Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1018. The old master Zhang Zhiwei

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1018. The old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei

"Interesting! I'm a little surprised that there are monks practicing the Hundred Schools System on Longhu Mountain!"

Liu Hao didn't show up, and when he was wandering around, he saw a Confucian monk on Longhu Mountain. It feels like it should be taken from the doctrine of cutting off teachings that teach no one else;

But he didn't know that this was basically the effect of his lectures in Longhu Mountain before, and it was effective everywhere;

At the beginning, he gave lectures on Longhu Mountain, which made the older generation of monks in Longhu Mountain more or less invested in it. In terms of talents, they are not bad, and most of them will not give up, which also caused the scene Liu Hao sees now;

This is the case on Longhu Mountain on this side of the earth, and it is also the same on Longhu Mountain in the world under one person, and it is more widely spread. Such a method of stepping on the path of practice as long as you accumulate knowledge is naturally more popular. Among the Dragon Kingdom on the other side , there are also many well-educated people, these people are not young, it is too late for them to exercise;

The system of hundreds of schools of thought has naturally become the best choice, and therefore, the way of hundreds of schools of thought under one person has even become a major mainstream to a certain extent, and even suppressed all kinds of "foreigners" for a long time quantity.

This situation was only discovered by Liu Hao when he entered the world under one person.

The same is the Yanhuang system, and there is no obstacle in the communication. From the beginning, the exchanges between the two Dragon Kingdoms were more in the military. Later, the major agencies of the government joined in, and until now, almost all the people of the Dragon Kingdom under one person are all involved. into it;

The spiritual energy of the earth where Liu Hao lives is poured into the world under one person through the world channel, which also has an earth-shaking impact on the world under one person. A typical example is the rise of monsters. Although compared with Liu Hao's earth, these monsters The level of the world is still at the bottom, but it has appeared, and it will probably become another world where humans and monsters compete for territory in the future;

What does the Longguo Guofu under one person not understand? It is also because of this that we have to let go of the practice of the whole people;

The change of the Dragon Kingdom under one person has also prompted drastic changes in other countries, but compared with the Dragon Kingdom, these countries seem to be somewhat insufficient in terms of inheritance. The only ones that are better than Liu Hao Earth are these countries. The country also has no shortage of "foreigners", which has forced "foreigners" to truly become the mainstream that all countries in the world have to hold high under one person.

Under one person, other countries in the world will naturally have all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred from the heart towards the Dragon Kingdom,

The Longguo Guofu was very aware of this, and responded to it early on, the biggest point being the publicization of the practice methods of the Hundred Schools system;

However, to practice the Hundred Schools system, one must have a full understanding and familiarity with the language and culture of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is even difficult to get started without proficiency;

Under the monstrous interests, this made the Dragon Kingdom take over the language hegemony of the world under one person, and now, not to mention other regions, Chinese around the Dragon Kingdom under one person has become the mainstream. will inevitably be eliminated from the historical trend;

This is the case around the Dragon Kingdom under one person, and Western civilizations can only grit their teeth and follow up. Compared with learning the language of the Dragon Kingdom, it is much better to learn various meridians and acupoints in the past;

Anyway, knowledge is always common. After learning Chinese, the knowledge accumulated with great difficulty before will not be wasted. At any rate, it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. It can only be painful and happy.

Such a situation, Liu Hao is definitely the most willing to see. He has also thought about this problem in Marvel Earth, and he also believes that once the Hundred Schools system prevails in the Marvel Universe, it will definitely be a matter of time before the Chinese language becomes the backbone. matter;

But it was later discovered that the universe is dominated by Western civilization. It is very difficult to train a mere Zhang Kuai to enter the doctor's school, not to mention the promotion of the hundred schools of thought. Hao thought less about it;

Now that this wish has come true in the world under one person, Liu Hao is definitely the happiest one. You must know that the system of hundreds of schools has spread to one world. As the founder, he has gained a lot of benefits. No wonder Liu Hao feels The accumulation of my own luck is getting faster and faster, and it is no wonder that it is so easy to cut off my obsessive incarnation. It is clear that there must be these blessings;

The world under one person is like this, so what about the other worlds that are linked within the Dragon Kingdom?

Regardless of the magic world, in the world of bright swords, it must be more popular than the world under one person, compared to the world under one person;

You must know that the territory of the current Dragon Kingdom in the Sword World exceeds 30 million square kilometers, and it directly occupies the land of Australia, and has long since become the only superpower;

Compared with other countries, due to the full support of Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom, science and technology have basically converged, which is basically a comparison between the 21st world and the middle of the 20th world;

Other countries have no competitiveness at all in the face of Bright Sword Dragon Kingdom. It is likely that they have become dumping grounds for various commodities in the Bright Sword World. They will help Liu Hao Earth Dragon Kingdom grow food in an all-round way, right?

