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1015. Marvel's Magical Inheritance

Marvel Universe Earth, New York City, a stadium that can accommodate 300,000 people has been built. In the middle of the stadium is a ten-meter-high arena. All kinds of hidden technologies are used in it;

In a short period of time, such a stage is indeed not a big problem. Even if the Hulk fights on it, it will only make some potholes, but it can only be like this. Maybe it will not be long before this stage must be eliminated. At that time, the role of this economic venue should also be lost;

Liu Hao didn't expect to continue tinkering. This time, he not only arranged formations on the stage, but also reinforced the entire venue by the way, and took many protective measures in it, such as not being affected by the battle.

With his actions, even if Magneto is here, he can only be obedient;

Perhaps considering the amazing abilities of mutants such as Magneto, Liu Hao also thought about whether to engage in a battle of consciousness, but he just gave up after thinking about it. Without him, the soul level of these people is still too weak. The problem is probably irreversible. Instead of causing them to be injured in the soul, it is better to bear it with the body.

But he also knows that such a competitive stage has many restrictions on guys like Magneto, and the combat power must also be limited, but that's the only way to go. Besides, he didn't build this for Magneto and the others. venues;

Outside of the arena, several blocks have been established. The Bald Eagle has long publicized this. For this reason, New York City even passed a separate bill for economic venues. Naturally, these blocks have been half sold and half given to many countries. ;

For example, the polar bear is one of the most impatient members. Relying on his own strength, he got an entire block at once. Almost the entire hometown of polar bears in New York City has been relocated here. Boss even set up an office in this block. , raised the national flag;

Logically speaking, how could polar bears and other countries be willing to cooperate with the competition held by the bald eagle?

But in fact, it is a little different. Of course, the key to this is the benefit. The Bald Eagle has paid a lot to make this competition the largest gathering on Marvel Earth in the future. For example, the permanent free live broadcast rights of major countries are one of them. , and with the live broadcast, there will be audiences. With these audiences, we can choose sponsors, at least to ensure that there will be no losses in the competition;

The purpose of the bald eagle is very simple, to minimize the infiltration of the civilization of the Dragon Kingdom where Liu Hao sits in the Lafayette area.

This is not only that the patients will not be willing, but also has Liu Hao's deterrent effect of being able to squeeze a nuclear bomb from the air;

However, Bald Eagle's medical industry is different. In order to attack Longguo traditional Chinese medicine, they spent countless money and spent decades, and they were about to succeed;

But how long has it been since Liu Hao's arrival? It completely wiped out what they spent countless money and time on, and made Longguo Chinese medicine a truly top-notch medical technology, which completely surpassed their layout. For this reason, they are absolutely willing to spend more dollars to persuade Congress;

And don't think that Liu Hao is in the clinic, no one really comes to trouble him. During this process, I don't know how many professional killers borrowed the task;

But once they enter Lafasheng, they will forget all the tasks in an instant, spend a lot of happiness and leave, only to find out what their original purpose is, go in again, the same, when they leave again, Where dare to assassinate?

This is already the influence of the consciousness level, the kind that cannot escape;

That is to say, Liu Hao didn't bother to care about them at all, they were just a group of ants, there was no need to waste their thoughts on them, which made these people who came here to radiate killing intent all the time taste the fear from the heart;

Up to now, the entire Marvel killer community has formed a tacit agreement that they will never go to the Lafayette area, no matter how much money they have.

Longguo Chinese medicine was the first to explode, followed by Longguo's food culture, which has prevailed in New York City until now. If it is not restricted, it will definitely spread sooner or later;

The super assimilation of the Dragon Kingdom civilization made the Bald Eagle Black Palace very uncomfortable. They have always been the only ones who have influenced other countries, and they are more aware of the horror of it. Now they are affected by the reverse, and they can't be too cautious about it;

That is why they gave up many benefits, half-sold and half-given real estate, completely permanent free live broadcast rights, etc., and there are many indescribable transactions hidden in private, which makes many countries happily participate in it;

It can be said that the next arena battle has become a long-awaited event for humans on Marvel Earth.

