Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1016. Incarnation of obsession

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1016. Incarnation of Obsession

Fortunately, Eternity gave Gu Yi the energy body of aura before, otherwise the aura that Marvel Earth has finally recovered today will be exhausted again.

"This is a star. He is a good method, but the method of plundering the stars in the universe is a bit cruel. If this star is lost, the creatures that might have been born because of it will never have a chance again!"

Holding the energy body given to Gu Yi by eternity, Liu Hao couldn't help sighing, Liu Hao is not difficult to use such a method, it only takes a little effort, but he who thinks of Taoism can't do such a thing, even if he is about to die stars, he must be cautious;

Don't underestimate a mere star, losing it, in a universe, seems to be just losing a star, but because of its butterfly effect, it is absolutely violent;

This has already had a large-scale impact on the universe. Once the universe causes karma due to the butterfly effect caused by its disappearance, it will be absolutely terrifying. It is no wonder that Western civilization has never heard of any saints appearing. The world, and no world is happy to see it.

"Since it has been given to you, you should make good use of it. With your xinxing cultivation base, it will be a matter of time before you step into Daluo Daoguo. Now that you have this star energy, it will save you a lot of consumption. Since It is a gift from Yonghen, and the karma will not fall on you, so it is a good thing for you!"

Gu Yi took it, feeling a little complicated in his heart, he is hundreds of years old, but he is also a modern person, how can he not know how much impact the disappearance of a star will have? Among them, the gravity lacks a string, and the local changes caused are likely to change the future of a galaxy, and the resulting impact is absolutely terrifying.

But now that it has become a reality, he can only use it bravely. At this time, even if he wants to return it to the original place, he cannot do it if he wants to restore it, even eternity is powerless;

This is already a problem that can only be balanced by Zhou Tianxing's big formation. Even if Liu Hao wants to recover now, he doesn't know how many years will be needed, let alone a layman like Eternity.

Different from the perspective that Gu Yi thought about, Liu Hao felt more and more the advanced nature of the Six Dao Theory in the prehistoric system. Only with this theory can many monks in the prehistoric world keep thinking and trying to feed back the heaven and the earth when absorbing the nutrition of the heaven and the earth, in order to hope The world can achieve a longer balance. To a large extent, what they do is to extend the life of the world and push their own civilization to a higher level.

If they belong to Western civilization, they don’t know anything about it. For them, they don’t care about these things. Crazy plundering to fill themselves is what they want to do most.

is also determined to do so;

It is also because of this that their upper limit achievements can only be limited, and they are unable to break through to a higher level. In the end, they break the jar instead, just like eternity, pinching a star as a reward for others, as if this is the norm at all.

A typical example is Thanos. When he saw the problem of the balance of the universe, his first thought was to kill half of the creatures, hoping to continue the date of the destruction of the universe;

Changing to Hongjun, it was completely different. Seeing that the number of monks in the prehistoric world had increased sharply, which might break the balance of aura, he directly summoned a few saints and started the journey of Yin Shang to become a god;

This is a kind of suppression directly from the most high-end group of monks, forcing them to fight each other and confer gods, and prohibit cultivation after saving the true spirit. These tool people are captured to maintain the smoother operation of the stars in the heavens, and to speed up the absorption of spiritual energy from chaos. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone;

The only thing that Hongjun didn't figure out was that Tongtian's character was too strong, almost causing Tongtian to smash the prehistoric world into pieces, in order to make up for this mistake;

In the time to come, he directly sits in Chaos, and in Liu Hao's view, most of this has the meaning of personally attracting Chaos aura;

Forbidding saints to appear in the prehistoric world is also for this purpose, because he understands that saints have too much influence on the world, and if they practice at will, they may be able to absorb immeasurable spiritual energy, and throwing them to the edge of chaos is the best choice;

And what about the saints? Most of them also know this, Hongjun is strong enough to crush these saints, but saints are immortal, it is impossible for Guangguang Hongjun to obey 100% of his words, and he must have seen the strength of his own destructive power, Cooperate with Hongjun's decree.

There is also Houtu, which is also in the realm of heaven. After hundreds of millions of years of transformation from the body to the six realms, no real body has ever appeared in the prehistoric world, and even watched his brothers and sisters return to heaven and earth one by one. That look is absolutely surprising.

