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1002. Thor's Test

Thor is not a wise man, even compared to most people, his IQ has an advantage, a typical muscular man, a guy who encounters problems, and the first idea is to rely on force to solve them.

But everything in front of him told him that he had to think about it carefully. The monsters below would be a threat to the Bald Eagle Kingdom in this world, but they were by no means the biggest threat;

With the help of Asgard, Thor is very confident that he can deal with these monster races. Even though the huge number makes him a little timid, he still has this confidence. This confidence is not only from him, but also from his old age. A natural worship of father Odin's strength.

This is a kind of thinking that there is still a father who can't figure it out, a child's expectation and admiration for his father's omnipotence.

Thor's idea, if changed to before, can only be regarded as a joke. Odin, who is just a big Luo Jinxian, also exists in the lower demon clan. There is such a hidden old cow who has reached this level;

But now, Odin has indeed lived up to the expectations of Thor, the god of thunder. If there are only these monster races, Odin will indeed be able to defeat or even destroy the gods of Asgard.

With this self-confidence, Thor immediately ignored the endless monster race below, and his keen intuition told him that the real danger came from the dark clouds in the sky, but he knew it, but he didn't know where the other party's danger came from. He was a little eager to try it, and he had reached the front line anyway, so there was no reason not to experiment.

That's why a reckless man like Thor would make such a decision so quickly. If Loki came, it would be another way.

Facing the unknown, this rough guy was more or less cautious. He quickly flew to the black cloud and fell into shape, then walked slowly towards the north;

Along the way, he found that the closer he got to the direction of the black cloud, the darker the color of the land. This kind of darkness is not the fertility of the land, but an extreme sickness, as if the nutrients in it have been squeezed out. also more corrupt;

That's all, Thor, who has been fighting with Odin for a long time, has never seen any scenes, but what the hell is that beating like a heart in the decaying earth? Could it be that there is some kind of creature hidden here?

It really made him guess right. When Thor stopped, trembling tremors began to appear in the rotten earth. As time went by, the earth piled up like waves. Although the fluctuations were small, they but very firm;

And then,

It was the sound of endless grinding teeth coming from inside. After a while, I saw countless sarcoma growing out of the ground. When these sarcoids grow to the size of a basketball, they will burst open, and countless disgusting abscesses will squeeze out. After that, little monsters drilled out from inside with difficulty;

These little monsters have many hands and many feet, none of them are the same, but there is one thing that is very similar, that is, there are so many eyes, it seems that as long as there is a place in the body, hands and feet, an eye must grow, and if these eyes are carefully examined , you will find that it is more like mouthparts, the so-called upper and lower eyelids, there are countless smiling sharp teeth.

Soon, Thor's guess was confirmed. When these little monsters got out of the sarcoma, they quickly became crazy. Those who were closer to Thor didn't care whether they could hurt Thor or not. came to Thor;

During the action, the countless eyes on the bodies of these little monsters turned scarlet like blood in an instant, and the brutal color was limited to the front, and when they hit the impact, they emitted many different sounds. Where does the grinding sound come from.

Thor released lightning from his body, but his eyes did not look at these little monsters rushing towards him, but stared further away, those little monsters who were far away from him, they were also so crazy that they just left the lair, began to fight each other;

In other words, biting is more appropriate. As long as you get close to other monsters, you will hug each other with your hands and feet and gnaw wildly, which also confirms his original judgment. Those eyes are also mouthparts;

He keenly discovered that these little monsters don't have the concept of pain at all. When biting each other, they are also bitten and swallowed by the opponent, but these seem to be nothing they should care about. Whichever is more crazy and quickly swallows the opponent is theirs. The real purpose is like raising Gu, the one that wins in the end is what is really needed.

On the other side, even when the little monsters who frantically pounced on Thor met and touched on the way, it was still difficult to get rid of this gu-raising mode. In the process of galloping all the way towards Thor, they didn't waste a little bit of each other. Time to eat each other, entangled together to kill Thor.

