Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and ninety nine. Himalayas

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999: Himalayas

The end of science is theology.

This sentence is absolutely true!

After staying in the Marvel universe for so long, it's not that Liu Hao hasn't been idle. It can be said that he has learned everything he can learn. Even if Liu Hao doesn't have a trace of cultivation, he is definitely one of the top scientists in the Marvel universe.

Analyzing cultivation from a scientific point of view, Liu Hao also has his own set of understandings, especially for human beings themselves.

Genes are the foundation, and the foundation of genes is chromosomes.

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, which control all the genetic abilities of human beings, in other words, they control the human talent itself.

Practice is to develop the genetic talent of these 23 pairs of chromosomes, and at the same time strengthen the strength of these chromosomes.

When this development reaches its limit, it also means that this human being is about to enter a new level, that is, a leap in life level, in other words, he is about to become a fairy.

Once one becomes an immortal, human chromosomes will increase and become 24 pairs of Xiao Zhoutian. The newly added pair also represents the real talent of this person's future immortal level, such as controlling thunder, and being the best at playing with water. , an essential improvement, as flexible as making a hand;

Because this is basically the credit of your new chromosome, and it is also an evolution of the talent that should have existed.

But the vast majority, even 99% of the immortals, can only add a pair of chromosomes, which is also a huge bottleneck, representing the upper limit of your future talent, and the accumulation of a lifetime may only stay at a certain level , No matter how hard you try in the future, you can't go any further.

This is the confinement of genes. If the chromosome upper limit is not broken, it can only stay here.

Similarly, the number of chromosomes born with determines the talent of this creature itself.

Just like the Yemengade in front of him, Da Luo Jinxian is his limit, which can be achieved through the accumulation of time, but if you want to break the confinement, you must increase your own chromosomes, otherwise you can only stop here in your life.

This is giving and receiving, but for those with more chromosomes, it is bound to be more difficult to increase. Perhaps for them, the immortal rank can be achieved simply by eating, drinking and drinking;

But also because of this,

They often waste their true talents, even at the same level they are far stronger than the same level of human beings, but because of this, they have developed an arrogant character, thinking that they are invincible in the world, and they are all It depends on itself, and this is the truth.

Contrary to Yemengade is the Orochimaru next to Liu Hao, who strengthens itself by plundering other snake genes. Today's Orochimaru already has 27 chromosomes. Although compared with Yemengade in terms of talent, it lags far behind, but The future is higher;

Once Yemengade's chromosomes are integrated into himself, Orochimaru will not have too many ceilings before Daluo Jinxian, but because of the number of chromosomes being strengthened time and time again, it is easier for him to break through than Yemengjiade;

You must know that Orochimaru is definitely much stronger than Yemengaka due to the inertia of genetic enhancement. Because of this inertia, the desire for evolution of the genes in the body itself far exceeds Yemengade.

Of course, it is not easy to merge. If you only rely on Orochimaru itself, the probability of failure can be said to be 99%. Even if you don't explode, you are likely to be assimilated by Ye Mengjia and become the second Ye Mengjia have to.

The ecstatic Yemengjiad didn't know that he was about to experience the second pain of snake life, and now he was laughing wildly and staring at Liu Hao, as if he was thinking about how to trick them into escaping from this space method.

It's a pity that Liu Hao is not interested in chatting with Ye Mengjiad, he is just a big Luo Jinxian, and he doesn't attract much interest at all;

Seeing that this guy was still laughing wildly, he was also annoyed. He stretched out his hand towards Yemengjiade and squeezed it lightly, strangled Qicun to death, instantly made the other party lose his voice, his eyes bulged out, but no matter how he twisted, he couldn't move. Not being able to move at all, the color of fear appeared in its eyes;

At this time, if you don't know the horror of Liu Hao in front of you, you are a fool. It wants to beg for mercy, but it can't make a sound, and the fear is even more obvious, lest Liu Hao will kill him;

It's not bad to realize that I was sealed in this space for the first time in my heart. If I can survive this time, I must have a chat with Odin honestly. Odin needs to protect himself.

But in a blink of an eye, Ye Mengjiad found that Liu Hao in front of him seemed to be a hundred times more terrifying than Odin. When Odin came, it was impossible for him to do this casually. This was already crushing on the level;

It thought that Liu Hao was one of the five supreme gods from the depths of the universe, and wondered if it could no longer tolerate itself? Is it because you are afraid that one day you will return to the World Tree and what will happen to the World Tree?