This effect is also in line with Liu Hao's idea. Spreading the combat skills of various countries will also have a great promotional effect on the recovery of Marvel Earth's aura in the future;

In the clinic, Orochimaru came to visit again, he was keenly aware of the difference, and vaguely guessed Liu Hao's purpose;

"Oshemaru, you can try to enter the arena with your own appearance, ninjutsu combat, the small book country will definitely give you more and greater worship, through these, it will greatly promote your belief in collecting the small book country !"

"Do you believe in it? Sure enough!"

"You can create a clone at will, and try it out first before making any calculations!"

"Understood!" Orochimaru accepted it calmly. After absorbing the snake gene of the world, he has a higher level of talent, and he has more expectations in his heart. He also knows that even so, the height of the future is still limited. It was already in his plan to raise his upper limit height. How could he miss such a reasonable and legal collection of beliefs?

But he also knows that in such an arena, too much crushing strength is not a good thing, and a small clone is indeed an excellent solution.

"It seems that the spiritual energy here has also recovered!"

Asking this is the real purpose of Orochimaru's arrival today. He lacks aura, and it is difficult to improve his cultivation level after his talent has been improved. He thinks this is Liu Hao's layout, and he is afraid that he will cause trouble to Liu Hao by absorbing aura forcefully;

"It will take a while to accumulate from Asgard to the earth! If you can't wait, then I will take you to Asgard to break through!"

"Don't worry, I have a lot of experiments to deal with!"

Orochimaru got Liu Hao's promise, and knew what to do; he didn't stay long, and left after a while, and Gu Yi arrived just after he left for a while;

"It seems that you have also discovered the improvement of aura!"

"I've also noticed Odin's movements! I'm just worried that the recovery of spiritual energy will bring many uncontrollable changes to the earth!"

"There must be changes. The era of national cultivation is far from coming. The first to rise can only be those creatures who have a greater affinity for aura. Among human beings, those with high talents are one of them. These people are also the future. The main force of other dimensions invading the earth!"

Liu Hao's explanation, Gu Yi is very clear, the battle of time and river has completely changed his perception of the world, and he understands that there are also many competitions between the worlds, and there are also justice and evil orders, and such order camps The competition among the world can only end when one side falls down. If Marvel Earth wants to survive, it can only face up to the difficulties, and there is no other way to go.

Gu Yi came today, but not for this matter, but because he wanted to ask Liu Hao whether the Kama Taj magic that he had been measuring recently was widely spread in the real society;

With aura, there is no need to absorb energy from other dimensions, which is equivalent to opening the shackles of the spread of Karma Taj magic, but if it spreads, it will also cause huge social effects and create more social problems. The source lies in him. She must also be responsible for the burden, and he had to carefully consider how to choose.

"Evil is a kind of thought, and it is also the most difficult to control! Among the disciples of your inheritance in the past, there are not a few who have already seen through their future. Why are you a little hesitant now?"

"It is always the population that is controllable, and there is nothing to fear from evil individuals! Once it becomes a large group, the influence it exudes is by no means comparable to that of a single person!"

Liu Hao nodded slightly in agreement with Gu Yi's answer. For example, if Abyss is just a single body, even if the opponent is at the Chaos level, so what? It can't cause many storms, but the most terrifying thing is the infinite abyss race;

This is Gu Yi's cautiousness. He also saw Liu Hao's cautiousness in inheriting various Taoisms. He came today because he thought Liu Hao could give him a date, and when to start wide-scale transmission is the best choice.

"Kama Taj can be more liberal in recruiting disciples, but you need to make a lot of considerations when it comes to choosing. Those with evil hearts, it's better to be more cautious!"

"The future is beyond my control, and it's time to restrain myself!"

These words revealed the fear in Gu Yi's heart. Isn't this the most worrying thing for a strong man who is used to being in control?

"You don't need to worry too much! The catastrophe is a whole! It has spread to all the heavens and worlds! Compared with many worlds, this world is not bad, and the five supreme gods will not stand by in the future!

