Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1011. The Way of Enlightenment

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1011. Way of Enlightenment

A new era is coming, but there are very few people in Marvel Earth who know it, let alone what it means.

Liu Hao is actually a little worried. Compared with humans, beasts are more sensitive to spiritual energy. He is also worried that Marvel Earth will have a situation where humans and monsters compete for living space like their own Earth;

It's not really the monster race, but the worry that once this happens, the number of people who can participate in the Marvel Earth's future resistance to the abyss race will drop sharply.

But then, Liu Hao shook his head and laughed. The Marvel Earth is still very different from his own Earth. Let alone other things, there are a lot of Transcendents here. much smaller;

On the contrary, the rise of these monsters is likely to become a sharpening stone for organizations such as the Women's Federation, increasing their combat experience and accelerating the accumulation of their luck.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the entire Marvel Earth is still in the original pattern. On the other hand, the rise of monsters can also greatly stimulate human beings to strengthen their own training, which is more conducive to the emergence of various cultivation methods.

Of course, such changes cannot be seen clearly in three or two days, and also need to be calculated in years;

But Liu Hao’s own Earth, after Odin left, Liu Hao and others are still doing various tests, which are related to the life and death of the future disciples, and they can’t be treated carelessly. It can be said that basically everything that can be tested has been done. After achieving the greatest confidence in their hearts, they stopped and reunited. Several people explained what they had gained, which can be regarded as learning from each other, lest they miss something.

After some discussion, he left with satisfaction, while Liu Hao and Fang Yun stayed until the end;

"The visitor is not kind!" Fang Yun was still a little uneasy;

"Haven't you already been mentally prepared?"

Liu Hao's words are not consolation. After so many years, he doesn't believe that the original strongmen left behind in the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism will not make progress. Fang Yun's younger brother, the four-legged snake Zulong, would not be surprised even if he stepped into the quasi-sage Liu Hao.

"I originally thought about upgrading my world, but now it seems that it is a bit difficult!"

"It sounds like there was no difficulty at first? I think this is a bigger opportunity instead;

you saw it too,

Killing these visitors from the abyss, but there is a reward of merit from the Dao of Chaos. How could there be such a benefit in the past? "

"That's true. If the creatures in my side of the world obtain more merits and virtues, the luck of the world will also increase. It seems to be a way out!"

Liu Hao's words made Fang Yun have to admit that this road is more promising, it is much faster and more reliable than his original training of the world's creatures;

It's just that although he didn't say anything, Liu Hao also understood that it would take an unknown number of souls to exchange their lives, and the benefits would be great, but the risks would definitely not be less.

"There are gains and losses, this has been the case since ancient times! Since you have no choice, you have to face it. Your world has a little advantage that other worlds don't have. It's the best!"

The advantage Liu Hao mentioned is naturally the righteousness of the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism. For so many years, Fang Yun's righteousness song has been spread for a long time, and it has become a compulsory course for the way of hundreds of schools. The righteousness of this talented person is still not lacking. Facing the abyssal species of the same level, he has a lot of restraint. Compared with Liu Hao's earth creatures, this advantage is already very obvious.

You must know that the attacks of the physics department are not effective for the abyss species, and even more than half of the abyss species are immune to physical attacks of the same level, which is equivalent to crippling the attack ability of half of Liu Hao's creatures on Earth;

If this is the only thing, it's okay, let these people transfer to logistics, at least they can resist the material, but the erosion of the abyss species, these creatures who are good at physical attacks, still have little resistance;

Those with weaker qi and blood basically lose their breath after meeting each other, and become the hatching nests of abyssal species. This is what Liu Hao is really worried about. He even made good plans to let these people who are good at physical attacks enter other worlds to hide idea.

There is no shortage of worlds within the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, and one can be placed wherever one finds;

For example, the Earth Dragon Kingdom in the "Bright Sword World" is enough to accommodate more than one billion Dragon Kingdom population;

You know, the territory of the Dragon Kingdom in Liangjian World is much larger. From the Arctic Ocean to South China Sea Borneo, to Sumatra, and even the whole of Australia is the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. This is the result of their election and election, otherwise it will only be more It doesn't take much thought to coerce the entire earth, and there is no shortage of territory at all.

