Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1014. Exchange with Tongtian

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1014. Exchange with Tongtian

Liu Hao didn't care too much about what Zulong did. Even if Xiao Long'er didn't get the inheritance of Zulong today, so what? When he has completely digested the Qinglong inheritance, he will also be able to complete it for Xiaolonger in the future;

The reason why Xiao Long'er was allowed to come was because of Xiao Long'er's own chance, since it's here, why not give it a try;

On the other hand, it was Liu Hao who wanted to give Xiao Longer the luck of the Great Desolate Dragon Clan. After all, he is an outsider, even if the blood of the real dragon is already top-notch, with one more identity, he can get more luck. For Xiao Longer, it is also a good thing.

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to learn about the 'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Formation'?"

Liu Hao didn't bother to pay attention to Zulong's choice at all. Instead, he felt that since the "Zhoutian Xingchenzhu" had been exposed, he didn't mind one more person knowing the information about the "Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation".

"Oh? You're so happy! Pindao has little resistance to the opponent's method. Since you just gave it, Pindao will naturally dare to accept it!"

Tong Tian is also a happy person, he is a major in formation, and the complete inheritance is first, so he really has no reason to miss it;

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a flash of light from Liu Hao. For this reason, he laughed out loud, and flashed a flash of light to Liu Hao with his backhand, but it was an exchange;

Liu Hao didn't want the other party to owe him karma, so he was naturally willing to exchange it. As for whether the value was equal, he didn't care much at all, but he didn't know what the content of this aura was until he received it, which also shocked him.

'Zhuxian Sword Formation'!

It is basically the treasure at the bottom of the cut-off box, and it is also one of the three great formations in the prehistoric world. Its value is basically at the same level as the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation".

"You guy, aren't you afraid that your adults will scold you?"

"Since it is given, it is naturally allowed!"

"Then I will be disrespectful!"

The two of them didn't care whether the location was suitable or not, they just sank into comprehension. On the contrary, Zulong was a little dazed, and felt that his era had come to an end.

The two of them didn't worry about what the Zulong across the universe would do to them. It could be said that they had nothing to fear, and Zulong really didn't have the slightest thought of making a move. Live alone in the universe,

Even the concept of time may be forgotten. If you fall asleep again, the next time you wake up, it may only be an infinite calamity.

This is the price of the loser. For Zulong and the three who were robbed at the beginning of Longhan, death was not something to fear at all, but things deviated from their expectations, and in the end they realized that everything they had was in the hands of others. In the calculation, reduced to a forward, reduced to a pawn;

If it is not for the sake of future generations, with the characters of Zulong, Yuanfenghuang and Shiqilin, there will definitely be a final struggle. At that time, even if Hongjun or Luohu can win in the end, they will have to bear a greater price. For example, Luo Hu blew himself up in the end and left the prehistoric west desolate, which is the biggest proof;

It is also because of this that even after Hongjun won and completely controlled Honghuang, he didn't do anything to Zulong and others;

Of course, if Zulong and the others had made a last-ditch effort, the fate of the three clans would have been very different now, or in other words, how many of them would be left now would be a big problem;

At that time, Zulong could bear it for the sake of future generations, and now Zulong is even more so, and it is even more impossible to have other thoughts about Liu Hao and Tongtian. Seeing that the two directly ignored him, Zulong turned his final wish to Ao Bing and Xiaolong Son.

Liu Hao, who has been immersed in comprehending the Zhuxian Sword Formation, knows this very well. He also inherits the way of the formation, and the foundation is also very solid, but there is still a big gap between the level and the Tongtian. This is the creator and the inheritor. the difference between

As far as research is concerned, Tongtian is much better than Liu Hao. He also obtained the top-level knowledge of a large formation. proficient.

Fortunately, Liu Hao doesn't have to completely control the Zhuxian Sword Formation, that's not realistic, neither the Four Swords of Jade Immortals nor the sword map of Zhuxian Sword Formation is impossible for him. Bring a qualitative leap to one's own sword energy, such as suppressing in all directions with the Zhuxian sword formation to increase the greater power of the four elephant formation, etc.

