Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and seven. Pulling one hair and moving the whole body

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1007、One hair moves the whole body

Liu Hao was very clear about the situation of Orochimaru, he neither mentioned anything nor obstructed him, he just quietly watched the actions of Orochimaru, among them, what satisfied Liu Hao the most was that Orochimaru was in the bald eagle kingdom. Created underground logistics link;

Don't underestimate this underground logistics. Bald Eagle has no state-owned enterprises in China, but FedEx is clearly one of them. The real control lies in the Black Palace, in the Hexagon Building;

Even if the service attitude is hell, the complaint rate is so high that there is still no change in the slightest. Any challenger is swept into the trash can by the Black Palace and the Hexagon Building. From this point, we know that the establishment of this underground logistics is difficult. Orochimaru can It was done, which really surprised Liu Hao.

There is no need to guess too much, the underground logistics of Orochimaru will definitely be suppressed by the Black Palace and the Hexagon Building in the future;

But Liu Hao knows that since Orochimaru has established it, the Black Palace and Hexagonal Building will never succeed in the future, and Orochimaru will not care how many subordinates die;

As time goes by, this channel will only get deeper and deeper, rooted in the territory of the bald eagle, crazily absorbing the nutrition and growth of the bald eagle country, and there will be troubles in the Black Palace and the Hexagon Building in the future, and they have 'sanctions' Orochimaru's trump card was pried open by Orochimaru, and the price they wanted to ban was absolutely unbearable for them.

For example, Xiaobenzi, without Liu Hao thinking too much, can guess that Orochimaru will definitely put the headquarters of this underground passage in Xiaobenzi's territory in the future, unless the bald eagle can brand Xiaobenzi's entire country as a terrorist organization in the future, Otherwise, this matter can only be endless.

And these are what Liu Hao is very happy to see, not to mention the dog bites the dog, the relationship between the two can never go back to the past, it is the nature of Xiaobenzi to bounce back and forth repeatedly, there is such excitement to watch, What else is there to be unhappy about?

The underground passage established by Orochimaru is very popular with Marvel's underground organizations all over the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is cheering;

For them, many risks are passed on to Orochimaru Ninja Logistics. For example, Lao Mo’s washing powder does not need to be escorted by them personally, and the sandmen at the border can easily handle it. The cost has increased a lot, but the risk has been minimized , and because the quantity is much larger, the profit is more sufficient.

For example, the alien corpses, weapons and other equipment that the original small book placed an order with Mrs. Gao will be easily sent to the high seas through Orochimaru Ninja Logistics. Even if the bald eagle finds something wrong in the future, she will not be able to find her Mrs. Gao came up, why not do it?

The bald eagle people are happy,

The biggest loss is the Bald Eagle government, such as taxation, but many capital consortiums know the loss of the country, and privately entrust various businesses to Orochimaru;

For them, the existence of such an underground organization is the best way to expand their business. Many things that cannot be done are prohibited on the surface, but profits can still be made. What is morality?

It is also because of this that these capital consortiums have also put in a lot of effort in the process of Dashewan opening up the underground logistics, and many documents reported to the Black Palace often disappear quietly during the circulation process;

At the time when Bald Eagle was rebuilding New York City and its attention was greatly attracted, Orochimaru, an underground logistics organization, had been completely perfected, and it would only be discovered that it was deeply rooted when the Bald Eagle Black Palace found out in the future.

Another aspect of this underground logistics is the soaring number of ninjas. Orochimaru seems to trust Japanese people more. Because of the appearance of 'Yakita no Orochi', these people have their own beliefs, and as the only beneficiary, Orochimaru can naturally tell , it is natural to make such a choice.

As for ninjutsu, Orochimaru doesn't seem to be interested in spreading it, and he doesn't have that much time, but the Chakra extraction technique plus the three-body technique is still invincible;

Especially the transformation technique, which is as easy to use as a bug, directly disables all monitoring facilities; even if it is discovered, the avatar technique plus the substitute technique can still escape. how?

Even ordinary superpowers, who are not familiar with the ways and means in it, have no ability to arrest them.

So far, those underground gangsters who cooperate a lot can't even figure out which talents are the employees of Ninja Logistics. They have to admit that these talents in Ninja Logistics are talents born to eat the food of the dark world.

