Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1185 [Coolie Fu]

The change of the evil spirit happened two days before the start of the 'second round'.

Previously, [Virtual Academy] has accumulated a large number of users, all of whom have experienced the virtual space learning services provided by Bailang in depth. Although they have not deliberately guided their "faith", these students have recognized this service from the bottom of their hearts, and have been insisting on prostitution for free, or taking the initiative to renew their fees.

It's like the hardworking and kind people of the Celestial Dynasty who created countless delicacies, even if they haven't been exposed to the [Greedy Sect] teaching of "pursuing the beauty and touch brought by the ultimate delicacy". But it has become a habit not to waste food, but also to cook seriously and enjoy food since childhood.

At this time, when [Greedy Zong] suddenly came to the world and spread it widely, there will be a considerable number of people who agree with this concept and quickly turn into potential believers. If you look for [Greedy Sect] and pray, there will be a "faith power" generated, which is very faint or even unacceptable, but it does exist.

In the same way, once [Learning God Church] is launched, it is easy to purify users and screen out a group of scumbags or ordinary students who are eager to obtain higher grades (utilitarian) or knowledge (orthodox believers).

This group of users' simple recognition of [Study God Church] has provided a large number of exclusive beliefs. Coupled with the high-efficiency transmission of [Xiaonei Network], no matter how weak the belief is, it can be received and transmitted with low loss.

These messy beliefs that have not been purified by "private laws" or "clergy" are quickly received and stored by the virtual idols (evil spirits) set up by the church.

Under normal circumstances, Bailang will tailor a "private rule" (design drawing) for her according to her own needs and Fufu's personal characteristics, and use these "learning beliefs (desire, willingness)" to forge it.

But before he officially started, [Bai Chuan. Genius] is a mature but non-existent 'evil spirit', who can accept, transform, and use 'faith'.

If Bai Chuan is understood as a mature cat, these designated sacrifices to her and stored and kept by her are like cat food for cats.

Not only did Bailang not let the cat eat, but he also let the cat take the initiative to guard a jar, kept collecting cat food, and cast a high-density molar stick for himself.

But how could she bear it? Of course I will guard myself!

However, there is a matching between 'faith' and 'clergy' or 'private law', just like cattle eat grass and tigers eat meat, the matching [clergy] is the organ that digests specific beliefs.

Learning beliefs often require a "learning priesthood" to digest and absorb. It is precisely because today's [Bai Chuan. Genius] only has three tasteless priesthoods of [Poverty, DJ, Dangerous Driving] and cannot eat these beliefs, so Bai Lang can rest assured that she will keep them safe.

So the [evil spirit] who wants to eat but can eat it but cannot absorb it because of indigestion, is supported by the success of stealing food, and there are more and more people who are "desire to improve grades and hope to acquire knowledge". After pouring in, the [Evil Spirit] finally mutated!

The prototype of Sharf's [Seventh column - evil spirit (offering: helmet)] is the original [evil spirit: pocky] broken spirit body (corpse), which is integrated into three pieces of [clergy fragments (DJ, speeding, poor)] Post stitched.

Now, under the impact of a large amount of "learning power" and Bailang's intentional guidance, the incomplete priesthood fragment (gene) sleeping in the evil spirit's body has finally been activated, awakening an ability from the pocky era.

Believers who pray devoutly to the god of learning (evil spirit) [Baichuan Genius], in addition to the daily lottery draws in [Virtual Academy], can use their own accumulated devout beliefs to activate a learning-type divine spell bestowed by the gods.

At the cost of [3:2:1], sacrifice 'ordinary daily memory (three copies)' or 'accumulated knowledge and memory acquired through hard study (two copies)' to [God of Learning], in exchange for inner The desired 'unfamiliar and unknown knowledge memory (one copy)', or half an hour of supernatural learning.

With this ability, and the priesthood that automatically restores cohesion behind it, Bailang renamed it [Knowledge Sacrifice].

Everything has a price. Ordinary people also need to pay 'time, energy, and focus' to learn. This is the most basic thing. On top of this, 'talent' and 'practice' are also needed.

Astute people often study and memorize two or three times (reciting) before they can memorize mechanically; then they need a lot of practice (doing questions) before they can truly understand and become their own knowledge. And dull people, after putting in ten times or a hundred times of effort, still can't master and use it flexibly.

[Bai Chuan] The recovered 'power of evil spirits' is aimed at the second type of people. For students with poor grades, it is often difficult to understand certain subjects and certain knowledge, and they cannot learn them no matter how they are taught.

For example, in "Physics", an ordinary student finally passed the test through 4 times the hard work of other students, barely finished learning mechanics, and finally died in "electromagnetism".

At this time, I prayed devoutly to the "God of Learning. Bai Chuan", uploaded a lot of beliefs (obsession + wish), and finally moved the God of Learning (evil spirit) to get a response.

