Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and twenty. Jingle Spring Water

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1020: Jingle Spring Water

The conversation between the two quickly became a reality. The Dragon Kingdoms of the two worlds had discussed for a long time, and it was time to act. It can only be said that Liu Hao caught up with the timing;

The first batch of monks under one person to cross the two worlds, the number of people is not large, and most of them are from various sects, such as the sect of the ten brothers, as a state institution, they are no longer here;

In other words, they have experienced this a long time ago. After Liu Hao’s experience on Earth, the employees who can communicate everywhere have improved a lot. It is also because of this that they can still suppress the people under one person after the rise of so many monks. dragon country.

Sweeping through this group of highly excited visitors, Liu Hao also saw many familiar people among the crowd, such as the two brothers and sisters of the Lu family. I also know that they are the hope of the future of my world.

Among the crowd, Lu Linglong was strictly speaking the second time to cross the world, but the previous time she didn't have time to understand other things, Liu Hao carried her all the way, and was directly thrown into the world of death to practice. The Dragon Kingdom on the other side has not even been able to achieve it by flying a horse and watching flowers, so he knows as much as his grandfather Lu Jin told.

As one of the Ten Guys and the best friend of the old Tianshi, it stands to reason that Lu Jin should also go back and forth between the two worlds many times;

However, the fact is not because of this, but more because of Tongtianlu, which is one of the Eight Wonders that best fits the Tao of Fuzhuan. Where does Longhushan on the side of Liu Hao's earth not know?

The two sides benefit from cooperation, but it is easy to understand, and because of this, Lu Jin is the one who travels the most between the two worlds among this group of people, and he is also the leader this time.

The overall number of people is only a hundred, and there are many elders accompanying them. From this, we can also see the cautiousness of the Dragon Kingdom in the world under one person, Liu Hao can actually understand;

Most of these people are the hope of the next generation of the world under one person, and it is very likely that they will become the top batch of the food chain in the Dragon Kingdom under one person in the future. Every time they lose one, they will definitely be heartbroken to death, no matter how much protection they have Pass.

Speaking of which, the luck of these people is no less than that of one person. Of course, compared with Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao and others, they seem a little depressed. Who told them that they have no direct relationship with the old master, and they are entrusted to Liu Haozhi was not present at the time, and now he has been directly pulled away by several big levels. In the future, the gap will not be even worse. If we meet again in the future, he will definitely jump.

Walking through the passages one by one, when the last one disappeared, Liu Hao also bid farewell to the old master, returned to his own world, and arrived at Longhu Mountain on the other side.

A group of welcoming people, each with a strong breath, crushed as a whole, which also made this group of people very worried. Their cultivation base is really nothing when it comes to the earth;

A new world is slowly opening up in front of this group of people. In the future, Jackie Chan will only be able to look at themselves;

There will be more and more things like this in the future. The threat of our own species in the abyss of the earth is already in front of us, and the Dragon Kingdom has naturally begun to make plans. The connection with the major worlds will only become deeper and deeper in the future. It is hard to say After a few decades, there will be no distinction between you and me.

To the south of Yingtan City, it was originally a very suburban place, but now it is also crowded with buildings. The urban area has expanded to this point, and the mountains can be seen from a distance;

Although these mountains are within the territory of Xijiang, they can be said to be a corner of the Wuyi Mountains. This group of people from the world under one person has also been arranged here, and a community has been specially designated for living. For a long time to come, these people will be Like many hunters, he walked through this mountain range, experienced himself, and improved himself.

There are so many communities and towns like this in the Dragon Kingdom, and they have completely changed the living conditions in the cities of the Dragon Kingdom. Countless people live scattered in these small but compact small towns, and they are also the favorite paradise for adventurers. land;

In these small towns, whether it is the average rank or the highest powerhouse, they are often much higher than many cities. Any small town should not be underestimated.

The arrangement of the Dragon Kingdom is definitely a very effective method. It is also because of this that the number of monsters in the Dragon Kingdom can be balanced, and the number of monsters outside the major mountain ranges is reduced every moment, making it extremely difficult for them to appear. For large-scale animal hordes, offense is often the strongest defense. Compared with Dragon Kingdom, other remaining kingdoms are much worse in this respect;

A typical example is the old Europe. From the beginning of the beast tide, they were forced to be compressed in some big cities for defense, and they have not played a game until now;

So far, the people have long been accustomed to living in large cities. Even if they go out to hunt, they dare not travel far. They often return to the city as soon as they have harvested.

