Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1004. The Battle of the Long River of Time

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1004. The Battle of the Long River of Time

Odin was nervous, Liu Hao understood very well;

If you compare the Dragon Kingdom on your own Earth with Asgard, although Asgard is in another world, the time period when it was invaded by the abyss must be ahead of the Dragon Kingdom. There is no way for Odin to be able to sit still.

Seeing the dark abyss cloud in the sky, Odin's brows no longer seemed to relax. Thor couldn't see the threat, but Odin could see the problem at a glance. With his strength, he wanted to destroy this It is very difficult to clear up the dark clouds, even if it takes decades;

This shows that among the civilizations that invaded the earth, there is a strong man who can absolutely crush him. The huge aura released from one side of the world shocked even him. He thought that he could not do this at all.

This is Odin's mistake.

If this aura is placed on a monk, this monk must be at the Hunyuan level, and may even be higher;

But if you put this aura on a world, it can only show that the level of this world is high. For the abyss, it is just a basic operation. caused by;

It is natural that the thickness is very strong. The decades that Odin thought in his mind to clean it up by himself are simply illusory. do it.

But no matter what, once Odin saw the abyssal cloud that shot straight into the sky, he knew that with Asgard, he couldn't stop the opponent at all, so he was naturally nervous.

Odin arrived in doubt, and left worried. Thor wanted to speak several times along the way, but he had to swallow his doubts when he saw Odin's face.

As soon as he returned to Asgard, Odin didn't intend to stay at all, and directly entered Marvel Earth from the Rainbow Bridge, and directly entered Kama Taj.

"It seems that you have strengthened your cultivation!"

Gu had doubts about Odin's arrival, but his face was calm.

"Has a superpower come to the earth?"

Odin has long been immune to Gu Yi's attitude, and he was not polite when he came up, directly asking the doubts in his heart.

"Did you sense it yourself?"

"I would like to, but unfortunately I can't!"


"You already know about the passage to another world in Asgard, right?"

"Liu Daojun has already told me! When I took some time off, I also went to check, but I didn't pass by!"

"It seems that the strong man is 'Liu Daojun'! What's your impression of him?"

After a few words with Gu Yi, Odin was not in a hurry, and patiently asked about other things.

"I only know that he is very strong, which side of the world he came from! I don't know the specific level of cultivation, but in my opinion, even 'eternal' is worse than him!"

"An incarnation is so powerful?"

"It seems that you have met His Majesty in that world!"

"To tell you the truth, that world is about to be invaded by other civilizations. Moreover, this civilization can be seen as an evil order at a glance, and the smell is even more disgusting. Asgard is not far from the place where that civilization invaded. Civilization It seems that the universe will inevitably encounter it!"

Gu Yi was stunned when he heard Odin's words. Liu Hao had revealed a little about this before, only saying that there would be a bigger crisis in the future. Now it seems that this crisis is in front of him, and Liu Hao can say As a crisis, Asgard wants to resist, it seems to be hanging, Asgard can't stop it, Marvel Earth is even more impossible, it seems to be really dangerous.

He also knew that Liu Hao couldn't be blamed for this matter. This kind of mighty power is beyond Liu Hao's ability. Since he was pulled down on a rope and turned into a grasshopper, he had to face it.

Gu Yi has guarded Marvel Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, and his affection for Marvel Earth is definitely very high, but what can he do about the crisis that even Asgard Odin is worried about? At this moment, he really wanted to enter the timeline to observe, but finally held back;

After Liu Hao's reminder, Gu Yi now understands the horror of the long river of time better. In the past, he traveled by himself, but there was no real high-level monk wandering freely like him;

now what? Once that side of the world invades into the Marvel universe, it also means that it will leave a figure in the long history of the Marvel universe. Once you watch it rashly, you may be noticed by the other party;

At that time, it is very likely that he will find himself across time and fight with himself in the long river of time. Not to mention the victory or defeat, the consequences of stirring the long river of time are not something he can appease.