How much is it? Orochimaru can't count it by itself, but if you add Xiaobenzi's domestic ninjas, it can easily exceed 100,000. This is the reason why Orochimaru deliberately suppressed it. Otherwise, today's Xiaobenzi country will be completely transformed.

The action of Orochimaru also greatly promoted the extraordinary journey of the Marvel world;

I don’t know if it’s the balance issued by the consciousness and unconsciousness of Gaia on the Marvel Earth, or whether it’s the time in the Marvel universe that has sensed the danger and is deliberately promoting it;

Liu Hao found that the cultivation speed of the disciples in the major martial arts halls in Lafasheng was increasing, and the way of talismans and seals he had inherited in the Dragon Kingdom had entered a fast track, and the number of mutants around the Bald Eagle seemed to have begun to surge;

If in the past there was only a one in a million chance of awakening the mutant gene, now, the chance has reached one in a hundred thousand, and it will even accelerate in the future.

But it does not mean that Marvel Earth has entered the extraordinary era, but there is one thing Liu Hao has to admit, that is, the bald eagle and other western countries will have troubles for a while in the future.

A scholar once said that Eastern civilization seeks chaos in order, while Western civilization seeks order in chaos.

This is very reasonable.

The oriental civilization obeys the social order in its bones and yearns for a stable life, while they pursue chaos in their hearts;

Therefore, the gods believed in in Eastern civilization are chaotic, and even the Emperor of Heaven is just a manager. Although the replacement of one person after another is not frequent, it is nothing compared to the supremacy of the "Lord" in Western civilization.

This chaos makes the people of Eastern civilization not bother to believe in the Emperor of Heaven at all, and chooses their own needs from various walks of life, such as the local land, the city god, the God of Wealth who is in charge of money, and so on.

In contrast, the Western people, who like to wander in chaos in their bones, pursue the greatest order in their hearts. There is a "God" who is high above, irresistible, unbearable, and unquestionable. All their destiny is in charge. Accept all arrangements submissively, and regard what you need as a reward from 'God'.

But apart from the expectations deep in their hearts, in life, they are not like this at all, and they don't even have any scruples;

Once such a group has power, it is easy to become a slave to power. The large-scale awakening of mutant genes will inevitably lead to the birth of this chaos. It is certain that Magneto will definitely have more suitors in the future. X Academy may Life will be easier, the women's federation team is busy.

One hair moves the whole body, the reason is that no one knows where a small movement of Orochimaru will bring the Marvel Earth;

Gu Yi, a guy who used to observe long rivers of time in the past, has learned this lesson, and he must be cautious in the future. Without his observation, it is impossible to predict the way forward and the future. Even Liu Hao is looking forward to it;

Taking all living beings as a chess game is so interesting. Liu Hao is no different from ordinary traversers. He is afraid of destroying the world line. He has the strength to suppress everything, and he is happy to see a very different future.

In Hell's Kitchen, there is a person who also keenly discovered this situation. This person is Jin Bin, the former underground emperor of New York City.

Gold in one hand, sword in the other;

Gold has always been the two magic weapons, the former can make many minions work for him, and the latter can greatly deter unrest.

But recently, Jin found that there were more rebels, and after a little investigation, he found out that mutants appeared in many underground gangs;

In other words, these lower-level forces who used to be able to grab food at his feet thought they had more force, and their ambitions began to flourish. They were attacked several times, making him understand that he had to do something, otherwise his deterrent power would no longer be It is difficult to go back to the past.

As soon as he moved, New York City, which had finally calmed down during the reconstruction, began to be chaotic again, and the familiar days of shooting every day returned again, and this kind of Hell's Kitchen became worthy of its name.

Returning to the familiar scene, Liu Hao also heaved a sigh of relief. In the world of Marvel, can it still be Marvel if the little spider doesn't come out for a walk? You can't let Matt Murdoch, Daredevil, be a lawyer quietly, right? Isn't Super Killer's years of training in vain?