It feels that it is wronged, if it can really do something to the World Tree, how can it wait until the future? Already devoured it, okay? Doesn't it know that it will become stronger by devouring the world tree? It is simply powerless, and it has tried countless times, but all failed shamefully. So far, it has only eaten a few leaves, and it feels that it is too wronged.

In a trance, it remembered its long and short life. It seemed that the first time it had its own intelligence was on the World Tree. When did it leave the World Tree?

That's right, it was Odin's arrival. It was this guy who picked up a fallen branch of the World Tree, which made him feel jealous, and wanted to take the other's branch, which caused him to leave the World Tree unknowingly;

When I wanted to go back, I had no way to find it, and I had nowhere to look, so I could only wander in the universe. Later, I met Odin again, and I became the situation I am now.

At this moment, Ye Mengjiad's hatred for Odin reached its peak, and everything was due to this guy, otherwise he would still be sleeping peacefully in the World Tree, and his cultivation would definitely be higher, right? Shouldn't he be crushed to death by the guy in front of him?

Ye Mengjiad felt that he was doomed this time, but there was a look of relief in his eyes, and he didn't take the pain in his body seriously, thinking that the other party had already started to kill him. involuntarily closes the eyes;

After waiting for a long time, he found that he could move again. Wei Wei tried it, and found that it was not an illusion. A kind of happiness of the rest of his life bloomed in his heart. He opened his eyes slightly, but there was no trace of Liu Hao and the two of them anymore. Had to laugh in congratulations, but quickly suppressed the thought;

After finally escaping with his life, Ye Mengjia didn't dare to be arrogant anymore, and got into the water polo at the fastest speed in his life, as if only staying in it could make him feel more secure.

Besides, after Liu Hao and Orochimaru got what they needed, they didn't have the intention to continue exploring, and Orochimaru couldn't wait to return to the experimental fusion. How could they waste their time here?

In the Himalayas, the wind and snow were blowing. Liu Hao, who was dressed in white, was standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the sky. He came here this time because of the 'time gem' on Gu Yi.

But passing by the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, Liu Hao couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"In the past few decades, the scenery of Long Country has been unique!"

A voice came from beside him, and it was also Gu Yi who noticed Liu Hao's arrival;

"For thousands of years, although the Dragon Kingdom has experienced ups and downs, it has never been a spectator at the poker table!"

Liu Hao sighed endlessly, but his heart was still full of pride, which caused Gu Yi to smile slightly, and had more guesses in his mind.

Liu Hao comes from a world other than Marvel. Gu Yi already knew it the first time he met, and Liu Hao didn't intend to hide it. However, Liu Hao's world also made Gu Yi have a lot of guesses. Understand that there is a great connection between Liu Hao and Long Guo?

This information is definitely a big plus for Gu Yi. Compared with a strong man who has no connection with Marvel Earth, Liu Hao will never smash Marvel Earth in a fit of anger. It was enough, with this restraint, the biggest worry in Gu Yi's heart also disappeared.

How can Gu Yi's thoughts be concealed from Liu Hao? Liu Hao did not disclose these news on purpose. The two have different goals and different thoughts, but they can be regarded as taking what they need. Liu Hao believes that Gu Yi knows about Liu Hao. The relationship between Hao and Longguo, even if Liu Hao leaves in the future, will probably continue to support Longguo, and at worst, he dare not suppress it easily, that's enough.

"There are different races in the heavens and worlds, but there are many human races in the heavens. Although the status is different, overall, they should not be underestimated;

Among them, the Yanhuang race spread all over the heavens, traced back to the source, it is the Pangu Heavenly King, even though they are separated by the heavens, they are still in the same line;

It's just that I don't know why it is so, but when traveling in the heavens, when you meet the same clan, you should always get closer! "

Liu Hao's words, however, also have more implications. Others may not know it, but he is very clear. The original surname of an ancient layman is 'Yao', and the surname of 'Yao' is the direct line of the emperor among the descendants of Yan and Huang, after Shun. , Shun lived in Yao Ruins, and Yao's surname was passed down. Therefore, strictly speaking, Gu Yi is also a member of the descendants of Yan and Huang. Even if he leaves the Dragon Kingdom, his bloodline cannot be faked.

Talking about this to Gu Yi is also telling him that when he goes to other heavens in the future, his status as a descendant of Yan and Huang will be much more useful.

He also knows that Gu Yi has a peaceful temperament, fresh and indifferent, but this is on the Marvel Earth. If he leaves this universe, his mentality will always change, just like when humans go to the wilderness and see the joy in the hearts of other humans But it couldn't be concealed.

