Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1382: Heavenly Gift Pack

In the chaotic longevity palace of the wild world, Xin Han deity is using Ruyi God's eyes to project the evil thoughts in the world of 'Charlotte's troubles' and project them to watch with his wives.

Among his many wives, Serena's status is of esteem, and the other women are of any size. Although the iron fan is a saint's respect, he can only surrender to Serena.

Of course, this was originally a long-established and recognized thing within the Xin family. Even after the iron fan became sanctified, there was no dissatisfaction. Moreover, Serena was kind-hearted and innocent and romantic. So all the girls are convinced by her.

This time Xin Han sees evil in other worlds, it is interesting to call the women and watch them as movies.

At the beginning, the evil thoughts acted hard just after awakening, so that the daughters looked at the bosom, and the flowers and branches that laughed were trembling. The strange women such as Huang Rong, Zhao Min, Wan Wan and other temperament elves could not laugh, saying that this evil thought is the Lord ’s. The style of the wind is similar to that of your own family.

Iron Fan smiled and said: "Evil thought is the manifestation of Xiang Gong's obsession. Naturally, it is very similar in some respects, even exactly the same, it is also a matter of reason!"

All the girls nodded, and there was also the existence of corpse-cutting among them. They naturally understood the truth, but when they remembered that they were pulled by their father-in-law to do the shameful thing, they were all blushing and looking at each other with conscience. It turned out that all the sisters who had chopped corpses were like this, and they became even more embarrassed.

Cultivation has no years. At this time, all the women are living together with the world, the realm of the sun and the moon, and there is no concept of time. There is no effect at all in 1980.

The girls looked at the pictures shown by Ruyi God's eyes. It looked more than half a year. For them, it was only a snap of their moments. They drank some fairy wine, used some precious treasures, and watched the actions of Xianggong's evil thoughts, not to mention much.

When they saw the funny act of evil thoughts, they couldn't laugh, and when they saw Qiuya serving food to evil thoughts, they pretended to eat and called Xianggong to coax.

But such joyful things, when the evil thoughts reached the monkey country, they came to an abrupt end. I saw that the evil thoughts in the picture did nothing to worry about, and even took the indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Very uncomfortable to meet.

Xin Han looked at the picture displayed by Ruyi God's eyes, frowning, not knowing what to think, and the joyful women were all silent at this time. While looking at the evil thought picture, they looked at their parents from time to time worriedly.

Xin Han was also full of contradictions in his heart at this time. He also did killings. He had sunk several Japanese islands in the world. The number of Japanese killed was billions, but that was only when the dragon veins were extracted, or when the moves were enlarged. some.

Just like this kind of face-to-face, regardless of the age of men, women and children, without blinking the eyes, it is really unprecedented to kill with a gun.

This intuitive killing, even if Xin Hanxiu has reached the quasi-saint realm, will inevitably have some impact on him.

In fact, this is an inevitable thing. Other people's practice is to find ways to grind away their nature in order to achieve the purpose of finally cutting themselves out.

After cutting out self and reintegrating, everything is indifferent. Even if this kind of thing is placed in front of them, they only have merit or karma in their eyes, but they are not as uncomfortable as Xin Han.

Xin Han justified his strength and retained himself, so under such an intuitive impact, he would feel uncomfortable.

The iron fan is already a saint of heaven, and her father-in-law's state at this time naturally can't hide her, she said: "Xiang Gong, but feel uncomfortable with evil thoughts."

Xin Han did not deny: "Even if evil thoughts directly destroy this country, I will not have this feeling, just ..."

The iron fan nodded to signal that she understood, she exhorted:

"When I look at the people in this country, everyone's karma is entangled, even those women and children who are not evil, it is like the people of the Japanese nation, the ancestors are very evil, and the children are affected. You do n’t have to care too much about Xianggong! "

Xin Han nodded his head, why didn't he know it, but there was one more thing he worried about, turning his head to the iron fan:

"This reincarnation rebirth was originally taught to me by my teacher to complete my heart. Now this evil thought is so close to the magic path. I am afraid that after the return of the tenth, the heart will not be reconciled and other things will happen ... .. "

While he was talking, the bad thoughts in the picture, I do n’t know where he got a jeep, and he moved Gatling to a window, and hurriedly walked on the street. Wherever he passed, he yelled at the monkey. The language, or the appearance of Europeans and Americans, are all called horse honeycombs.