But without observing, just waiting for the future like this, he still has no idea in his heart. This made Gu Yi a little bit in a dilemma. He looked up at Odin, and he had other ideas in his mind. It seemed that he could take Odin with him. The guy has already proved the Daoguo of Daluo, and if he comes forward, even if he really meets an opponent in the long river of time, he can stabilize the chaos in the long river of time, right?

Habit is a terrible force. It is still difficult to escape when it comes to Gu Yi. This is the biggest habit of Gu Yi. Once he is undecided, he wants to enter the long river of time to check various possibilities. No exceptions.

After discussing with Odin, he also felt that he could try it out, and after making a decision, the two started to do it;

I saw Gu Yi holding the time gem on his chest, and Odin standing on his right side, which already showed that the two were very cautious in this regard, but they still underestimated the consequences.

In the long river of time in the Marvel world, countless streamers flicker, and each streamer represents a possibility;

Among these streamers, there is about one tenth of the streamers with a hint of blackness, and there is no need for Gu Yi to explain, Odin can see the problem. What you see is basically the same substance, so what does this mean, need I say more?

Gu Yi and Odin were not in a hurry to enter these dark streamers. They looked at each other, but they had a tacit understanding. Now that they were here, there was no reason to back down, and they chose one of the most polluted streamers. , stepped into it in a flash;

As soon as they entered this possible timeline, Gu Yi and Odin realized that something was wrong. When they first appeared, they saw a black shadow rushing from nowhere. However, I don't know how much the time basin has been polluted, and the hearts of the two people who were still very confident were tense, and they only felt the overwhelming pressure pressing on them;

Indistinctly, one can still hear the roar of a murmur. This voice, to Gu Yi, is ten thousand times more evil than the Domma he suppressed. Without thinking too much, he knew that the opponent in front of him came from someone who was stronger than Man. The dark dimension of the Wei universe is a much more advanced world.

Gu Yi and Odin didn't dare to wait any longer, and took out the treasure at the bottom of the box in an instant, and the time gem was even brighter on Gu Yi's chest, which was already the greatest power that Gu Yi could arouse. , but in my heart I regretted that I came too hastily, and I should have put on my Eternal Scar armor to go into battle.

It seemed that the time was not short, but in fact it was only a few breaths. The two of them were ready, and saw the black figure approaching them. It was also at this time that the two of them saw the appearance of the comer clearly.

If Thor, the god of thunder, were here, he would have noticed how similar the figure in front of him was to the little monster he saw at the beginning. Hundreds of tentacles protruded from a sphere, which looked like a sea urchin. The countless pale eyeballs on it told them that the guy in front of them was definitely not someone to mess with.

Odin has already activated the Spear of Eternal Scar in his hand, and Gu Yi has covered his whole body with a flash matrix without any reservations. Even so, he still doesn't have much confidence in his heart.

Countless murmurs sounded in the ears of the two, which meant that the two of them had enough combat experience, otherwise they might be stunned for a moment, which would definitely make them sour to death;

Seeing that the effect was lacking, the visitor swept towards the two without hesitation. Originally, he had hoped that Odin would be able to stabilize the river of time and space, but now he had no idea. Protected by the time gem on the chest, once the turbulent water of time falls into the bodies of the two of them, it will definitely suck away an unknown amount of life from them.

Just when the two were about to fight back, a sigh sounded in their ears. With this sigh, the long river of thousands of meters of time that was disliked was gently smoothed away, giving the two people the feeling that everything was just now. General illusion.

Gu Yi and Odin caused such a big commotion in the long river of time, how could the White Tiger Liu Hao, who was already on Marvel Earth, not notice it, not to mention that the White Tiger Liu Hao was still comprehending the law of time, and he couldn't be more sensitive about it .

In fact, not only Baihu Liu Hao noticed it, but all the powerful people in the Marvel universe felt it, and several of them turned their attention to this place, but Baihu Liu Hao didn't show up, so they looked at it for a while, I guess I can't help showing up;

The long river of time in one world has been stirred up, and the impact must be borne by the universe as a whole. As the highest gods in the Marvel universe, no matter how calm they are, they dare not allow them to continue fighting in the long river of time.

