Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1020: Back to reality

‘Fantianyin’ got it, Xin Han smiled with pride, and even ‘Cornucopia’ and ‘Fantianyin” were put into the space together.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and the palm master was cut in half. After the body fell to the ground, a slap-sized brocade pocket fell from his waist.

He stretched out his hand, and the brocade pocket flew into his hand, and felt it. It was exactly what he thought. There was a dry kun inside, it was a dry kun bag!

Yan Chixia licked her face and leaned over and smiled, "Brother Xin, I got something good again. Look at me, my brother, the poor will die"

Xin Han quietly put away the dry-kun bag, which seemed to be a non-smile: "Okay, what I got today, you can choose whatever you want, just to have this heaven and earth, but you have to take your Xuanyuan God Sword to change! "

"When I didn't say it!" Yan Chixia's complexion instantly became tangled and miserable, how could he be a humane holy weapon.

Zhiqiu Yiye asked Xin Han: "Brother Xin, are you a fairy?"

Xin Han raised his eyebrows and sighed with pride: "More than that, he had a fight with Avalokitesvara a few days ago. If it wasn't for this shot, maybe I won!"

Yan Chixia pulled Zhiqiu away and said, "Go and go, this is crazy!"

The Kunlun faction was wiped out by Xin Han, and all the enemies were killed. The remaining abolished the true mana, erased the memory about Kunlun, and expelled them down the mountain.

Kunlun's collection of Taoist scriptures, all kinds of magic weapons are plundered, of course, because of the reasons of the end of the Fa era, there are no fine works.

Xin Han originally wanted to recruit Zhiqiu Yiye, but because of his master's reason, the other party was disheartened and planned to be an ordinary person, start a family, and give up the fairy road.

Although Yan Chixia and Xin Han felt sorry for him, Xiuxian was particular about fate and perseverance. Once he lost his enthusiasm for courage and diligence, he would never succeed. Since the other party chose to be an ordinary person, he was reluctant. There will be no good results, and there will be no fame.

Xin Han gave Zhiqiu a lot of gold, and he went with him.

When Zhiqiu Yiye walked down Kunlun, he didn't look back, and cut off the past, all the past was regarded as a big dream!

Being betrayed by his master, he was really sad.

Xin Han also took Yan Chixia and Hou Tuqi, as well as her pets, to leave the world of Qian Nu and came to Dishazhu.

When he came in this time, he was a little surprised to find that the world in this place is slowly expanding!

Around the raccoon city, a large area of ​​new land appeared, which is the credit to the 'Halliluya Mountain', because this mountain has a huge dragon vein, so it will produce a huge aura every moment, used to Expand this small world.

Xin Han's heart moved, maybe in the future, "Daizhuzhu" can really become an independent world!

Looking at the huge Hallelujah Mountain floating under the sky, everyone rubbed their eyes hard. Doomed fate

Xin Han told Yan Yuan that this is the world ruled by Mingzun, just like the 'Buddha Kingdom'. This group of Mingjiao believers immediately believed and bowed to him endlessly.

Although Yan Chixia did not believe Xin Han's remarks, but after discovering that there was a dragon vein of the same level as the Kunlun ancestor dragon in the mountain, he believed, otherwise this world, where is it comparable to that of Kyushu Dragon veins!

Yan Chixia proposed to practice here, and Xin Han nodded his agreement, but explained some things, such as zombies will appear in the town below at night, and like here he punished three betrayals himself, and there is also a grudge in the river Fish demon.

In addition, Xin Han took out more than a dozen suspended peaks and distributed them in various parts of the world. On these peaks, some palaces and pavilions must be built. Do it for Yan Chixia.

Some of the materials needed for construction and life are in Xinhan's void space. Many of them are directly taken out and placed on Hallelujah Mountain for backup, and they are instructed to continue their cultivation here. This is the only way to return to the world of Yitian.

In the world of "Yi Tian", "Lu Ding", "Avengers World" and "Sculpture", they all accompanied their wives for a few days, and then Xin Han left again and returned to the real world.

