Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1006. Physician's Merit and Virtue Lingbao

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1006. Physician's Merit and Virtue Lingbao

But when Baihu Liu Hao returned to the clinic, he stretched out his hand and took out the merits he had just gained in the long river of time in the Marvel universe, thinking about how to maximize the benefits he gained.

In fact, there is no need to think too much. Refining a meritorious treasure must be the best choice. It can not only suppress luck, but also have the benefits of other functions of the spirit treasure. However, Liu Hao has no choice but to refine what kind of spirit treasure. Think about it.

Suppressing a person's luck is completely different from suppressing a country's luck. At least Liu Hao will not choose the former, and the latter also makes him have to think a lot.

The Marvel universe, after all, is the world of Western civilization, and if there is a meritorious treasure that can suppress the luck of the Dragon Kingdom, the future civilization will inevitably be reversed;

These are also within Liu Hao's plan, but he has to consider one point, that is, once the Dragon Kingdom has a meritorious treasure that can suppress the country's destiny, the accumulation will be quite rapid, and it is likely that it will be completely destroyed in a few years. Subvert Marvel Earth;

At that time, once the abyss species invaded the Marvel universe, the dragon country must bear the brunt. He didn't think the dragon country could withstand the erosion of the abyss. Hao had to avoid it.

Since I can't do it for the time being, I can only choose a genre, and it can't be the main genre.

After much deliberation, Liu Hao locked it in the 'physician', which is the way of a hundred schools of thought, and it happened to be suitable for his occupation here. At the same time, it would allow Zhang Kuai to step into the field of medical practice more quickly, killing two birds with one stone.

"Shen Nong Baicao Jing" was Liu Hao's first choice, but soon, Liu Hao rejected it. The Marvel Earth is not as good as the prehistoric world, even worse than our own earth. Many animals and plants have long been extinct. Among the Shennong Baicao Jing It is still a question of how much of the medicinal herbs can be left;

Instead of only allowing some of the medicinal materials to be used, it is better to simply settle for the next best thing and choose "Compendium of Materia Medica" by Li Shizhen;

Compared with the former, "Compendium of Materia Medica" can be said to be highly promoted in the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth, especially after the reputation of his clinic has grown, it has been promoted unprecedentedly by the Dragon Kingdom, which saves him more thought and investment.

The white tiger Liu Hao had a lot of ready-made materials. In the end, he selected the monster skin from Xuanwu Dazun's world and tanned it into paper, wrote it himself, and then integrated all the merits into it to make it self-generated. There are only 24 restrictions, and the level of Lingbao is only middle-grade, but it is enough to suppress the luck of Marvel Earth Doctors.

After the refining was completed, Liu Hao gave it to Zhang Kuai casually. As soon as Pu gave it, he found that Zhang Kuai's own luck began to roll over Zhang Kuai's head. With traces of purple air, it becomes much nobler.

This made Liu Hao very satisfied. It was just a matter of suppressing his own luck by the way, and he was able to reach the current level. He was already very satisfied, but he also knew that this was just the beginning. His own luck will definitely be improved even more, but he has no intention of interfering in the future, and it depends on God's will.

As the dispenser of Liu Hao's clinic, Zhang Kuai's name has long been named by the senior officials of Longguo, and he must have received many promises secretly. Liu Hao is very satisfied with the fact that he has not changed his nationality at all;

It is also because of this that he will not hesitate to bestow this meritorious treasure. He knows that in two years, Zhang Kuai will definitely return to the Dragon Kingdom after graduation, and will definitely be valued by the Dragon Kingdom. Practice is a matter of course.

The effect bestowed by the meritorious treasure still exceeded Liu Hao's expectations. Originally, in Liu Hao's opinion, even if Zhang Kuai stepped into the field of medical practice, it would take a few months. How could he know that that night, Zhang Kuai reacted again. The palace of literature begins to condense in the sea;

It's just that there are some differences between this Wen Palace and Fang Yun's world of Confucianism and Taoism. It seems that it is destined to be professional from the beginning, and the blueprint is Liu Hao's current clinic. This makes Liu Hao, who is secretly observing, can't help but smile. It can be seen that my influence on Zhang Kuai seems to be far beyond my expectations, even reaching the level of belief.

