Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1383: Spicy eyes, spicy eyes

(Declare that what I wrote recently is all about the "Charlotte" movie world. The parallel space has nothing to do with reality, so please bypass the beast!)

In order to show his politeness, Xin Han first took out the "Introduction to Japanese Language" in his pocket and studied it for a while, found the good words for the evening, and drove the car to the door of the Japanese consulate: "こ ん ば ん は!"

One of the two guards in front of the door came forward to salute him, and then began to ask Xin Han what was happening in Japanese, and explained that the office hours had passed by now. If there is no urgent matter, you can come back tomorrow .

What they said was very detailed, but Xinhan could n’t understand anything, and it was very big. He said in English immediately: "For a Japanese beginner, do you say you can die slowly, I will tell you now, say Almost dead! "

After that, he directly took out his pistol and fired two shots, killing the Japanese guard directly.

Xin Han pouted: "The price of bullying beginners is not big, surprise is not a surprise!"

The other soldier reacted much faster than the monkey soldier. Although the incident happened suddenly, he quickly sobered from the shock. When his comrades fell, he had made a gun action, but how could Xinxin Han give him a counterattack. The opportunity is another two headshots directly.

The Consul General of Japan in the Monkey Country was talking on the phone in his study, with some severe expressions, he repeatedly yelled a few words, and then put down the phone heavily.

The bearded military officer at a consulate next to him asked, "I don't know what it is, so I made the consul so angry!"

The leader said a few words of "Ba Ga" before saying: "Are these monkeys stupid pigs? They actually said that the attack on the airport today might have been done by the Japanese, did they not know that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had long since Remind our expatriates not to come to Monkey Country for the time being, they are really a group of stupid pigs! "

The bearded military officer also angrily said: "I didn't expect the monkey to dare to call you to question you, it's **** it!"

Just then there were several gunshots outside the consulate, and the consul general lit a cigarette for himself with a smile on his mouth:

"Has the riot started yet, this time the Chinese people are out of luck again, it is really a happy thing, Xiaojun, you must pay attention to the riot and ensure the safety of our nationals."

"Hi!" Said Xiaojun Jun, standing up and bowing.

The consul general in his fifties nodded with satisfaction: "Little Dog Jun, just keep this posture and turn to lie on the wall, let's celebrate!"

The little dog kept this posture, turned around, and unbuttoned the belt silently.

"The temptation of military uniforms, Yoxi!"

When the chief turned on the TV and the VCR, a picture of two muscular Western men entangled immediately appeared on the screen. The consul general put a heavy headset on himself and the dog, respectively, and adjusted the sound to the maximum.

Then he took off his clothes quickly, his face flushed and gasped, and the next moment, two violent gasps like male dogs sounded in the study.

As the Consul General rushed towards the little dog madly, the gunfire outside turned sporadically.

Xin Han shot and killed two guards, and immediately attracted the attention of the embassy guards. Someone immediately came out to check the situation, but was killed by him who had already got off the vehicle and walked inside.

The Scriptures of the Security Office of the Japanese Embassy have seen from the monitoring that someone was killed with a weapon and immediately pressed the alarm, and the alarm sounded throughout the embassy in an instant.

The Japanese side attaches great importance to the safety of the consulate, that is, the small country such as the Monkey Country, which has two elite protection teams of the Self-Defense Forces in the consulate general.

But when they quickly took out their weapons and prepared to rush out, the gate of the consulate was covered by endless bullet rain.

After killing a few people, Xin Han knew that the Japanese guards at the consulate must have reacted, so he took out Gatling directly and ran towards the main entrance of the consular building quickly. His fingers were not released on the trigger. .

Fortunately, the system has reduced the weight of the firearms. Otherwise, he walked with this thing, not to mention the rapid movement.

The reason why he moves so fast is mainly to avoid the snipers that may appear in high places.

When he rushed to the main entrance of the consulate building, the entire hall was already in disarray. There were wreckage of the consular guards everywhere. Some of the dead guards were also incomplete. They were all Gatling, and the thousands of bullets raged. result.

