Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1483: Be remembered

Not to mention the sad reminder of the "Thunder Academy Squad", only that Xin Han spent many years in Honghuang, except for the time when he first entered the Honghuang World. It has been a long time since he has done this costless business. W? W? W · KANSHU · COM

Made a vote. This is an addiction. For others in the Star Team, some are fresh and exciting, and some are uneasy, but you have to ask Xin Han what is the hurry, and tell you the two words-feelings!

The feelings of looting and looting come. This is more pretentious, but Xin Han thinks so, this is to remember the past years of youth.

Xin Han took the team to find a secluded place first, to do the most important thing after the robbery-to divide the stolen goods.

Was obtained from Thrall, and it is said to be the "gift of the goddess of ice and snow" from his family's sword. Xin Han took it in his hand and put it on the ground with his eyes: "Broken, whoever you want will stay!"

This sword is actually not as bad as he said. It is only a little bit worse than the celestial artifact of the cultivation civilization. It is equivalent to the weapon of the monk cultivating during the infant period or the robbery period. The quality is quite good, but Xin Han ’s vision Being raised in the wild world, things that do not reach the level of the Lingbao can't be looked at.

Xin Han ’s disappointment does not mean that other people also disregard it. Stan and Tia ca n’t use it. They only looked at it with a greedy glance, but did n’t do it. But Kaza and Rebecca ’s two swordsmen who practiced fighting spirits reached out at the same time. Grab it towards that sword.

Finally ended with Rebecca's victory, and Sa's two eyes were hammered with a black eye, open eyes like a panda, closed eyes like sunglasses, unspeakable fashion.

Xin Han tweeted twice: "Look at your patience, grab a thing with a girl, and even lost, let's not say it is our team!"

"I don't know anything about girls!" Sa rubbed his eyes and grinned from time to time.

Rebecca said: "You are practicing the Thunder-like grudge, this sword is a pearl in your hands!"

Tia said, "Yeah, Rebecca's enchantment practice is water-based grudge. With the power of this sword, you are really shameless and robbing girls!"

"I ..." Sa originally only saw the baby's impulse for a while, and later reacted and knew that the attribute of this sword was not in line with himself. He just wanted to make a joke with Rebecca. Said that his favorite Tiya looked at him like this. ??? 一 看书 W? W? W? ·? K? A? NSHU · COM

He was trying to explain what, Stan came over and took a sip: "Bah!" Then the goods smiled and turned to Xin Han said: "Arthur, how do you divide the rest?"

Next, the equipment of the Thunder Squad was divided by several people. Even Stan mixed a magic pattern staff. Seeing the excitement of the roommate that Fan Jinzhong lifted, Xin Han was really afraid that he would pull it directly.

The remaining pile of useless clothes was thrown on the ground. Xin Han took a cigar out of nowhere and ignited it with a cigar. Then he threw a fireball into the pile of clothes on the ground and burned the clothes instantly. It was clean, leaving only some embers and fine dust on the ground, and was completely dissipated by the wind.

Xin Han does not need to avoid smoking cigars, because there are also products similar to cigars in this world, which are exclusively for the nobility, just in line with his identity.

Sa held two panda eyes, licked his face and leaned over, laughing and saying, "Captain, how are we going to do next?"

No wonder he was so happy that he was hit by two cannons. When he just divided the stolen goods, he actually got some benefits. He had a magic pattern armguard for the swordsman. Not to mention, he also got a few magic crystals, enough for him to practice and absorb It's been a month.

Sa asked, several people looked at it, even the two girls Rebecca and Tia were no exception.

Xin Han touched the hair on Erha's head and said lightly: "Since it's opened, how can it be enjoyable to eat only a piece of meat!"

Since you want to find the target, you can first come to the enemies of the academy. Xin Han fixes her eyes on the "Sacred College" and the "Dragon Academy".

What Xin Han didn't think of was that Erha's leadership, chasing Qianli, did not catch up with the teams of these two colleges.

Camping on the spot in the evening, Xin Han roasted a devil directly with fire magic, and then cut off four hoofs, leaving two to enjoy for himself, and the remaining two were given to Tia and Rebecca, as for Stan and glasses Cossack, so the big bear wants to eat whatever he wants.

Seeing that Sa Jizhi cut the bear whip and chewed it arrogantly, and also praised it fragrantly and crisply, Xin Han 'kindly' reminded him: "You taste really heavy, I just baked it and did not clean it, Do you like the original wild taste? "

Sa was stunned then: "Then you ..."

"We all use a knife to break the outer skin to eat the meat inside. Besides, we eat different parts. What if we eat bear's paw even if we don't wash it, and you ... are so disgusting!"

"I hate you......."

Er Ha looked at Sa who ran to tears and spit, and humanizedly twitched his lips, gave the child who was second to him a standard mock, and then walked with graceful steps to the roast bear and put his chest The meat was torn off, and he took out his heart and swallowed it.

After eating his heart, he took out a fist-sized magic core in the giant bear's body and swallowed it in one bite.

Noticing this, several people in Stan were dumbfounded. It must be known that such a large magic core is at least a fifth-order Warcraft.

When Xin Han hunted this devil bear before, it was too fast, and a 'fire cage' roasted the outer coke of it, so Stan and Sa, they did not think about the powerful Warcraft. Now look carefully. The bear exudes a touch of earth elements. Isn't this the earth demon bear?

It is said that the earth demon bear grows to the peak in adulthood, and can become the existence of the ninth-order Warcraft.

When several people reacted, they all looked at Xin Han and Erha with shocking faces. The master could roast a fifth-order earth demon bear. It was simply incredible. What is the strength of his captain? ?

And the most incredible thing is that the dog has swallowed the magic core of the earth demon bear. Is this still a terrestrial dog?

For a time Xin Han and Erha together became unpredictable in the eyes of several people.

After dinner, everyone talked around the bonfire, Xin Han frowned, thinking about the failure of chasing the ‘Divine Academy’ team and the ‘Tulong Academy’ team today.

He could n’t understand where the **** was going to happen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Several times I clearly saw traces of someone resting on the chase route, but every time I was one step late, they left when they arrived Too.

He just didn't understand this, how did the other party know their actions.

Although he can use spiritual power to find where the other party is, one is worried that the spiritual power will be discovered by the main **** near the Holy Mountain. !

Thinking about whether it was the original method of divination, he suddenly got a move in his heart: "I know, there must be a fortune-teller like" Prophecy "or" Astrology "in the other team!"

With Xin Han's identity and strength, he is in the Star Team, and the other party will certainly not be able to divination them. No matter how divination is, it will only be a mist, but the other party can divination themselves, as long as they predict their own fortunes, they can choose the correct direction to escape Ascension.

Xin Han felt more and more right when he thought about it, which made his unimaginable things suddenly bright, and he was in a good mood for a while. Now that he knows the other party's means, it can be targeted for cracking.

But he should pay attention again at this time, and decided to give up the idea of ​​chasing the two teams, since it is the enemy, then stay in the second stage, and then kill a few more to be an exultation for the old man of Myron!

What Xin Han did not expect was that when he was thinking about who to rob him tomorrow, their squad was already remembered. Of course, no matter who beat him, he must be the one who was unlucky in the end! ) !!

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