Just when Zhang Kuai stepped into the practice of doctors of the Hundred Schools of Medicine, Liu Hao clearly felt a slight vibration in the Marvel Earth;

He sank into the core of the Marvel Earth, and found a slight change in the Gaia consciousness of the earth in front of him. It's not that he's smart, and it's impossible for him to be so fast;

In fact, if Liu Hao's cultivation wasn't strong enough, he might even ignore it;

The core pearl of Marvel Earth in front of me has become brighter, but its size and rotation speed remain unchanged;

It is also easy to understand that there is no shortage of supernatural systems on Marvel Earth. Whether it is mutants or aliens, or radiation mutations or magician organizations, etc., there are many and complex supernatural advanced modes. It is impossible for the doctor's practice system to have too much influence on the other party;

It can cause a slight vibration in the Marvel Earth, and it more represents that the future of the medical practice system is a system with a firm upward path, which makes the Marvel Earth happy;

Although the core pearl has only a little more brightness, but this extra light represents an extra source, and it is also unpredictable how far it will grow in the future.

But there is one thing, Marvel Earth will not take action to promote everything, Zhang Kuai needs to climb by himself, and he needs to promote this system by himself. Once successful, the Gaia consciousness of Marvel Earth will also give more feedback and rewards. For example, more luck and the like.

This change was within Liu Hao's expectation;

Previously, Liu Hao taught the way of Dragon Kingdom talismans, but it does not mean that this system has never appeared in the history of Dragon Kingdom. On the contrary, Fuzhuan still left a lot of historical materials in the history of Marvel Dragon Kingdom. However, the inheritance was cut off due to many reasons such as the thinness of spiritual energy;

Compared with talisman seals, the way of a hundred schools of thought represents creation from scratch, while the latter is a continuation of inheritance. The changes brought to Marvel Earth by the two are completely different, and the feedback they receive is also completely different.

You know, once Marvel Earth's aura recovers, even if Liu Hao didn't teach the way of Dragon Kingdom's talisman seal, as time goes by, the talisman system will also appear in Dragon Kingdom, but it's just a matter of speed.

This kind of comparison also made Liu Hao understand why everything went smoothly in the prehistoric world. This model can also be replicated world by world, which really makes a lot of money.

Liu Hao didn't stay in the core of the Marvel Earth, as long as he knew about it, after he returned, he entered Zhang Kuai's Wen Palace directly, and saw Zhang Kuai's spirit enter.

In the Zhang Kuaiwen Palace, there is also a self-statue, which also looks like Zhang Kuai, but inside the raised right hand, a volume of "Compendium of Materia Medica" also indicates Zhang Kuai's hidden cheating;

There is a long row of medicine cabinets behind this statue, which are now empty, but Liu Hao knows that these medicine cabinets have their own space, and the medicinal materials obtained by Zhang Kuai can also be filled one by one, which is equivalent to carrying a pharmacy. , It's not in vain for the benefits of this guy's worship of himself.

Seeing Zhang Kuai trying to control the self-sculpture to walk around as if he had got a new toy, Liu Hao smiled and left incognito, but he wondered if Zhang Kuai had already started, could he also help the clinic to participate in the treatment of some simple diseases It is indeed possible for Zhang Kuai to try it out, and it would be good to have more medical experience.

So, on the second day, the patients who came for treatment found that there was an additional intern doctor in the clinic, and those patients with cold and fever in the surrounding area were returned to Zhang Kuai;

Or maybe he has already started practicing as a doctor. Zhang Kuai was a little nervous at first, but in the afternoon, he basically got used to it. In the evening, he was already at ease, which made Liu Hao nod his head, and the seed was completely planted.

In New York City, in the frantic reconstruction, the investment of the Bald Eagle State Government can be said to be regardless of the cost. The huge benefits of this wave of urban reconstruction also allowed the Bald Eagle to stand up quickly from the sluggishness. Wall Street was the first to be established, but the Bald Eagle also It is a loss of confidence to find that the reconstructed Wall Street will never return to its previous prosperity;

People from all over the world don’t care that the bald eagle’s New York City is the first place to bear the brunt of aliens. They only see that the dragon kingdom, polar bears and old Europe have been invaded by aliens. In contrast, Marvel Earth The strongest country suffered the most, which made them feel that the bald eagle might not be as powerful as imagined, and that it was a bit strong on the outside but on the inside.

