Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1005.5 Great Supreme God's 1 'eternal'

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1005. Marvel's Five Supreme Gods

As the ancient one and Odin who attracted the evil god of the abyss, they can naturally get some rewards. Although compared with Liu Hao's income, the amount is very small, but it contains the rewards from chaos. For ancient one and Odin, It is definitely an extremely precious thing, so that it is incomparable to any treasure in the entire Marvel.

For example, Gu Yi, if he was only able to escape the original death calamity before, and absorbed this little merit reward from Chaos today, he will definitely pass the current hurdle.

What about Odin? At least his initial stage quasi-sage cultivation, which he has been unable to consolidate for a long time, will not become his biggest obstacle.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, that's what we're talking about.

"This is not a place to talk, it's better to leave as soon as possible!"

"It happened that I made some tea, since Your Majesty is here, how about having a cup together?"


After leaving this stream of light, and looking at the countless flashes of light in the long river of time, you will find that most of the one-tenth of the abyssal breath that was originally contaminated has been eliminated, and what is left is also much rarer. will be completely eliminated.

In this regard, Liu Hao, Gu Yi, and Odin all heaved a sigh of relief. This little bit of abyssal breath has little impact, and it is only used for the life experience of the Marvel world. With such a hand-to-hand opportunity, you can also Familiarize yourself with the breath of the abyss in advance.

Kama Taj, the three sat down, and the future supreme mage stood respectfully beside him, which was also the meaning of Gu Yi's introduction in advance.

The black tea of ​​Karma Taj is not bad, it is absolutely top-notch in terms of mortal class, and it is very tasty once in a while.

"It seems that you have entered the world at the other end of the passage!"

"I'm not going to hide it from my lord, I just came to find Gu Yi to discuss it after I entered that world and felt the crisis, but I never knew that something would happen!" Odin still had lingering fears when he thought about what happened just now;

"This is actually not bad, at least if we find out ahead of time to attract opponents, it won't cause major losses to this world in the future!"

This result is indeed a good thing for Liu Hao, otherwise, once the evil god of the abyss lurked in the Marvel universe just now, it would definitely corrupt half of the Marvel universe;

at that time,

It is definitely not so easy to eliminate the opponent, let alone how many soldiers and horses the opponent has built, and it is not easy to find the opponent in the long river of time;

It's not difficult for a quasi-sage to hide. If he can't capture the opponent's breath, under the cover of countless creatures from the abyss, it's not much different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

Liu Hao, Odin, and Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but the five supreme gods of the Marvel universe are another matter.

As the five supreme gods of the Marvel Universe, they rule over everything in the Marvel Universe, and the divisions are Star Swallowing, Death, Annihilation, Eternity and Infinity;

Just by looking at the names of the five supreme gods, one can know that these people are conceptual gods and abstract products. Liu Hao will never believe that they created the Marvel Universe, they are mere quasi-sages , and want to create a complete world, it's just a joke;

In Liu Hao's eyes, these five super gods of Marvel are more like the products of fear and expectation in the hearts of all beings in Marvel, not to mention where the source belongs to, their development must have absorbed the nourishment deep in the hearts of all beings, and finally achieved what they are today Appearance, each in charge of a law, ruled the entire Marvel Universe.

Such a god's combat power should not be underestimated, but its weakness is also very obvious, that is, it is entrusted to the Marvel Universe, and to be precise, it is the creatures entrusted to the entire Marvel Universe;

Once the creatures of the Marvel universe disappear, once the Marvel universe collapses, the strength of the five gods will drop significantly, and it will be very difficult to say whether they can maintain the status of the gods;

Moreover, they succeed in the Marvel Universe, and they fail in the Marvel Universe. Once they leave the Marvel Universe, it is hard to say how much strength they can exert. This is the biggest disadvantage of conceptual and abstract gods. After all, they do not rely on themselves The strength that comes from practice bit by bit.

