Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1019. Integration of Yan and Huang

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1019: Integration of Yan and Huang

What Liu Hao said is naturally the invasion from the abyss species, killing the opponent, but there is a reward from chaos. This is also the biggest way for the future master to step into a higher realm, perhaps the only way.

The way of quasi-sage is so difficult. As far as the human race is concerned, it must be achieved by great luck. It should be noted that even in the wild, there are only a few quasi-sages. Among them, the human race is even rarer, and even Xuandu alone Er, not to mention the human race outside the prehistoric, without the blessing of monstrous weather luck, it can only be false.

Big Luo Yi, Quasi-Saint, is it almost to the point of despair.

The luck of the old heavenly master is very good, which makes him smooth sailing before Da Luo, and his foundation is even stronger. It is possible, but it is only possible. If there is no invasion of abyss species, basically he can only stay in this life. over the possible.

However, the invasion of abyssal species gave the old heavenly master this opportunity. The merits and virtues from the chaotic avenue, not to mention other things, improving one's own aptitude from acquired to innate is not a natural moat, it is nothing more than time-consuming, God The teacher does not lack this time, which can be regarded as a blessing and a curse.

The invasion of the abyss to the ascending world is inherently difficult for the Dao of Chaos. For the Dao, this is already a major event that destroys the balance of chaos. Resisting and killing the guests of the abyss naturally requires rewards;

And this reward, for the creatures in one world, is definitely a great benefit that cannot be exchanged for much, and it is also an excellent opportunity to improve themselves in essence.

It is also because of this that Qinglong Liu Hao was able to quickly reach an agreement with Yun Zhongzi and others before, and let's share a wave of benefits first;

Even the quasi-sages are thinking about the benefits of separation, and it is conceivable for his subordinate monks, but Liu Hao doesn't want to tell the old heavenly master for the time being. On the one hand, it is because of the agreement of the previous quasi-sages. The Celestial Master participated in it prematurely;

Liu Hao valued the old heavenly master, but he didn't want him to lose it accidentally, and he could be more prepared to participate in the fight against the abyss species by eating a little;

If possible, Liu Hao even thought about refining a self-defense spirit treasure for the old celestial master in the future to prevent accidents. It is related to the stability of the world under one person, so he has to be careful;

Without the old celestial master, other countries under one person should be eager to try again. This is a character who can easily suppress several aircraft carrier fleets;

In the world under one person, it seems that gods, Buddhas and Gods already exist. As long as the old celestial master often shows up in Longhu Mountain on weekdays,

No matter how great the ambition is, it must be restrained.

"I saw that the nearby Yingtan City has been expanded countless times. Is it thanks to the blessing of the old master?"

"It's also helpless. Ever since the old Taoist made a shock, Longhu Mountain has become a holy place for cultivation in this world. Countless people have poured in, so I have to do it. Now it has become a gathering place for monks in my world. They will also send Taoist priests to teach the Fa, and after a long time, it will become what it is today!"

"It seems that the government has other ideas!"

"Hahaha, I can't hide it from fellow daoists. These days, the high-level leaders of the Dragon Kingdoms of the two realms have also discussed it a lot. In a short while, there should be news!"

"No wonder when I came here, I saw that the surrounding area of ​​Yingtan City in my world was also expanding crazily. Could it be that I accepted this place?"

"Probably so! It is said that you will open a place overseas in your world for them to live in, but no matter what, Yingtan City in the two worlds needs to leave some real estate for them. It is not for these people to have some property, but for Let them have a harbor deep in their hearts, wandering to other worlds, a sense of security is still indispensable;

Don't hide it from fellow Taoists, even if it's the first time for the old Taoist to go to another world, he still has no idea in his heart! "

Liu Hao listened to the old celestial master's words, and nodded slightly in approval. Facing the fear of the unknown, no one can avoid it, and only after walking through the heavens many times can he really adapt. The governments of the two worlds still consider this aspect. Very thoughtful, the common people are no better than the military after all;

He also knows that this is mostly due to the increasing number of monks in the world under one person. If there is no place to go and there are more and more monks, the social security of the world under one person will inevitably start to have problems. It is likely to bring many subversions to the world. Instead of waiting for this possibility to appear, it is better to divert these people's outlets;

Furthermore, in Liu Hao's Earth, how many monks come can digest it. It is difficult to count the number of monsters within the Dragon Kingdom, but it definitely exceeds the number of humans. These people have come to Liu Hao's Earth to face monsters. , You can also understand the horror of monsters in advance, and you can also have a psychological preparation after the rise of monsters in the world under one person, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

In Liu Hao's view, the overseas development base that the old master said, most of them will not be dedicated to it. If you choose to choose, there is a high probability that it will still fall into the Australian base of Longguo, facing the entire Australian monster clan, and then a few hundred more Tens of millions of people can't make much trouble.