Even if Gu Yi at this time has no experience of committing suicide, and has little emotional resonance, it's no big deal, at least Liu Hao knows very well that once the seed is planted, there will always be a harvest in the future.

On the side, Gu Yi nodded slightly. He has never left the earth in his life. If he said that he has no desire for the outside world, it is absolutely false. He knows too much about the Marvel universe, and he has already lost his nature. However, other heavens, but It also made Gu Yi imagine endlessly;

Now that life continues, after letting go of the status of the supreme mage in the future, I will inevitably travel to other heavens. It is always good to know more at this time. I will naturally remember what Liu Hao said. Where do you not know the deep meaning in Liu Hao's words?

"According to the myths and legends of the Dragon Kingdom, Pangu opened up the sky and the wilderness is a success. Could it be that the Pangu Heavenly King has opened up countless times?"

Gu Yi's words followed the associations generated by Liu Hao's words, and also made Liu Hao laugh. This idea, not to mention Liu Hao, also had the same idea, but he was also unable to confirm this conjecture.

"Our cultivation base is too shallow, how can we get a glimpse of the true meaning? I have also been to the prehistoric world, and there are many saints among them. You must know that it is not impossible for a saint to open up a world in the chaos, although the level is not as good as the prehistoric world. But it is also a world, maybe they did it? Who knows?

However, in the world where the descendants of the Yellow Emperor survive, the legends of Sanqing and Nuwa are not lacking at all. Why this is the case, we need to reach a certain level of cultivation to know! "

Liu Hao sighed unceasingly at these words. This thought had already passed through his mind countless times. In the past, he might have thought of various ways to find the answer, but now it is less, and he knows that it is impossible to reach a certain level. Know this information.

Gu Yi beside him was also thoughtful;

"It is rumored that the 'sage' is immortal, but is it true or not?"

"Hahaha, this statement is true. Even if the prehistoric world is destroyed, saints can still have a chance to escape. With their current level of cultivation, they can survive in the chaos. Lifespan is no longer something they need to consider! "

"When Pangu Heavenly King opened the sky, was he also a saint?"

Gu Yi was very curious about this, and after finally catching Liu Hao willing to share, he naturally wanted to ask more.

"Pangu Heavenly King is not a saint. You must know that above the saint, there is also the realm of the 'Day of Heaven'. In the prehistoric and famine, all the great lands are in it. Pan Gu's creation of the heaven and earth can give birth to such a cultivation level, which also means that the realm of Pan Gu must be higher than the 'Day of Heaven' , but the specifics are not what we can know now!"

"Cultivation is endless! This is also a famous saying!"

Gu Yi sighed, and felt a little grateful for Liu Hao's arrival, otherwise he would only be a frog at the bottom of the well in the Marvel Earth for the rest of his life, and the only thing he could peek at was the sky above;

Now that he has learned about the wider world, the pride in his heart rises unconsciously. He is very confident. He does not think that his talent will lock him into the realm in front of him. With the exercises taught by Liu Hao, he can go to a higher level in his heart. Watching a wider world, naturally don't want to miss it.

The two of them chatted up to this point, and neither of them continued to speak. They quietly looked towards the plateau, each with their own thoughts. After a while, Gu Yi regained his composure and took off the 'time gem' from his chest;

"Your Majesty is here today, is it because of this thing?"

While speaking, Gu Yi handed over the 'Time Gem' in his hand, and Liu Hao was not polite, and stretched out his hand to take it.

"I can't hide it from you! I went to check the 'Space Gem' some time ago, and I got something occasionally. I also know that the 'Way of Space' cannot survive alone, and it needs to be integrated with the 'Way of Time' to be able to play to the extreme. Disturbing today!"

"I have worn this gemstone for hundreds of years. Although I often borrow its principles, it is difficult to comprehend it. If it can bring benefits to Your Majesty, it is also a good thing!"

Liu Hao nodded his head, but he talked about the matter of Gu Yi.

"You often borrow the law of time. After hundreds of years, you have gradually integrated yourself. The talent of time is bound to be higher than many geniuses. You might as well spend more time in this way in the future;

When I was in the prehistoric world, I met a monk who majored in the way of time, and ordinary monks of the same level wanted to fight, but it was difficult to win;

Three thousand ways, three thousand rules, there is a saying that space is king and time is respect;

Since you have this talent, it would be a pity to waste it! "

"Thank you for your reminder!"

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