Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1482: 2 words, robbery!

At the northern end of the Holy Paradise town, on the edge of the jungle, the teams of the ten major academies waited at ten locations ten miles apart. The mayor of Holy Paradise lit the huge magic torch used to send signals on the side of the temple.

At the next moment, a golden beam of light straightened into the sky. The beauty of this golden beam of light was that after reaching a certain height, it created a beautiful arc in the sky and rushed towards the holy mountain thousands of miles away.

Xin Han, as the leader of the five, saw the beam of light and said to the others: "Let's go, the hunting begins!"

At the same time, the teams of the other nine colleges also entered the jungle at the same time.

However, the deans and entourages of the ten major colleges followed the bluestone paving in the center of the town directly to the pilgrimage road at the foot of the holy mountain and stepped through the deep forest step by step. They will arrive at the foot of the holy mountain in advance and wait for the first stage of the race The final result.

Ten teams, although the closest to each other's entry point is ten miles away, the farthest team is ninety miles apart, but their destination is one, so the more they are destined to go back, the more they will be away from each other. Nearly, an inevitable collision will occur.

But Xin Han ca n’t wait that long and said to Sadai: "I want something you got, did you get it?’

Sadai chuckled and said: "Come on, boss, how dare I not get the things you explained!"

Said that he took out a lot of towels, and marked the towel owner's name on the towel.

It turned out that this was Sa'an who bought the hotel's waiter, asked him to collect all the towels used by the ten college participants, and marked the name of the person who used the towel. Then he paid the price of one gold coin for each towel. Acquired there.

For such a good thing, the waitress will not refuse, so just before departure today, Sai received so many towels.

Xin Han asked Sadai to get this thing, in order to determine where the enemy is. Of course, as far as his thoughts are concerned, as long as an idea, he has mastered it for millions of miles, but his mental strength is too amazing. Once it is used, if there is a level of the Lord God nearby, it will inevitably be noticed, thus causing unnecessary trouble.

He was only one step away from becoming a god. After entering the Holy Land, he planned to condense his Godhead in it. Therefore, at this time, he did n’t want to grow outside, and hiding strength was the best choice.

Xin Han flipped through the towels, found a towel marked ‘Thunder Thrall’ and gave it to Erha. The dog immediately turned his head in a direction and snarled softly.

"Let's go, let's go to give a vote to sacrifice a flag!" Xin Han let Erha lead the way, adding a ‘surge’ to everyone, and then quickly heading in that direction.

The teams of other colleges are moving carefully after entering the jungle. They did not immediately start working on the other teams, because as they approached the holy mountain, the distance between the ten teams will also be closer to each other. They didn't expect that a player who likes "quick push" has already started to act.

The 'Star Academy' team is away from Xin Han's goal. The 'Thunder Academy' team is thirty miles away, with the 'Endless Dark Academy' team and the 'Poseidon Academy team' separated by a distance.

Among the five members of the Xinhan Squad, Saba and Rebecca are swordsmen who practice temperament. The long-distance attack is not difficult for the two of them. Tia wears a Xinhan to create magic pattern equipment and runs up the wind. The demon pattern runs with it, and there are natural runes to supplement physical strength, even if you run for a year without getting tired.

Only Stein was out of luck. Although he was a senior mage and was blessed with wind blasts, he couldn't get enough of it when he ran out of five miles. Fortunately, Xin Han set him up and continued to run at a constant speed.

'Infinite Darkness Academy' is an academy established in the region under the belief of 'Dark Lord Francis'. Among the students, the students fit according to their own elements. Although there are also other magicians, most students choose to learn dark magic. Or undead magic.

Is similar to the ‘Death Abyss Academy’. They believe in the ‘Death Goddess Melody’. Most of the students also practice undead, dark magic and fighting spirit.

At this time, the team of "Endless Dark Academy" had just traveled a distance of four or five miles. Suddenly, the captain of the undead magistrate "Mur" shouted, "Alert!"

