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1009. Marvel Martial Arts Arena

Why is the Black Palace so determined to test it out?

The reason is very simple, that is faith.

As a country known as the "Puritans", "God" is everything, and the idea of ​​the divine right of kings is still above the constitution, and you need to swear to the Bible to take office, which explains everything.

In such a country, "God" was suddenly replaced by humans, and the bald eagle Heigong almost fell ill from fright.

You know, although it is just a small Lafasheng area today, this "God" is standing there alive. Who can guarantee whether he will leave Lafasheng in the future?

At that time, will the 'God' be directly replaced and become the 'True God' who is truly above the head of the bald eagle?

We politicians know this very well, all this is just to deceive the people, and we don't really want a god to tell them what to do;

It's no wonder they were so afraid of this, even though they knew it might annoy Liu Hao, they still gave the order to test. For this reason, the Black Palace even prepared the idea of ​​sacrificing S.H.I.E.L.D.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury also has tentative thoughts in his heart. He is also aware of the dirty psychology of the Black Palace, and even has the same anti-routine thoughts. He holds meetings and discusses with great fanfare. The thought of sending out the order also wanted to tell Liu Hao that they were innocent and could not resist the order. If you want to blame, you can blame the Black Palace.

They are all politicians, and their actions have profound meanings. Pierce will figure out these principles when he calms down, but Natasha doesn't understand them at all. She is in a dilemma in her mind and doesn't know what to do.

"New York is rebuilding. We might as well build a large gymnasium near La Flushing and transform it into a professional martial arts competition venue; introduce more martial arts competitions from different countries, and even set aside some sites around La Flushing to set up immigration gatherings from various countries." land!"

These voices came from Natasha's mind, that is, she had been an agent long enough and calm enough, otherwise she would really jump up.

The voice, of course, belonged to Liu Hao, and seeing that they hadn't made the slightest suggestion after so long, he just got on the horse himself.

The reason for this is that it has been practiced for a long time, and it is necessary to introduce combat experience. Furthermore, it is not necessary to build a car behind closed doors. The introduction of fighting schools from various countries can also improve the improvement of the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts to a greater extent;

Natasha relayed Liu Hao's words,

It also made Nick Fury's eyes shine. The Black Palace used the excuse of the Dinosaur Country's culture to infiltrate the bald eagle. Natasha's method is definitely a response to the excuse. With the group entering, Lafasheng does not appear to be so abrupt;

As for the 'God' issue that the Bald Eagle Black Palace is deeply worried about, isn't it not shown in the document? Since there is no one, just treat it as if you don’t know. Wouldn’t it be better to introduce these first, and then slowly find ways to further test them later?

Furthermore, the beliefs of immigrants from various countries are complicated, and to a certain extent, it is also diluting Liu Hao's "God" attitude of spreading beliefs, killing two birds with one stone!

Nick Fury was happy, and Pierce was also weighing in his heart:

With the strength of Hydra, it seems to be an excellent cover;

Not to mention gaining control of all regions, even one or two are good;

It can also openly put some dark masters on the front;

As long as he achieves certain results in martial arts pk in the future, he can even absorb more fresh blood with great fanfare.

They were happy, but Natasha felt sorry for them, thinking that these two guys had tried their best, but they didn't know that they were making a wedding dress for a "god". They dare to do it, and those who don't know it are really fearless.

"Natasha, if you have time to build this martial arts fighting venue in the future, try to challenge it as much as possible. I don't need the belief issue that the Black Palace is worried about. On the contrary, you can collect some, which will be of great significance to your future." Countless benefits!"

Liu Hao was keenly aware of the change in Natasha's mentality, and had the idea of ​​continuing to cultivate. How can Natasha have also entered the real inheritance of Dragon Kingdom martial arts, plus the identity of one of the protagonists in the Marvel world, it is really quite a spokesperson. suitable.

