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1013, Ancestral Dragon Awakens

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, Liu Hao and Ao Guang pushed their cups to the cup, watching the clam fairies leisurely and uncomfortable, as if they had completely forgotten about Xiao Longer; in fact, Liu Hao never relaxed at all, and was always attached to him with a distraction. On Xiaolonger;

When he arrived in the East China Sea, Liu Hao felt in his heart that his son's chance would probably fall in the East China Sea, but it was not his chance, and he didn't know where it was, so he had to let Xiao Long'er find it by himself.

Sure enough, after a while, Liu Hao's spiritual sense attached to Xiao Longer's body was sensed, and it seemed to disappear without a trace in an instant.


Liu Haofang noticed that there was a slight trembling sound coming from the Dragon Palace, and Ao Guang stood up abruptly, his astonishment was beyond words, as if a great event had happened.

Before they could make a move, a figure leisurely appeared in front of everyone. The appearance of this figure made Ao Guang startled again, feeling like bowing down to salute;

"See you..."

"Don't be too polite!"

The visitor waved his hand to stop Ao Guang without waiting for him to finish speaking;

"You're fast, you rushed here just as the ancestor dragon's aura appeared, could it be that you were already in the East China Sea?"

"I told the saint to be in the East China Sea. Shouldn't I be in the East China Sea?"

It was Tongtian who came, and he stopped Ao Guang from saluting because he didn't want to reveal his identity;

"How about Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu?"

"They're not bad! Especially Lei Fa has a good talent, but it's a pity that the yin and yang are divided, and they can't get all the skills!"

"For them, specialization is a good choice. After all, they have limited footwork and are not inferior to innate races!"

"It can only be like this. Pindao also thought about adding some background to the two of them, but he finally endured it. They are left to find opportunities by themselves. In this way, they don't need to bear the original luck of cutting off teaching. For them, instead It's a good thing!"

"With their luck, it's not enough to take on these things. It's okay to wait a while. I don't think they will be worse in the future for the accumulation of luck.

Otherwise, I won't be spotted by you! "

"Hahaha, that's exactly the reason! After a while, I'm going to let them set up their own mountain gates, let's go and see!"

Liu Hao and Tong Tian chatted comfortably, but Ao Guang's heart was beating violently, and his evaluation of Liu Hao in his heart had improved a lot, but he couldn't figure out why Liu Hao could be as good as Tong Tian Shengren. Chatting freely, this is simply ignoring the huge gap between the status of saints. Could it be that there is a secret reason that he Ao Guang doesn't even know?

At this moment, another slight tremor came from the Dragon Palace.

"The secrets of heaven are chaotic, and hundreds of clans will come out! There are many events in the prehistoric times!" Tong Tian sighed leisurely, and while speaking, Tong Tian took a deep look at Liu Hao.

"What do you think I'm doing? You don't want to impose all these changes on me, do you?" Liu Hao knows this well, but he can't admit it. Once he agrees, let alone other things Power, Buddhism is the first to jump.

"Pindao didn't say anything about you, so why are you denying it in such a hurry?" Tong Tian said with a smile to Liu Hao, but he was very happy in his heart. He has been a saint for a long time, and he likes this sense of relaxation more and more.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. Zulong seems to have woken up. That's why you came, right?" Liu Hao changed the subject, not wanting to continue entanglement. There are many people from the East China Sea beside him, so it's better to keep a low profile.

"It's just out of curiosity. Logically speaking, Zulong couldn't wake up without immeasurable kalpas, but since it happened, and Pindao happened to be nearby, why not check it out? On the contrary, it's you, your child has already stepped into the East Sea In the eyes, you are not in a hurry?"

"This is Xiao Long'er's own chance. Although there are some risks, it's okay!"

"It seems that you have taken a fancy to the inheritance of Zulong!" Tongtian is also not taboo, and he didn't even hide it in front of Ao Guang, which made Liu Hao feel a little embarrassed;

"Although Xiao Long'er was conceived by my blood, he is a dragon. The blood has been traced back to ancient times, but the inheritance of the dragon is not complete. It is a great opportunity for him to be taught by the ancestor dragon. Whether he can get it depends on God's will! "

But it is said that Xiaolonger and Ao Bing are playing in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. After wandering around, they arrived at the bottom of the Dragon Kingdom. This is where the Sea Eye of the East China Sea is located. When playing on the Internet, a change of scene changes the appearance, and when I wake up again, I find that I am already in the cosmic space;

A planet of unknown size was slowly turning in front of them. Although there was no light around it, it was clearly visible on the planet. The colors of mountains and rivers were fully visible, but most of them had already covered the ocean, and even occupied 80% of the past. superior.

