Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1012. East China Sea Dragon Palace

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1012. East China Sea Dragon Palace

Confucius said to achieve benevolence, Mencius said to obtain righteousness;

Confucius taught us to be a "benevolent person", but this education class is aimed at the upper institutions, that is, the ruling class and the elite class; tell these two classes that we have to do this, that is, we need to establish a personality;

Mencius taught that everyone needs the word "righteousness" to be the leader. The class of everyone here is very interesting, and more of them are aimed at the lower class people, so there is a saying that "every righteousness kills the dog generation".

Fang Yun's teaching and transformation of the monster race is more about instilling the way of Mencius, not to mention the ease of use, but also to implant the word "righteousness" deeply into their sea of ​​consciousness, so as to ensure that when the abyss race invades in the future, these monster races will not collapse at a touch .

After staying in the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism for so many years, Fang Yun has long been transformed into a human supremacist, even if he is to educate the monster race, he has also taken precautions.

With so many monster races sitting quietly listening to Fang Yun's lecture, how could the bald eagle not know? It's just that Fang Yun didn't cover it up. Under the detection of Tianji satellite, the bald eagle has other plans. Seeing countless monsters gathering, his heart is full of murderous intent. Besides, after several discussions, all the stored nuclear bombs were fired;

It is also because Thor, the god of thunder, knew little about this, or did not pay attention to these nuclear bombs at all, and there was very little control over this, which gave the bald eagle indigenous radicals a chance, and by the time they reacted, it was already too late.

Liu Hao has stayed so far, waiting for the bald eagle's tricks. He smiled and watched hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs flying towards this room. , as if a mirror surface appeared, but when the nuclear ejection arrived at the mirror surface, it would be instantly transformed into the endless black cloud of the abyss in the north, and then, explosions like the sun were born one by one.

Not to mention, the heat and burning produced by the nuclear bomb explosion also had a great effect on the breath of the abyss. The murmuring sound like grinding teeth, after the nuclear explosion, seemed to be torn apart and became much more violent. A lot of screams could be heard.

Liu Hao also knew that these nuclear bombs could not cause much damage to the dark clouds of the abyss. In fact, as Liu Hao thought, the endless dark clouds would not respond much after shaking for a few times. Like a potion, the more it spreads out, the faster it disappears, but within a few minutes, only a few flames can be seen from the explosion, scattered in all directions of the dark clouds of the abyss, and after another minute, the dark clouds of the abyss are like has been restored.

It's just a mere nuclear explosion, but the lethality of the fairy rank is on the verge of death, if it weren't for the scorching temperature formed at the time of the explosion,

Perhaps the abyssal breath would not produce the slightest reaction at all, but even so, Liu Hao also noticed the difference, it seems that the abyssal breath is also a kind of extremely high energy;

Once the abyssal breath is lethal, the other party will trigger a 'neutralizing' effect and transform it into the aura side. It seems that the earth side has taken advantage of it, but it is not;

Because these abyssal breaths are backed by the entire abyss, which is at the level of chaos. In other words, even if all the world monks connected to the earth are constantly outputting, it is impossible to convert the energy of the entire abyss into what you need.

Of course, it is not useless. At least, it is still possible to ebb and flow. It seems that the earth in the future does not need to worry about energy being absorbed and reduced by countless monks. This is also a great fortune among misfortunes.

Fang Yun also caught this information, he and Liu Hao exchanged a glance, then took a deep look in the direction of the southern bald eagle, continued to close his eyes and started his lecture;

Seeing this, Liu Hao has no intention of staying any longer. Before the abyss erupts, Fang Yun alone is enough here. Besides, the quasi-sages who have left are also paying attention to this place all the time, so it doesn't matter for a short time .

They were free and easy, but the top leaders of the Bald Eagle were completely dumbfounded. Even if the earth changed dramatically, the Bald Eagle still regarded the nuclear bomb as a member of its trump card. , none of these highest-level nuclear bombs were left behind;

Originally, I thought about solving the problem of the monster race once and for all, but now I fully understand that in the age of science and technology, the earth has completely lost its future. This time, the backbone of the Bald Eagle technology card was completely broken, and the Bald Eagle no longer had the confidence it used to have. The side that took refuge in the Asgardian Protoss took advantage of this to directly occupy the mainstream, which Liu Hao did not expect.

Of course, even if he knew, Liu Hao just smiled at this. Odin, the strongest in Asgard, could only go a few rounds in his hands, so what if he ruled the bald eagle country on his own earth?

