Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and three. Odin came through the world

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1003. Odin Comes Through the Boundary

An hour later, the first eighth-order abyss monster appeared, which relieved Liu Hao and the others. This also means that before the arrival of the real creatures from the abyss, the threat level of these monsters is very low. Become a place where the disciples of the disciples are tested.

Below, Thor, the god of thunder, finally made a movement in his hands, and only then calmly observed if he never returned;

The main reason is that the flying ability of the newly evolved abyss monsters has been improved, and the speed has been greatly increased. It is no longer possible to kill them at high speed with the lightning field around them. He is also a little worried that these monsters will rush in front of him. In his heart, I always feel that it is not a good thing if they rush to me.

His situation made the Holy Mother of Wudang even more poignant. In the eyes of the Holy Mother of Wudang, the inability to use one's own ability as well as the arm is the biggest rubbish;

Instead, Yun Zhongzi, who was beside him, looked at the hammer in Thor's hand several times. As a craftsman, seeing a treasure completely different from his crafting system, he couldn't help but want to take it in his hand and observe it.

The number of monsters in the abyss is still huge, but everyone knows that it is difficult to put too much pressure on Thor. As long as he does not continue to move towards the inside, today's test can only end here. Perhaps the Gu raised at the last moment Insects can reach the immortal rank, but that's all.

Liu Hao and the others did not pay any more attention to Thor. On the contrary, they had already turned their attention to the dark pollution source in the sky;

From the time Thor entered this decayed land, the source of pollution in the sky began to provide energy for the hatching of underground spores, and the subsequent mutual devouring of them continued to be the same. It was also the supply of energy from the abyss of this source of pollution that allowed them to evolve so quickly and to There is generally no bottleneck improvement for them to follow suit.

Once these abyssal energies are absorbed by the creatures on earth, the chances of being polluted are definitely very high;

But when these abyssal energies are hatched and evolved by supplying 'spores', and after Thor destroys monsters, these abyssal energies have been completely transformed into pure spiritual energy, which is quickly expelled from this polluted field and replenished to the earth.

This seems to be telling Liu Hao and others in a disguised form how to transform the energy of the abyss into their own use. You must know that this aura is very pure, and it has the intention of catching up with the innate aura. Nowadays, the prehistoric world can only be seen in the big caves and blessed places.

"Amitabha! Fortune and misfortune depend on each other! That's how it is!"

Manjushri sang a Buddha's name in a low voice,

At this time, there is no need to wait, everyone can know the benefits of doing this to this world, such contributions to this world, the merits and virtues are bound to be indispensable, and these people's thoughts about the arrival of the summoning body have increased.

These monks in Honghuang, yearning for merit and virtue are definitely the top in many worlds, and they are also the group of monks who are most aware of the benefits of merit and virtue. How can the benefits be missed?

And it's the kind that lasts until the end of time, a little danger, they have long since left it behind.

This is Liu Hao's wish fulfilled. Don't be in a hurry now. When there is a real danger, these people will definitely call on their brothers, friends, teachers, etc. to share a piece of the pie. The participation of the prehistoric world in the future is a foregone conclusion. For the earth, it is equivalent to winning the biggest backer, enough!

As time went by, Thor, the God of Thunder, killed the last abyss monster, and he didn't intend to stay any longer. As soon as the matter was over, he quickly turned around and left. There are relatives, he dare not imagine whether he can resist it if he goes deep into it;

He also understands that after a period of time, even if no one steps into this area, those monsters under the earth will still hatch. At that time, endless monsters will press towards the south, and these monsters can still resist but Yet?

If it can't be resisted, how long can the bald eagle country with a population of less than 200 million people in this world be able to resist it?

At that time, these monsters will definitely find the passage between the earth and Asgard, and it will become inevitable to flood into Asgard. With the strength of Asgard, how much sacrifice will they make? Will it fall too?

As the prince of Asgard, Thor must consider these issues, and must also block this danger from the passage. He feels that he must have a good chat with his father. The bald eagle country in this world cannot To use it as simple as before, you should pay some price to cultivate it well, even if it is used as cannon fodder to resist these monsters in the future.

Thor left, but Liu Hao and others did not leave, but added more tests after Thor left;

For example, Liu Hao portrayed the Suzaku talisman flying into the area of ​​the decayed land, which also stimulated the hatching of countless spores, and the effect was still impressive. After killing, it also completely wiped out the opponent, transforming it into the aura needed by the earth. ;

The Suzaku talisman has such an effect, but the pure flame talisman has a much weaker effect. At the beginning, it can still achieve the effect of the "Suzaku talisman". After beheading the monster, it was still unable to annihilate the opponent, causing the opponent to fall into this decayed land to re-hatch.

Facts have also proved that the higher the level of flame ability, the better the effect. However, the best flame is not the glass flame, or even the real fire of the sun, but the "karma fire" from the underworld;

A little bit of karmic fire appeared in this decayed land, as long as it was contaminated by those abyss monsters, it would be impossible to cut them until they were completely burned to death;

That's all, it seems that these abyssal monsters are naturally the firewood of the "karma fire";

After annihilating the surrounding monsters, this "karmic fire" is still burning, standing still in the void, and scorching the rotten ground nearby. As time goes by, it gradually begins to expel these rotten breaths, causing the surrounding land to start to burn. Back to their original appearance, as if they were their natural enemies.

'Fire of Karma', also known as the fire of sin, has the breath of the abyss, with its own corruption, and it is also the dark side of the world. Even if the level is chaos level, it is still difficult to escape this law. Surprised, everyone can understand, but proficient in karma There are not many fire fighters even in the wild, and they can only be used as a trump card. It is not bad to get such information.

