Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1008. The Temptation of the Black Palace

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1008. Black Palace's Probing Idea

I don't know who was the first to mention this title, but it was quickly accepted by the residents of La Flushing, and they are even more proud of it. You are the direct descendant of 'God' Voters are average, and even have a market in New York City as a whole.

What is "La Flushing New Man"?

This standard is very interesting.

For example, you must live in La Flushing, whether it is property or lease, you must have the right of residence;

Otherwise, even if you have a good job in the Lafayette area, no one will recognize it.

These people are not joking. For this reason, they even introduced a special identity certificate, which is completely different from the system of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, and even divided the red book and the blue book;

For example, the red book is a family with property living collectively in La Flushing, and the blue book is a recognized part of the non-property lease. In addition, there are temporary certificates for working in La Flushing, etc.;

The trick is not small, but it was not frustrated at all when it was promoted. Instead, it got huge support. Liu Hao thought it was very interesting when he saw it.

The father and daughter of John Hawkins are the representatives of the original ID card.

Owning these is just the bottom line. On this basis, you have to have some self-protection ability, whether it is your 'mutant' ability or 'inhuman' ability, as long as you register, you will be recognized. Fasheng area is also firmly protecting you, of course, the premise is that you don't use this ability to bully others;

It’s okay if you don’t have these special abilities, then you must participate in the overall training of Lafasheng, such as joining a certain martial arts school to learn Dragon Kingdom martial arts, and don’t worry about the cost. Send students to teach for free;

Once you meet the standard and need to learn more advanced knowledge, you have to pay, but the fee is not much, as long as you have a job, it is not a big problem, even if you still can’t afford it, it’s okay, as long as you spare time at night to join the patrol team That's it, pay in the form of work, kill two birds with one stone.

The style of martial arts is definitely a famous place in the entire Marvel Earth in Lafasheng. This is also due to the previous Kirita invasion. These people are too insecure, and it is strange that they do not grasp a little way;

They saw those martial arts apprentices under the leadership of Liao Zhong and others retreating with the hard steel of the Qiruita people, and their expectations had already reached their peak.

Once promoted, it can be described as popular.

With Liu Hao sitting in Lafasheng itself, the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen next to him were already terrified. Now that these people are frantically joining in the exercise, it makes the various forces in Hell's Kitchen even more frightened;

This has caused many residents of La Flushing to go out. When encountering a robbery, they will first ask if you have a small notebook in La Flushing. If you find out that you have it, then this matter is over, you go your way, I will Wait for the next one.

This has also led to a great increase in the deterrence of small books in the La Flushing area, and other residents of New York City are eager to see it, which once again greatly increases the price of real estate in the La Flushing area, but even so, there are still not many foreign sales. ;

Because once sold, the small books on your body will be taken back, and you will no longer be recognized as a resident of La Flushing. Those rich people dare not be careless for safety.

This has also resulted in a huge gap between the rich and the poor in the Lafayette area today. Except for the real estate of the original residents in the past, it was basically bought by rich people in New York City and the surrounding area, and most of the other blueprints were staff;

Those rich people are probably also worried that Liu Hao has other ideas, and they set the rental prices of these staff lower, and the prices given are determined in the form of contracts to determine the average rental prices of New York City's overall real estate. I have to say that these people For the sake of safety, it is also a fight.

It was also the alien invasion of Kirita that made these people dare not mess around. In the entire Marvel Earth, there is no second Lafayette area. No matter how much money, it is useless in the face of aliens. This place is their last straw, maintaining the stability of La Fusheng, these people are even more attentive than anyone else.

After living for a long time, they also found that this kind of La Flushing is more comfortable than they imagined. They don’t have to worry about their children being kidnapped when they go out, and they even let their children wander around. As long as they leave La Flushing, no one will Dare to mess around;

Here they don't need to be guarded to go out, they can sit and drink tea with anyone without worrying about their other plans, and what makes them very happy is that their bodyguards are more loyal;

These bodyguards are more willing to drag their families and bring all their family members into the account of the boss of Lafasheng, even if the salary is lowered, even for the future of the family;

When going out in danger, these bodyguards will not hesitate to help them block guns, and there is no need to worry about the betrayal of the bodyguards, because the cost is too high and they dare not bear it.