Of course, the road has to be taken step by step. Even if many folk monks in the world cross the border under one person, they still need to stay in Yingtan City on the other side for a period of time to integrate into the local environment. Among these monks, the Yanhuang system has problems. It's not big, at most ten days and a half months can be integrated into it, but it's hard to say that there are monks and strangers from other countries in the world under one person.

The Dragon Kingdom in Liu Hao’s world is not afraid of the arrogance of these monks and aliens. In terms of average cultivation, the Dragon Kingdom in Liu Hao’s Earth is several levels larger than the world under one person, even if the world under one person chooses the elite class in the past , when they get to that side, they can only lose sight of the crowd, and whether they can seize the opportunity to rise up in the future depends on themselves;

In fact, the old heavenly master is also worried that some monks and aliens with dark psychology will be mixed in. At that time, once these people do something outrageous, the impact on the trust between the two worlds will not be small, and because of this, he even more He advocated sending these people to overseas bases early. From the tone of the old Tianshi, Liu Hao also heard this tendency.

"Old Heavenly Master, there is no need to worry. Even if the first few batches have passed, the Dragon Kingdom's military will control them more, and there will be no troubles. Moreover, these people will go to kill the monsters soon, and they can Earn what you need!"

"I hope so! Fellow Daoists also know about my world's 'global' organization, right? These people have completely deteriorated and are extremely selfish. Although they have disappeared these years, the old Daoist would not believe that they disappeared!"

"It's all right! That little Gong Chuke who undercovered in Longhushan is still the leader of all sexes?"

"I don't know where it is hidden for a long time. These old Taoists have searched for it many times in the Dragon Kingdom, and there is a high probability that it has been hidden in other countries;

The previous time they invaded Longhu Mountain, luckily they didn't bring too much disaster to Longhu Mountain, the old way still didn't destroy it after thinking about it;

It would be better for these people to have such an organization. After Quan Xing is wiped out, other organizations will appear soon, so they will hide them even deeper! It's cheaper for them! "

This is also the fact that the elder brother of the Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain was rescued by Liu Hao a few years ago, otherwise the old master would definitely have another idea, and his statement is correct;

There is black and white in the world, it doesn’t disappear when black is wiped out, it’s nothing more than cutting off a stubble, and it will still appear after a while. Where there is such a target, it is easier to control, otherwise, who knows where? It will also breed in the corners of fame, and the invisible ones are even more worrying.

The old celestial master couldn't find Gong Chu, but he stopped talking to Liu Hao. He had scanned the entire planet a long time ago when he entered the world under one person. But there was no idea of ​​making a move at all;

This guy is also bold. The old master thought that Gong Chu was hiding in other countries, but he didn’t know that Gong Chu chose the most dangerous place, that is, in Yingtan City near the foot of Longhu Mountain. After several years, this guy still looks the same , it is estimated that the old celestial master ignored this point, and the other party hid it deeply enough, so he just hid it from him;

Gong Chu, the omniscient leader, knows more about the channel between the two worlds than others, so it's no wonder that the other party will take this risk. There is a high probability that he is waiting for the moment when the two worlds will open. Perhaps in the first batch, Gong Chu will not It will appear, but in the next few batches, the probability of this guy going to Liu Hao's Earth is high, and he is definitely a guy who dares to take risks.

"'Quan Xing' has also gone astray, only cultivating the body but not the mind. After all, they can't go far. The longer the time, the less threatening they are. Old Tianshi don't have to worry too much!"

"Hahaha, with the words of fellow daoist, the old Taoist is much more at ease, in the middle of the game, it is inevitable to be paranoid!"

"Old Heavenly Master don't have to worry about the rift in the relationship between the two realms of the Dragon Kingdom. They are all descendants of Yan and Huang, and they can't be destroyed by a few trivial things. The previous Wudang Virgin came, and she didn't separate you from the Dragon and Tiger Mountains of the two realms." Me?"

"I can't hide it from fellow Taoists!"