Honghuang, Liu Hao himself took his sister and Xiao Longer to stop and go, but he was very leisurely. On this day, he passed directly through Dongsheng Shenzhou and arrived at the edge of the East China Sea. The little dragon couldn't be quiet anymore, he came out with a whoosh, directly transformed into a dragon body in mid-air, and jumped towards the East China Sea with a plop, laughing endlessly.

The East China Sea is the most traditional territory of the dragon group, and it is also the place where they have the strongest dominance. The eyeliner is spread all over the entire sea area. Once there is any trouble, the East China Sea dragons must be the first to know, and the little dragon is really a dragon. The appearance of the body in the East China Sea is a great event for the Dragon Clan, but within a few minutes, the East China Sea Dragon Palace got the news.

Not long after, Liu Hao saw a giant blue dragon slowly emerging from the distant sea. The huge dragon's head looked towards Liu Hao's direction. After seeing Liu Hao's face, the giant blue dragon dared not be careless. Turning into a human body, he hurried over, and when he got close to Liu Hao, he even bowed and saluted Liu Hao, obviously he was also a well-informed person;

"Greetings to Emperor Ziwei!"

"It's bothering the Dragon King!"

Liu Hao smiled slightly. Although Ao Guang was respectful to him, he knew the background of the Dragon Clan. Who knows how much this guy really respects him in his heart?

That is to say, Ao Guang can stretch and shrink like this, so that the dragon clan still occupies the world. From this point of view, this guy is definitely an old fox. The dragon clan left such a patriarch outside, and it was definitely made after careful consideration Decided to change another one. It is really unknown how the Dragon Clan is in the prehistoric world now.

"Where! The emperor can visit the East China Sea as a guest, and Xiaolong can't wait for it! Please also invite the emperor to move to the Dragon Palace, which is considered to be a chance for Xiaolong to entertain the emperor!"

Ao Guang put himself in a very low position, not to mention that when Liu Hao took over as Emperor Ziwei, the heaven and the earth announced that even if he didn't, Ao Guang didn't dare to be careless;

The status of the dragon clan in the prehistoric world has indeed improved a lot, but as the exposed patriarch, he knows better than anyone else that it is too early for the ancestor Zhulong to be born. For the emperor, it is always right to be respectful.

At this time, Ao Guang had already completely forgotten about Xiao Long'er, and he suppressed all his curiosity in his heart, and he reminded himself that it would be better if Xiu asked about it.

East China Sea Dragon Palace, such an excellent place to check in, Liu Hao really doesn't want to miss it, seeing Ao Guang's invitation, there is no reason to refuse;

"Alright! Please trouble the Dragon King!"

"The Great Emperor, please!"

As Ao Guang said, he waved his hand to part the sea, and a nine-foot-wide red chain appeared in front of Liu Hao in an instant, spreading like a red carpet. It didn't take much thinking to know that it was clearly made by the Dragon Clan to welcome the distinguished guests. Made Lingbao, and the level is not low.

On the side, Xiao Long'er, who was poking his head, was full of curiosity. Seeing Liu Hao waving at him, he turned around and turned into a human body again, and threw himself into Liu Hao's arms.

"Dad, what is this?"

The name "Xiao Long'er" also made Ao Guang, who was leading the way, pause slightly, but he reacted quickly, and quickly suppressed his curiosity and continued to guide.

"Qiuqiu... ah, this is a Lingbao!"

Before Liu Hao could answer, Xiao Honghu, who had landed on the ground, gave the answer, that is, her own aura was restrained well enough, otherwise Ao Guang would definitely have her eyes widened, but even so, countless doubts still arose in Ao Guang's heart. First of all, as a dragon clan, what do you not know about the bird clan? You can see Xiao Honghu's heels at a glance, but it's just that this is the son of Phoenix, but it makes him feel a lot of thoughts.

Seeing that Liu Hao didn't intend to introduce, Ao Guang could only continue to suppress this curiosity and continue to lead the way. The red carpet also seemed to have the ability to compress space. After a while, he saw a vast dragon palace appearing in front of him;

The little dragon in Liu Hao's arms couldn't stay any longer, so he jumped out again, passed Ao Guang directly, and walked in front of the Dragon Palace in a few steps. The old man who took the risk seemed to see the house he had dreamed of, and he couldn't be calm for a long time.

"Dad, this is the Dragon Palace, I want to build one too!"

It took a while for Xiao Longer to react, and appeared at Liu Hao's feet in a blink of an eye, looking up at Liu Hao expectantly. It was also the first time that Xiao Longer expressed what he wanted to Liu Hao from the bottom of his heart. ;

"Yes! When Xiao Long'er grows up, Dad will build you one too!"