At this time, Xueshen will divide the "Physics-Electromagnetic Chapter" into multiple units and quantify them, such as "Ampere's Law, Weber's Theorem, Lenz's Law, Current Magnetic Effect...", each knowledge point is worth XX.

This is, students only need to check the parts they lack, add them to the "sacrifice shopping cart", and click to obtain. Then double or triple the total value, make a permanent sacrifice and delete the 'knowledge memory' or 'daily memory', which can be exchanged in equal value.

Daily memory is very simple, lose those memories that have nothing to do with learning, and even delete psychological shadows, unpleasant, depressed, and angry related memories. As for 'knowledge memory', it refers to the 'knowledge' acquired and mastered by oneself through hard work.

Exchange twice the amount of Chinese for chemistry, and twice the amount of mathematics for English. What's more, you can also tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall. Facing the upcoming 'electrical test', you can sell the 'thermodynamics and kinetic energy knowledge' you just mastered.

Even selling out the basic knowledge of mathematics (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, multiplication formulas) will not affect the "high-level formula calculation" based on these foundations for the time being.

But from a long-term perspective... the lack of basic knowledge and memory will cause a lack of foundation, but since you have learned and mastered it, you can learn and master it again painfully before the knowledge building collapses.

For the "evil spirit Baichuan", she only needs to complete a round of "knowledge and memory" transactions, and she can master this knowledge as a template. After washing the useless daily memories, she can copy and print them again. sold to new believers.

One piece of knowledge falls into Bai Chuan's hands, and one hundred copies can be copied. And countless believers traded (sold knowledge) with her, and they could always collect complete knowledge points, and even sorted out a variety of packages based on different people's understanding of the same knowledge, and sold them at different prices.

Finally become a well-deserved 【God of Learning】!

When she regains the priesthood of [Knowledge Sacrifice], even if she has not condensed the 'private rules' belonging to Fufu, she can also rely on this ability to successfully join the 'student camp' and become a leader of many learning/knowledge/wisdom One of the "evil gods" among the gods.

That's right, this [Knowledge Sacrifice] that once belonged to Pocky is not a serious thing at first glance. It is a 'quick shortcut to magic way' designed for the scumbags.

Because it is the natural destiny of the evil spirit to awaken on its own, [Sacrifice of Knowledge] is not included in the contract with the school, and even the school has not noticed the change of the 'evil spirit', and is still cooperating with Bailang to condense the private law.

When Bai Chuan regained the former "evil spirit power" on his own, more than half of Bailang's plan for Fufu had been completed, and the other party could barely be regarded as a "learning evil spirit".

But this ability is too evil, not grand enough, and cannot be used as the foundation to support the existence of the 'Learning Church'. Therefore, it is just a surprise, and cannot interrupt the plan. Fufu's "private law" still needs to be condensed.

The good thing is that after waking up the 'learning priesthood', the difficulty of making 'learning rules' for Fufu began to drop sharply, and the progress increased by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, Bailang also received the same treatment as a counselor, and also received secret help from the [Lord of Dragonborn].

Just like my sister's experience when she was creating [The Way of Big Data Virtual Succubus Idol], ever since [Evil Spirit Baichuan] was enlightened, Bailang's side is also relying on strength. Under the impetus of the lord, the "law of learning" is rapidly condensed.

No matter what ideas he has, in which direction does he want this 'private rule' to grow? The [Dragonborn Lord] behind it can quickly solve the difficulties and problems encountered when the 'law' was generated. Just like the cowardly girl's "wish comes true" back then.

This kind of opening and hanging mode is cool, but it also makes people feel uneasy.

This power comes too easily and is simply out of control. He just controlled the steering wheel, chose a direction as the target, and gave an order, and the 'lord' behind him stepped on the accelerator, rushing to the finish line at the speed of light.

Of course, judging from the contract negotiated and signed by the two parties, the final ownership of [Private Rules] belongs to Bailang, and the 'Rules' can be brought back to the paradise as private property to complete the registration and certification.

But this 'rule' will also be backed up and stay in this world. If the school is also satisfied, after Lang leaves, he will reshape the "second student god" and copy this "rule" for use.

At the same time, the lord participated in the creation of this 'rule' and helped Bailang overcome many difficulties, so he must know all the secrets in it, and the core technology was forced to share.

If this 'rule' has great potential and is favored by the opponent, it will inevitably be slightly modified in the future to cultivate a second and third competitor on the same track. In the paradise, a situation of Jiaduobao vs Wanglaoji was formed.

For this reason, Bailang thought hard and found a way to break the situation, that is to imitate the cowardly girl and use the power of the lord to create a model for Fufu that has growth potential and is very tasteless. Even if the other party records the core secrets, she will not be interested. The 'chicken rib law' of vicious competition.

