Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1017. Dragon and Tiger Mountain

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1017: Dragon and Tiger Mountain

Liu Hao's mother kept these words hidden in her heart for a long time, she also knew Liu Hao's original arrangement, and today she saw that Liu Hao's breath was like an ordinary person, so she said it;

In fact, even if the obsessive Liu Hao didn't show up today, the matter probably developed like this. With Brother Liu Hao's fighting power, it's not a problem to continue living in this rural place, which is actually quite good.

"Uncle, what is Huang Daxian?"

At the foot, the little pudding from the elder brother's house endured for a long time. Seeing that the uncle and grandparents stopped talking, they hurriedly asked the doubts in their hearts. Liu Hao was a little surprised by this question;

"Dad, where did this news come from?"

"Isn't there a small Taoist temple deep in the back mountain? There are a few Huang Daxians who have achieved success in cultivation and performed temple blessings in it. Some time ago, the military found out about this, and because they were well-behaved, they simply admitted their identities. No, the matter is spreading in the village, this kid must be curious!"

"It's them!"

"you know?"

"It's my order that they guard the Sanqing Temple, and they dare not mess around!"

"That's good. There are quite a few people in the village who want to visit and are worried about this and that. You know that the status of Sanqing saints has been recognized by the state. Doesn't everyone want to offer incense to them?"

"Good thing, find time, I'll go tell them, go if you want! I'll let them fix the road, so it's easier to go up and down!"

"Xiaohao, do you think we should also go to offer incense?"

"Dad, you can go if you want! The confinement of our world has been opened again. After a while, the saint may come!"

"Will the prehistoric sage come to us?"

"It's certain to come to our world, but it's hard to say whether it will come to our world!"

"In that case, you have to go to worship, that's a saint!"

The earth has a clear understanding of the concept of saints through national propaganda. Liu Hao also knows that his parents do not respect the power of saints, but a convergent understanding of culture.

Of course, there is still respect for the saints at a distance, don't ask them to give you any benefits, at least don't bring disasters here.

Liu Hao was very clear about their thoughts, so he didn't intend to stop their thoughts, let them decide how to do it, and he didn't care if it didn't work, what his parents wanted was peace of mind.

Holding the little pudding in his house, Liu Hao wandered to the Sanqing Taoist Temple deep in the back mountain. As soon as he appeared, a few weasels smelled the breath and rushed out to greet him. They are shorter, but they don't have evil eyebrows, but they are very good. I don't know where they got the Taoist robes, and they look like that when they wear them.

"Get up! Wait for me to go in and have a look!"

"Please come to Daojun! Our brothers have been instructed by Daojun, and we have been working hard in recent years, and we dare not slack off in the slightest;

A few days ago, the country rediscovered this place, communicated with our brothers, and registered Taoist documents for us, acknowledging our status. This was bestowed by the Taoist Lord, and our brothers also want to visit Taoism these days Jun, thank you Daojun for giving me this endless opportunity! "

Not to mention, the leader's words are really eloquent, if you don't know, you really think they are human beings themselves;

It seems that they must have paid attention to external information many times in recent years, and they have also understood the entry of the prehistoric world into the earth. Knowing this, they are not clear about the monstrous opportunity as a party. This is the chain of relationship with the saint , Even if they are chased away now, they will never leave.

"You guys have done a good job. Next, spend some effort to repair the path down the mountain. Let me take care of all the little monsters and monsters around. Although this small temple is small, it is also a Taoist temple for saints! Do you understand?"

"Yes! Daojun! Our brothers have been instructed by Daojun and have become immortals. Anyone who refuses to accept the little monsters around us will be driven to the deeper depths by us. Those who stay behind are also simple and honest people, even more so. It is strictly forbidden for them to collide with the human race, and on weekdays, whenever they are free, they will come to the Taoist temple to offer incense, and in the future when the human race comes to worship the saint, we must ensure their safety!"

"It seems that you understand the truth! The Taoist temple is also clean, so I guess I didn't misread you!"

"We are able to achieve today's achievements, all thanks to Daojun!"