Especially the latter, the more he comprehended the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the more Liu Hao realized that the "Four Elephant Formation" he was most familiar with still had infinite possibilities of development;

Combined with his own familiarity with the way of talisman seals, Liu Hao realized that he had gone on the wrong path before. Why couldn't he carve four talisman seals on a single talisman at the same time? By extension, isn't this just a map of the four-element formation?

Even if you don't use it yourself, giving these formation maps to the Dragon Kingdom's military is definitely a great improvement, not to mention other things, the Everbright formation's guards on the barracks can be upgraded to a huge level. The power of the 'Four Elephant Formation' stimulated is also more effective;

On this basis, I can also carve the 'Four Swords of Jade Immortals' talisman. With the complete inheritance of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation given by 'Tongtian', even if the effect of the 'Four Swords of Jade Immortals' talisman is several levels lower, it is not the same Is it another way to use Zhuxian Sword Formation?

The decomposition of formations may not have much effect on Liu Hao himself, but it is definitely a qualitative improvement for the earth. Long Kingdom, which advocates team combat, is naturally a testing ground for the decomposition and utilization of formations;

The more he thought about it, the more Liu Hao realized that he had gone on the wrong path in the past;

Dragon Kingdom has a population of more than one billion, and there are indeed many geniuses that can emerge. It is indeed a way to expect these people to grow into high-end combat power;

But no matter what, it is impossible for these people to catch up with the prehistoric monks. They have cultivated for countless years, and their talents are more crushing. Even if they can be comparable to these people in the future, so what? Isn't one-on-one also crushed?

He suddenly discovered that the Dragon Kingdom has one of the biggest advantages compared to Honghuang, that is, all the people are monks, with a population of more than one billion, each of whom has stepped into the path of cultivation. The nodes can be used, and any node of the formation can find many fits, so that these combat power can be truly brought into full play.

The formation is like this, what about other methods? Is it possible to do the same?

Thinking of this, Liu Hao has an urge to return to Earth, and at worst, he needs to make a trip.

As time passed, Zulong also made a decision on the other side, and Xiao Long'er was also fortunate to receive the inheritance of Zulong. From this point of view, Zulong's courage must not be underestimated, it is not just as simple as inheritance;

Passing it to one person is equivalent to directly confirming the future status of this person. In other words, it is the recognition of the next patriarch, and it is also recognized by all dragon clans. Even if Zhulong is born, he must salute Ao Bing to show respect.

now what? But it means that Xiao Long'er also has the possibility of competing for the future patriarch of the dragon clan. As long as he wants to, he can become a competitor with Ao Bing, while other dragon clans can only watch from the sidelines and not participate in it. Let Xiao Long'er and Ao Bing fight to become a dragon clan The most honorable one.

One is of the blood of close relatives, and the other is of unknown origin. For outsiders, Liu Hao had already made plans for Zulong to ignore Xiao Longer directly. Now it seems that he still underestimated the other party, which also made Liu Hao No small cause and effect for Zulong;

Perhaps, this is the decision made by Zu Long after weighing it. It is not to invest in Xiaolonger, but to bet on Liu Hao. Liu Hao, who has the 'innate treasure' in his body, is the one Zu Long really bet on.

When Liu Hao and Tong Tian woke up, Ao Bing and Xiao Long'er were still asleep, and Zu Long beside him also closed his eyes;

Judging from the aura, Zulong also paid a lot and became even more sluggish. Many wounds on his body even re-opened, and the black-yellow dragon blood became diffuse;

Some of them are even thrown into the cosmic space and left to drift without paying attention, which means that even if someone steps into this space for a long time from now on, Zulong will have difficulty waking up.