Cowardly sister’s [big data virtual succubus idol] is useless, at least two [ability bars] need to be wasted, and the mission world needs to provide media such as 'magic net, nightmare dimension, carp network', or own some gods Features, be able to establish a 'faith connection' with customers, otherwise the effect will plummet.

Even if all the conditions are met, the "big data succubus idol" itself is very rubbish, and it is difficult to provide combat power. But anyone with a little brain and strengthening other abilities is more promising than this.

Only people like Gao Wen who have too many 'ability bars' to waste, who are interested in all kinds of crooked ways, backed by girlfriends, and who can let themselves go to death as much as they want can do it.

Coincidentally, although Fufu's [Ability Bar] is not too much to be wasted, she has gathered other conditions. There is also the protection of a relative, and there is no need to think about fighting, and you can leisurely cultivate a tasteless or even unpopular interest.

Although it may not be Fufu's own interest, since when did the children enroll in interest classes be respected by their parents? Children's interests, of course, are the parents' own interests.

Fortunately, classmate Sharf also loves to study, with a serious and hardworking attitude, and does not dislike becoming a "god of learning". Instead, she looks forward to studying more efficiently and mastering the knowledge in textbooks after she becomes a god.

Therefore, based on daily observations, Bai Lang summed up Sarff's learning characteristics, and designed a [Coolie Law] based on her own behavior pattern.

Under the flickering and deliberate training of her father, Sharf has formed a good habit of respecting knowledge, loving learning, and working hard. But even with [Little Genius] body protection, Sarff can only be described as mediocre in fields other than [Medicine].

She is not stupid, as long as she works hard, she keeps making progress. Over time, she is even more brilliant than her peers. Sharf is now three years old, and her comprehensive knowledge has broken through the sixth grade of elementary school, and some subjects have reached the second grade of junior high school!

Just ask, which three-year-old child can compare to her? !

But behind such excellence, there are massive sea of ​​questions and trials, more than ten hours of "virtual reality practice" every day, which is far more than that of peers, and it is born with good wisdom.

Putting these on ordinary people can also achieve similar effects.

Therefore, Bailang knows very well that his daughter is not a genius in fields other than [medicine (biology, surgery, pharmacy... toadstools)].

And Fufu's situation is also applicable to most ordinary people, so she is very down-to-earth with the condensed law in her learning state! So Bailang designed this [coolie rule], the full name is [study hard, overcome all difficulties, persevere and slow progress in pain and suffering, and finally see the rainbow].

After Bailang defined the guiding ideology of the "private law" for Fufu, the [Dragonborn Lord] hidden in the inner world was able to deduce the complete "law content" for Fufu.

Bailang was not satisfied with this person, so he made several deletions and revisions on this basis, but the invisible lord's will could always be adjusted according to his requirements. After several revisions, I finally got a finished product that satisfies Lang.

The so-called [coolie learning rule] has two modes.

The first type is that believers enter the state of learning (including reading, reciting, copying, doing questions, and taking exams) after praying, and feel "pain and torture" during the learning process.

Whether or not the student is making progress? grasp knowledge? As long as the attitude is serious and pious enough, the power called 'coolie' can be extracted from the state of 'hard work (pain)'. (hard work)

Therefore, for believers of [God of Cool Learning (Sharf)], earnestly brushing up questions + studying hard is a kind of practice, practicing the way of one's own god.

God (Fu) doesn't care whether you make progress, but as long as you have a correct attitude and work hard enough, you can extract [coolies] under the watchful eyes of God.

Of course, the more serious and hard this process is, the more painful and tormented the heart is, and the higher the purity of the [coolie] accumulated. In addition, the more advanced and esoteric the knowledge involved in the learning content, the higher the quality of [coolies] gathered.

Under the light of [God of Learning Coolie Fu], you may not be able to make rapid progress, but as long as you study hard, you will be able to master [Coolie]. What is this 'coolie'? It is extraordinary power! It is the 'divine power' that can only be mastered by devout believers.

From another perspective, under the [Law of Coolie], the hard work really pays off. You may not become smarter, overcome difficulties, and acquire knowledge, but you have mastered "extraordinary power" from this behavior!

Just like a cultivator breathing out and cultivating, believing in 'coolie', you can not only acquire knowledge, but also complete the practice during the learning process and master extraordinary power. It is super cost-effective to meditate and study.

In addition to the most basic [coolie], if believers who believe in 'coolie' gain new knowledge and progress through serious study, the satisfaction brought by the harvest will condense another even more rare [ Sweet power], that is, [sweet taste].

This is also what [God of Learning. Kulifu] is most eager to see. Studying hard and getting rewards will bring sweetness and satisfaction to your heart.

[Coolie] only belongs to the majority of latent believers and ordinary believers; only believers who have reaped rewards from hard work and feel satisfied with their evolved souls are eligible to become the heavenly kingdom of [Fushen].

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