Liu Hao also knows that other countries in the world under one person must have had various temptations, and even the military will certainly not fall behind;

However, with the deterrence of Zhang Zhiwei, the old celestial master of Longhushan, these temptations can only be in vain in the end, and following behind honestly becomes the only choice;

Of course, there is probably Liu Hao's full support from the Earth Dragon Kingdom here, and Liu Hao is not very interested in how to fight, as long as the current result is satisfactory.

Standing in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain under one person, Liu Hao also discovered that the world level under one person has improved, and the luck of the Dragon Kingdom has soared sharply;

Here, Liu Hao speculates that it has a lot to do with Lao Tzu's acceptance of Feng Baobao as a disciple. As the master of the human religion, Lao Tzu's acceptance of Feng Baobao is, to a certain extent, also bringing the people of the Dragon Kingdom under one person into Laozi's sect;

Who made Feng Baobao still have the status of an employee of "Everywhere"? Even if it is a temporary worker, it is a great connection, and it is inevitable that the Dragon Kingdom will benefit from it.

The same is true for Longhushan. Compared with Liu Hao Earth, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu, who are the direct descendants of Longhushan, were directly accepted by the sect and became the direct descendant of the sect;

In this respect, the deeper the relationship between Longhushan and Jujiao under one person, the stronger the luck he will get;

Under the technique of looking at Qi, the entire Longhu Mountain has become a golden light, and even vaguely, Longhu Mountain has begun to evolve towards the paradise of the cave, and what kind of situation it will develop in the future is very exciting.

This is just the influence of the sage who has not yet set foot in this world. Once the sage enters Liu Hao's earth from the prehistoric passage, he will inevitably find the world under one person according to the cause and effect. At that time, the influence will only become greater. Cooking wine is average, and it is inevitable that luck will soar again;

It is nothing more than a matter of saints. With the luck of saints, even a few drops of oil and water are enough to affect a world, not to mention that compared with the world, it is only a country within a planet.

Liu Hao did not choose to be invisible on Longhu Mountain under one person, but the surrounding monks seemed to turn a blind eye to him. However, this situation was different with the old celestial master Zhang Zhiwei. He followed the induction in his heart and found Liu Hao.

"Hahaha, which one do I know? Isn't this Emperor Ziwei?"

"How is the master?"

"The old man is fine, but it's the fellow daoist who shocked the old dao! That's Emperor Ziwei. There is still a golden body of the emperor on the old Daoist Dragon and Tiger Mountain. There are many pilgrims offering incense on weekdays. If you come in person, you should pay more attention to it." Those pilgrims from Longhushan will do it!"

The old urchin's personality has not changed at all because of the improvement of his cultivation, and he still has to make jokes, but it is because of this that Liu Hao and the old urchin get closer.

"Old Celestial Master's cultivation base has improved again, but the former fan and Wudang Virgin have met?"

"Hahaha, how can the old man miss such a big event? The old man is content in this life, how about Chu Lan and Lingyu in the prehistoric world?"

"Extremely good! You know their situation. It is much better to be admitted to intercept and teach Biyou Palace than to be in Longhu Mountain!"

"Yeah! The world is developing so fast that the old Taoist can't keep up! I thought that crossing a world was like a dream, but who would have thought that it would be related to the ancient prehistoric world? If it wasn't for Longhu Mountain, the old Taoist would have to Go to Honghuang to see what happened!"

"There is a chance! Longhu Mountain originally inherited the Jiejiao, but the Great Desolation Jiejiao was created by a sage. If you go there, you will have a lot of relatives to go!"

"Hahaha, what Fellow Daoist said is true! Every time I think about it, the old Taoist feels very emotional, wishing to make the trip right away, but unfortunately, the old Taoist can't leave in a short time!"

"But other countries need fellow daoists to deter them?"

"This is one of them! Fellow Daoists should have also discovered that monsters in this world have begun to appear on a large scale. Although the ranks are not yet popular, they have to guard against them in the future!"

"Those who can do more work! No matter what, it is much bigger than my world! Here, the Dragon Kingdom's military has long been prepared, and the people are safe. There will be no problem within ten years. After ten years, there will be more people in the Dragon Kingdom." With cultivation base, there is no fear!"

"That's what you say, but who can let it go?"

Liu Hao also knows that what the old celestial master said is more referring to the Longguo State Mansion under one person. They need the old celestial master to sit in charge for a long time to ensure the greatest safety. Being held under one person's world has become inevitable.

