Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1206 A Scientifically Managed Yama!

When the three lolis chattered excitedly about how their "suffering gods" should divide their functions? Even the scumbag little Jack, who has always been anti-intellectual and anti-study, joined in with great interest, discussing how he can disrupt his sister's industry, and strive to be an excellent villain scumbag...

Fufu's tail arrow was ready to move, without the three of them noticing, it became longer and longer like a tape measure, twisting and twisting along the way, turning into a brave agent pig worm (immortal), avoiding all visual distractions Guang, moved in the blind spot of the card, and came to Lang's side.

Click! One sound.

The little arrow jumped in the air, nailed it on the father's forehead, and quietly informed, telling all the information that Fufu extracted from Feng Ying.

Paying attention to the development trend of Feng Ying's [Holding the head and squatting for defense] and studying Feng Ying's [Ability Bar] configuration have always been important reference indicators for Bailang to develop Fufu. Therefore, he never missed every round of Feng Ying's evolution.

It's a pity that until now, the two people's strengthening concepts of "holding the head and squatting to defend" have become more and more differentiated, and it can be said that they have gone their separate ways. However, there is still an inseparable fate, and there are bright spots that can be used for reference.

Fufu's [Baotou Township] has received new upgrades during this vacation, such as: 36 buildings 'Virtual Online Hope Primary School (Skull Private Server)'; the creation of [Teaching Hardship], the introduction of the Law of Hard Learning, [Wisdom of Creeping] 】Enlighten the ancestors of Xiaoyongren to step into the vigorous era of great practice.

While Fufu is growing steadily, Feng Ying is also steadily evolving. Langyuan calls her "holding her head and squatting in defense" as...

【Holding Hell】!

Comparing the two 'head-holding spaces', it can be seen that both are the 'core abilities' that the two have focused on developing and cultivating, and can be organically integrated with all other [ability columns] to complete complex linkages.

But there are also differences, and the style of painting is completely different.

Fufu's [Baotou Township] now focuses on the three major elements of [medicine (organ cultivation), fungi (variation breeding)] and the newly added [learning (hard education)].

The three elements stand together, divide the world into three parts and give birth to all things, evolving into a vibrant and colorful (black) fairy tale world. [Medical, food, knowledge] go hand in hand, each live up to each other.

Compared with Sha Erfu's vibrant and overly colorful warm tones [Baotou Township]; Feng Ying's [Baotou Hell] is moving towards the cool tones, cruel and dark 'underworld style' full of despair and death. And go, the throttle is welded dead and never look back.

Judging from the picture passed by the small arrow, Feng Ying's "Holding the Head Hell" is different from the chaotic spore world of Fufuna Buddha's sinful mushrooms that grow wantonly and are heavily polluted by colors; her "Holding the Head Space" is full of order and order , there is no imaginary 'hell scene', such as a desolate cemetery, and 'Pokémon Zombies' wandering aimlessly.

The core building of Feng Ying's [Holding Head Hell] is a [Book Mountain] formed by stacking countless test papers. In addition, there is a huge printing factory in the corner of [Holding Head Hell]. There are a large number of "Pokémon Zombies" in uniforms in the factory, and most of them are eliminated by the ability column [Pokémon Immortal]. The 'five big and small elves' are the main ones.

This group of walking corpses should have looked scary. They were originally in a semi-decomposed state, but after being refined, they were successfully frozen. There was no rancidity, and they would not bleed. for heavy mechanical work.

The horror of the undead in the dark and the underworld is swept away, but the characters hurt their kind and feel pity, revealing a different kind of pitiful + cuteness.

In the vast open space between the [Printing Factory] and the [Book (Title) Mountain], there are rows of neatly arranged shelves. Most of the shelves are empty, but on the shelves near the 'Book Mountain', there are thick stacks of printed test questions and test papers.

These shelves are unreasonably high, like skyscrapers, with countless layers. Let the whole world look neat and orderly, like an endless warehouse that repeats everywhere.

In such a world that makes obsessive-compulsive disorder want to like it, it is full of strong 'yin energy, death energy', but there are not many undead ghosts.

Even if there are, they are zombies who put on uniforms, drive forklifts and other mechanical equipment, and move goods between shelves. Under the alienation of industry, the fear brought by ghosts can no longer be felt, but such a world is full of depressing despair.

At the same time, endless howls and screams of pain echoed endlessly in the [Holding the Head Hell], like falling into an endless hell. The mystery lies in the 'examination papers' placed on the sky-high shelf.

It is not that there are no demons and ghosts in Feng Ying's "Holding the Head Hell", on the contrary, there are many. But unlike Fufu's extensive stocking, she has adopted a more scientific and efficient management model.

