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1010, Marvel Reiki Revival

Liao Zhong left happily, but in the clinic, Liu Hao looked up at the sky, with a slight twitch of his mouth.

Why are you? But Odin, who returned to Asgard, became interested, and opened the channel for Asgard's aura to enter Marvel Earth. Although this channel is still very narrow, its existence still makes Marvel Earth about to step into the world. The era of spiritual recovery.

'Absolute' can only become a concept, it cannot exist.

The same is true for the 'Extreme Demon World'.

In any world, there is 'spiritual energy', but when the 'spiritual energy density' is below a certain level, the creatures in this world cannot absorb this energy from the heaven and the earth, which causes the daily world's born.

Marvel Earth was originally such a world;

But there is a big difference between Marvel Earth and other everyday worlds, that is, there are many dimensional spaces around it, and from time to time, these dimensional spaces will leak some energy into Marvel Earth;

This makes Marvel Earth always have a short period of time when the aura absorption is above the average line, but this period of time is so short, although most of these extra auras will be absorbed by the core of Marvel Earth. As for many creatures who have not yet reacted, Marvel Earth has returned to below the average line of aura absorption;

But there will always be some lucky ones, which is why the Marvel world is obviously just an ordinary earth, but extraordinary people appear from time to time. These extraordinary people have evolved but are quickly stuck, and finally disappear in the dust of history middle;

Although they have existed, they will also leave traces, such as the inheritance of genes after evolution, and the reason for the mutation of mutants after thousands of years comes from this point. It is false to say that mutants come from the apocalypse, they are simply comers It just activates a certain gene in human beings.

But if the spiritual energy is not revived, the mutants will never be able to give birth to planet-level powerhouses, just like a certain branch in a big tree can only be reduced to a vassal forever, going astray, even if this branch is stronger than many small trees. It is much thicker, but the branches can only be the branches forever.

Now that Odin has opened the channel for spiritual recovery, it also means the possibility of 'mutants' evolving again, but this is only possible. If they continue to develop their mutant abilities blindly, they still cannot escape the fate of the branches of the big tree. ;

On the contrary, the recovery of aura is more likely to be given to ordinary people, such as the practitioners of the Dragon Kingdom martial arts,

The revival of spiritual energy will bring them the real opportunity to step into Dan Jin, Gang Jin, and even break the void to become immortals in the future.

Perhaps, under the immortal rank, even if Liao Zhong enters Dan Jin and Gang Jin in the future, his combat power will still not be comparable to that of Magneto, but once he enters the immortal rank, the two are completely different. In scientific terms, It is the crushing strength that can only be possessed by a planetary level.

This is why Liu Hao smiled at Odin's knowledge;

He doesn't want to interfere with the operation of the Marvel Universe, which doesn't mean he is willing to see Odin pouring the aura from his own earth into the Marvel Universe for Asgard to enjoy exclusively.

Liu Hao saw Odin's movements, and Kama Taj's Ancient One also saw them;

Unlike Liu Hao, Gu Yi's heart is complicated, he seeks change, but the change is too violent and he is worried, lest the situation will become unmanageable, but what can be done now?

Is it really a good thing for Marvel Earth to let him export and force Odin to turn off his aura and enter Marvel Earth?

Gu Yi didn't think it was a good thing in his heart, but because of this, he might be rejected by Marvel Earth. This would interrupt the path of lifelong evolution, and the counterattack of the will of all living beings might directly kill him on the spot.

The matter has come to this point, Gu Yi can only accept it, but he is not indifferent, pushing the Marvel Earth into the cosmic era has become the only thing he can do.

He observed Marvel Earth and found that Polar Bear's first self-made ark reactor had been completed, and when he planned to use it in weapons, he frowned slightly;

When I found out that Longguo planned to build the first clean energy power station, and vigorously followed the new infrastructure construction in the meeting, I finally had a smile on my face, and the idea of ​​further support could not help but arise in my heart;

When he turned his head to look at the Bald Eagle Kingdom, the smile on his face had to be restrained again. It was still the manufacture of weapons. Without thinking about it, he knew that this was a further bondage of the Bald Eagle's right to rule the earth.

He sighed, stretched out his hand to draw a circle in front of him, yellow sparks flickered between them, and a space channel the size of a washbasin was formed in front of him, he reached into it, quickly grabbed a hard drive, and then poked in again Putting it down, the yellow sparks on the chest gradually extinguished.

At the Lafayette Clinic in New York City, Liu Hao moved slightly, and then almost laughed out loud.