The idea is good, but Liu Hao also knows that this can only be the last resort, at least before the Pacific Ocean falls, there is no need to worry too much;

How to put it, there is still a passage to the Xuanwu World in the Pacific Ocean. Once the abyss species invades the Xuanwu World, it will not only attract quasi-sage masters, but a group of Hunyuan experts;

This means that there is a natural line of defense between the dragon kingdom and the abyss species. Even if the abyss species invades the dragon kingdom in the future, they will mostly come from the other side of the continent. It doesn't make much sense either.

Instead of worrying about the humans in the Dragon Kingdom, it is better to worry about the population of other countries who survived with great difficulty, and even the monster race in the earth;

Compared with the many cultivation paths of human beings, the monster race suffers even more in this respect. Most of the time, they are simply too powerful to use. The billions of monster races gathered below are an obvious example. Obviously the combat power is not small, but they can face the abyss. There are very few effective means for species invasion.

"You are majoring in the way of enlightenment, may you bring these monster races below into the Confucian system?"

"Your words reminded me! Instead of going back and waiting, why not give lectures to these monster races here! No matter how much you can educate, it is good to let them have an extra means of self-protection!"

Fang Yun's eyes lit up, and neither of the two said they thought of treating these monster races as cannon fodder, but they knew it well in their hearts, and they could only be used as waste;

As far as Fang Yun is concerned, it also has other benefits. It is the way of cultivation and enlightenment. Leading one more creature into the system of hundreds of schools means more luck. Only then did I realize that a wider space was in front of me without realizing it.

Shameless? Not at all!

No matter which position you stand on, it is a matter of mutual benefit. If you dare not lead how many monster clans into the hundred-family practice system, it will increase the possibility of escape for the monster clan below.

Regardless of whether some things can be done or not, once it is torn open, it will be a bloody wound, which is not a good thing for anyone.

Fang Yun did it when he thought of it, greeted Liu Hao, landed on the ground, waved his hands to build a high platform, sat cross-legged on it, and read the Analects aloud;

Although he and Liu Hao didn't go into details, the tacit understanding was very obvious, that is, to talk about 'Confucianism', and introducing these monster races into Confucianism and Taoism is the best choice.

Down below, Fang Yun's voice spread thousands of miles away, but everyone who heard it could clearly understand that the subtle words and great meanings of the Analects of Confucius were engraved directly in their sea of ​​consciousness, and it would be difficult for them to forget them for the rest of their lives.

This is Fang Yunqiang's behavior at all. At this time, it is impossible to convince every monster clan one by one. Instead of doing this, it is better to be more overbearing. If you understand some principles, you will be able to communicate with the people of Longguo in classical Chinese in the future.

There was nothing left and right, and Liu Hao didn't choose to leave. He landed quietly and sat cross-legged on a buffalo;

This buffalo is the strongest demon clan in North America, the Great Luo Bull Demon. He hides himself and does not want to have a bigger conflict with the bald eagle;

At his level of cultivation, seeing the invasion of the abyss, he doesn't know where the real enemy comes from. The little hatred in the past is really nothing compared to the life and death of the entire family in the invasion of the abyss.

As the strongest monster clan in North America, this buffalo has its own skills, which are also inherited from the depths of its blood. Fang Yun's lectures are also the most resistant in his inner subconscious. Liu Hao landed and patted it Head, this resistance disappeared without a trace, and instantly sank into the meaning of the Analects of Confucius in Fang Yun's mouth.

The reason why Liu Hao is like this is also because the Dragon Kingdom civilization completely replaces the heart of the North American buffalo who is accustomed to listening to English. With it, the strongest North American monster clan joining the Confucianism and Taoism system, it will also have unexpected benefits for the promotion of Fangyun in the future. , Up and down, but not only human beings.

Compared with this North American buffalo, Liu Hao pays more attention to the lycanthropist Li Gu. This guy who looks like a leopard among many monster races already has a complete inheritance of the Dragon Kingdom civilization system. The Analects of Confucius can be described as the greatest opportunity.

Previously, it was not that Liu Hao had never thought of teaching Li Gu some other cultivation systems. For example, he had thought of passing on the Golden Light Curse of Longhu Mountain to him. As one of the Eight Gods of Taoism, it is not unique to Longhu Mountain. , it’s no big deal if you teach it;

But now it seems that it is not as good as Fang Yun's Confucianism. On the contrary, because of this, it can make Li Gu stand out faster and get Fang Yun's attention more. Maybe he can become Fang Yun in this group of monsters in the future. In this way, whether it is the future of staying in the Yaozu or wanting to return to the Dragon Kingdom in the human world in the future, it will be much better.