Seal each 'undead, ghost, zombie' in the private hell one-on-one into a 'test paper', and use the 'talisman knowledge' learned and mastered in the ability column [Taiyin Fulu] to write the content of each test question Refined into a 'chain of talismans', sealed and locked these ghosts, suppressed in the test paper, and refined into an independent [Picture of Hundred Ghosts at Night].

It looks like a vivid picture, a ferocious and terrifying ghost, in an independent examination room, bound and entangled by countless hook chains composed of mathematics, physics and transformation, pierced through the bones of the lute, pierced through the internal organs, Hooked on the brain, constantly pulled to the limit, torturing this ghost crazily, forcing it to answer questions continuously, otherwise it will suffer endless hell.

If you continue to look through these test papers, you will find that the mythical 'Eighteen Hells' are reappearing in the form of 'test questions' at this moment. For example, the mountain of knives formed by the knowledge of physics and mechanics, the sea of ​​fire formed by the reaction of chemical elements, and the instruments of torture created by combining the knowledge of biology, destroy the tortured ghosts over and over again.

In a thin test paper, it is an independent and complete small space. As the content of the test questions changes, the scenes of hell can be switched infinitely. You can not only experience the most realistic torture, but also enjoy the ultimate mental pain (the crazy feeling brought by doing the questions).

So a thin test paper squeezed out huge pain, resentment, despair, and madness for Feng Ying by repeatedly torturing the "ghost". And all these emotions and negative energies are the best materials for constructing the [Holding Head Hell], and they are also refining this [Taiyin Talisman] in reverse, and are also strengthening and enriching this [Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Picture].

Feng Ying used the "Taiyin Talisman (examination paper)" to seal disobedient ghosts, and tortured and flogged them with instruments of torture made from examination questions. She was suppressing, sealing, and domesticating wild ghosts, making them tame and obedient, and turning them into her own use.

The more powerful the ghost, the harder it is to suppress and tame it, and it is also necessary to frantically learn new and more advanced knowledge, and after a thorough understanding, refine it into the [Taiyin Talisman] system, gather stronger and more vicious 'talisman torture tools' to punish it Torture it, tame it!

This [Taiyin single-room talisman torture room] is also a kind of persecution to oneself. If you don't want to be backlashed by the evil spirits, you must force yourself to constantly absorb new knowledge, keep learning and improving, always be ahead of the evil spirits, and create a new prison that they will never be able to crack.

As long as it can't be broken, it can stud infinitely, create endless "Taiyin Talismans" and enslave endless ghosts to strengthen itself...until it collapses and retaliates.

This kind of courage to kill the prisoner by killing himself made the student tremble and dare not speak.

And the addition of 'ghosts' also invisibly strengthened the strength of the [talisman].

The process of torment also complies with the basic rules of [Holding the Head Hell]. It is to create a genuine 'hell', using punishment to punish evil spirits, and it fits Feng Ying's [Occupation column: Yan Luowang (the warden) )]!

The more prisoners there are, the more torture chambers (examination papers) there are, the more prosperous the [Holding Head Hell] is. The benign operation of this 'hell' has stimulated the operation of the [Occupation Column], allowing [Dayuan] to continuously absorb the pain of the prisoners , resentment, despair, repentance...

And the vivid pictures of "ghost suffering" are also refining the sub-pictures of "Hundred Ghosts at Night". In the end, as long as she randomly draws out 100 test papers, she can easily piece together a [Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night (Picture of Hundred Ghosts in the Great Howling Hell, Exam Suffering)], allowing her to achieve a small success in the [Wait Jin God Accomplishment Method]. Two hundred test papers were smashed in, and a strong 'hundred ghosts test field' was immediately set up.

Therefore, [Ability Column 4: Taiyin Talisman], [Ability Column 5: The Achievement of the God of Misfortune], and [Ability Column 1: Holding the head and squatting for defense] are perfectly linked to form a closed loop.

Not only that, Feng Ying's strengthened [Ability Column 2: Detaining the Spirit] can help her capture one favorite target (prey) after another, and then capture her soul, and make her body into a favorite 'zombie figure', Enclosed in the test paper; the soul is also refined into evil spirits, and sealed into the [Taiyin Talisman] to be modified by brushing questions and thoroughly domesticated.

Eat two melons, and provide 2 underworld energy for [Holding Hell].

And Feng Ying's [Ability Column 3: Pokémon Immortal] participated in it calmly, and it was even an important source of energy for [Holding Hell].

Because she is not a contractor after all, she has to go to school every day, and has no time or opportunity to contact a large number of prey for batch harvesting of [Juling Dispatch].