It was two years since he left. When he left last time, he messed up the world situation and scorched the government of the United States.

This time when he came back, he did not hide as before, but appeared directly on the streets of New York.

Although Xin Han appeared suddenly, no one noticed him. Anyone who saw him automatically ignored his existence.

Of course, Xin Han did not perform any stealth techniques, but he kept a state of mind and state that blended with nature all the time, and he was in harmony with the surrounding environment at all times. When he saw it, he thought he had been there for a long time. I didn't notice anything wrong.

As for the cameras that photographed him, when he took out the number four, the pictures that were taken by him were processed by the number four.

Xin Han checked the major events in the real world on the 4th, and couldn't help but pick out the corners. It turned out that the owl of the Aoba donkey's goods was lost because of the things he did last time. The presidential throne is a famous real estate tycoon in New York.

Speaking of this, Xin Han really knows, because his daughter is a famous supermodel, and is friends with Scarlett and Nata.

Xin Han is not very optimistic about this president. When he did not run for president, he always loved to talk about things like how hawkish and radical he is.

You did n’t see that you blew up the Wa Kingdom, so you did n’t see you hitting the wall with your head.

Holding the number four, Xin Han dialed a set of numbers, which was the number of his best brother ‘Dong Fei’ at school (Dong Fei, see Chapter 341 for details).

"Hello, which one?" The phone rang twice, and a familiar and friendly voice came across. Rejoice the enemy: the demon husband catches up

Xin Han lowered his voice: "Hey, are you Dong Fei?"

"It's me, may I ask you?"

Xin Han smiled on his face and continued to say in a low voice: "I was from the Xiangyang Road Police Station. Your case was committed. It was you who assisted the investigation yourself, or did we go to ask you!"

There was silence for a while, and after a while, Dong Fei tentatively asked, "Is it Ayu?"

Xin Han's cold word was created by himself. Before the name change, it was called Xin Yu.

He heard Dong Fei guessing himself and couldn't help but stunned. "I said Feizi, how did you hear me?"

Dong Fei's surprised laugh came over there: "Really A Yu!"

He was pleasantly surprised for a while before saying: "Except for your boy who has no news for two years, who knows me, who doesn't know that I've been in Beijing for an internship, please, it's been two years now. Do you think it was the same as before? I deceived me so hard. I went to the police station and the police uncle to explain that I was a good person. Finally, I couldn't laugh at the police uncle. Have you forgotten all this? "

Xin Han remembered this. He used to play so once when he was in high school. Later, he was persuaded and educated by the police uncle. He couldn't help laughing.

After both of them laughed enough, Dong Fei asked over there, "Where are you Ayu? We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Xin Han remembered the fun stories of his brothers in the past and smiled: "I'm in New York and I will go back to China in a few days, and I'm just going to work in Beijing. I'll call you when the time comes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of Ui Ho coming from the microphone. It seemed that someone had yelled at Dong Fei aloud and asked if he wanted to do it.

Dong Fei quickly responded to a few sentences ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and quickly said to Xin Han: "I'm still at work, remember to call me when you come back, let's meet and talk!"

When Xin Han said "OK", he hung up the phone.

Xin Han looked at the network time on the 4th and it was now nine o'clock in New York time. The opposite side was supposed to be at ten o'clock in Beijing time. This time, Dong Fei is still working overtime.

He shook his head, not thinking about it. After all, everyone has their own life.

Xin Han also called Su Fat and Lin Xiu who went out of the main space. The two men were mixed up. Hearing that the boss was back, he could not help but flew to New York soon, but he refused and said Go back in a few days, and naturally go to them.

Fatty and Lin Xiu both knew Xin Han's ability and ability, so he gave up the idea of ​​flying to New York.

Xin Han went to visit some of his father-in-laws first, and then booked a flight ticket to return to China three days later. Of course, he could teleport back, but this time he just wanted to enjoy the life of ordinary people, the first step Just start traveling! (...)

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