Xin Han walked into the hall, no matter if no one was sweeping again, he broke through a wall in front.

In order to prevent himself from being shot cold, he used the dream system to redeem a single-eye thermal imaging glasses. This thing he saw on TV before rebirth, but high-tech equipment of special forces.

After Xin Han took it, it turned out that behind the walls all found hot light sources, some of them were hiding embassy staff, and some of them showed the appearance of carrying some objects. At first glance, they held the gun to ambush his consulate self-defense force. soldier.

"I can see it so far, and the products produced by the system are all fine!"

"The big sword cut off the devils' heads ..." Xin Han sang with a grin on his face, and sang for the next moment. His thunderous tongue of fire utterly covered up his singing.

Xin Han carried Gatlin and fired from a distance across the wall. The ghosts hiding behind the wall, behind the cabinet, and hiding in a room were all inexplicably killed by bullets through the wall.

Xin Han's mouth, in the dense gunshots, seemed to be opening and closing silently, singing the silent notes like a prelude to harvesting souls, constantly harvesting the lives of devils.

He went up layer by layer. After three months of training and five kilometers of training every day, he finally surpassed the physical fitness of ordinary people. He has been killed to the top floor, and he has killed all the people who were shown by thermal imaging.

At this time, on the top floor, only the two remaining red shadows were doing regular but rhythmic movements in his thermal imaging glasses.

This has aroused Xin Han's evil interest. Can we see the live performances of the beautiful Japanese women?

At this moment, faces such as Muto orchid, *, Ozawa round, Maria Ozawa, Hatano Yui, Takizawa Lola and so on flashed in Xin Han's mind.

The next moment Xin Han waved away the scene in his head and said angrily: "Who are these old women, none of them know!" Then he kicked the door of the room in front of him and walked in.

Inside is a suite, with a living room, bedroom, and a large place, but the red image came from the innermost room.

Xin Han strode over, full of excitement, kicked the door open with one foot, and walked in with a gun on: "Yu Xi ..." Before he finished, the scene before him let him There was a nausea in it, it was disgusting, too spicy.

"Baga!" When the consul saw someone rushing in with a gun, he was suddenly shocked. After removing the headphones, he heard the other person saying a Japanese word. He was so angry that he didn't even mention his pants. Cold face.

Xin Han kicked directly on the Consul General ’s chest and kicked him back a few steps ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ sat on the ground: "Nima is far away from me and still has **** on it, can't be buried!"

The military officer had to draw a gun with his legs crossed. Xin Han did n’t use Gatling, but took out the pistol with one hand. When he raised his hand, he was hitting the cargo arm with a gun. He suddenly screamed and fell to the ground. The gun also fell to the ground.

The Consul General's eyes glanced at the gun, Xin Han said in English: "Take it, see if your hand is fast or my bullet is fast!"

"Who the **** are you, what do you want, I have money, a lot of money, as long as you don't hurt me, anything can be given to you!" The Consul General seemed to have reacted and could rush here with a gun. It must have been a big deal. Too.

Xin Han's eyes lit up: "Come on, please sit down, if you have money, you can say, whoever you are, just sit there!"

The two devils sat on the sofa beside him at gunpoint, but as soon as the military officer sat down, he stood up in pain again.

Xin Han glanced down: "I went, and I got the **** out. It was so cruel. Do you have a hemorrhoid?"

When he spoke, the muzzle did not leave the two of them. As long as the other party moved, the trigger would be pulled as soon as possible.

The Consul General asked again: "Dare to ask what purpose you have!"

At this time, the sound of a police siren was heard outside, and the phone in the study rang. Xin Han didn't care about the phone, opened the curtain a little gap, and looking down from the window, a military vehicle and a police vehicle had surrounded the embassy , He said heartily that this time it seemed a bit big.

But at this moment, there was no fear in his heart at all, all excited.

Turning his head to see the Consul General and the military officer's face showing a little bit of joy, Xin Han took out his map from his pocket and placed it in front of the two: "Come and circle the US consulate!"

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