For them, the appearance of the white tiger Liu Hao shocked them even more. If they had arrived, it would not be a big problem to appease them for a long time, but it was very difficult to be so calm and calm. Such a strong man appeared in Marvel The universe, for them, is definitely a huge competitor, which made them take back their feet and watch quietly.

Liu Hao is well aware of this, and he is also just comprehending the law of time. If the time flow is a little chaotic, it will definitely prevent him from comprehending it smoothly. It is absolutely inevitable to waste time. Instead of this, it is better to end early.

His appearance did not stop the abyssal monster in front of him, and he still rushed towards Gu Yi and Odin. Liu Hao's sigh gave them a pause, and it also happened to allow him to cross the space and insert himself between the two sides. He waved a small bright yellow ruler in his hand;

The appearance of this bright yellow small ruler caused other emotions to appear in the countless pale eyeballs of the visitor from the abyss in front of him. It was a look of panic, as if he had encountered a real natural enemy, and the pounced figure restrained himself, wanting to brake suddenly But he found that he had rushed too fast, and the figure had already arrived in front of Liu Hao;

It was as if he was running towards the small yellow ruler of Dao Ming, all his movements were pulled and he couldn't use it, he could only watch helplessly as he was hit by the small yellow ruler, but within a breath, he saw himself transform into As dust, the familiar endless darkness is so terrifying.

This small bright yellow ruler is clearly the 'Heaven and Earth Lingling Xuanhuang Gongde Ruler'. It is a combination of all the positive energies of the Dao, and it is definitely the biggest nemesis of the abyss race. Come up to meet such an opponent.

At the same time, in a certain black valley in the abyss, a figure completely collapsed, without any possibility of negotiation, and without any means of salvation, it was directly obliterated on the timeline. As far as those are concerned, it is the real death, the kind that has been wiped clean from the source.

As a slayer, Liu Hao obviously felt that the Marvel Universe had given him many merits. Liu Hao casually rolled it up and put it away, then turned to look at Gu Yi and Odin. , and even glanced at several places. Those places are clearly the positions of the great founding gods of the Marvel Universe.

"Thank you for coming today, otherwise the two of us would have committed a crime!"

Gu Yi let out a breath of turbid air heavily. He knew that his cultivation base was low, and he only knew how low he was today. If Liu Hao hadn't arrived in time, it would be a question of whether he would be able to get out of his body. The probability is more than 90%. It can be said that this fate was saved by Liu Hao.

On the side, Odin was also hit. He had just traced it, and the possibility of escaping by himself was very high, but the chance of killing this monster was equally slim.

The two of them are still too immature, and they don't know if they are locked in the long river of time, where is the possibility of escape?

Is it safe to escape the long river of time? Not at all, they can still fish you out somewhere in the long river of time and beat you to death! The kind that destroys all souls.

This is the endless battle of high-level monks. If you are a strong man in the world outside the abyss, you will restrain yourself from fighting in the long river of time, because even if you win in this way, it will cause chaos in the long river of time, and it will still make you meritorious. A big drop will make your own luck drop, and you will never do it unless you have to;

This is also the reason why high-level monks are often very difficult to die.

But for the abyssal race, they don't care about these, what kind of merit and luck is the same for them, as long as this is not the main river basin of the long river of chaos, they will not have the slightest hesitation;

It is also because of this that Liu Haocai did not hesitate to kill him, and even took out the treasure of merit and virtue at the bottom of the box, the "Tiandi Linglong Xuanhuang Merit Ruler". Possible chaos in Changhe.

"It can be regarded as a wrong hit, and it will save this place from a big disaster! Speaking of which, you have also noticed the harvest, right?"

"Is this the merit His Majesty said?"

"Of course! There are not only rewards from your cosmic world, but also rewards from Chaos, which will have extraordinary benefits for your future practice. You will know how it is after you go back!"

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