Liu Hao guessed this, so he didn't expect to communicate with the five supreme gods in the Marvel world, and he didn't expect them to pass through the passage and enter his own earth to help defend against the threat from the abyss. It would be better to count on them than Gu Yi and Odin Investment, this kind of combat power is real, and it can be used in any world.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the five supreme gods of the Marvel universe are useless. At least, in the Marvel universe, if they can put down face, the guards can still do it.

But they are used to being superior and have been separated from the crowd for too long, so that they should have been discovered the fastest in the long river of time, but in the end let Liu Hao take the lead. From this point of view, whether they can guard the Marvel Universe in the future is a real question big problem.

In fact, as Liu Hao guessed, even after seeing Liu Hao beheading the visitors from the abyss, they still didn't focus on the threat of the abyss. Instead, they had a lot of precautions against Liu Hao, feeling that their own territory was coming Such a strong man is a challenge to his own right to rule.

They don't know that the abyssal species will not be able to do anything to you just because you are an abstract god. For the abyssal species, even the chaos level can still be eroded, let alone a mere quasi-sage.

These things, they don't know, have ruled the Marvel Universe for countless years. As long as the Marvel Universe is not destroyed, the fear and expectation deep in the hearts of all beings will always exist, and they just think that no one can control themselves, and they are used to being arrogant. , and only after they are truly polluted and corroded, will they understand where the real threat comes from.

What are rulers most worried about? own dominion.

The five supreme gods of the Marvel Universe didn't seem to care about this in the past, because no one who could really challenge their dominance appeared, but Liu Hao's appearance today made them feel a real threat;

In terms of strength, they are not inferior to them at all, and even fighting alone is probably not an opponent. Even the five supreme gods of the Marvel universe have to admit this;

But these things are not very important to them, one will not work, two, the worst thing is that everyone can deal with Liu Hao together; even if they are severely injured in the process, as long as the Marvel Universe exists, Marvel The creatures in the universe exist, and they can also be recovered after spending some time.

Logically speaking, with these advantages, there is no need for discussion at all, and an agreement can be reached quickly, and they will work together to kill Liu Hao, a visitor who may threaten their future dominance.

They really thought so, and they also wanted to do so. The reason why they didn't dare to do it easily was the weapon that Liu Hao took out in the long river of time before, that is, the 'Linglong Xuanhuang Gongde Ruler'. A weapon that made death's warning sounds in their hearts;

That pitch-black monster, which seemed to be as strong as them, was wiped out with a single touch. Will they experience the same effect themselves?

Even if you know that as long as the Marvel Universe exists, the future can still restore itself, so what?

It was broken up, and it will take tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of years to recover in the future. At that time, will it be their turn to notify the Marvel world?

It's fine if the new ruler is someone else, but what if it's still Liu Hao? Will it be broken up again and take endless time to reorganize?

Longevity species are also afraid of death, and they are even the most afraid of death.

The five supreme gods of the Marvel universe did not dare to take this risk lightly. Before they were absolutely sure, they chose to wait quietly, and chose to observe quietly in a certain corner, waiting for the right time.

Liu Hao didn't know that the five supreme gods of the Marvel universe had made up so many things in their brains, if they knew it, they would die laughing;

So what if there is no 'Exquisite Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Merit Ruler'? Is there really no way to kill you? Do you think too highly of yourself?

Others don't know, but Liu Hao has always understood the biggest weakness of abstract gods. To address this weakness, there are ways to make them collapse on their own;

For example, regarding the supreme god of death, once the concept of reincarnation is recognized in Marvel, death will definitely fall to the position of supreme god and become a tool god. At that time, won't it be manipulated at will?

Born with a concept, it will eventually be destroyed by the concept.

Karma Taj, the three of them finished their tea, Liu Hao said goodbye and left, and Odin did not stay long, he needs to return to Asgard as soon as possible to build a defense line, so there is no time to waste;

The remaining Gu Yi sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes slightly closed, and the future supreme mage had to swallow his words again. He didn't know that Gu Yi was communicating with Eternity.

Marvel Earth is a place with thin aura. If a magician wants to advance, the difficulty will definitely make people desperate.