This model has also made it difficult to use many resources. The most obvious example is the cultivation of fields. Compared with the price of grain in the old Europe, it is definitely touching. It is not an exaggeration to call alcohol a luxury. , unlike the Dragon Kingdom, although the danger is much greater, it can still be called living and working in peace and contentment.

Just this point alone, I don’t know that the population of old Europe is envious and jealous. In the forums on the Internet, all kinds of Longguo delicacies posted on the Internet have been collected by those people in old Europe. It's too far away, and I don't know how many people have flooded into the Dragon Kingdom. For them, the Dragon Kingdom is the real paradise.

It's a pity that although the road is not cut off and the sky is still open, if you want to travel through it, you can almost only stay in your dreams. Those who have not cultivated into Taiyi, don't even think about it, the monster race will definitely teach them along the way How to be a human being, and finally becoming the rations of these big monsters is the only way.

The monster clan, even though the big monsters are all very intelligent now, they still have a sense of territory in their bones. When monks with a considerable level of cultivation step into their territory, they will see that you are alone, that is an endless enemy. After one, how can escape all the way?

This is also the reason why so far, there are still no old European powerhouses who have traveled through the land to reach the Dragon Kingdom. The most longed-for paradise has been staying there, but bones need to be laid along the way. In the past few years, there were many adventure teams. I have seen them posting pictures on the Internet. Although heaven is good, it has no strength to reach it. After all, it is nothing but vain.

Liu Hao chose Old Europe as the destination for his trip this time, or in other words, he can travel around the world when he is free. After leaving Longhu Mountain, Liu Hao did not continue to walk in the territory of Longguo, but went directly to the west But when he arrived in Xijiang, Liu Hao also stopped, but he was thinking about whether to take the opportunity to go to the world of death for a stroll.

After all, he still couldn't hold it back. After all, he has been in the world of death for many years, so he should also take a look at old man Yamamoto. I don't know if this old guy is still alive and kicking.

The region of the God of Death is also a special place in the earth. The space seems to be divided into three levels. The exposed world is the real world, the middle level is the virtual circle, and the innermost layer is where the God of Death is. The core of the local area;

Xuquan, lost Aizen Soyousuke, lost Ichimaru Gin, and even the former captain of the ninth squad is gone now, and even many broken faces were summoned by Aizen to the magic world, and the strongest king left behind , returned to the hands of Bailegang again, and became the veritable king of the virtual circle, but compared with the original, there are three or two big cats and small cats, which is no longer a concern;

It's no wonder that in the real world passing by, there are many gods of death. The old man Yamamoto has already put more energy into the monsters and monsters who are threatening around him. It seems that Bailegang is well aware of this, and he seldom intervenes. meaning;

Whether there is an agreement between the two is still unknown, but this tacit understanding must exist. The old man Yamamoto also hopes that the virtual circle can be stable. There is no reason to kill Bailegang. Everyone knows that the virtual circle cannot be wiped out , orderly is better than disorderly.

The Death God World, Jing Ting Zhai, seems to be more prosperous than ever. In the most central position, old man Yamamoto's spiritual pressure can be clearly heard, like a little sun suppressing the world. Compared with the last meeting, Jin Xian's strength has made great progress. Peak, but if you have a chance, you can go straight to Taiyi.

This kind of cultivation base is high or not, but Liu Hao knows that once the power of the god of death'卍jie' is exerted, it is normal for the combat power to rise to the Taiyi class, and it is not uncommon to be in charge of this area. enough;

The surrounding monster races and monsters are just that. Even if there are big monsters of the Taiyi class, they dare not step into the human gathering place to wreak havoc. Who let this area border the Dragon Kingdom? Which of these monsters doesn't know the bottom line of the Dragon Kingdom? If you do it yourself, you will definitely be caught by the Dragon Kingdom and beheaded as an example. If you really want to do something, it is more practical to launch a beast tide;

But when the beast tide is launched, the world of the god of death is really not afraid. Now it is no different than before. The number of gods of death in the world of god of death has increased tenfold. Really nothing to be afraid of.

Although the current Death God world is ostensibly independent, everyone knows that the real backer is the Dragon Kingdom, and it is also because the Dragon Kingdom stationed millions of troops in the western border that this area is still stable today, otherwise it would be very difficult to say .