What he said made Natasha a little confused. It was about "faith". She knew little about the play, but Liu Hao could specifically name it. She also knew that this matter was very important, and she had a decision in her heart;

She didn't know that because of this decision, she became a famous Valkyrie in the future Marvel world, and it pushed her to a higher ceiling.

There is a huge gap between star chasing and belief;

Fans and believers are basically two different things;

The former is more like a beautiful expectation, and I still want to take it as my own, or I expect to be such a person;

Believers, on the other hand, are much higher in rank. It goes beyond worship, and it means giving up everything in oneself to worship the soul.

But it is undeniable that even if a star has accumulated a certain number of fans, "believers" are likely to be produced among them. Perhaps the number of beliefs provided by these "believers" is still limited, but there is one. In the extraordinary world, The effect is equally impressive.

Liu Hao encouraged Natasha to enter the martial arts competition in the future, and kept to see if she could form a belief in it, and if so, what benefits would it bring?

As for what kind of temptations Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. The inside story is just a push along the trend.

Before making this decision, Liu Hao didn't think about the future impact of creating such a martial arts arena;

For example, over time, the surrounding areas of La Flushing and even the entire New York City will become the largest martial arts sanctuary on Marvel Earth in the future;

Under the cluster effect, such a situation is mostly unavoidable, coupled with the trend of interests, it is likely that the surrounding area will become a place that martial arts masters yearn for;

It stands to reason that such benefits should not be given to the bald eagle, but after Liu Hao thought about it carefully, he felt that it was no big deal.

The benefits are not small, but the side effects are also not to be underestimated. The more martial arts experts come, the more difficult the law and order in New York City and even the bald eagle will be. If it is put in a certain place in the Dragon Kingdom, the pressure will definitely be huge. In my heart, if I can't say it, I will be very disgusted. Instead of that, it's better to put it directly in front of my eyes.

Things went smoothly without a doubt. As soon as Nick Fury put this plan in the Black Palace, he immediately got the support of the black palace Xiaohei. just ignored;

Anyway, in their eyes, the law and order of the bald eagle has become a mess, and they don't care about making it even more chaotic. Maybe they can take advantage of the chaos to fish for fish, such as secretly capturing a few martial arts masters for research?

So what if those masters from small countries and few people know that they have been caught by themselves? My big bald eagle is afraid of a bird?

They even maliciously thought that in the future those masters from all over the world would fight to the death in this arena, and it would be better to die more.

It's a pity that their dark idea is destined not to come true.

Liu Hao doesn't care about other things, but in the arena, he has different ideas, and he doesn't want to fight too cruelly. If there is a disagreement, life and death will be divided. After all, the Marvel world can resist The strong men who came from the abyss were the ones he liked to see. After finally coming out, they would be killed after a few face-to-face encounters, which would be a waste.

Therefore, in the arena, Liu Hao had long thought of arranging means, and it happened that he learned a lot about the usage of the Way of Time from the Time Gem, and there is no problem in arranging a time retrospective array in a certain area;

At that time, even if they are torn into pieces in the arena, they can return with the help of the "time retrospective formation". It is protected, and even because of this, these participants can completely let go of their concerns and fight, so as to maximize the accumulation of experience.

Here, Liu Hao also has some selfish intentions. Does he know that the order of Marvel's Western civilization has not changed;

In other words, the bias of luck is still on the side of Western humans, which makes those major powerhouses who have left their names in Marvel more likely to win, and other contestants may die inexplicably without knowing the reason;

By that time, all the outstanding ones will be those in the Marvel plot, and it will definitely not be worth the candle to gather popularity and even luck for nothing;

Therefore, the protection mechanism must be added to fish out those hidden strong people, help these people gather popularity and luck, so that they can quickly catch up with others, and balance this luck bias from the universe.

Liu Hao himself didn't realize that after he cut off the good and evil corpses, when he was at the peak of the quasi-sage, a huge change had taken place in his subconscious. The most prominent point was that he paid more attention to "luck", almost Never forget it at any time, as if it comes to mind naturally;

In fact, this is already a sign that Liu Hao has started to set foot on the "Law of Destiny", and he is becoming more and more like a chess player.