Coupled with the virtuous value of evil thoughts, through the dream magical power system, various bombs were produced, and the fun was fun. The entire Batavia urban area was in a panic.

The iron fan is a sage of heaven and earth. At present, the vision is naturally more than that of his family, and he immediately laughs:

"Xianggong thinks too much, the good one is good, and the evil one is evil. Heaven is the way, evil thoughts are reincarnated in other worlds. Without the balance of good thoughts and without the constraints of Xianggong's self-intention, he will naturally follow his nature and do pure evil. This is a common sense in itself, but it does not affect the temperament, but it is extremely beneficial! "

Xin Han couldn't help crying and laughing: "In this way, it's just indiscriminate killing and doing evil things, not only does it not hurt the mind, but it also has benefits. Where can I justify it!"

He really got angry for the monkey country, but he can only complain that the ancestors of the monkey country do not have virtue, owe too much blood debt, and the accumulated karma is too deep. Otherwise, where is the scourge of today, use the bald head Bian's argument is that good and evil cause and effect, and revenge is unhappy.

At this time, Xin Han deity is also fortunate that he left behind the evil thoughts and spirits. Without his own fictional system of merit, it is not necessarily that evil thoughts will embark on the path of destroying the universe.


In the world of 'Charlotte's troubles', Monkey Country, Xin Han has successfully created chaos since he blew up the first police station and then wiped out the monkey country soldiers who came to aid.

At this time, the streets were in chaos, and the people who came out for a walk in the evening looked like frightened birds and fled everywhere.

Xin Han swaggered out of the apartment and shot the civilians in flight with a pistol. Of course, he was also selective. Those who looked like monkeys would never let go, and those who could not distinguish were temporarily spared. Life.

However, because of this, he was a little unhappy, so even some foreigners and foreigners were killed by him one by one.

I found a jeep on the side of the road, equipped with a key with the supernatural power, and drove straight to the next place marked on the map.

Driving along the way, many military vehicles and police vehicles along the way were galloping towards the area where the accident occurred, and no one noticed him at all.

At the destination, it is also a police station ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But at this time most of the police force has already been sent to the streets to patrol. Xin Han believes that they may have rushed to the police station where the accident occurred.

So after he got out of the car, he swaggered into the police station. Sure enough, there were not many policemen in the police station. The sound of the phone bells everywhere. A busy policeman looked up and asked him a few words, but they were all monkey language. , He simply couldn't understand.

Xin Han smiled and said in English: "I'm here to collect protection fees, you should pay!"

"..." Xin Han said very loudly. After that, the monkey policeman who was still in the police station raised his head and looked at this with surprise.

A policeman who appeared to be the leader said in English: "Are you mentally ill? Hurry up and shut you up if you don't leave!"

Xin Han raised his eyebrows: "Answer wrong!" An AK47 appeared in his hand.

Two minutes later, Xin Han walked out of the police station, and there was already a fire behind him.

Driving again to the next goal, this time he simply put Gatlin on the window, and the spitting tongue of fire continued to slaughter the monkey country people on the street.

Later, when there were few pedestrians on the street, they were basically affected by gunshots and explosions and hid, which made Xin Han boring for a while.

Suddenly, a dozen-story high-rise building on the street caught Xin Han's attention, and he could not help but stepped on the brakes.

This tall building was not marked on his map. It was surrounded by walls and the courtyard covered a lot of land. The reason why he attracted attention was that there were guards in front of the courtyard gate, and monkey language, English language and Japanese language were hung beside the gate 'S brand, a closer look at the English language, turned out to be the Japanese consulate in' Batavia '.

Xin Han froze for a while, is this a heavenly spree?

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