In a word, without villains, how can the justice of Marvel superheroes be reflected? From this point of view, Jin can't die so easily;

He also saw Jin and was attacked several times, and seeing that the other party is now acting for him, Liu Hao was very satisfied and nodded in praise;

He conveniently put a talisman on the opponent, lest this guy accidentally die and lose the gold tie, no one will be able to stand up in a short time, this scene is not good;

But it can't be like this, if New York City doesn't become chaotic, how can it make a strong contrast with the Laflush area it covers? Just for this, you need to give gold and some benefits.

Facts have proved that Liu Hao's deterrent power has broken through the sky in New York City, and even the arrival of aliens can only be avoided, and they dare not provoke easily;

Many nearby gang members clashed. Once they found that the other party stepped into the Lafasheng area, no matter how much hatred they had, they had to restrain themselves. They saw those rampant gangsters explode in front of their eyes without leaving any bones, and they never thought about it. Happened to myself.

These streets are like the dividing line between heaven and hell. On the one hand, there are shootings every day, and on the other hand, there are laughter and laughter from street stalls. The contrast is so strong that it makes travelers who come to New York City for the first time widen their eyes, and makes La Fasheng area spread rapidly in Marvel Earth;

What I got in exchange was a belief that even Liu Hao didn't expect;

Those guys who have never seen the world worship Liu Hao who maintains this situation as a "God", and also think that only a "God" can open up a paradise-like pure land next to hell, and they are even more convinced of this , there are many fanatics who contribute a lot of beliefs to Liu Hao every day, which makes Liu Hao a little dumbfounded.

what can he do

Can't hold a press conference to explain it?

He doesn't have the fun either, so he can only drift with the crowd and act as the spiritual sustenance of these people for a while;

He didn't absorb these beliefs, but collected them, and waited for the accumulation to a certain level in the future, so that he could see what kind of spiritual treasure he could refine, and it would be a benefit for these guys who believed in him.

He looked at the most steadfast among these believers. He was quite impressed by this fanatic, and he was also one of the patients he treated.

The Bald Eagle Kingdom is a paradise for the rich, but it is definitely a hell for the poor. The proletarians abound. Once any accident occurs, it will definitely kill your whole family, and 'sickness' is definitely one of them.

Don't think that the bald eagle health insurance system is very good, but it is for the rich, even many middle-class people can't afford it;

Think about it, a day in the hospital can cost you more than ten thousand dollars, even if only one tenth of it needs to be borne by yourself, it is more than one thousand dollars, how many days can a middle-class family make up all the savings of the whole family?

Once it's more than half a month, bankruptcy becomes inevitable. When you can't pay the monthly payment and are kicked out of the house, they won't discuss anything with you, and they will make you homeless and degraded. for the thoroughly proletarian;

At this time, once the illness in your family has not been cured, congratulations, waiting for death has become the only way out.

John Hawkins is a typical representative of them. His seven-year-old daughter got leukemia, which completely crushed a middle-class family, forced his wife to commit suicide in despair, and crushed all his hopes. If he couldn't let go of his daughter, he would have Stepping in the wife's footsteps.

After several months of despair, the name of Liu Hao Clinic spread, which inspired a hope of survival in his heart. After several days and nights of queuing, Liu Hao gave him a healthy daughter. He also healed his ailments smoothly, which allowed him to walk out of the endless haze and feel like a human being again.

It is also because of this that his beliefs have been completely changed, and he directly regards Liu Hao as a "God" to worship, and prays for three meals in the morning, noon and evening. When the Kiritas in New York invaded, his father and daughter happened to be near Lafasheng. When he found out that something was wrong, he rushed towards Lafasheng crazily, and escaped from death at the last moment. He also discovered that the aliens were very afraid of the Lafasheng area, and he strengthened his faith in the faith;

Afterwards, the Lafayette Night Market opened, and the homeless father and daughter were taken in by a Chinese-American vendor and worked as temporary workers in the night market, and survived with difficulty;

Up to now, this guy who could have become a senior manager has become accustomed to ordering and serving food with Chinese vendors every night, and helping to collect money in pieces. Although life is not as good as before, it is better than being comfortable, and the time spent with his only daughter is even better. It was very rich, and he was very satisfied with it.

The opening of the Lafayette School, under the recommendation of the Chinese boss, allowed his daughter to enter the "ultra-noble" school. La Flushing new human.

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