Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1021: Episode on the plane

Xin Han strolled around in New York for a few days, another big purchase, and by the way, he watched an nba before he boarded the plane back home.

The person he loves to enjoy is of course not going to squeeze the ordinary cabin. If the crowd is crowded, he will not be able to enjoy the pleasure of traveling at all. However, when booking the first class, he has sold out, so he has to buy a business class.

Xin Han's position is next to the machine window, and there is a seat beside him. There is no one to sit yet. He sits directly on his seat and looks out the window, thinking of the scene yesterday nba ball game feels depressed.

In the nba league, there are no helpers, answers, Tracy McGrady and Black Barman. His pseudo-fan who only looks at his favorite players does not know who to watch.

After the depression, thoughts returned to the Kunlun trip in the world of Chinese ladies. Not only did they get the seal, they also got the Kun Kun bag taught by Kunlun.

There are not only a lot of elixir and ganoderma, but also three extremely precious Taoist books.

Among these three Taoist books, one is Yuqing's "Refining Auspicious Judgment" which records various refining techniques and recipes, such as the refining method of Tianyin, which is recorded in it. The second piece is incomplete.

The other is "Kunlun Immortal Technique" which records various spells and spells under the Yuqing Gate, what is the most practical thing, and what is needed by Xin Han now.

The third one is indeed Kunlun's cultivation method, but he can't use it anymore. After reading it for reference, he put it in the void space.

Recalling the content of the "Refining Auscultation" in his mind, he intends to re-finish all his magic weapons after his vacation, and use the Yuqing method to definitely improve the quality and power of the magic weapon.

At this moment, I felt someone sitting down next to me. Xin Han turned his head and looked at it. It was a young woman with sunglasses. Although she could n’t see her looks because of sunglasses, It should be a good-looking beauty, also very temperamental.

Xin Han nodded politely, the other party's arrogant no response, as if not seeing it.

He didn't care too. For him now, nodding just now, it's just polite. Even if the other party is beautiful, can he be more beautiful than his wife?

Soon after, the plane left the ground, flew into the sky, Xin Han looked back, and began to use the onboard entertainment system to find out that he was not in these two years. The new movies in the real world were browsed, and he planned to choose a few good ones to spend this A short air journey.

But at this time, a sturdy man in a dark suit came to Xin Han and said in English: "This gentleman, if you sit over there, you will get a thousand kilometers of gold!"

Xin Han didn't mind changing it, but the person's seat was not next to the window, the view was not good, and the person said to give money, but the attitude was condescending and arrogant, like alms. Whoever is the same makes him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Get off!" Xin Han is too lazy to care about this kind of self-feeling person. His attention is still focused on the selection of movies. A faint Chinese verb is enough to show his attitude. Ghost Girl's Underworld Recruitment

"What are you talking about?" The man seemed unable to believe his ears, and the woman next to him turned her head, looking at Xin Han in amazement and disgust.

Xin Han was browsing a film's introduction at the moment, and said impatiently: "I said you didn't hear it?" This is Huaxia, so this time the man couldn't believe it and heard it clearly. He was.


Although Xin Han didn't turn his head, he could feel that the man was about to start clenching his fists, but was stopped by the woman on the side, stopped by his hand, took off his sunglasses, glared at the other person, and smiled in his heart. together.

He thought so, and then went to watch the film introduction.

The man was glared at by the woman, and her expression immediately stiffened, then nodded cautiously, put her voice down, and said the same in Chinese:

"This gentleman, I was a little anxious just now. This is Miss Fang Xiaoting. As long as you agree to change positions, you can come back and have a photo signed by Miss Fang with you. What do you think?"

To tell the truth, Xin Han was attracted by a film introduction at this time. It was Marvel ’s new film "Dr. Strange" because it was also in the Marvel world. He guessed that this character might appear in the Avengers world in the future, so when watching the introduction Take extra care.

Because of this, he didn't listen to what he said to the man. He only heard a half-knowledge and asked casually, "Where is the lady?"

Xin Han also felt a little ambiguous when saying this, but he was too lazy to explain, and said wrongly: "I'm sorry, I'm a serious person, don't miss it!"

At this time, Fang Xiaoting sitting next to him had a sullen face, so he couldn't breathe out.

She is the most popular singer in the past two years, and she is still the kind of film and television song Sanqi development. The popularity is so high that even the United States has her fans.

This time she came to New York to record her latest album. When she returned, she was told that there was no first class. Because of the schedule, she had to rush back to China immediately, so she had no other choice but to retreat and buy a business. Ticket.

However, she has a habit of flying, that is, she must sit on the side of the window. Otherwise, she will be distracted if she ca n’t see the outside. In medical terms, this is a kind of "small space phobia".

In addition, she doesn't like to sit with strangers. She is usually surrounded by her agent and bodyguard, the man who just talked to Xin Han.

However, because there was almost no time left when booking the ticket, so the window and the adjacent seat were not set, so there is now the matter of requesting a seat change.

At this point, the agent and bodyguard were already so angry that they wanted to get started, but considering being on the plane, they endured a breath and threatened in a low voice:

Li Meng

"Boy, do n’t shame your face, look at the clothes you wear, you know that you are a poor commodity, there are many people in this world that you ca n’t afford, get acquainted, hurry up, otherwise I will interrupt you leg?"

Xin Han's clothes are his 'Zhenjin Xuanhuang Robe', and his style changes on his own. Because of the pursuit of comfort, he turned the robe into a white sportswear, which looks very comfortable, but does not appear to be Expensive.

In addition, Xin Han is taking a business warehouse. In the view of this agent, he is at most a middle class, so the other party will say so.

Xin Han suddenly reached out and shouted to the flight attendant of the United States: "Someone here is harassing me!"

He shouted loudly, and besides the stewardess, other passengers also turned their heads and focused their eyes here.

Fang Xiaoting saw other passengers looking over, afraid of being recognized, he quickly brought the sunglasses back and stared at Xin Han fiercely through the sunglasses.

The stewardess hurried over to the agent and bodyguard and said, "Sir, please sit back in your seat and don't harass other passengers!"

The man didn't expect Xin Han to yell suddenly, and turned to explain to the stewardess: "I'm just talking about changing seats with him!"

Faced with the look of the stewardess, Xin Han directly said: "I don't agree to change seats, please take him away, and give me a coffee by the way, thank you!"

"Good sir!" The stewardess first smiled at Xin Han, and then said to Fang Xiaoting's agent: "This gentleman does not agree to change seats, so please take him back to his place!"

After the flight attendant came over, several of them answered in English. The agent saw that he could not do anything, and was annoyed and angry. He suddenly scolded Xin Hua in Chinese:

"You're desperate, you are waiting to get off the plane, if I were you, I would jump off the plane in advance!"

"You do this, does your mother know?" With Xin Han's question ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the agent is also a dumb b.

But Xin Han didn't give him a chance to chatter, and said to the stewardess's booth: "Look, this person is harassing me again, please trouble him to stay away!"

The stewardess immediately said seriously to the agent: "Sir, please sit back to your place immediately!"

Seeing the flight attendant's poor tone, the agent was afraid of expanding influence, and then he scolded away.

When Xin Han sat down, there was a evil smile on his face. This thing would not end like this. If he wanted to kill the man, he would get it done with just one thought, but he did n’t want to do that. He would use ordinary people for this matter. Solution!

Just now that he had recorded the incident with No. 4, Xin Han sat down and used No. 4 to search and immediately knew the identity of Fang Xiaoting and the agent.

Then directly transfer the video just to a top-ranked video site in China, with the title "Fang Xiaoting's Real Face"! (...)

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