Kama Taj has found another method, which is to borrow from other dimensions, but among these dimensions, since the magic power is abundant, there are naturally high gods, and the price of borrowing from them must be high.

But Gu Yi is not afraid at all, the so-called debts are not overwhelming, borrowing too much, borrowing everywhere, on the contrary, it makes him a real uncle;

In the original book, after the death of Gu Yi, there was no idea of ​​repayment at all, and he directly took refuge in "eternity", covered by one of the five supreme gods in the Marvel universe, and the gods of the major dimensions who borrowed magic power from Gu Yi gritted their teeth , and had no choice but to accept their fate, and they didn't dare to find trouble with Gu Yi at all, causing 'eternity', and it was definitely not something they could bear.

From this point of view, Gu Yi has been hooked up with 'Eternal' early on, and even has a good relationship.

There is no agreement among the five supreme gods of the Marvel universe, and it is a matter of taking one step at a time, but it does not mean that they have no other ideas in private, such as getting to know Liu Hao better through their own channels, and it is only natural to find the ancient one forever.

And Gu Yi didn't hide it. Among them, Liu Hao also hinted at it, and he didn't mean to hide it at all. Even though he knew that the five supreme gods would not have much effect in the future, they were still very important in a certain period of time anyway. Make good use of the object, revealing some information to the other party is not a big deal.

The news of the connection of the heavens and the world caused eternity's long-term calm mind to fluctuate. When it was learned from the ancient mouth that there are many realms above, the eternal state of mind has undergone a huge change;

As a supreme god who coerces a world, they have strength and status, but it doesn't mean they won't have more ideas, such as going to a higher level.

In the past, eternity vaguely felt that there was a higher realm above it, but it was not confirmed at all, and it could only go with the flow. The boring days were passed day by day. When I was free, I went outside the boundary of the universe to see the endless void , I always feel that there are more answers to be found there, but deep in his heart tells him that once he steps into the void, the chance of never returning is almost 100%.

He was also afraid of death, so he endured it day by day. Up to now, he had no expectations for this, but today Gu Yi told him that he didn't need to take risks to enter the void, and there were other ways to go. How can he be calm? He even thought about coming directly in front of Gu Yi, breaking it apart, breaking it up and talking about it.

In the end, he held back, and wrote down the sign of the Asgard world passage, and then continued to communicate with Gu Yi across most of the universe;

In order to let Gu Yi open his heart and tell him, he also worked hard, and directly gave Gu Yi a magic ball. In other words, it is a treasure composed of spiritual energy. The gods of the dimension continue to borrow magic power.

From this point, Gu Yi saw the eternal impatientness, the news that even the supreme gods of the world coveted it, and it also made him understand that the connection of the heavens and the world may be more complicated and terrifying than he imagined.

Gu Yi opened his eyes, reached out and took out the magic ball bestowed by eternity for a closer look, with a slight smile on his face. The exercises taught to him will enter the fast track. What kind of scenery will it be like for the future self to embark on the journey of the heavens and the world?

So worth it! He knows that after today, eternity is no longer his backing, once he dies in the future, there will be no possibility of living in another state, but Gu Yi doesn't care at all, instead he has more expectations for this Feelings.

The word 'Abyss', Liu Hao did not tell Gu Yi, even if Odin went to watch it in person, he was ambiguous about it, thinking that it was just an invasion of an evil, chaotic civilization, but this civilization was far stronger than he imagined That's all.

The reason why Liu Hao chose to hide it temporarily was because he was really afraid that these guys would be completely scared. Naturally, Eternal who learned the information from Gu Yi did not understand the concept of 'Abyss'. Based on this information, Eternal thought that Liu Hao was a little bit concerned about his world being invaded. Worrying, wanting to attract more allies, and the Marvel world on the way of the other side's invasion, is naturally a matter of mutual benefit.

This made Eternity reduce Liu Hao's threat by several levels. No matter how the future develops, at least this strong man is currently here with a cooperative relationship, but he is also extremely puzzled;

That is, since we have come to the Marvel Universe, why not come directly to the strongest of them?

Could it be that there is a greater hidden secret in it?

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