The first to bear the brunt is Asgard, and there are many civilized races in this world that can be borrowed! You don't have to take everything on your shoulders! "

"Why don't I know? It's just that I'm used to guarding this planet, and I can't do it anymore if I want to let it go!"

"This is your responsibility and your merit, and you are not required to let it go! Any strength you teach in the future will be your shoulders!"

"It seems that Karma Taj also needs to participate in the arena battle that will start soon!"

"It's best if you think like this! The reason why they were guided to build this arena is also to select the inheritance power that is most suitable for this planet. It is not unreasonable for Kama Taj to be able to spread on the earth for thousands of years." !"

"It seems that it is already a trend to spread!"

"Perhaps, since you came here today, I will also pass on to you some magic methods of other heavens, and add some methods to you Kama Taj!"

"I wish I could!"

As a master of magic, Gu Yi has long thought about the magic knowledge from other heavens. Liu Hao gave the answer, and he was very happy in his heart. He finally had a smile on his face. The guardians of the Marvel Earth can gather so much The many merits and virtues are definitely not an illusion, and passing on magic knowledge to Gu Yi is also a solemn decision made by Liu Hao during this period of time.

On the one hand, Gu Yi is the best communicator, and it is a great benefit to promote it through his hands; The best magical holy land, this is also the place it should have in Marvel Earth.

The magic of Marvel Earth is the cultivation of the soul, strengthening the soul, using the "Xuanjie" as the traction, playing with the magic elements in the air to fight, and using melee as the main means;

The magic taught by Liu Hao is not the case. Soul cultivation is still the most core method, followed by the absorption of magic elements, fused with the soul core, and trained to become a core hub like "grinding the core". Nuclear' became a god in one fell swoop;

The difference between the two lies in whether to integrate magic elements into the sea of ​​consciousness.

But in the final analysis, it is the strength of the soul, followed by the affinity of magic elements.

These two points are not an obstacle to Gu Yi at all. For the former, Gu Yi's soul has already stepped into a very high level, and he is not inferior to many god kings in the magical world;

The latter is the problem of the affinity of magic elements. As the ancient one who has been playing with magic elements for a long time, even if the original affinity is scarce, it has become extremely friendly after hundreds of years of use, and all magic elements are The friendly kind.

The lack of these two levels also made the ancient pair of magic extremely fast. Often, they only need to use it once, and they are enough to be proficient. After three times, they are already as good as their arms;

In just half a day, the sacred fire in Gu Yi's sea of ​​consciousness had already been ignited, and the colorful rays of light penetrated his body, and even washed his body because of it, greatly improving his physical strength, and also improving his only shortcoming a lot.

Fortunately, these situations were all born in the mirror space cast by Gu Yi, otherwise Marvel Earth should be celebrating;

But even so, Liu Hao can sense the changes in the Marvel Earth, and he doesn't need to go there to know that the core of the Marvel Earth has added more brilliance. To accommodate the magical inheritance from other heavens, perhaps, the Gaia consciousness of Marvel Earth has now been raised to a big level, right?

Liu Hao thought of the system of hundreds of doctors he had inherited before, and thought that the Marvel world had absorbed the changes brought about by this inheritance, but he also knew that it was still far from being able to improve the level of the Marvel world with this. Great promotion cannot be achieved in a short period of time;

On the contrary, magic seems to be more in line with the laws of the Marvel world, accepting the magic inheritance of other worlds, and once it is promoted to the whole universe, it may really change in nature, but at that time, whether the five supreme gods can continue to be supreme depends on What a problem;

After all, it is still a world dominated by Western civilization, and there are still fundamental differences in terms of fit.

This instead made Liu Hao more determined in his belief in promoting the Way of Hundred Schools in the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth. He never wanted the Dragon Kingdom to be assimilated by the Western cultivation system, nor would he allow it! Once the conditions are ripe, the Buddhist and Taoist cultivation systems will not be left behind!

How come there will be fewer people from the Dragon Kingdom in the future supreme ruler of the Marvel world?

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