Subsequent changes have also confirmed this idea of ​​​​the people around the world. For the sake of local security, the bald eagle would like to bring all the troops dispatched back home, but out of deterrence, this idea is impossible to realize, but the most deterrent air force Returning all of them will also reduce the deterrence of Bald Eagles in major military bases around the world by several levels.

The bald eagle is suffering and cannot tell. All classes in their country are screaming crazily, but they are still covered by various hot spots, and they will never appear in the major headlines. It seems that countries around the world are tacitly suppressing these public opinions. This made the bald eagle can only swallow this breath viciously;

But it does not mean that the bald eagle will do nothing. S.H.I.E.L.D. was selected by the Black Palace. This organization under the banner of the United Nations suddenly got more resources and greater rights from the bald eagle. The Women's Federation Targeted combinations have gradually become the vanguard of Marvel Earth under the impetus of the Bald Eagle and the tacit understanding of major powers;

This made Tony Stark, Natasha and others become the highlights of the bald eagle, typical representatives, and gathered more luck for them. As expected, they were not affected by the attack of the bald eagle aliens, and even Yu is even more popular than in the original plot.

Also high-spirited is Nick Fury. The Bald Eagle's domestic fighter jets suffered heavy losses, even on the space carrier owned by SHIELD. S.H.I.E.L.D. is still in the top ranks, at the same level as the Hexagon, so what is there to be depressed about?

The bald eagle also made this decision out of no other choice, which greatly increased the influence of S.H.I.E.L.D., and also had the effect of stabilizing itself with the help of other great powers;

Similarly, there is also a deep-seated calculation, which is to penetrate the SHIELD in the territory more thoroughly, control it more thoroughly in your own hands, and replace as many overseas military bases as possible with the righteousness of SHIELD Deterrence continues to maintain the deterrent power of the Bald Eagle in the past as a superpower.

It has to be said that Bald Eagle Heigong's move can be said to be a crooked one, binding himself to S.H.I.E.L.D. to a certain extent, also using the luck of S.H.I.E.L.D. The luck of the women's federation group greatly relieved the pressure from all parties.

The means of the politicians should not be underestimated, but in the final analysis, the luck of the Bald Eagle Country still has the upper hand.

The women's federation team has been recognized by the countries of Marvel Earth, but this recognition is still limited. For example, in Dragon Country and Polar Bear, it is not so easy for the women's federation team to perform duties, and it is even difficult to issue an entry license. question;

In old Europe, this aspect was okay, but it also needed to be carried out under the permission and monitoring of the European Union. They also formed a similar superhero team, and they could only turn to the Women's Federation team for help when it was really dangerous.

Looking at it this way, I don't understand that the women's federation group can come and go freely, and it can only be outside the major powers. What the bald eagle needs to rely on is this benefit, and this benefit is the trouble that the other five gangsters don't want to take over .

In addition to the five hooligans, countries in the second echelon, such as A Sanguo and Xiaobenzi, would never want the women's federation team to come and go freely if they could. It's just that the lack of voting rights can only be tolerated, but in private, there are also many petty tricks;

Especially in the kingdom of Xiaobenzi, the ninjas inherited from Orochimaru have quietly stepped in and began to deploy in secret places, teasing the people in power in Xiaobenzi all the time, arousing their psychology of jumping back.

There is no need for Liu Hao to order Dashewan for these things. Dashewan is also a guy who is unwilling to be subordinated to others. He doesn't care about power, which doesn't mean he likes people to drink around his head. Since Liu Hao gave Dashewan the small book , he has more arrangements;

How smart Orochimaru is, he knows it all too well. However, taking the technological and military route, the small book has many restrictions and thieves. Instead of this, it is better to completely transform the small book from the root and make it a branch of the ninja world in Marvel Earth;

Orochimaru even feels that the current small book is still too big, and it is best to split it into several large pieces and do their own thing. As long as the belief is still Orochimaru, there is no problem, and this will allow him to receive more benefits from it.

Orochimaru made a move, and the Hand Association, which had been passed down for more than two hundred years in the small book, had no resistance at all, and was included in a few strokes;

Those who think they are great are already lying in Dashewan's laboratory as guinea pigs, or the only one who escaped is Mrs. Gao in New York. Here, Dashewan still sees that Liu Hao met Mrs. Gao. On the surface, thinking that there might be Liu Hao's layout, I let it go.

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