Gu Yi's actions showed that he was a little dissatisfied with the bald eagle. Just now, there was an unknown amount of data stored in the hard disk, and all of them were highly technical. In the midst of moving around, he had already given it to Longguo Ouchi, at this point in time, perhaps Longguo Ouchi is already cheering, right?

Liu Hao can do this kind of thing smoothly, but his actions are not as good as Gu Yi, the biggest guardian of Marvel Earth, and the Gaia consciousness fed back to Marvel Earth is also completely different;

He made a move, even if the Gaia consciousness of the Marvel Earth recognized his identity, there would still be a sense of rejection in his bones. Gu Yi was otherwise, just like outsiders are outsiders after all, and the actions of our own people are our own no matter what.

The bald eagle didn't know that the scientific research materials he had worked so hard to accumulate had been packaged and sent to Longguo by Gu Yi, and he didn't even know that these materials could help Longguo save decades of time and trillions of wealth. With these materials, In terms of space exploration, Longguo can definitely match or even surpass the Bald Eagle;

You must know that it is not only as simple as the information on the Bald Eagle Space Shuttle, but more importantly, those basic material formulas. With them, the improvement of the Dragon Kingdom in various fields is truly terrifying.

It can be said that Gu Yi's action will definitely make up for the biggest shortcoming of the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth. From now on, the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth can truly compete with the Bald Eagle on the same level.

Gu Yi also thinks so. How did he know that his action has truly broken the balance of Eastern and Western civilizations in his hands, and the possibility of Dragon Kingdom, which is both internal and external, catching up with and even suppressing the attributes of Western civilization in the Marvel Universe has been greatly increased. Unknowingly, Gu Yi achieved the important thing that Liu Hao always wanted to do and did it cautiously.

It was also at this time that the underground passage that Liu Hao had worked so hard for Dashewan to build really came into play. The so-called Batumi blockade was completely undefended in front of Dashewan's underground passage.

Speaking of the revival of Marvel Earth’s aura, it’s just in time for the construction of the martial arts arena in New York City. The future martial arts competitions will inevitably become more fierce and beautiful, which also makes the formation that Liu Hao originally planned to arrange need to be strengthened. He didn't want to spend time repairing it in the future, and he didn't want the arena that was so hard to build to be broken into pieces after a few battles.

From this point, it has to be said that the bald eagle's recognition of extraordinary strength is very low, how can mere steel and concrete be able to stop extraordinary battles in the future?

In the next period of time, the Black Palace is likely to doubt life, and then, perhaps, SHIELD will get more funding, which is a windfall for Nick Fury.

Speaking of Nick Fury, this guy is looking cautious now;

S.H.I.E.L.D., in Marvel Earth, is definitely the most advanced technological organization, and it is definitely one of the most sensitive to Marvel Earth;

The recovery of spiritual energy has just started, and SHIELD has responded. This agency monitoring almost the entire area has keenly discovered the changes in Marvel Earth;

A typical point is that the air has inexplicably become cleaner. The biggest evidence is that the smog in many cities in the Dragon Country seems to have been deliberately filtered, and it happened almost at the same time.

Nick Fury's first thought was to make a move by Liu Hao, but then he vetoed it, because if it was Liu Hao who made a move, the changes outside the Dragon Kingdom could not have occurred at the same time, and his concept of Liu Hao is still very simple I don't think that Liu Hao can change the environment of the entire earth in an instant, so it can only be due to other factors.

When more and more confirmed information was presented to him, Nick Fury got rid of his doubts about Liu Hao, and he locked the position where the Odin Rainbow Bridge poured into the earth, which is where the hammer fell. , the energy response here has obviously been raised by several levels. Without further ado, he understood that this was an action that the God Realm of Asgard had done that he couldn't understand.

Land acquisition is nothing more than a small matter for S.H.I.E.L.D., a huge research institution will soon be built in this desert area;

It's a pity that they know that there is such an energy channel, but they have no way to throttle the aura, so that they can't analyze any composition of the aura at all. They only know that there are some molecular structures in the air that they can't check;

After repeated research on this molecule, they found that they have great benefits for any kind of living beings. The only thing that needs to be confirmed is how to use these auras. However, no matter how they are verified, it seems that no scientific method can be used effectively. Any exercise seems to be absorbed unconsciously, it's just the amount.

