream not come true, but he was forced to relive the childhood bullying memories that made him PTSD. What's more, this is not just a memory, but also controlled by Harry himself, who can choose continuously and reproduce the scene with a high degree of freedom.

The three scenes of bullying fully show how important his status is in James Potter's blood memory! The worst part is that he can't interfere yet, and can only be forced to enjoy and watch together, causing tons of psychological damage, and his heart is broken at this time.

Seeing that the other party was mentally unstable, Bailang quickly persuaded him: "Be strong, be strong! Calm down, be sure to be calm! I have re-adjusted, and next time we will lock y. I promise to make you feel at home. What do you think?"

Thinking of using the other party in the future, Snape pressed the killing intent and gradually calmed down. Then he let out a cold snort, swung the shawl and cloak behind him, and strode away: "No need, I'll wait for your good news."

Watching the dean leave, Bailang pressed the remote control to summon a few house elves. Without his reminding, these little things cast [Restoration] one after another, repairing the broken gate and the sword qi cut marks all over the place.

Lang also shook his head and sighed, sympathizing with Snape's experience. Watching this encounter with a normal heart or a prepared state will not cause such a gaffe.

But Harry's fucking 'memory of the blood' is indeed not the second round match. It is better to experience the battle memory of the paternal line more, so that we can bravely face difficulties. After all, there is no wheelchair for him to summon for this round of trials.

The first attempt ended perfectly, and Bailang focused on the second phase of the [Virtual Academy].

Since the end of the negotiation, an online organization [Learning Church] has appeared on the Xiaonei network, which has no entity in reality, and only connects with the users of the ‘School Garden’, and launched a lottery activity called [Wishing Pool].

Every student who enters the 'Academy' can leave a wishing message in the [Wishing Pool]. Just follow the wish format provided by [Study Church] and pray carefully with your mind. The whole process is free, and the lottery will be drawn on time at 12:00 the next day.

The church will select 10 first-place candidates, 50 second-place candidates, and 100 third-place winners based on the piety of the "wish", and send beautiful exam packages for free:

The first place will receive a 5-hour supreme learning experience card for free, the second place will be adjusted to 3 hours, and the third place will be awarded 1 hour.

Both 'wish' and 'lottery' are gimmicks, the focus is on the 'wish format' provided by the church, which contains a complete set of prayer content, aimed at [evil spirit. Genius Baichuan].

Through utilitarian means, use standard prayer rituals to offer a not-so-pure 'power of will' to [Learning Church].

This kind of "online learning" benefits that can only be obtained with krypton gold can naturally improve grades, which cleverly proves the teaching of "believe in the God of learning, improve academic performance, and avoid failing exams".

Of course, the qualifications of people are different. Hermione can convert 1 hour of study time into 10 units of knowledge. But Ron can only use 10 hours of online focus time in exchange for knowledge ranging from 0.1-1.

Therefore, if you simply provide 'study time', it is not a miracle, because the effect is too ordinary, and it can be done with money. Real miracles often happen to geniuses or fools.

A genius is like Hermione, who can exchange her talents normally only by providing time, showing the achievements like a god of learning, which makes her classmates admire and admire her, and she is astonished as a heavenly man.

And the [Church] directly advertised the other party's talent as a miracle bestowed by our master, and it was difficult for ordinary people to achieve the same effect in the same time.

But this kind of statement can fool others, but it cannot fool Xueba. At this time, all you need to do is to contact high school masters like Hermione in private, sign a free 'learning package contract', and hire them to speak for [Learning God Sect] + keep it secret.

With the active endorsement of a top student, a group of ordinary students can naturally be fooled into becoming believers. As for this group of academic masters, they are always in the state of false believers.

As for another kind of miracle, it requires a scumbag like Ron, whose grades suddenly improve by leaps and bounds, which goes against common sense and surpasses the cognition of other VIP scumbags, which is called a god!

This point is also easy to solve, [Hogwarts] is not a place with strict rules and meticulous training of elite talents. The quality of teaching is the same, it doesn’t matter if the teacher is responsible or not, as long as they reach the target of ‘lord’, they can train [Dragonborn] in batches and send them to the world to increase their market share.

Therefore, [Hogwarts] is a vocational technical college model, aiming at cultivating dragon-born miscellaneous soldiers on a large scale, and those few elites who stand out from them will be carefully trained in the "inner world".

Therefore, the assessment indicators of this college are very flexible, and the projects that Bailang is in charge of are equally important to the school, so he asks the school for the question bank, and can even take the initiative to formulate the content of the exam questions for each grade.

When the exam questions and the cram school are from the same institution, it is naturally very easy for fools to perform miracles.

Even if it’s not the exam season, I [Virtual Academy] asks the school to actively cooperate, conduct a preliminary test, and then specify the topics, and select pious students from the wishing pool, start special tutoring in virtual space, and vaguely block them before quitting. memory.

In the end, these scumbags suddenly awakened their vague memories during the test, and then, with the help of gods, the gods of learning possessed them and wrote like a god, their grades improved by leaps and bounds, and they had no memory of cheating at all, and they naturally behaved full of confidence and confidence . Then be very devout.

After this wave of operations, why worry about [Study God Church]'s business not booming?

Just two days before the start of the Triwizard Tournament, Lang passed a "school test" artificial god-making activity, and secretly bought a few top students to act as trustees, and quickly gained the name of "Learning Church".

Because [Virtual Academy] has accumulated a group of mature users, after the second phase of the project is launched, it is easy to convert and purify potential believers. [Evil Spirit. Bai Chuan] was also affected, and became ready to move.

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