"The Dragon Kingdom is still doing well. It has been prepared for a long time. The biggest problem in this world is still the land of Africa. The mountains are high and the roads are far away. It is impossible for the Dragon Kingdom to send personnel to exterminate the monsters. The African continent goes first! The old Taoist is powerless to do this, he can only suffer for the African race!"

"Some things are often like this. They can't be controlled if they are known in advance! You can only look at it a little bit. If the Dragon Kingdom is really allowed to enter the African continent on a large scale, other countries should be afraid. Maybe they will do something else. Control things!

Comparing the two, we can only choose the lesser one, what can we do? "

"Fellow Daoist, why doesn't the old Dao not know? It's also out of guilt in his heart. In his spare time, the old dao will secretly go to the African continent, which can be regarded as killing some outstanding monsters and delaying the rise of the monster race. But now it seems that what the old dao did In order not to miss the water moon in the mirror, I cut off a stubble, and soon a new stubble appeared, it seemed to have no effect at all!"

"I don't think fellow daoists need to worry too much. After all, this world is no better than my earth, and there are not many worlds connected to it. Even if the monster race rises, there are few inheritances. Naturally, the fighting power is not the same. In addition, There are already so many of you aliens, and you have promoted the method of cultivation early, it is impossible for the human race to compete in my world in the future!"

"Fellow Daoist said this, so the old Daoist can rest assured!" The old celestial master stroked his long beard and smiled; "It's not easy for a fellow Daoist to come here, but the old Daoist has seized the opportunity to ask for advice, and has accumulated many problems. Today, fellow Daoist You have to talk to the old Tao clearly!"

"Hahaha, if you can help the old heavenly master, naturally you dare not shirk!"

"Let's go! The tea in the old Taoist family is not as good, but it's not bad!" The old heavenly master was not polite at all, and he pulled Liu Hao away, "Speaking of which, the practice method of the hundred schools of thought created by fellow Taoists is really wonderful, and it is now in my hands. This world has become the biggest mainstream, even the old Taoists have learned a lot, especially doctors, the old Taoists are very happy!"

"Since ancient times, Taoism and medicine have never been separated. It is indeed a good choice for fellow Taoists to minor in medicine. When I went to the prehistoric period, I also promoted the way of hundreds of schools. The ancestor of medicine is Shennong, and it is our ancestors. Only if we can pass it on can we pass it on." It's a great blessing!"

"Great kindness! Speaking of Honghuang, the old Taoist is very itchy. Fellow Taoists have to talk to the old Taoist. I don't know if the old Taoist will see Zhang Tianshi when he goes to Honghuang in the future!"

"Hahaha, fellow daoist's wish will definitely come true, the Heavenly Court is there, if Zhang Tianshi knows that fellow daoist will go, he will be even more impatient than fellow daoist!"

"Three thousand worlds lie in the chaos. Do fellow Taoists think that the Longhu Mountain of the old Taoist has a great connection with Master Zhang Tianshi?"

Master Zhang Zhiwei probably has hidden this question in his heart for so many years, and now he just mentioned it, and asked it along the way, hoping that Liu Hao can give answers from other angles.

"The question of fellow Taoist has been in my mind for a long time!" Liu Hao pondered for a while, and continued; "I don't believe it if it is said that there is no connection. It is a world apart, and it would be fine if only legends can be left. It has been passed down to the present, and there must be a great connection, but I don't know how it is connected, or I can get the correct answer after I reach the Hunyuan realm!"

Having said that, Liu Hao actually knows that even in Hunyuan, there is a high probability that he will not get an answer. The chess player behind the scenes that connects many worlds must be at the level of chaos. Those who come into contact with Hongjun, who is in the realm of heaven, will be able to understand that even Hongjun knows nothing about it, and it is not something that Hunyuan monks can know;

It's just that these things can't be told to the old celestial master, it's too terrifying. With the old celestial master's cultivation base, let's talk about it slowly. If you know too much, it will be more unfavorable to him. Once involved, you can't say that you will be strangled directly .

Liu Hao attaches great importance to the old heavenly master. With the existence of the old heavenly master, the world can be stable under one person. It is a good thing to hide it.

"It seems that we still have to wait. The old Taoist doesn't even know if he can step into the quasi-sage in this life, let alone Hunyuan. I will count on fellow Taoists to tell me in the future!"

"Old Heavenly Master, don't underestimate yourself, maybe the opportunity is right in front of you?"

"Oh? But what can't be said?"

"Fellow Daoist will find out after a while, don't worry, don't worry!"

"Hahaha, you guy, it's okay, the old man can still afford to wait!"

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