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1001: six ways

In North America, the pollution from the abyss outbreak is getting worse. Over half of the original Maple Leaf Country has fallen into the coverage of the opponent. If you stand here, below the immortal level, there is almost no possibility of escape. It will be polluted by the abyss within a few hours. Be that strange and disgusting species.

It is said to be an abyss forward, but the opponent does not seem to be in a hurry to step in, or this is their long-standing tactic, first pollute a piece of land, have a pedal, and have a rear camp before the army comes;

It's just that they are comfortable, but what is uncomfortable is the kingdom of bald eagles. The endless monsters go south, making their originally shrunken land fall again;

With so many monsters, the bald eagle didn't dare to face them directly, and exiting the space became the only way. Fortunately, these monsters ran all the way away from the abyss cloud, and they calmed down, which also made the bald eagle not too angry. Big loss.

Even so, the bald eagle completely evacuated the people who were confronting Fang Yunzhou in the south and placed them in the north. Even the stupid bald eagle knows that once the endless monster race becomes crazy, the extinction of the bald eagle is just around the corner .

Panic is inevitable in the bald eagles. This is no longer something that public opinion can hide. Even though the bald eagles have imposed an unprecedented media blockade on this, the people in the north are still migrating to the south. These panicked faces Through word of mouth, the entire bald eagle people became jittery;

As a last resort, the bald eagle can only ask for help, but the person who asks for help is Asgard in the Marvel world. If Liu Hao does it again, he will find that the four gods under Thor's account will cross the passage and arrive on the earth, with a look on his face. Heading towards the north proudly, they thought they only had to face endless monsters, but when they arrived in the north, they realized that the root of the matter was not the case at all;

On the contrary, these monsters in the north will be firm allies in the future, and the common enemy is the darkness looming from the sky, the dark clouds that make you feel sick if you look at them a few more times, and the four gods will not know these darkness What exactly is the source, but he keenly understands that these things are not something that the four of us can destroy.

This made the four guys come and go in a hurry. When they arrived, they thought it was a happy trip, but when they returned, their hearts were heavy. The danger perception told them not to approach these dark places rashly, and also let them understand that Might spill over to Asgard.

Based on this, it is very important that the four gods under Thor dare to stay for a long time, and return to Asgard to inform the above about this matter.

It's a pity that Odin, the god king of Asgard, is still in retreat, and the four gods can only tell Thor, the god of thunder, this guy with a head full of muscles can't think of a way to deal with it.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he came towards the passage with a hammer, and he needed to observe it himself;

However, Thor, the God of Thunder, is very different from his four generals, that is, the power of thunder and lightning seems to have a corresponding restraint ability against the abyss, and the so-called disgusting feeling of watching does not appear on him, at most It's just disgust, and when I saw it, I felt an urge to destroy it.

Thor, the god of thunder, didn't know that in the higher sky where he was floating, Liu Hao and Zhen Yuanzi were driving a white cloud and watching calmly.

"Dijun, is this the Thunder God of that world?"

"Of course!"

Liu Hao nodded slightly, but his eyes were not looking at Thor, the god of thunder. Somewhere on the mountainside below, he saw an acquaintance. Now this acquaintance is turning into a leopard. leader;

This is a human race, and it is still the population of the Dragon Kingdom. It is also a lycanthropist who came into contact with a secret laboratory in the North American continent many years ago. It was difficult to survive after being injected with the leopard gene by the bald eagle. Strengthening, but it also allowed this guy to evolve towards the monster clan. Up to now, he has fully cultivated the monster, just like the ordinary monster clan.

Liu Hao remembered that this person's name seemed to be 'Li Gu', but he didn't know how many of them could survive now?

In such an environment, if the lycanthropy people want to survive, they can only integrate into the local environment. In the original Maple Leaf Country, the human race has long been expelled by monsters. As a result of the rations for the Yaozu, integrating into the Yaozu became their only choice, because their state is already very difficult for the human race.