At other times, it is impossible for the bald eagle to appear in such a situation, but who let the alien invasion frighten them?

In this disaster in New York City, even Liu Hao’s guards died. I don’t know how many of them died in piles. It’s impossible to pretend that many of them died in piles. big deal.

And as time goes by, they also find that this seems to be another way of living, which seems to be more comfortable than before;

After that is getting used to it, and once you get used to it, it will be extremely difficult to change. Even if there is no Liu Hao in Lafasheng in the future, this situation will continue.

Speaking of John Hawkins, as a night stall employee, his working hours are from 7:00 pm to around 12:00 pm. The time is not long, and the salary plus tips are not low. It is not a problem to support the father and daughter;

Being in the La Flushing area, the biggest risk is that medical care is the most powerful in the entire Marvel Earth, and the cost is also not high. There are even many insurance companies in La Flushing, and you can pay a little money to insure Most of them are exempted, even if there is another leukemia, it is not a big deal.

Except for the rental expenses of the house, John Hawkins can store most of his money, and it is only a few minutes away from his work place, and he does not even need transportation. In this way, it seems that he is living better than he used to be in the middle class better.

For this, John Hawkins is very satisfied, but don’t think that he is open all year round and does not exist at all. La Flushing night stalls do not allow stall owners to do this. There are only so many places, interspersed with stalls, and can give More households bringing in income is the way to go in the long run.

His Chinese boss is in his fifties, alone, and not so crazy about chasing money. He also rests two to three days a week, which means that John Hawkins also has more than two days of rest. In order to allow John Hawkins to accompany his daughter on weekends, the Chinese-American boss even deliberately adjusted the rest time to weekends. For this, he almost kowtowed in thanks.

Today is not the weekend and needs to go out at night, but John Hawkins is not in a hurry. He just came back from the martial arts gym, took a shower and left the house, waiting for his daughter to return at the door. There is a school bus to pick him up, and there is no need to worry. Not long after, he saw his little princess get off the school bus chirping and leaping onto his chest, which made him laugh out loud. His Chinese boss also laughed happily.

"Grandpa Li, what shall we eat today?"

"How about hot pot?"

"Great! I like hot pot the most!"

Seeing his daughter jumping up for joy, John Hawkins glanced at his boss gratefully. He knew that it was not cheap, especially all kinds of green vegetables. Ninety-nine percent of the supply in New York City came from the outside world, and the price was not comparable to other places;

If it wasn't for his daughter's liking, his boss, who seems to be insincere, would not be so happy. He knows that his boss can save him as much as possible. The only thing that makes him happy is that his boss likes his daughter very much. , Treating her as her own granddaughter.

The assimilation of Longguo culture is so domineering, such as hot pot, before Westerners eat it, it is difficult to accept seeing a lot of people fishing in a pot, but once they have the first time, they can’t stop at all down;

Among them, it is not only delicious, but also a kind of more recognition of family members, and the harmony of the family eating in one pot is even more memorable.

The recognition of the culture of the Lafasheng Dragon Kingdom has been greatly improved. This is a natural thing. After a few months, most of the non-Chinese can already understand some Chinese, and many of them have a lot of awkward words. ;

And the children who entered the school can even communicate with Chinese in a simple way. For example, the daughter of John Hawkins is one of the representatives, and the two of them just talked in Chinese.

Before dinner, the unshakable prayer, from the beginning to Ye Hehua, to Liu Hao's replacement now, even brought in John Hawkins' boss;

Even though Comrade Lao Li rejected prayer from the bottom of his heart, he gradually became more accepting when he heard that the object of prayer was Liu Hao, and now he is more familiar with it. If you don’t know, you will think that Lao Li is a devout believer .