As the general controller of the circulation hub, Houtu is too clear about this, but sitting in the position of "Kun" to suppress the world to stabilize the prehistoric is one of them, and he must also have the same approach as Hongjun, such as absorbing the spiritual energy from the chaos and entering the prehistoric , to balance the growth needs of the monks, and made a great sacrifice for the longevity of the prehistoric world.

For a moment, Liu Hao felt that his time travel could not be inseparable from this matter, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the possibility was greater;

A monk's induction is no better than that of ordinary people. Once thoughts appear, not to mention nine out of ten, there are often seven out of ten;

This made Liu Hao unable to sit still. The magic was passed on to Gu Yi, and the matter came to an end. Now there are not many things going on in the Marvel universe in a short time, which gave him the idea of ​​returning to his own earth. Do it, there is still a vellus hair incarnation here, it is not a problem;

Farewell to Gu Yi, he appeared in Asgard in a flash, walked through the passage with one step, and entered his own earth, with a slight sense, he found the location of Qinglong Liu Hao;

The White Tiger Liu Hao and the Qinglong Liu Hao just met at the Australian Base of the Dragon Country, and they felt that the deity seemed to have returned to the earth. The two looked at each other and walked towards their hometown. Not much to say, directly turned into a white light and submerged into the body of the deity;

Not long after, I saw a mysterious and mysterious halo appearing around Liu Hao, and the clouds of the heavens spread out on top of it, and three lotus flowers stood in a triangle, two of which were the blue dragon Liu Hao and the white tiger Liu Hao sitting cross-legged , the one in the middle, a faint phantom began to condense, but after a few breaths, this phantom began to appear solid;

I saw that this entity is very different from the other two incarnations, the biggest difference is the dress, it is clearly wearing short-sleeved modern clothes, just like a modern person, its appearance is basically the same as before time travel, this is obvious It is Liu Hao's obsession.


After a clear cry, the incarnation of obsession on the lotus flower opened its eyes, the corners of its mouth slightly raised, looked left and right, then laughed, jumped down, and nodded slightly towards the deity, which was regarded as a greeting;

Then he seemed to see some scenery, and left with a single step, regardless of what the deity thought, looking at the direction, it was exactly the location of his hometown;

Soon, I heard a joyful voice, even though the distance was not close, I could still hear the voice very clearly, this voice was the words of obsession and joy, a call to my mother under extreme excitement.

There was also a slight smile on Liu Hao's face, even if Qinglong Liu Hao and Baihu Liu Hao appeared beside him again, he didn't mean to say hello;

"Front Suzaku, back Xuanwu! His clothes are really interesting!"

The voice of Qinglong Liu Hao came, which made Liu Hao's smile restrained. He is the "qi flower" among the three flowers of spirit, energy and spirit, so it can be regarded as a great feature. Originally, he was thinking about this obsession Whether it is divided into two, now it seems that there is no need to worry;

The killing of the three corpses is considered a great leap forward, but even Liu Hao has not realized why this obsession is so simple, as if it is just an introduction and it will be achieved naturally, and this introduction is exactly what Baihu Liu Hao was thinking about before As for the content, it can be confirmed now that his own appearance must have a great relationship with this.

But if you know it, you know it, and when you do it next, there is still no hint, but even so, it is better than knowing nothing. Finally, you have a goal to move forward, and you know that your arrival is not a coincidence at all, but something. A layout made by a superpower from Chaos gave himself a task;

Although this gave Liu Hao the feeling that he was still a pawn, but at least he understood himself, from a pawn who didn't realize it to now having a little bit of his own plan, no matter what, it was a kind of progress.

These are actually Liu Hao's self-comfort, but what if he doesn't comfort himself like this? He doesn't even know who brought him here, so how can he have the ability to resist?

Since you are powerless to resist, you might as well go with the tide first. If the three corpses have to be cut, you can be regarded as a sub-sage. No matter which world you go to, you can be regarded as a master. What else is there to do if you really have the ability to protect yourself? Only contentment can make you happy, right?