Liu Hao did not feel sorry for them. In fact, if these people can cross the Pacific Ocean and enter the realm of One Piece, their condition is nothing at all, and they are most likely to be regarded as someone who ate a devil fruit;

But that is equally difficult, the danger in the sea is even more terrifying, countless sea monsters will also teach them how to behave, and if they want to really survive, this is the better choice;

The only thing that made Liu Hao think about it was how much humanity this Li Gu still retained. You must know that after staying with the monster race for a long time, it is not easy not to be assimilated.

The voice of the Holy Mother of Wudang came from the side, and Liu Hao woke up from his thoughts;

"It's nothing more than the Taiyi class. With such a cultivation level, can you really become the God of Thunder in a world?"

It's no wonder that the Holy Mother of Wudang complained that the title of the God of Thunder is not simple. After the establishment of the Heavenly Court, it has not been able to replace the title of "Qiang Gen" Thunder God so far, so the Gods of Thunder have been established to replace it.

In other words, in the prehistoric world, if you want to get a real "god" to be enshrined by all living beings in the world, you have to take it as a last resort. The quasi-sage is the bottom line, and you must have great control over this law;

'Qiang Gen' is recognized in the prehistoric history as one of the twelve ancestral witches, the strongest person who controls thunder, and only he can be dubbed the title of 'Thor' by all living beings in the prehistoric. Compared with him, Thor is mere A Taiyi is simply laughable and generous.

If even Thor could be called the "God of Thunder", wouldn't the heavens be full of gods of thunder? What kind of title should Wen Zhong, the head of the Lei Department, be given?

"A land of barbarians, just a frog in a well!"

Liu Hao hadn't explained yet, but Zhuang Zhou followed with disdain, no wonder he followed suit, the current Thor, God of Thunder, is only at the level of Taiyi Tianxian, and there are very few who can show it, if he loses the handle in his hand Hammer, it is very difficult to say whether it can hit a golden fairy, such an ant dares to call it so, even a free and easy person like Zhuang Zhou can't stand it anymore,

His words also caused the nods of the people around him to agree, and they were no longer interested in watching Thor act as a demon.

Looking from a high altitude, the black cloud in the distance is tens of thousands of feet thick. It is said to be a black cloud, but it is more like an incubator, and there is no flash of thunder in it. It seems to be alive, beating regularly like a heart, which seems to indicate It means that a monstrous monster will be bred out of it.

These are actually illusions. This black cloud is not an incubator. If it is explained from a scientific point of view, it is okay. They seem to be a collection of an unknown number of germs, for the purpose of infection. Wherever all living beings come.

However, there is an essential difference from the traditional germs, so these 'germs' from the abyss are more aimed at the pollution of the spirit and soul, devouring the soul from the deepest core, and then completely transforming the creature into Part of the abyss.

To resist this kind of pollution, the body's immune system can no longer play a big role. Instead, mental willpower is the key. Just like the body's immune reconstruction, once it survives once, the resistance to this kind of pollution will increase. Much bigger.

Similarly, for the source of pollution in the abyss, there are also medicines like 'vaccines', such as the 'righteousness of heaven and earth' in the way of a hundred schools of thought, such as the thunder advocated by Taoism, such as the six-character mantra of Buddhism, etc.;

They are not invincible, otherwise, the chaos would have been polluted long ago, otherwise it would be impossible for any world to escape the invasion of the abyss.

This is the source of confidence in the hearts of Liu Hao and others. This kind of superficial abyss pollution has no effect at all for them.

But in the same way, they are still very cautious in their hearts. These species from the abyss have not yet appeared, and the monster race that escaped from below also shows that if they want to have defensive power under the immortal rank, there is no way to even think about it.

That’s all, the most troublesome thing for Liu Hao and others is that the abyssal species seem to have extraordinary resistance to physical attacks. Even if they have a physical body, it seems that most of them will consume some time and energy if they are blown up, and they seem to be able to reorganize;

This makes many monks on the earth, especially the meat shield monks, lack the means to deal with abyssal species in the future. However, most of these monks' talents point to the body, and it is not so easy to replenish targeted means in a timely manner. .

This is tantamount to leaving half of the many creatures on the earth without the means to resist. It's okay for now, but what about the large-scale invasion of the abyss in the future? We can't remove all these people, can we?