"Hee hee hee, dad is the best!"

Xiao Long'er hugged Liu Hao's legs at once, and clambered up to Liu Ha's embrace, hugging Liu Hao's neck tightly and was very happy. I will engrave this image deeply in my heart, and wait for Liu Hao to help him build one when I grow up.

On the side, Ao Guang was more thoughtful. To build a Dragon Palace is not just a building, it is clearly an honor. Could it be that the Emperor Ziwei in front of him has his eyes on which honor among the four seas?

Ao Guang couldn't help thinking, since the rise of the Dragon Clan, the world has been in the hands of the Dragon Clan, even if it was just a status for a long time, it doesn't mean that no one coveted it;

It's a pity that at the beginning of the Dragon Han Dynasty, the oath of the ancestor dragon made Tiandao only admit that the dragon clan is in charge of the four seas, which makes those who covet the four seas have nothing to do but think about it. There is no real real dragon in their hands, and it is meaningless to covet it;

But Xiaolong'er's bloodline of the Dragon Clan is obviously stronger than Ao Guang's, and he is even chasing the Primordial Dragon Clan. If he really wants to covet it, he is definitely a great enemy of the Dragon Clan. Before the Dragon Clan can't be born within the eyes of the world, the Dragon Clan really has no resistance ability.

"Dragon King don't need to think too much, your four brothers have done a great job as the Dragon King of the Great Desolate World, and no one can replace you!"

Liu Hao just glanced at Ao Guang, and knew that the old fox was thinking too much. Even if Ao Guang and others were willing, Liu Hao would not really place Xiao Long'er in the prehistoric world. There is no need to think too much about the reasons. Before Hunyuan, Liu Hao really didn't dare to let Xiao Long'er out to stand on his own, otherwise he would have no time to regret it if he was tricked one day!

Hearing Liu Hao's explanation, Ao Guang bowed slightly to Liu Hao, and he was relieved. He didn't think Liu Hao's words were a tactic to delay the attack. With Liu Hao's cultivation level, every move has a record of heaven , It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a golden word.

"This way please, Great Emperor!"

"This Dragon Palace should be established by Zulong?"

"Exactly, with Xiaolong's strength, how can he do it?"

"You are humble! The Dragon Clan has suppressed the Four Seas and Sea Eyes for hundreds of millions of years to atone for sins. Although it has not been fully accomplished, it has a lot of atonement. These days, you should have sensed it? Can Zhulong have a decree?"

"I can't hide it from the emperor. A few days ago, the ancestor issued a decree, and because of this, the Jade Emperor gave some relief!"

For various reasons, Liu Hao has heard from 'Tongtian' a long time ago that there are signs of the Great World War, not only the Dragon Clan, but even the Phoenix and Qilin Clans are also making moves. Ao Guang did not reveal the inside story, but from his From the tone of his voice, Zhulong is cautious enough. Now it seems that he was scared by Longhan Chujie after all, and it is time for Fengshen to restart, so it is reasonable to choose to continue to endure.

While talking, a group of people also entered the Dragon Palace. It was not until they stepped into the Dragon Palace that Liu Hao realized that this was clearly caused by a small world. After thinking about it, he felt that this was reasonable. The East China Sea Dragon Palace was originally built by Zulong, and it was really just a building. Then there is a ghost.

This appearance gave Liu Hao a bit of a headache. Earlier, he promised himself to Xiao Longer too quickly, but now it seems that it is quite difficult to help Xiao Longer build a Dragon Palace. It's been thousands of years, so I don't worry about it. Maybe by then, I will have already cultivated Hunyuan, and I don't care about it at all.

The position of Emperor Ziwei was held in Boyi, even if he came to the East China Sea as a guest, Ao Guang would only entertain him out of politeness, but he had to be cautious when Liu Hao was replaced. Long before Liu Hao arrived, Ao Guang Guang had already informed his wife, children, and courtiers to wait for a long time, and Ao Bing, who had returned to the East China Sea to cultivate, was also one of them. Even in the retreat, he was pulled out to see the ceremony.

It's just a small character, Liu Hao forgets after just looking at it because of Ao Bing's name, but Xiao Long'er is very curious about him, his two small eyes keep staring at each other, looking at Ao Bing until he feels uncomfortable and still doesn't give up. This made Liu Hao laugh endlessly.

"Ao Bing, Xiao Longer will be handed over to you, you can take him around!"

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