Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand. Zhunsheng held a meeting

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1000. Interest Alliance

Not to mention the fact that Liu Hao, the white tiger, obtained Marvel's "Time Gem" inheritance, but Liu Hao's home planet, a major event happened. The invasion has exploded today.

It is not considered an outbreak, or in other words, after a long period of hard work, the abyss can finally send the vanguard into the earth, and it is their arrival that will instantly dye the sky around the abyss in North America into black ink;

However, the greatest horror is no longer here, but that it is not bad for any creature who sees this black ink to feel tightness in his chest, but those with poorer cultivation will immediately feel dizzy, and within a few minutes, the whole body will turn pale. It swells, and dense pimples appear on the body;

Immediately afterwards, these lumps burst open like pustules, and the thick water left inside was entangled like life, eroding the creature's body, and within an hour or three quarters, the creature died on the spot;

After another hour and three quarters, a new creature will be born again on this corpse, but this creature has no relationship with the earth at all, has been completely polluted by the abyss, and has become a member of the abyss army, and even more so. Part of the Abyss Invasion of Earth Vanguard.

This is the horror of the abyss, like a plague. Wherever it passes, it first mows the grass and kills the native creatures, and then completely transforms them into use;

It is also because of this that once a certain world is peeped by the abyss, there is no possibility of escape. Even if you win, there is no way to completely eliminate this hidden danger. Once you relax, the abyss will make a comeback, and even breed within it .

They are like a huge source of pollution. The so-called environmental protection may be able to control this pollution, but it cannot be completely cured at all. The only way is to eliminate the destructiveness of this pollution as much as possible.

Before the guests from the abyss arrived, half of the original Maple Leaf Kingdom had already fallen, and hundreds of millions of seeds were brought for them;

In the abyss, whispering sounds from time to time, like evil spirits whispering in your ears, go straight into your heart, and it is common for people with unsteady will to listen to the breeding of inner demons.

Such a situation caused countless monsters in the original Maple Leaf Country to fear. The first thought was to stay away from here and rush towards the south. I don't know how many lives were lost on the spot, which brought endless pressure to the southern bald eagle country.

This is hundreds of billions of demon clan,

Once they are allowed to enter the territory of the bald eagles, no matter how many troops they have, they will be swept away. Facing them with a population of bald eagles of only 100 to 200 million people is like a praying mantis stalling a car, and death is only a matter of time.

In such a situation, how could Fang Yun, Liu Hao and others who had paid attention too early, as soon as the abyss burst out, Fang Yun flew into the sky and watched from afar, his brows were furrowed even more tightly. One idea is to step into the Australian base of Dragon Kingdom and sit in it to ensure that it will never be affected by the abyss.

Longguo, now I don’t know that Liu Hao is a quasi-sage. Zhuang Zhou, Manjusri, Wudang Shengmu and Yun Zhongzi also discovered the problem. At this time, there is nothing to hide, so naturally they are happy to pass this pressure on to them.

Not long after, Liu Hao received another inquiry from Zhen Yuanzi, who also gave a reply, and within a few minutes, he saw several people coming hand in hand, and their faces were more cautious.

"I've seen you all!"

"I have seen the emperor!"

"It just so happens that the Dahongpao plant in my hometown has a new tea, so I took the opportunity to have a tea party today!"

"The emperor doesn't seem to be worried about the abyss coming!"

It was Zhuang Zhou who answered, he was free and easy, compared with others, he said whatever came to mind, not because he couldn't hide things, but because he was too lazy to hide things.

"So what can we worry about? It's not something we can do to seal the abyss. Instead of doing this, it's better to see the trick!"

Liu Hao chuckled, these words did not mean anything to him, he had already worried about what should be worried, and since he had no choice, he could only face it.

"Oh? It seems that the emperor knows the abyss very well!"

Manjusri Bodhisattva took the words and pointed straight to the core. He didn't think that Liu Hao would lie, and there was no need for it. This world, after all, is Liu Hao's territory, and Liu Hao must bear the brunt of it.