Thor felt that there must be a manipulator behind this, or in other words, these little monsters produced by planting had a hard-working farmer happily watching somewhere, but looking around, he couldn't feel the black hand at all. Wow, this made him understand that it was a bit embarrassing for him to rush to the door rashly.

But this feeling is only fleeting. In terms of self-confidence, Thor really does not lose to anyone, and he has never really experienced the beating of a real master. The concept of "invincibility" deep in his heart is still solid.

The many little monsters that rushed towards him froze in the flashing lightning around Thor, and then burst into disgusting abscesses, and then were annihilated under the infinite flashes. At this time, he also discovered His own lightning has an extraordinary restraint ability against these disgusting creatures, which also makes him more confident;

Thor watched more little monsters rushing towards him very calmly, while his eyes looked at the swelling of the gu-raiser in the distance. He clearly felt that those who had devoured other little monsters became stronger Although this power is still like a mortal to him.

One thing, Thor guessed wrong, there were no behind-the-scenes masters or observers in his mind, and the appearance of these little monsters in the abyss was simply a natural reaction of the creatures at the bottom of the abyss;

These little monsters, in the abyss, have a very neutral name, that is 'spores', and they are also the lowest part of the abyss species, and they are also decomposed by the abyss' breath swallowing the monsters who failed to escape from this land. , this is the most terrifying place in the abyss;

When they invade a world, they can use local materials, or even contribute a small amount of abyss breath, to create a massive army in this world to fight for them, especially for those non-extraordinary worlds, which are basically Without the ability to resist, they could only watch as they were devoured bit by bit, and became the nourishment of the abyss, raising more species for them.

The land here is their hotbed, just like the Zerg spread their mucus. Under these rotten lands, there is no idea how many 'spores' exist. Once a living creature arrives, it will catalyze all kinds of deformed little monsters. Then there is the coming of bloodthirsty, which will devour all living beings, not only to achieve the purpose of evolution itself, but also to provide more nutrients for more spores under the earth.

They have no wisdom, only their instincts are left, and they don't care how powerful the comer is. They will only act on their instincts, just like now:

The nearby ones rely on their instincts to kill Thor wave after wave, while the distant ones fight each other, devouring their opponents to evolve, advancing layer by layer;

As long as the number is sufficient, there will always be someone with the same strength as the comer, and then it can be devoured, or beheaded, endless, once Thor shows a little fatigue, the only result can only be the death of this abyss. Nutrients are poured here.

In less than half an hour, Thor realized that something was wrong. The countless little monsters in the distance had evolved creatures of various shapes, even in different colors. It seemed that talents had been born from them, such as green ones, wrapped around a layer of There is no need to go forward to test the strange green mist, and you will know that these strange green mist must be extremely poisonous;

Another example is that there is a spider-like monster in the distance, with various spikes on dozens of legs carrying barbs. Yu gave Thor the feeling that these spikes were probably harder than the iron armor on the playboy he was familiar with.

There seem to be quite a few monsters that have evolved talents like this, and they don't seem to be satisfied with these. On the way towards themselves, whenever they meet the same kind, the first thought is always to eat each other. This is already evolution instinct.

Such a discovery made Thor feel a little nervous. He seemed unable to see the end of the evolution of these monsters. Once the last one of these countless little monsters appeared, how far would they reach?

Thor floated his body, measured the range from a distance, and made an estimate in his heart, about 30 kilometers, forming a fan shape, spreading out from the center point under his feet, if calculated based on the density of the initial little monster If so, there is a high probability of one billion or more, right?

The shock brought by the extreme number is also not small. Now Thor feels that he is not as confident as before, but it is not enough to retreat. Now that he has already started, he must try it. Moreover, he believes that he has the ability to fly. Even if you are tired, you can escape.

As soon as he had this idea, he found that many monsters in front of him began to change again. After devouring each other, almost 50% of the newly evolved monsters began to grow wings, and these wings were all similar to bats without exception. close, but clearly aimed at self-flying;

This kind of pertinence is too obvious. Thor would rather believe that there is an invisible black hand behind the scenes than believe that this is the evolution of the enemy against himself.