These auras from Asgard enter the Marvel Earth, and they are simply substances that Nick Fury cannot understand, and throttling is even impossible. Once it enters the earth, it will expand almost instantly and completely integrate into the entire world. In the air of the earth, the only thing that can benefit them is knowing the location of the passage, which makes the aura density here higher than usual.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. can be used effectively, it will be a great benefit, not to mention the holy land of cultivation, but practicing here is indeed much better than other places on Marvel Earth;

But with the passage of time, such advantages will gradually be lost. Some famous rivers and mountains will still form spiritual energy gatherings. After thousands of years, maybe a new cave will be born. This place is just one of them. .

S.H.I.E.L.D. is worthy of being one of the top few in terms of technology and luck in Marvel Earth, but it is very difficult to say whether they can keep this benefit in the future. Once these benefits are known to the outside world, the major consortiums of the Bald Eagle can He is not a vegetarian, and it will be a matter of time before the Hexagonal Building intervenes.

As a descendant of Yan and Huang, Liu Hao does not want the bald eagle to catch up in this respect. Others may have no way, but for him, it is just a matter of convenience. He only needs to set up a gathering of spirits in a certain place in Longguo. But where it is, he needs to weigh it, and how to notify Long Guo also needs to think about it.

Logically speaking, Kunlun could not be better as the ancestor of the mountains of the Dragon Kingdom civilization. However, when Liu Hao thought that there was another dimension near Kunlun Mountain, he lost interest at all. Make settings to absorb more spiritual energy supply from the Pacific Ocean, so as not to compete for the spiritual energy in the Dragon Kingdom.

He didn't come forward to inform Longguo. On the contrary, he casually activated the spirit gathering array one night, causing the golden light near Mount Tai to shine for hundreds of miles. With such a person who appeared before him, it was enough to attract the attention of the Longguo government. Follow up Advancement also becomes natural;

Of course, this matter cannot be hidden from the past, and because of this, Liu Hao not only made Mount Tai shine golden, but also the place where Thor's hammer landed was also done by Liu Hao. The investment can be regarded as giving more hints to the two.

Many times, a small movement can cause a hurricane.

Liu Hao's action did indeed make the Dragon Kingdom and Bald Eagle of Marvel Earth pay more attention to the two places, but this emphasis soon began to change. For example, the Bald Eagle only knew about their research progress in the Dinosaur Kingdom. It seems that everyone is a spy, especially those who have Chinese blood, and then they are looking for various excuses to take these people away from this desert;

Among them is Melinda May from S.H.I.E.L.D.

This senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., the original 'iron cavalry', is now a civilian;

Originally, Mei participated in many tests as a special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. before the desert was shining with gold, but now she was dispatched back to New York because of this.

As a senior agent, how sharp is it? He didn't need to think too much, he understood the truth, and realized for the first time that his loyalty was just wishful thinking, and it was impossible to gain the true trust of the bald eagle after paying so much.

This made Mei feel very ridiculous. As one of the female representatives of S.H.I.E.L.D., Mei and Natasha had a very good relationship. After returning to New York, she accidentally revealed this feeling to Natasha. In return, Natasha smiled ironically.

"Mei! I thought you had seen the essence clearly a long time ago, but it's not too late for you to find out now. It's a good thing that you just transferred to a civilian job;

It just so happens that you can take this opportunity to transfer yourself to the Lafayette area. You know that S.H.I.E.L.D. is not at ease with Lafayette. It just so happens that your Chinese identity can get more respect here. I think it’s for you , but it is a good thing. "

Being able to say this also proves that Natasha's mentality has completely changed. These words also gave Mei more thoughts. She stared at Natasha, saw Natasha's calm face, and smiled wryly in her heart. Deeper, I feel that I was too naive in the past, and I think too highly of myself.

Lafasheng, although Liu Hao didn't pay attention deliberately, but he stayed here for a long time, and the aura he inadvertently emitted made this place Liu Hao's "domain". It can be said that anyone who happened in Lafasheng It is hard to escape Liu Hao's attention, and the feedback is in his mind all the time.

The appearance of Mei and her changes, after Liu Hao found out, he also found it very interesting. It seems to be a good chess piece. Since he can leave his name in the Marvel plot, it is better than looking for other chess pieces. Send them to your door. It can be used for a while, but it's not in a hurry now, let's take a look first and then worry about it.

The arrival of the recovery of spiritual energy also means the opening of a new era of Marvel, and the elimination rate of old and new is also not small. Whether SHIELD, an organization with particularly outstanding luck, can stand out is not a small test product.

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