Manjusri's words also made several people look at Liu Hao, which made Liu Hao shake his head and smile wryly, but he didn't stop in his hand, filling up the tea one by one, and after raising his hand to ask for tea, he even picked up his own portion Taking a sip, he opened his mouth and said;

"Among the chaos, there are countless heavens and worlds, which are born and extinguished endlessly, not to mention those newly opened worlds, but those heavens that are about to be destroyed. Do fellow Taoists know where they have returned?"

Liu Hao did not directly explain the information about the abyss, but asked a question, but if this question is asked in this environment, anyone will connect it with the abyss;

Sure enough, the few people who heard it frowned, their eyelids twitched, and they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"Could it be that all these worlds have fallen into the abyss?"

Zhen Yuanzi was a little surprised in his words, and even a little unbelievable.

"That's not true. Nearly half of these worlds that are about to be destroyed return to chaos, and the remaining half fall towards the abyss like fallen leaves. In the end, perhaps no more than eleven of them became the nourishment of the abyss!

But since the emergence of chaos, the number of eleven is equally terrifying. In terms of level, the abyss is much higher than the prehistoric world. Not to mention us, even if the saint comes, it is impossible to ban it. "

After hearing this, Zhuang Zhou and the others took a deep breath, their pupils shrunk, even a saint could do nothing, wouldn't they become cannon fodder?

Liu Hao didn't say this to make them retreat. After the few people digested and recovered, he continued to say:

"The horror of the abyss is hard for us to predict. However, a crisis is a danger with an opportunity. Just like fellow Taoists, if you want to step into the Hunyuan in the prehistoric, the chances are extremely small, but face the abyss directly. , not to mention other things, the merits alone can make you step into a higher realm!"

As soon as Liu Hao's words came out, the fear of the few people disappeared. For ascetics, there is a saying that "you can hear the Tao in the morning, and you can die in the evening." It's not a problem at all, they are not afraid of death, what can stop them?

Liu Hao said that the chances of them stepping into the Hunyuan in the prehistoric are extremely low, and it is already giving face. Several people are very clear in their hearts that if they want to step into the Hunyuan in the prehistoric, there is almost only a legendary possibility. There are so many hundreds of millions One-in-one chance, but this chance is more to let you understand the possibility, really want to do it, don't even think about it;

What about now? This possibility has increased from one in a billion to one in ten thousand, which is enough to surprise them.

Furthermore, to take a step back, the merits of resisting the abyss' invasion of a world are definitely not small. This is the time of great prosperity, and the return of spiritual energy is a clear proof. Such a world with no end in sight is captured by the abyss. Walking against the chaos, as a resisting party, you will naturally be favored by the chaos, in other words, you can get the favor of the Dao, and what the favor brings must be the reward from the Dao—merit!

The level of this merit is the same as that of Pangu's opening the sky. Once it has accumulated enough, it is possible to become a saint. Now that such an opportunity is known, how can it be missed?

Besides, standing on the front line of Liu Hao's resistance on earth is tantamount to resisting the heavens and myriad worlds connected to the earth, and the gains are bound to be greater. Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is no big deal to risk your life, and the benefits are enough.

"Amitabha! The abyss is chaos and evil karma. If a poor monk does not go to hell, who is like hell?"

Manjusri Bodhisattva is also considered to be the most special one among several people. In terms of cultivation, he is even the lowest one. With his status in Buddhism, even if he has the quota to step into Hunyuan, it is not his turn. How could he give up when he happened to meet him?

He even wished that other people in the Buddhist sect would turn a blind eye to it, and that it would be true for one person to share everything. Because of this, he was the first to firm up his inner thoughts and couldn't wait to express his position.

As soon as Manjusri spoke, the others lost their restraint and expressed their opinions one after another, which made Liu Hao very happy.

He didn't have any intention of deceiving. Facing several quasi-sages, it was impossible for him to be deceitful, and he would also analyze it by himself. He was willing to enter the pit only when he knew that Liu Hao's words were true and the benefits were attractive;

Similarly, they also knew that Liu Hao needed more people to participate in resisting the invasion from the abyss. In this regard, they were also considered a united front, and by expressing their position so quickly, they could be regarded as selling Liu Hao's favor.

And this kind of favor is a tacit understanding, that is, when the abyss invasion is not in danger, Liu Hao can't spread this information to the prehistoric, lest many quasi-sages share the pie.