In the next moment, the three dark swordsmen in the team all pulled out their two-handed swords, and a fierce fighting broke out, while another dark mage and Moore simultaneously performed the 'skeletal summoning' technique, and dozens of skeleton soldiers came out of the darkness. , When they guard their master.

Just in the ‘Endless Dark’ squad, a defensive posture, a dirt dog ran out of the jungle on the left and disappeared into the bush on the right.

Then the five figures ran out of the trees on the left, and after glancing at them, they quickly followed the dog.

The face of a senior swordsman who practiced dark grudges was dumbfounded: "Look right, are the people in the Starry Sky Academy going to abandon themselves? Not going to the holy mountain but chasing a dog?"

Another dark swordsman shook his head and said: "It seems that they want to open. Except for our two dark colleges, other colleges resisted them. Even if they reached the foot of the holy mountain, what would they face? It ’s a collaboration of other colleges! "

Mur suddenly said with a trembling voice: "The God of Darkness is on. Just now a student in the Starry Sky Academy looked at me, and I would feel fear!"

He said that his eyes were carefully recalled, that is, when he hesitated whether to do something or not, one of the teenagers in white in the ‘Star Team’ suddenly turned his head and glanced at himself.

'S glance like falling into the ice cave makes him feel insignificantly small under the other person's eyes looking down on everything, as if in front of the other party an ant might crush and trample to death at any time!

Mur shook his head: "Everyone is careful of Star Academy, I feel that one of them is definitely a super master, this time it seems that unexpected things will happen!"

Xin Han's blast technique is quite powerful, and can increase their running speed by five times. After encountering the team of "Endless Darkness", they even exceeded the distance of "Poseidon Squad" directly across thirty miles and found the first place. 'Thunder Academy' Squad!

The "Thunder Academy" squad and a group of five were running fast. Suddenly, four of the five people stopped at the same time, and the other was also pulled by Thrall.

At the next moment, five people and one dog had rushed in front of them. One of the magicians in white robe shouted, "Two words ... Robbery!"

Thrall looked at the five people and a dog in front of him, and couldn't help but laugh: "How many of you are in charge of ridiculousness?" After he finished speaking, his face was cold.

On the stuff that is cool and arrogant, one hundred Thrall is not Xin Han's opponent. I saw him standing upright, with a defiant expression of Lao Tzu's only expression, and said humbly:

"Do you not understand what it means to rob? You haven't been to school! From the outerwear to the underwear, from the long sword to the toothpick, everything is handed over to Lao Tzu. If you have anything left after a quarter of an hour, don't blame Lao Tzu is ruthless, and one person discounts one of your legs! "

"Saar ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Give me this Master of the Starry Sky Academy!" A magician wearing a red robe came out. This is a brother of the Magic Department of Thunder Academy, named Barlow. The rank of the low magister is already equivalent to the average college teacher.

Seeing that he asked him to nod, he nodded: "Get it done soon, we have to hurry!"

Barlow nodded, walked out of the team and pointed at Xin Han: "You and I are both magicians, just like the last game, you will win us ..."

Without saying anything, I saw a footplate getting closer and closer to me. The next second I felt that my face was hit by a meteor, and then I lost consciousness.

Others saw Xin Han take a step of more than five meters in one step and directly flew Barlow kicked out. Thrall quickly reached out to pick up. As a result, the two hands just held the companion ’s back and heard a click. Both wrists were dislocated by the tremendous force coming from them, and others and Barlow rolled together in a terrible situation.

Everyone is stupid, Nima! Are you sure this is a mage?

Xin Han waved his hand: "Give me, what are you waiting for!"

Tia raised the staff first and waved up as a long stick.

Saba swallowed and swallowed foam, and drew his two-handed sword suddenly: "I like it!"

Ten minutes later, the Star Academy team has gone to find the next target, and the number one Thunder team, except that the girl was only robbed of weapons and Mageweave equipment, the boys were all caught and thrown. Among the grass.

) !!

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