Liu Hao tested it with the way of fire, and other people are also doing it. Fang Yun's righteousness of heaven and earth is also effective. Manjushri's Buddhist golden light also has corresponding restraint. The way of vitality that Yuanzi tried is also like a natural enemy to Abyss. After many attempts, several people feel much happier.

But Thor, the god of thunder, returned to Asgard with a heavy heart, and regardless of whether Odin was in the critical moment of retreat, he knocked on the door of his father's quiet room. Say what you see;

This also made Odin frown. Regarding the situation Thor said, his first thought was to "swallow stars", one of the five founding gods of Marvel, who used a planet as an ingredient, Even now that Odin's cultivation base is advanced, he can't say that he can win all the battles in the face of 'Swallowing Stars'.

Odin compared the difference between the two in his mind, and quickly denied that the world on the other side of the passage was not caused by another "Star Swallowing", but he also knew that the destructive power was definitely not as weak as his son said. The black hand behind the scenes is the biggest proof. He feels that this situation is more of an invasion of another civilization. The discovery of Thor in front of him is just a precursor;

On the other hand, Odin is also happy to watch the show. He knows that there are also many good things in the earth on the other side of the passage, but Asgard has become the first to bear the brunt, so he has to trace it;

What my son Thor said is right. Once the buffered monster army can't resist, the local bald eagle country will retreat faster, then Asgard will definitely be exposed to the eyes of that civilization. Ding firmly believes that the invading civilization will never let Asgard go.

Participation became inevitable. Odin's first idea was to support the bald eagle country at the other end of the passage. This point is the same as Thor's thought. It is good to be cannon fodder to resist for a moment at the worst;

But this still can't solve the main problem. Sooner or later, Asgard will be exposed to the opponent's eyes. At that time, even if he takes action himself, Asgard's loss will not be too small;

Moreover, whoever stipulates that the other party does not have a master with the same cultivation level as himself? There is really no such master, they just invaded the earth at the other end of the passage so blatantly? There is a high probability that he will be crushed to the ground by the master at the other end as soon as he appears, right?

Thinking of this, Odin's heart tightened again. Asgard is the only one who can support the big task. His son has a good prospect, but it will take a while to grow up. Can he last until then? ?

Odin was a little guilty. He thought of asking for help. The first person who appeared in his heart was Gu Yi, the guardian of the earth in the Marvel world. After seeing the disaster of the earth in another world, he should have empathy, right?

Moreover, once Asgard falls, the earth in the Marvel world will definitely suffer. Gu Yi should take action even for the earth he guards, so what about the gods in the Marvel world itself?

Odin quickly shook his head and vetoed it. Before he saw that Asgard could resist, he knew that these high-ranking and accustomed gods would never make a move. For them, the destruction of several civilizations in the Marvel world is commonplace and not It's no big deal, and they will only be late when they really see the crisis of the universe, right?

Soon, Odin felt that he was thinking too much, and at the very least, it would be a bigger loss to Asgard. Now he is no better than before, and he doesn't think that the other party can really completely destroy Asgard;

How many winds and rains have been experienced, but it may be invaded. What is there to be afraid of? Is it because I was frightened by the infinite monster that Thor said?

He felt that since he had woken up, he might as well go and watch it by himself. Only by seeing it with his own eyes could he be more sure of the level of danger and make the best judgment.

Having made up his mind, Odin picked up his scepter and took Thor to Liu Hao's earth again. This journey was a bit exaggerated, lest others would not know that he was traveling like Odin, the halo flickered, just like God traveling, I have to say that this guy did a good job of putting on a Western set.

But when Odin entered Liu Hao's Earth, he found that there were many auras in the north floating in the sky that were not inferior to him, which made him immediately put away this set of ostentation, frown slightly, and felt a bit in a dilemma.

After all, Odin is not a creature of this world. Logically speaking, he is also an invader of a world. Seeing that there are many masters in the distance, he is also worried whether the other party will treat him as an enemy;

Backing off at this time, Odin really didn't dare, even if it was for his own face, he had to bite the bullet. He secretly scolded Thor in his heart, thinking that his son still needs more experience;

But when I thought that Thor's actions just now were mostly seen by these strong men, I felt a lot more relieved. I was able to let my reckless son go, so it seems that the other party is also a sensible person, even if he may be hostile to him, he can still Let's have a good chat, the worst thing is to claim that you don't covet this world.

Odin took Thor and walked towards the north without any haste, and stopped when he was near Liu Hao and the others. When he saw the figures of Liu Hao and the six of them, he sighed in his heart, a little glad that he had not acted rashly before. Lead an army into this earth, otherwise it will be really unpredictable. These people are so strong that no one of Odin is sure of victory.

"I have seen all the god kings!"

As a visitor from another world, Odin chose to be the first to greet him. The old fox was quite resilient, and by lowering himself, he told Liu Hao and the others that he had no malicious intentions.

"Oh? Odin! It seems that you also noticed something wrong!"

The one who answered was naturally Liu Hao, and several people had already noticed when Odin walked out of the passage;

"Your Majesty seems to be very familiar with me!"

Odin's heart skipped a beat, and only then did he realize that the passage was there. If he could enter this world, the other party must also go to Asgard for many times, but he didn't notice it at all, which also shows that the person in front of him is even more advanced. above yourself.

"I have an incarnation in your universe and earth, and I have talked with Gu Yi many times, so I know that there are many god kings!"

Liu Hao's words also confirmed Odin's guess, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his back was cold, only to realize that if the person in front of him was not good for him, it would probably be a bad thing; the good news is that the person in front of him seemed to have no malice towards him, It's the right time for me to come this time.

The rest of Zhen Yuanzi and Yun Zhongzi didn't talk, but looked at Odin quietly, and they were also evaluating Odin's level in their hearts. How many worlds will there be?

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