"I learned from Xuanwu Great Master that the abyss has countless layers, but the abyss connected to the earth is the outermost layer, and the Hunyuan Daemon does not exist in it, and it will not appear in a short period of time;

This time, the visitors from the abyss are mostly the vanguard of a certain force on the surface, and the pressure is not too great. There are a few people like us sitting in the town, and we are not afraid of it, but it is troublesome fellow Taoists! "

These words are also Liu Hao's statement, clearly telling several people that he will not take other actions when the pressure is not great;

Of course, it is also telling them that these things may be able to tell the saints above their heads at a certain time period that those who enter the earth in the future must also have a Hunyuan class. If we cannot step into the Hunyuan before their arrival, we will It is necessary to find a more reliable backer to share the burden.

Several people also nodded at the deep meaning of Liu Hao's words, and they were very clear about the priorities. They wanted more benefits, but they would definitely not put themselves in the most dangerous ranks. Looking at each other, a tacit understanding was formed at this moment.

"Come, come, let's drink this cup together!"

Substituting tea for wine is more of a sign of a contract. Before facing huge interests, the little bit of filth among the factions is nothing at all.

The contract was signed, and the few people are not in a hurry. Since it is clear that it cannot be sealed, it is better to let this wave of abyssal strikers step into the earth and then make a fuss. Now, if the other party feels that he is not good enough, and he directly invites the strong Hunyuan, the gain will not be worth the loss. It is better to slowly cut the leeks first.

Because of this, Liu Hao changed the topic and asked Zhen Yuanzi what he had gained during this period.

"Brother Zhenyuan, when he went to Central America to entrust the land of the mountain god, did he have a discussion with Fang Yun?"

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist Fang is a great talent! He is extremely proficient in the way of the Mohist school. Discussing with it, the poor Taoist has gained a lot, but he owes him a favor!"

"Oh? Could it be that he is also the inheritor of the Dao of a hundred schools of thought?"

Zhuang Zhou has not relaxed during this time, he can be said to have read many books on the earth, even in the way of a hundred schools of thought, he can be regarded as a great master. Hearing Zhen Yuanzi's appreciation of Fang Yun, his interest has increased a lot.

"It's also a coincidence that Fang Yun is not a monk on Earth. In his world, the way of a hundred schools of thought is the foundation. Everyone practices, and Fang Yun is one of the representatives and the top one. In that world, there are even ' Known as the Master of All Ages!"

Liu Hao explained, and Zhen Yuanzi added:

"It's because Fellow Daoist Fang's world level is not high, otherwise, it's all right for him to become a saint!"

Zhen Yuanzi's words shocked the others, and they all looked at Liu Hao with doubts in their eyes, but saw Liu Hao slightly nodding in agreement with Zhen Yuanzi's statement, which shocked the hearts of several people, and their heartbeats accelerated a bit , There is a feeling of underestimating the people of the world.

"The heavens and the worlds are full of surprises. Many of these people are limited by the level of the world and cannot break through to a higher level of cultivation. Once they are out of the cage, the world is vast, and it is logical to go to the next level;

Just like fellow Taoists, if you have been in the prehistoric world, how can you know the future, but if you leave the prehistoric world, isn't it the same as a fish swimming in the sea? "

"Hahaha, great kindness!"

Zhuang Zhou laughed out loud, making other people feel happy. They never thought that their talents were low. Rather than shocking others, they should grasp themselves. Isn't there a huge opportunity in front of them?

"But we need more emperors. If the emperors hadn't stepped into the prehistoric world, we wouldn't be here today!"

The Holy Mother of Wudang raised the cup and toasted Liu Hao, not to emphasize the cause and effect, but to be more polite and thankful.

"Fellow daoists also won the world for me, it's too late for me to thank you!"

"Hahaha, you need to be courteous and courteous! Pindao is thinking about whether to attract this deity, but fellow Daoist Yun Zhongzi has taken the lead!"

"Luck luck! Haha, I didn't expect that my Fortune Immortal would be useful!"

Yun Zhongzi made a rare joke. Among these people, he is the one who makes the most money.

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