Therefore, the most important source of arms in [Holding Hell] is [Infinite Pokémon Immortal]. Throw the corpse into the [Holding Head Hell] factory, industrialize the production of small zombies, and then seal them into the [Taiyin Talisman (examination paper)]...waiting for the next round of cooling.

Fufu's "Baotou Township" seems to be full of vitality, with thousands of mushrooms blooming, and the little mushroom people are innocent and carefree. In fact, [Baotou Township] is limited in size, and its population will be limited by land, so it cannot grow explosively. The carrying capacity of the land is limited.

Look at [Holding the Head Hell] again, seal the ghosts into a thin test paper, and place them on shelves one by one through scientific statistical management.

The number of underworld troops stored on a single shelf has already exceeded the total population of [Baotou Township] at its peak state. And for such a shelf, I [Holding Hell]...infinite!

This is the "Feng's Ultimate Hell" of industrialized scientific management, the foundation of [Feng Yan Luo Wang Ying]'s enlightenment!

For this "hell" of cold, inhuman, industrialized scientific management, Fufu's newly developed [Law of Hard Learning] is simply a new energy source!

Feng Ying's ghosts have been tortured in [Taiyin Talisman (Single Grievance Chamber)], doing crazy questions and providing energy such as 'resentment, despair, hatred'; if we introduce the [Law of Hard Learning], we can gain an extra harvest on this basis. Approve [coolie]?

This is for nothing!

After all, there is no [law of hard study], and they have to passively accept the never-ending discipline and teaching of the "examination questions and torture instruments"; with the [law of hard study], they can earn more! super cost-effective.

Looking at Feng Ying's complete rules and regulations, comprehensive management model, everything is ready and only owed to the customer's "Holding the Head Hell", Bailang was silent.

It's so fucking cruel and desperate, it's simply the ultimate form of the 'underworld'. In contrast, Fufu's little fungus really lives in heaven. Even Little Jack's [Wudu Hot Pot City] no longer dares to call itself a gourmet hell, and it would be more appropriate to call it a gourmet city.

After reading the data of "Holding the Head Hell", Bailang is sure that Feng Ying can absorb nutrients from her best friend, so how can Fufu absorb the advantages from Fu Luoli? It becomes a wave problem.

Lang admired the scientific underworld management model of "Yan Luo Wang" very much, but it was obviously unrealistic to transplant the most essential "paper torture chamber (single-room examination room)" to [Baotou Township].

Feng Ying was able to seal a user (prisoner) in the 'paper (test paper)' in such an exaggerated manner, relying on the concerted efforts of multiple [ability columns].

Especially the talisman refining of [Taiyin Talisman], and the refining method of the 'Hundred Ghosts at Night' that comes with the newly acquired [Wojin God Accomplishment Method]. The foundation of her success as the God of Misfortune is to refine the recruited demons into a "Hundred Ghost Map".

The combination of the two naturally possesses the talent of "refining ghosts as picturesque" and then unified management. In contrast, Fufu at most imprisoned and imprisoned the souls of the small fungus in the [Skull Private Server (Virtual Primary School)] on a large scale, achieving unified management beyond volume.

But the problem is that even if the souls of the little fungus are contained, their bodies still exist, and they can't be compressed from three-dimensional to two-dimensional storage like Feng Ying's to achieve dimensionality reduction.

This wave of squatting together, I am afraid that Feng Ying will win, Xiao Fufu will at most open her eyes and learn from advanced underworld management techniques. But to Feng Ying, ghosts are toys and can be tormented at will; to Fufu, the little fungus is a family member, partner, and subject, and must be cultivated carefully.

On the contrary, Little Jack was overwhelmed by the orderly and never-ending endless problem-solving hell of [Holding the Head Hell], and looked at Feng Ying with fear that he didn't realize.

This is the natural fear that the scumbags unconsciously have when they face the god of learning.

The three Lolitas played around, and after confirming their positions in [Brave Education], they also completed the arrangement of the 'Three Patriarchs of Encouraging Learning'.

Positive and inspirational version: In the past, I was a scumbag like Jack, but now I am inspired by Fufu to study hard. In the future, after I have made some achievements, I will not forget my original intention and keep my mission in mind. I will keep learning and make progress.

Understand it in reverse: if you violate the doctrine of [hard education], do not study hard and make trouble everywhere, incarnate as a "stupid scumbag" to confuse others to give up studying; even if you are forced to study hard, there will be no progress, and you will not be able to learn, setting a vicious example; Then in the future, you will definitely fall into the [Hell of Holding Your Head], enjoy the pain of endless brushing hell, never have a peaceful day, and be swept up to death by the 'King of Yama'!

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