It is quite complicated at this time, let’s not mention it for the time being, let’s say that the Black Palace has made a decision, and the follow-up of the major consortiums has caused earth-shaking changes in the original planning of New York City;

A typical point is that the construction around La Flushing began to speed up suddenly, and an economic venue that could accommodate 300,000 people began to lay piles. The residents of La Flushing soon learned the news, especially the apprentices of the major martial arts halls They, one by one, are more eager to try.

How can there be so many battles in peacetime?

Blindly exercising, it is difficult to know which level you are at, and there is such a good place, how can these people want to miss it?

It's not just talking about being banned by martial arts. After being full of energy and blood, there is always a limit to the warlike mind no matter how suppressed it is. Now that such a place has appeared, it is definitely a huge challenge for the major martial arts schools in Lafasheng Good.

There are still some smart people, such as Liao Zhong, who is in his dozen years old and can see more clearly. Although he doesn't know what the bald eagle is planning, he also vaguely feels that things are not that simple. He and other martial arts masters After discussing for a long time, they still couldn't find the right one, so they had to bite the bullet and come to Liu Hao for questioning.

The arrival of Liao Zhong also made Liu Haogao take a look, subconsciously looked at it with the technique of hope, but found that he hadn't paid attention for a while, the top of this old guy's head was already pink, and the center of it revealed a trace of red color , luck has improved in level;

Counting his fingers, Liu Hao nodded secretly, and also understood that the cause of these factors was that Liao Zhong was greatly attracted by the Bald Eagle New York City, and Xu, as a member of the council, will represent the Chinese in Lafayette for a long time in the future Take to the stage in New York City.

Don’t think it’s because of popular elections. Even before time travel, Liu Hao never thought that popular elections represented public opinion. The Bald Eagle himself had already analyzed it thoroughly. bigger;

If Liao Zhong had raised the funds himself, there would be no hope of being elected, but now it is not the case, there is no need for him to ask, Lafasheng has too many rich people to provide funds for him, and these positions have already been allocated secretly , just go through the motions in the future;

It is also because of this that the luck above Liao Zhong's head will increase rapidly. If he can continue this prestige in the future, the color will be red, and even the birth of purple air will be all right.

"This martial arts arena was born with the support of the Bald Eagle Black Palace;"

Liu Hao's words made Liao Zhong's heart skip a beat, he is a generation of immigrants, how can he not understand the urination of bald eagles? Although I don't know what the deep-seated calculations are, I definitely don't think it's a good thing.

Seeing the change in Liao Zhong's expression, Liu Hao nodded again in his heart, which can be regarded as having more support for him to represent the interests of the Lafasheng Chinese;

His nod seemed to represent the approval of heaven and earth, which caused the crimson luck above Liao Zhong's head to rise rapidly, but within a few breaths, it covered nearly half of it, and it didn't become much slower until it exceeded two-thirds. , Such a change made Liu Hao slightly taken aback, but then he understood where the reason came from, and he also had a better understanding of his influence on Marvel Earth.

"You don't need to worry about the off-site factors, you need to protect them yourself; when the arena is completed in the future, I will put formations in it to ensure that there will be no death during the competition. With this protection, they can also Let go!"

Liao Zhong's face was already full of smiles, it was enough to get Liu Hao's guarantee, and he thought that the purpose of Bald Eagle's construction of this arena was to reduce the strong, thinking that Liu Hao was not happy about it, so he just pushed the boat along the way and used it instead .

Liu Hao doesn't care what Liao Zhong thinks, he also knows that there is very little possibility of Liao Zhong going to the arena in the future. It's not that you can't set foot in it, this Martial Arts Conference, which will be broadcast live globally in the future, is an excellent promotional place, and it is not to be missed.

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