At Liu Hao's level, it is impossible to act impulsively. It is the mainstream to make a decision before acting. Caution is definitely always by your side. But after a few breaths, a decision is made, and only then begins to observe the earth.

This is also Liu Hao's first time beheading the three corpses in his own world, and he is also the most powerful obsessed with the three corpses. The range of meters has not been affected, and the huge energy required seems to have been hidden in Liu Hao's body;

This is what Liu Hao really cares about. He also thought about whether it was the chess player behind the scenes who slipped him here, but this idea was quickly rejected after flashing through his mind;

"Time is long!"

Next to him, the white tiger Liu Hao gave a reminder, and Liu Hao himself suddenly became enlightened;

Yes, just now, the energy is so compatible, as if it is what you should have, and it is 100% your own product. This kind of energy source cannot come from others, and it can only be your own. Combined with the time that just loomed The law, then it can be determined that these energies come from the long river of time 100%, and they are all owned by themselves, which is definitely a part of the future self;

It's just that when I collected it, I don't know now. Of course, I can't go into the long river of time to check it out, but in that case, it is likely to disrupt my future layout, and that is not worth the loss;

Now that it's clear, it's okay to ignore it, and there are no side effects at all, so why not do it?

On the contrary, this reminded myself that the layout does not need to be in the present, isn't any location in the upper and lower river basins a perfect location for Buzi? Even in the past, if the calculation is thorough, it is not impossible to make a move, right?

This thought flashed in the minds of the three of them, and none of them opened their mouths, but this tacit understanding among themselves has already formed, and each of them has an idea that is eager to try;

That’s impossible in the prehistoric world. There are saints on it, as well as Hongjun Houtu Nuwa and others who are in the realm of heaven. If they settle in any place, they will not escape their observation. But aside from the prehistoric world, other worlds seem to have no There is no problem at all, with my current sub-sage cultivation base, who can peek at it?

The three of them looked at each other tacitly, and then disappeared in a stream of light. The deity Liu Hao returned directly to Honghuang, but he had other ideas. Being low-key in Honghuang does not mean doing nothing. Got it, and it's time to take office;

Qinglong Liu Hao went directly to the Australian base of the Dragon Country. As for whether he will take the time to go to other worlds, it needs to be carefully weighed;

And Baihu Liu Hao returned to the Marvel world. Needless to say, this guy will definitely be the first to make waves in the long river of time, and he is also the most unscrupulous one.

As the new incarnation of obsession, Liu Hao is like an ordinary person, staying at home, blaming his mother to do this and that, as if he wants to make up for the regrets of a lifetime, depending on his condition, you Don't think about what he does for a short time.

In fact, this is also the case. Liu Hao, the incarnation of obsession, is simply a hanging silk in his previous life. He is the most sensual and must be the most casual one. Don't expect any etiquette to appear on him. Similarly, Liu Hao's father The kindest member of Mom, a few words can make them very happy. With him, other deities, whether they are incarnations or incarnations, are more relaxed and more at ease.

Faced with the doubts of his parents, he directly rounded it up with one sentence;

"This is called returning to basics, do you understand? Your son is amazing now, under a saint, he is invincible all over the world! No one is afraid of him!"

"You're a big talker! You've been bragging since you were a child!" Liu Hao's father was immediately diverted from the topic, without any doubts;

"Xiaohao, are you really okay? Don't you lose your cultivation?" On the contrary, Liu Hao's mother was worried from a different angle, "It doesn't matter if you are gone, we are still in the family, and your boss is now in his early years. A while ago, the garrison wanted to transfer him to the other side of the back mountain passage to manage the law and order, I think it’s okay, it’s close to home, and with his cultivation level, he should do a good job, but it’s delaying them in the village!”

"Mom, I'm fine, isn't that good? Look at me like an ordinary person, just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, haha, it will be comfortable to slap my face when the time comes;

As for my brother, it is not bad to be transferred to the Goblin world of Houshan. There is a possibility of improvement in that world, and it also has a lot of bonuses for cultivation. Dad can also go there to practice and practice when he is free, which is beneficial! "

"That's fine, I'll also convince the boss here, he has been delayed in the village all these years, anyway, the child can walk and run, and we are at home!"

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