The lightning output around Thor has increased a lot. Up to now, it is the third time to increase the output. The good news is that he can still instantly kill the monsters that rush forward. The bad news is how long he can last like this , he was a little thankful that he held Thor's Hammer in his hand. With this weapon that could give him endless power, he was fearless.

He didn't know that Liu Hao and the others were complaining about his current appearance. The scene was so big that he maintained a field of lightning around him, but there was no need to waste his own energy like this;

In other words, it is simply a poor performance of their own lightning control level. In their case, they can accurately control every trace of output, and it will only appear when needed.

"You should have noticed that these monsters have a lot of tentacles, eyes, and mouthparts, and they seem to be afraid of missing them!"

After observing for so long, Liu Hao couldn't help complaining;

"This is the need of evolution!"

The one who answered was the newcomer Fang Yun. He had been paying attention to every move in the north. When Thor appeared, he discovered it. When he saw Thor flying towards the abyss, he couldn't help but come to watch. Knowing that I met so many audiences, it became a natural thing to join in and discuss together.

"Up to now, it took about three quarters of an hour. The most powerful monsters have already reached the seventh level. It seems that they have a little bit of beast intelligence, but they are still beasts in their bones. The appearance shows that everything;

More tentacles are for catching the same kind, more eyes are for observing all angles, and more mouthparts are for swallowing the opponent as quickly as possible!

All evolution tends to instinct, and it is also for better and faster evolution! "

Fang Yun's explanation made the others nod slightly. They didn't pay attention to these things at all, and they didn't attract their nature at all, but such a rapid growth still surprised them;

Three quarters of an hour, that is, about 45 minutes, he evolved from an ant to a seventh-order extraordinary, and the only way was to simply devour the enemy. Most importantly, it seemed that this evolution was still going on at a high speed, as if there was no end .

"The number is less than 100 million left!"

Liu Hao said softly that Thor's previous thought of one billion was simply wrong. Liu Hao, who had glanced at the number, knew too well that the number was far greater than Thor estimated. Nearly 20 billion sarcomas, each of which exploded. In other words, the number of little monsters at the beginning was nearly 20 billion.

"The evolution is the fastest at the beginning, and as the rank increases, the speed begins to decrease!"

Yun Zhongzi accepted the words. As a guy who likes refining weapons, he is equally sensitive to numbers.

"If this goes on like this, Gu worms will be raised in the end, but they will not be able to reach the level of Taiyi. It seems that this is still instinct!" Zhen Yuanzi followed;

"From this point of view, any creatures that step into this area will trigger their appearance. Thirty kilometers may be the largest range today!" The Holy Mother of Wudang is not far behind;

"The good news is that lightning can kill them completely. As for other methods, they need to be verified!"

Liu Hao nodded slightly, and he also had the idea of ​​more tests in his heart, which was also the thought of other people;

As quasi-sages, they also don't think that they need to do all the front-line tasks by themselves, so it is inevitable to sum up the rules for the disciples behind them. With their tests, it is better than letting the disciples die .

The invasion of the abyss in front of us will also be a long-term task, and the more combat power is invested, the more it will become inevitable. Just like Yun Zhongzi, he has the idea of ​​letting Yang Jian and Nezha come to sit in the town, as the first to explain and teach. For the core disciples of the three generations, it is always good to earn more merits. Whether it is for them or for the overall luck of the teaching, it is a huge supplement and cannot be wasted.

"What will attract them? Blood or soul?"

Liu Hao raised another question that everyone wanted to know. After observing for so long, they still haven't got an answer, which makes them a little depressed.

"Or maybe it's just the breath of life!"

Fang Yun sighed, but he was thinking in his heart that Zhou Guomin's methods were too simple? The other cultivation methods promoted are good enough to resist below the immortal rank, but once they exceed the immortal rank, it seems that they are a bit stretched, and I should spend more effort to promote it, especially if the effective means are tested next. Even more so!

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