These words made Liu Hao take a deep look at them, not to mention, they would all be flattering, and he had a scheming plan, which made him feel at ease. As for the problems of the monster races deeper in the mountains, Liu Hao is really not worried;

Even if he is no longer here, the aura left behind will make those monsters and beasts subconsciously stay away from this direction. Even if it is a little threatening, it is not a problem. There is a garrison, so if you are afraid, there is no place that is safe.

Little Pudding, who was hugged in his arms, had reached the peak of his curiosity and couldn't stand it any longer. He struggled to fall from Liu Hao's arms, and ran to the leader, Huang Daxian, staring with wide eyes;

After a long time, I felt no different. I stretched out my hand and touched the other person timidly a few times, and was even more disappointed. This kind of Huang Daxian is completely different from what my grandma said. How can there be fluffy and cute?

Xiao Maotou likes to keep pets. Liu Hao can see at a glance what purpose his little nephew is thinking of coming here, and the leader Huang Daxian also sees the problem. He is very happy to seize such an opportunity It's a pity that Liu Hao didn't want his little pudding to raise a weasel, and with a slight movement of his eyes, the expression of Huang Daxian's eagerness to try dissipated.

At this moment, Liu Hao remembered that he seemed to have a pet of a bright tiger. This guy was taken by Xiaoyu to Luffy's boat, and he wandered there for a while, otherwise he would be a very good bodyguard. ;

He didn't even have the idea of ​​summoning it back. Guangming Tiger followed Luffy out of the sea and wandered around the world. Go to the world, in that case, the master himself can also receive some benefits, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

As for the fluffy little pudding, I should wait. After a while, after seeing Yang Jian, the Xiaotian dog should have many family members, so loyal ministers are the best choice.

Strolling around, Liu Hao left with the little pudding he had been obsessed with, but he didn't know that Huang Daxian had other ideas, and the little guys in the family who were hiding nearby were all taken out by them. Playing near Taoist temples, for the joy of attracting children in the future;

The purpose is to let their family be better tied around Liu Hao, even if they are not used as pets for the little puddings of Liu Hao’s family, it is also good to be playmates for the children in the village, and they will be able to contact humans openly in the future. It's not like you can only circle around this one-third of an acre of land like now.

From this point, it has to be said that this group of Huang Daxians is completely enlightened, understands the benefits of human knowledge, and also knows how to develop their own family, which Liu Hao never thought about.

Of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn’t stop it. As long as the aura still exists, it’s impossible for the monster race and monsters to become extinct. The more people who are willing to tie humans together, the better, and it’s impossible to stop it. It’s too late to welcome. .

The monster race is proud. Although the monster race on Liu Hao’s Earth is no better than the prehistoric monster race, this kind of pride still exists. So far, very few have subdued the monster race to become human pets, and more of them are based on the original relationship. Continuation, such as the dog pet that has been kept around, as long as it is biased toward the owner when it is demonized, it can basically be preserved to this day;

It is not easy to tame a monster as a pet, crushing is fundamental, but once a monk crushes a monster, the demand for it is basically meaningless. The earth is not like the realm of cultivation in the novel. Flow is not realistic;

Opening up a dimensional space, without Da Luo Jinxian, it is almost impossible to think about it, but if you seal the monster clan with a beast card, it means that the monster clan has been beheaded to extract the soul, and then the soul of the monster beast is sealed in a certain object. Release it at the time of the enemy;

But even so, it is still possible to be backlashed, unless the spiritual wisdom of the soul is also deprived at the same time, but depriving the spiritual wisdom of the monster soul also means that the role of this beast card becomes limited, and the combat power will drop. kind;

Moreover, the monster race is also very resistant to this. They are all intelligent creatures, and no one is willing to be enslaved after death. kind;

Under the combination of these conditions, there are very few beast cards nowadays, I don’t need them, and I have to worry about being detected and assassinated by the monsters when I give them to the juniors. , it is not as practical as spending effort on how to refine magic weapons.

Therefore, nowadays, monks who have monster pets are all enviable people. Generally speaking, monks will not really treat them as pets, it is more like a special partnership, life and death, and monsters Once this kind of relationship with a human is established, it is very loyal and reliable. Compared with humans, even if the monsters have wisdom, there are much fewer twists and turns.