This is also a kind of cooperation that benefits both. The Dragon Kingdom also needs to support them in the frontier. With their buffer, at least the pressure on the monsters and monsters from Central Asia will be much less;

It is also because of this that many gods of death in the world of death have come to the dragon country to experience, and the dragon country is also happy to welcome this, and with the traction of Uo no Hana, there are also many gods of death in the Australian base of the dragon country, which has become a There are not small forces, especially in the Longguo Australian Girls' School, most of the knowledge base of kendo comes from them.

Jing Ting Zhai, the overall situation is still not much changed, the central Death God residence is still the same, but the outer gathering places have been expanded a lot, the biggest feature is that a lot of Death God basic knowledge is gradually spread in these gathering places, and anyone can practice;

It also resulted in more chances for many people who originally had the talent of Death God to stand out, and also gave the profession of Death God a real mass foundation;

Most of this reform came from Yamamoto Genyanagisai Shigekuni. Seeing the increasing pressure from the outside world, it was a last resort, and even the major nobles in Jingtingzhai did not dare to obstruct it in the slightest;

They are not fools, the general situation is like this, if it is really obstructed, only they can go up, and how many people do they have? Instead of a few rounds, it would be completely defeated. Instead of doing this, it would be better to follow the trend and make Jing Ting Zhai more cannon fodder.

It is true that most of these people will become cannon fodder, but it is also a real opportunity, an opportunity to truly control their own destiny, if you like it, no one can say who is wrong, it is just the current situation, can you create a hero? Just look at yourself.

"Hey, isn't this Captain Jingle Shunsui?"

"Dongfang Jun?" Jingle Chunshui, who was not awake, looked at Liu Hao carefully for a few times, and then opened his mouth in doubt; "Are you bringing your physical body with you?"

This is the doubt of Jingle Chunshui. Up to now, how come the high-level officials of Jingtingzhai don't know Liu Hao's true identity? There is no complaint about this, and thanks to Liu Hao's guidance, Death World and Dragon Kingdom have more foundations of trust, and each can be regarded as getting what they need.

Jingle Chunshui was puzzled at first, but after confirmation, he was even more shocked.

Everyone knows that to enter the world of the god of death, one can only use the soul as a carrier. Up to now, it is the first one to break the rules of the world of the god of death by exposing the body;

And this person is still Liu Hao, the last time we met, the cultivation base between the two is quite similar, how long has it been? Even if Liu Hao in front of him didn't leak a breath, it still made Jingle Chunshui feel a tingling sensation on his body;

This is a warning of great danger, as if he would be crushed to ashes in an instant if he showed any trace of hostility, and Jingle Chunshui knew that this was not an illusion at all, it was a real reminder to him, never to provoke him The visitor in front of me.

"When your cultivation base enters Da Luo, you can try to condense the physical body, it is the real physical body!"

Liu Hao chuckled, Jingle Chunshui rolled his eyes;

"It's really shocking, Mr. Dongfang! But I'm only a golden fairy now;" Jingle Chunshui paused here, and then asked suspiciously; "Are you serious?"

"What are you lying to? When you reach the realm of Da Luo, you have this opportunity, but if you are willing to wait, it is best to reunite with your body when Da Luo is the Golden Immortal. That is the perfect time!"

Jingle Chunshui nodded slightly, "Are you a Daluo Jinxian now?"

"you guess?"

"This guy! Come back this time to see the old man?"

"Yeah, just passing by!"

"Passing by?"

"Preparing to travel around the world, how about it? Are you interested in traveling with us?"

"Oh? Don't frame me, don't think the old man will refuse!"

Jingle Shunsui has long wanted to go out to practice, that is, Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni has always regarded him as the next captain, so Jingle Shunsui has to let go of his mind time and time again. Now that Liu Hao is leading the way, this possibility is almost impossible. Much bigger.

"It's time for you to go out and experience some experience. You must know that Captain Uzhihuali's current cultivation level has already surpassed yours!"

"Who doesn't know? How is Xiao Nanao doing with Captain Unozhihuali? I haven't heard from her for a long time!"

"Don't worry, they're all fine! By the way, the same goes for Uno Hanauri, it seems that the ones who took away are all female Shinigami!"

"The old man promised, what can I do? For this matter, many male death gods have protested, but it is a pity that Captain Uzhihuali suppressed it!"

"Hahaha, this is in line with Captain Unohana's character!"

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