Strictly speaking, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, but it also has the meaning of mutual generation and mutual restraint. If physical attacks can have the power of Pangu, even the abyss can smash a lot, but in the end it is a minority. If you are not a quasi-sage and do not grasp the power of the law, headaches are absolutely inevitable for these visitors from the abyss.

Suddenly, Liu Hao discovered that the species in the abyss seemed to have a trace of the "virtual" characteristics of the world of death, and even the bottom layer was also similar to the void, without wisdom at all. Wisdom can only be produced after reaching a certain level through devouring or accumulation, and Before that, even worse than the beast.

Does this mean that the profession of Reaper also has a higher ability to restrain abyssal species? So what about the ghosts and gods in the underworld?

Liu Hao's thoughts spread a little bit. After so many worlds, Liu Hao discovered that the world with "underworld" seems to be only available in the prehistoric era. However, from the perspective of prehistoric history, the establishment of the underworld was not created by Pangu. It was opened up at the time of the sky, but it was an expansion of Pangu's backhand, and the later earth became the body of the six realms.

With the six realms of hell, the prehistoric world had a complete cycle, which also caused his level to far exceed other worlds. With saints, and above saints, the realm of "the way of heaven" was born, and then took over the "way of heaven", 'Authentic', this is the pattern that the master of a world should have.

In such a world, even if it is out of chaos, it seems to be no big deal. A complete cycle of domestic demand ensures the self-sufficiency of the prehistoric world. Perhaps the so-called immeasurable calamity is more caused by external forces? Will such a world collapse internally?

Even if it does, the duration will be far beyond that of other worlds, right?

Liu Hao feels that the entire chaos is like the sea, and each creature represents a world. When the creature dies, it sinks into the bottom of the sea like a whale falling, and the abyss is the sediment of these creatures in the sea. , forming layer after layer of rotting germs;

So will chaos be like the sea, prompting these germs to transform into the nutrients needed in chaos? Like microbes?

A mere sea can form a complete ecological chain, so there is no reason for something as advanced as chaos, right?

Or is it that the original chaos is like entering the sea, and a special situation appeared in a certain period of time? For example, the infusion of external pollution?

If so? So what is this external pollution? Something beyond chaos? Or is it a remnant of the previous Chaos Destruction?

A stabbing pain appeared in Liu Hao's mind, forcing him to stop thinking, as if this was not an area he could pry into, it was beyond his brain capacity.

This made Liu Hao's eyes look deeper, which all proved that what he was thinking about just now had explored an unknown area, and it seemed that the possibility was still very high.

The stinging warning made him dare not continue to think about this aspect, but his curiosity still made him think more. He returned to the previous topic, which is the particularity of the prehistoric six realms of hell, wondering if Among the chaotic heavens and worlds, is such a reincarnation of the six realms unique?

Is it true that no other world has such a complete reincarnation of the six realms to help one world achieve self-sufficiency?

If it is what he thinks, can Chaos tolerate the emergence of such a world?

This is not a joke. Such a world that perfects the cycle of self-owned systems represents the possibility of eternity. Without the intervention of external forces, eternal existence seems to be no big deal;

The so-called destruction of the Great Desolate by the Tongtian Zhuxian Sword Formation is just an internal problem, and it cannot destroy the barriers of the Great Desolate World at all. Even if the Great Desolate Continent is destroyed, it is nothing more than a different model of existence, which seems to be no big deal.

Such a prehistoric world, with the instillation of endless chaotic aura all the time, will only become more and more complete. Will it finally float to the surface of the sea and become an eternal island?

Liu Hao knew that in the sea of ​​chaos, there must be islands, otherwise, how could it be the opponent of the abyss? In order to achieve confrontation in the chess game, there must be another chess player;

So, will the prehistoric world be the world that the strongest among these sea islands can support?

If so, could it be that Pan Gu was the one chosen by these people to create such a world?

Another stabbing pain appeared in Liu Hao's mind, which forced him to stop all thinking, and also made his spirit seem to have a great transformation, as if he had just unintentionally explored the true meaning of the world. essence.

He breathed a long sigh of relief quietly, and like everyone else, he turned his eyes to the dark abyss clouds in the sky as black as ink, and quietly watched the changes of these dark clouds.

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