Ao Bing was guarded, Xiaolonger was much younger after all, and his body and soul did not have a sense of crisis, so he would not have other thoughts. Seeing a planet far larger than the size of the earth appear in front of him, and it was covered by a boundless sea, he didn't think much at all. , rushed toward this planet;

When Ao Bing came to his senses, Xiao Long'er's body had already started to dive into the sea of ​​this planet. At this moment, he didn't care about other thoughts, so he hurried to catch up and talk about other things.

How did the two of them know that this planet is caused by Zulong's dragon ball. In the infinite space outside this planet, a huge body of unknown size is slowly revolving around this planet. The vast black-yellow body is covered with countless scars. The scales are broken, and the wounds are like a moat.

When the two dragon bodies, Xiao Long'er and Ao Bing, entered the star sea, this vast body had other reactions. The dragon's eyes, which had been closed for many years, trembled slightly, and it was this tremor that made Donghai There was a slight tremor in the Dragon Palace, which caused the entire East China Sea to have other reactions, which made Tongtian aware of it and appeared here.

When the third tremor came, the eyes of Zulong in this cosmic space opened slightly, like two huge suns, illuminating the entire cosmic space;

Under the endless light, the remnant body of Zulong was completely displayed, and the two little dragons on the planet, Ao Bing and Xiaolonger, were shocked on the spot. Or Xiaolong'er is not worth mentioning at all, just plucking a hair from Zulong's body will be stronger than his second dragon.

The two little dragons were already stiff at this moment, and they were left in a daze. They were completely shocked on the spot. The vast and ancient aura in their faces had no ability to resist at all, so they could only let Zulong do what they wanted. There is no malice, it is more to read the memory in the body of the two little dragons.

From Ao Bing, Zu Long had already learned, and just as he was about to read other information from Xiao Long'er, a voice rang in his ear.

"Fellow Daoist, it's better to stop!"

Needless to say, it was also Liu Hao's intention to block it, and he also passed through the space. Liu Hao knew that his previous evaluation of Zulong had lost an inch. It's no wonder that they dared to suppress those reincarnated demon gods in ancient times.

"Yuyou billions of years! Fellow Daoist finally woke up, congratulations!"

Facing Liu Hao, Zulong was really not afraid at all, but when Tongtian appeared, he had to weigh it, even if he was the incarnation of a saint, he was still a saint.

"Meet fellow Taoist!"

Being proud of Zulong, even if he knew the saint, he was unwilling to bow his head. This made Tongtian heave a sigh of relief, and nodded with a smile. This also made Zulong understand that the protagonist today is Liu Hao. He turned to Liu Hao curiously Hao, seeing this really shocked him.

As an ancient character, his vision is much higher than that of many quasi-sages today;

As early as the rise of the ancient three clans, Zulong knew that if he wanted to go deeper, he had to go to the innate treasures. However, the innate treasures have their own choices, and he cannot take them. Therefore, in order to go further, he had to go against the sky and raise a family. In order to condense the "Qi Luck Supreme Treasure", but even so, it still failed. Zulong was not reconciled, and the same was true for Yuan Fenghuang and Shi Qilin. They all reached this situation and could only continue to move forward. the coming of calamity;

From the beginning to the end, as the patriarchs of the three clans, the three of them knew this all too well, knowing that they were secretly provoked, they were also happy to push the boat along the way to decide the outcome, and continued to gather the "treasure of luck" for the sole ruler of the prehistoric desolation;

For this reason, even if the whole family dies, they will not hesitate, but people are not as good as heaven, and the appearance of Luo Hu and Hongjun made them understand that the real protagonists are not them. After entering the real battlefield Jade Immortal Sword Formation, it is impossible to exit;

But after all, they are heroes, and they have all reached this point. Zulong and the three knew that there was nothing to be done, so they withdrew directly with great perseverance, and swore to the Dao that they would conquer the world forever. This made it impossible for Luo Hu and Hongjun to completely wipe out the three clans. Therefore, the last heritage of the three races was preserved.

Such a person who can play chess with Hongjun, his vision can be imagined, and he can see clearly things that others cannot see through, such as Liu Hao's luck, so strong that his luck can even overwhelm him. The peak period of the three clans was enough to shock Zulong inexplicably. Facing such a character, even if the other party's cultivation base was much lower than his own, he had to wait for him as an equal.