Sure enough, Fang Yun, who was reciting the Analects of Confucius, quickly noticed Li Gu, and before he could praise him, Liu Hao's announcement came from his ear, knowing Li Gu's identity, which made Fang Yun nod;

Different from Liu Hao's calculations, Fang Yun still thinks that Li Gu can support him to educate him more, such as giving lectures to the less advanced Yaozu, such as teaching other Yaozu Longguo characters, etc.;

Being mixed in the Yaozu group, Li Gu can naturally get closer to other Yaozu, which is of great benefit to Fang Yun's rapid promotion of Confucianism.

It's not that Fang Yun has never woken up and asked other people under his account to come and give lectures together. As soon as this idea passed in his mind, he quickly rejected it. No more than humans, how to give lectures to monster races, his subordinates have no experience at all. There is not so much time for them to try, it would be better to expend some effort on your own to get it right in one step.

Liu Hao's Earth is not like the Marvel Universe, the way of a hundred schools of thought has taken root and sprouted long ago, and it has grown into a big tree supporting the sky. In other words, there is only a bottleneck rather than a natural moat;

Whether it is Fulin Xinzhi or enough knowledge accumulation, it is a natural thing to step into it, not to mention that with the guidance of Fang Yun's enlightenment, the speed will only be faster. For example, Li Gu, Fang Yun's Analects has not yet After speaking, the Chinese Palace of Sea of ​​Consciousness has been established and began to attack the scholar.

Even Liu Hao, who was sitting by the side, was keenly aware of the dominance of the way of enlightenment. The Analects of Confucius had been studied by him thousands of times, but he heard Fang Yun recite it, and he still had a lot of new insights, just like Fang Yun was in He followed the instruction and told Liu Hao his experience, and he understood a lot after listening.

That is to say, when there is too little time, Fang Yun will do this. It takes a lot of energy for him to give lectures. After reading the Analects once, Liu Hao sees Fang Yun as if he has fought a big battle, and his breath is a lot weaker. This is already It is a display of Fang Yun's own way;

It's no wonder that the Analects of Confucius can be directly recorded in the minds of all those who hear it, and even tens of millions of monster races have been directly brought into the Confucian practice system;

Although it is just a Mengtong in front of him, once he enters, he enters. This is the difference from scratch, the difference in essence, if Liu Hao does it, it will be very good if it can have a one-tenth of the effect.

A mere Mengtong, compared to the strength of the monster clan itself, is only the weight of a drop of water, but the shock it brings to these monster clan is no less;

Fleeing from the north, almost every one of these monster races has seen the breath of the abyss pouring into the earth at close range. Even if they escaped, the great fear of the abyss was still implanted in their hearts, and some of them even became obsessions in their hearts. , as an intelligent creature, watching the familiar figures around him disappear one by one, it is definitely not something that can be gotten rid of in a few words.

Now, through Fang Yun's lecture, the dust that originally came from the abyss in the hearts of these monster races has been washed away. Even if they failed to step into the Confucian system, this fear has been reduced to a situation that almost disappeared. The benefits are enough to shock them;

Those monster races who have stepped into the Confucian system are more obvious, and they have not underestimated the insignificance of this power at all. Through it, they understand that this power has a lot of restraint ability against the abyss. As long as they find a way to strengthen them, In the future, when encountering erosion from the abyss again, there is no longer the only way to escape as before.

After getting the benefits, his attitude is completely different. When Fang Yun lectures again, every monster who listens has no desire to resist in his heart, even the North American buffalo that Liu Hao sat down. Let me explain more;

Because he is more aware that the dark abyss in the distance will not stop, and maybe it will continue to go south after a while;

At that time, will he continue to wait for these monsters to flee wildly? Can those humans of the southern bald eagle allow it?

He himself is sure to escape farther, or even stay away from here completely, but in that case, how many of these monsters are left? Is he really safe when he goes to other places?

Any creature with a high IQ knows that only by mastering the core technology can it prevent itself from being controlled by others. This North American buffalo also understands this truth. If there is such an opportunity in front of it, who would like to miss it?

When Fang Yun spoke again, he completely forgot about Liu Hao who was sitting cross-legged on his body in an instant, and devoted himself to it, lest he miss a word.

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