This is what the old Tianshi is most worried about. For so long, he has also understood that there will inevitably be greater competition between the heavens and the world in the future. The world under one person is not high-level, let alone Liu Hao. It is almost impossible to stand out from the excellent geographical environment of the earth;

This involves the positioning of one's own world, and this question, the old master must have had many exchanges with the high-level officials of the Long Kingdom under one person, and the final answer can be obtained without Liu Hao thinking, that is Choosing to attach to the Dragon Kingdom in Liu Hao's world, the integration of Yan and Huang is inevitable.

It is because they have come to the world of Liu Hao and seen the overall terrifying strength of the Dragon Kingdom in Liu Hao's world. They can rise from such a situation where they need to compete with monsters for space every day. It's not what they can imagine at all. Once the world's monsters riot under one person in the future, they will also need the help of Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom.

Seeking his own government in his position is what he is talking about, and even the old heavenly master can hardly stay out of it.

"Old Heavenly Master should know about the Yanhuang Alliance, right?"

"Of course I understand!"

"I don't know how many civilizations are in the heavens and worlds. Now they are linked together, whether they compete or be eliminated in the future, Yanhuang is always one. There may be a lot of billions of people in one world, but they spread to the heavens and worlds, but in the desert It’s nothing more than a handful of Shashuo, but in contrast, Honghuang is the real backer of the Yanhuang civilization!”

"Fellow Daoist, have you ever seen a saint before?"

"I had the honor to have a few conversations with Empress Nuwa. From her attitude, even if the descendants of Yan and Huang spread across the heavens and myriad worlds, they still have an inseparable connection with Empress Nuwa;

When stepping into the prehistoric world for the first time, Xuanyuan Huangdi was impressed, and even asked Empress Nuwa to bestow the 'Xuanyuan Sword', which shows that there must be a direct lineage. "

"So that's the case! Forget it, the old Taoist has a big doubt in his heart!"

The old master was thoughtful, and then nodded slightly, as if he was relieved, which shows that the pressure on him is definitely not small.

This is determined by one's own standpoint, even if it is Liu Hao, isn't he also partial to the Dragon Kingdom on his own earth? He can empathize with the worries of the old heavenly master, and only then can he have such a heart-to-heart explanation.

"I was in the territory of the bald eagle, and I also saw a passage through which there is also an earth, and there is also a dragon kingdom on it, but compared to the old Tianshi's world, the dragon kingdom in that world is suppressed. Quite a few, who made that world be dominated by Western civilization?

The inheritance of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in that world is even more difficult for the inheritance of the Dragon Kingdom to rise. It seems that there is a faint suppression of the will of heaven and earth. The will of the heavens and the earth in that world, backfired on itself.

Compared with them, the descendants of Yan and Huang who are linked within the scope of the Dragon Kingdom are much better! As long as it is inherited, you can get started quickly, and there is no hindrance in promotion. "

"How do you say it's extremely difficult to get started?"

The old heavenly master grasped the fundamentals at once;

"The way of a hundred schools of thought, I choose a different person to teach alone, but even so, after a few months, I haven't seen the introduction. If it wasn't for a coincidence, I gained some merit in that world, and with the merit, I refined a doctor's spirit treasure and gave it to me. Even I don't know how long it will take for the other party to get started!"


The old celestial master was a little shocked. You must know that there is no obstacle in the world under one person. As long as you accumulate knowledge, it is almost a matter of course. Such a strong contrast, how could the old celestial master be lucky?

"How do you distinguish the backbone of world civilization?"

"I don't know about this either! Maybe the child of his destiny is due to the Western civilization system? But this is not the root cause. Among them, there may be a problem with the practice system. The supreme god in the world is the reason of the Western civilization god system. Due to the reason, the civilization is based on the West, and if you want to seize the foundation, I don't know if it will be possible?"

"In this way, it is suffering for the descendants of the Yellow Emperor in that world!"

"Who says no? Even me, I can only strengthen the influence of my Yanhuang civilization system in it from the sidelines!"

"Fellow Daoist, you should have thought about killing the Supreme God in that world, right?"

"Hahaha, I can't hide it from fellow Taoists! I really thought about it, but I gave up in the end. In other words, it's not too late. The future is hard to say. After all, we still need high-level monks from the descendants of Yan and Huang in that world." Rising is the only way, otherwise, what if it is killed?"

"If there is a chance in the future, the old Taoist will go to that side of the world to have a look!"

"It seems that I am thinking of Longhu Mountain in that world!"

"Hahaha, that's the obsession!"

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