"Fellow Daoist is really enviable! The innate treasure, the poor Daoist family can't find it after hundreds of millions of years of searching for it, and the number of days is too high!"

It took Zulong a while to sigh, which shocked Liu Hao slightly, thinking that his hidden treasure must be revealed today, and it seems impossible to keep a low profile in the future.

Liu Hao didn't think that Zulong and 'Tongtian' would meet Cai to make up their minds, not to mention that Zulong was impossible to be born, even if he robbed him, he didn't have enough luck to refine it. Knowing that the sage Tongtian will obtain the 'Chaos Bell' to suppress luck in the future;

Furthermore, even if someone is greedy, it is impossible to fight here. Once a big battle occurs, the East China Sea Sea Eye will erupt, and the monstrous karma will definitely not be able to resist by a few people;

And as long as there is nothing wrong on the spot, after Liu Hao speaks, they have to take a look at it, so that's okay.

He had a lot of thoughts, but it was only a matter of a moment, knowing that safety was no problem, Liu Hao was also happy to show it generously;

"This is the 'Zhou Tian Xing Chen Zhu'! Originally, it was always in the dojo of Empress Nuwa, and it was only a coincidence that Pindao learned of it!"

There is no need to talk too much about this matter. Since I got it in the nuwa empress dojo, it also shows that it has an inextricable relationship with nuwa, and even it was directly bestowed by nuwa empress. , even if the two of them think in their hearts, they must be treated with caution, and that is enough.

"No wonder Fellow Daoist wants to win the title of Emperor Ziwei! Hahaha, Haotian will be in trouble in the future!"

Tongtian has long known that Liu Hao must have a congenital treasure, not only him, but also Lao Tzu, Yuanshi Tianzun and others have clearly guessed it, even if it is the two of them who received Zhunti;

However, Liu Hao underestimated these saints. The saints understand much better than him.

They understand better that this is simply out of luck, and it is not something that can be counted as their own if they rob it. They understand that even if they rob it, it is impossible to reach their hands;

The treasure has a spirit, so it is not a problem if it disappears, otherwise the 'Chaos Clock' would be there, why didn't they make a move?

It really costs a price for a saint to control the entire world, but how can he not figure out which space the 'Chaos Clock' is hidden in?

Taking a step back, it's just an extremely easy thing for a saint to swim in the prehistoric time. Didn't he sense the calamity of his twelve merits and virtues when he was enshrined in the Yin and Shang Dynasties?

He clearly knew it, but even so, he still chose to let nature take its course, and did not try to avoid it, because he knew that even if he did it, it would probably be impossible to get rid of it. when.

It was also because of this that Tong Tianming knew that Liu Hao had deliberately brought up Nuwa, but as if he didn't understand, he helped Liu Hao change the subject.

"Pindao doesn't have the idea of ​​competing with Haotian for the luck of heaven, you guys don't want to provoke!"

"Hahaha, I saw that guy was upset a long time ago, and it would be nice if you could make him suffer a little bit in the future!"

"It seems that you have a lot of resentment towards him!"

"Who doesn't know how clever he is? Just don't bother to argue with him!"

The two went straight to the floor, but Zu Long on the side was stunned. After thinking about it, it was clear that he was giving him time to choose a successor, which made him turn his attention to Ao Bing and Xiao Long'er.

If Liu Hao had a prehistoric future, Ao Bing was the only one who could get the inheritance of the ancestral dragon in the entire prehistoric area. That's why, Ao Bing was plotted against him early on, and was inexplicably beaten to death by Nezha. possibility of rising.

However, now that time has passed, the prehistoric world is more likely to return to the ancient times, and the ten thousand races will come out, and there is no need to continue to suppress the dragon race. This is how Ao Bing went to heaven. Ao Bing can also enter here in a wrong way, get the inheritance of the ancestor dragon and carry the banner of the dragon clan, but the future consequences are very unpredictable;

Zulong can understand these things after a little thought, which also makes him have to weigh, whether to directly give this inheritance to Ao Bing, or to ignore the two little dragons in front of him?

Ao Bing, who knows the root and the bottom line, is also a direct descendant. After reading Ao Bing's memory, he can be more sure of what he guessed, and there is no need to think about inheritance, but what about Xiao Long'er?

The bloodline cannot be faked, and it has already caught up with itself. Once it is passed on today, even if it catches up with itself in the future, Zulong does not think it is impossible at all. Does it need to help the other party?

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