The Dragon Country is better than other countries, because there is a magical world within the Qinling Mountains. If you think your ability is not bad, it is much easier to subdue a monster than a monster. Most of those who keep pets are caused by monsters;

However, the upper limit of monsters is much lower than that of monsters. Compared with monsters, the IQ of monsters is still lower, and it is often only at the eighth or ninth level that they truly have mature wisdom;

Often when the cultivation base is low, it still has some effect. Once the cultivation base is raised, more of them can only be kept as pets, just like the Bright Tiger that Liu Hao cares about. Now its combat power is of no use to Liu Hao at all. Even if you stay by your side, it's just looking after your home.

That is to say, the little pudding in his arms is full of interest, otherwise it would be a problem whether Liu Hao even remembered it.

Living in my hometown, when I have not returned home, I am often very impatient, but once I stay in my hometown for a long time, it seems awkward, the longer the time, the more I want to go out;

This is the case with Liu Hao who is obsessed with obsession, but after staying for ten days and a half months, he always feels that he has nothing to do. In this regard, he is not as calm as Qinglong Liu Hao. He has already thought about going out for a walk several times;

It was not until today that I made up my mind to walk;

Longhu Mountain is one of the top-ranked Taoist inheritance places in Longguo. Later, because the world of "one person" is connected here, it has been strongly supported by the state, and many Taoist classics have been opened to Longhushan Taoist priests. Practice, coupled with the fusion of the other side of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain "Under One Person", has made it a higher level, and now it has become the biggest card of Taoism in the territory of Longguo;

But the biggest development of Longhu Mountain is not here, but after the arrival of the Virgin Mary, Longhu Mountain, which has obtained almost complete cutting-off skills, has a surge of grandeur, and the momentum of the Immortal Gate is coming. Immortals can be found everywhere, and even three or four generations of disciples are equally powerful when they are released, and they have also made great contributions to the Dragon Kingdom;

But even so, above Longhu Mountain, the way of talisman seals is still the mainstream, combined with the use mode of "under one person" Tongtianlu, it promotes the rapid development of the way of talismans, and it seems to have become a major symbol of Longhushan disciples ;

When Liu Hao came here, there were countless practitioners, even in the barracks below the mountain gate, there were many people who practiced this way;

Liu Hao's earth is no different from other worlds, it inherits so much;

On the contrary, anything that has a greater promotion effect on combat effectiveness tends to spread very quickly, as long as it is not the trump card of the major forces and sects, it will often spread among the people of the entire Dragon Kingdom very quickly;

The way of talismans is like this, and it is also based on the necessity of the degree of danger on the earth. Wild monsters are still rampant, and there is no way to feed them. Once an order is placed, it will be a bad dish.

Of course, many of the treasures at the bottom of the box are no longer listed here. For example, the supernatural method taught by the Virgin of Wudang to Longhushan came from a sage. ;

The way of practice, the 'wealthy couple law land', is indispensable;

Longhushan occupies all four of these, and it is even more important to the Honghuang Jiejiao, and its momentum is already unstoppable;

The Matthew effect is also useful in the practice world;

The strong get stronger, it has been like this since ancient times.

Even if the Dragon Kingdom tried its best to promote it, until now, if the low-level monks want to improve, they still need to pay more. Monsters are basically the norm;

Fairness is always relative. Take Liu Hao as an example. His family members will not lack these things at all, and there is no need to work hard to earn them. Most of the disciples on Longhu Mountain are also the same. Most of them will go deep into the mountains to experience and accumulate from generation to generation. The future of Longhu Mountain is bound to become the giant of the Dragon Kingdom, but it is very difficult to say whether it will be transcendent.

It is also here that Liu Hao has this kind of thinking. He also knows that the earth is not as good as the prehistoric, at least before the sage of the Master Tongtian enters the earth, the control of the Dragon Kingdom is absolutely indispensable, but what about the future? Once Tongtian comes to the earth, will you be happy? Who knows what Tongtian will think then?

But these things have already exceeded the scope of Liu Hao's ability. He also knows that the Longguo government has a lot of considerations about this, and conflicts will definitely not happen. The key is how to compromise. To be a god system that has never been passed down in the Dragon Kingdom, it is impossible to say that conflicts will really break out.

The arrogance in Long Guo's bones does not allow foreign gods to dictate. At that time, even Liu Hao will probably go into battle and teach the other party a harsh lesson.

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