Bald Eagles are very aware of the situation in the Lafasheng area, but if they can, they are absolutely unwilling to let it go. If there is no Liu Hao in charge, they will have been suppressed countless times;

But Liu Hao exists, even though they have thousands of methods in their hearts, they dare not use them easily. As more and more wealthy people in New York City move into Lafayette, these suppression plans can only continue to backlog, and they are deeply locked in a certain place. Inside the safe.

The invasion of the Cirita, the escape of New York City Mayor Bloomberg, is not under his control, and the rebuilding of New York City has made his approval rating not drop but rise;

Lafasheng has hundreds of thousands of votes so far. Even for this, he has to withstand the pressure from above. At any rate, he has indirectly escorted Lafasheng;

In fact, if it weren't for his status as mayor, he would definitely be willing to move his family to the Lafayette area. After experiencing the landslide attack of aliens, he also lacks a sense of security deep in his heart. the second time?

He couldn't understand this very well. Don't look at the arrival of millions of Kiritas. Compared with a civilization, they can only be regarded as forwards. No one is sure when the large army will arrive. Since New York City has been opened up before , The second time is even more familiar, isn't it?

He can even tell you 100% in his heart that the next time the Kiritas come again, they will still be over New York City, and the coordinates of the location will not change at all;

It's like opening a highway, even if the exit is blocked, will you choose to open a new one? How much time and effort will it take to get through this gap?

For this reason, he even hopes that Lafasheng will survive forever more than most people. It's just that he has been assimilated by the culture of the Dragon Kingdom, so what's the big deal?

Bloomberg believes that he must push back, which makes the bald eagle's original idea of ​​using him to test can only be in vain. As an elected mayor, the Black Palace can't do anything to him. This matter fell into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. .

At the New York headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury is scolding his mother. Compared to others, he knows Liu Hao's horror better than anyone else;

That's a character who can pinch a nuclear bomb across space. You expect me to come out of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Wouldn't it be to send him SHIELD to death?

Nick Fury didn't want to accept it, and he didn't dare to accept it, but he had to accept it. Whoever allowed him to increase the funding of S.H.I.E.L.D. by dozens of times during this period of time and obtained the greatest benefits, this is naturally impossible to escape past.

Nick Fury thought about it all afternoon, but he still had no countermeasures. In the end, he could only discuss with his colleagues. Natasha, as a long-term agent stationed in La Flushing, naturally wanted to participate. Her opinions must be treated with caution. However, Nick Fury didn't know which tendon was wrong, so he called the former director Pierce to discuss it, which is interesting.

Seeing the documents from the Black Palace, Pierce was overjoyed. This seemed to be an excellent excuse for Hydra to infiltrate La Flush;

But then, he felt something was wrong. With Liu Hao's terrifying strength, he was no different from the "god" they believed in. It could even be said that he was a real living "god". Would such a "god" be omniscient and omnipotent? ? If I move here, will people notice it immediately?

After much deliberation, Pierce felt that he still had to take some action, and he didn't care about losing a little bit. On the contrary, it would be more important to find out whether Liu Hao was omniscient. Once Hydra succeeds, it will still conflict with Liu Hao.

Natasha didn't know that Pierce had so many roles in his heart. When she saw the document, she unconsciously gave Nick Fury a sideways glance. The situation was no different from looking at a fool. This look made Nick Fury a little restless, but also I have to bite the bullet and explain.

The temptation from the Black Palace is easy to understand;

Natasha has no loyalty to the Black Palace. She joined S.H.I.E.L.D. just to live, but now she has not only healed herself, but also made herself completely complete. Naturally, her mentality has quietly changed;

Since Liu Hao shot a white light at her to regenerate his missing organs, Natasha has long regarded Liu Hao as a 'god', and even thought that Liu Hao already knew about this document as soon as it arrived;

On this point, Natasha really read it right. The mention of Liu Hao in the document is no different from telling Liu Hao face to face. Regarding this, Liu Hao also wanted to see how SHIELD would trouble him, and was leisurely watching , Pierce's state of mind can be seen clearly without checking.

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