It was only now that Liu Hao set his sights on the Dragon Ball planet in the center of the universe, and this made him feel a little strange;

The planet formed by the dragon ball in front of me has a lot of similarities with the earth. Apart from the boundless ocean covering both ends of the north and south poles, the largest continent is so similar to the Eurasian continent of the earth. From it, we can even vaguely see the dragon kingdom Various landmarks, such as the shape of the Yellow River and Yangtze River, are almost exactly the same;

He doesn't think it's a coincidence, maybe it should be like this in the dark, and it's no wonder that across a world, the Dragon Kingdom still regards itself as the descendant of the dragon. The planet the natives call Earth;

Even if he has not yet entered the Ziwei Starfield to obtain the inheritance that Ziwei Great Emperor should have, Liu Hao still understands some basic information about the prehistoric universe and starry sky;

For example, the crape myrtle star mentioned by monk Honghuang is not a planet at all, but a huge star field, and there are satellite galaxies under it;

For example, Wenqu Star and Wuqu Star are one of them. Any galaxy is far larger than the Milky Way in Liu Hao's impression. Even if the Milky Way is replaced by these galaxies, it can only be a subsidiary of a certain one;

In such a vast star field, there are countless planets that will be born with creatures. It seems normal to have a planet similar to the earth hidden in it, but I don't know if there are many legends on it?

If so, will the future also evolve along the known history? Will there be a hundred schools of thought?

Suddenly, Liu Hao realized that he was thinking too much. He came to the wilderness not to see the essence through the phenomenon, nor to study some great secrets;

In essence, I just want to get more luck and inheritance, and to improve my cultivation;

Even if a similar planet is found, or even another earth is found? Can it still be stationed in it? Will it still take a lot of time to guide them?

After much deliberation, I can only pass on the system of hundreds of schools. For the rest, I only depend on God's will. Or the enemy is not sure.

"Your son has obtained the inheritance of the ancestral dragon, and he must also bear the karma of the dragon clan. You are willing to bear it!"

The voice from the sky brought Liu Hao back from his thoughts to reality, and he smiled slightly;

"There are thousands of roads, and we can only ensure that we take the one that best suits our needs. We can plan the path of our disciples and children, but we cannot help them choose. Whether it is good or bad, it depends on them in the end;

Zulong gave Xiaolong'er the inheritance. In the future, whether Xiaolong'er will follow the same path as Zulong, or absorb the inheritance of Zulong, and combine himself to walk out of his own path, can only be seen by Xiaolonger himself;

Moreover, there are gains and losses! Whatever you get, you must bear the corresponding cause and effect. As elders, we can only help them resist in times of crisis, but we cannot keep them within a safe range all the time. If we really do this, their future The height can only be limited! "

Liu Hao spoke for a long time in one breath, if Xiao Long'er was no more than a fairy, Liu Hao would definitely not make such a choice, what about now? Xiao Long'er has already stepped into Daluo, and it's time for him to make his own choice. The future is not peaceful, and Liu Hao can't even guarantee his own self-protection. Only when the cultivation base is high can he really feel at ease;

Compared with this, everything else is imaginary, even if it is the cause and effect of the dragon clan? There is suppression in the prehistoric world, you can go to other worlds to practice, and come back to pay back when your cultivation level is higher in the future.

How could Tongtian not know what he said?

Wasn't the originally huge Jujiao completely ruined because of this idea?

So much so that he now doubts whether his original choice was correct, and this knot in his heart always exists;

On the contrary, what Liu Hao said today gave him a different understanding, and he realized that he had not been able to get out of the cage that restricted him for so long;

These words penetrated Tongtian's heart and broke through his long-standing mist. In addition, now that the Conferred God has been revived and his disciples have escaped the shackles of heaven, this has completely awakened him, and his mind has become more transparent. , appearing in a mysterious and mysterious state, a bright smile appeared on his face, but inadvertently, it went to a higher level;

As an avatar in front of me, I still can't see that Tongtian's main body in the chaos is full of light. Countless golden lotus flowers dance around him, and endless murmurs of heaven fill the entire world. At the gate of the palace, the sleepy water and fire boy will Already in a deep sleep, the blossoming lotus penetrated into his body, becoming more pure with every breath.

The cultivation base of Hunyuan Ninth Heaven has become more consolidated, vaguely, even peeking into the realm of heaven, at this moment, Tongtian's cultivation base has completely caught up with Taishang, and even vaguely surpassed it. possible.

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