Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and twenty-four. The saint bestows treasure

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1024 , the sage bestows treasure

In Shouyang Mountain, Feng Baobao hummed a unique song and wandered around. Unknowingly, he came to the place he visited last time, and the singing stopped unconsciously. Scratching and wondering, he still chose to walk forward;

Passing through a barrier, I saw a group of people again. These people were dressed in different clothes, some of them wore animal skins, and they also had textile robes. However, they could be seen at a glance that they were very ancient, and they felt boundless.

"Are you a human race?"

"Of course! It's not a human race, which one?" Feng Baobao didn't recognize his life at all. When answering, he was still looking around, and even sized up the inquirer several times;

The questioner didn't take it too seriously, because Feng Baobao checked curiously, and seemed very happy to hear Feng Baobao's answer.

"You are able to stay in Shouyang Mountain, could it be that you are the new disciple of Lao Tzu's sage?"

"I don't know the name of my master. I asked Haza once! Which one are you?"

Feng Baobao's answer made the inquirer almost choke. After paying homage to the master, he didn't care who the master was at all. Thinking about it, he was drunk, but since he can walk freely in Shouyang Mountain, he can only be under Lao Tzu's family, even if it is Xuandu Disciples, you must also be cautious, let alone enter the ancestral land of the Yangshan Human Race.

"My name is 'Cangjie'! Do you know that?"

Feng Baobao scratched his head again, the doubts in his eyes became more serious, and he asked after a while:

"Didn't 'Cangjie' invent writing? Are you that 'Cangjie'? Really?"

"Can I still lie to you?"

"Then you are amazing!" Feng Baobao still had an expression of admiration while speaking;

This expression also made Cangjie smile, and his mood was inexplicably much better. He can now see that the human woman in front of him has a heart that has never been seen in the ages, and she will not change much because of who is in front of her. This expression is right. Best compliments to him.

Feng Baobao's expression came and went quickly. Seeing someone coming again, she disappeared without a trace, which directly transformed into the curiosity of the visitor. Although it was a prehistoric time, it was the first time she saw someone wearing animal skin clothes. arrive.

"But the saint's sect?" The voice of the visitor was loud;

"I don't know! Which one are you?" This answer also made the visitor stunned.

Cangjie beside him almost laughed out loud.

"I am the Suiren clan!"

"Which one is drilling wood to make fire?"

"Yes! It seems that the human race has not forgotten the merits of the old man!"

"Is it possible to forget which one? I remember every world!"

"Your world?"

Feng Baobao nodded, and the curiosity in her eyes became even worse. She was extremely innocent, but she was not stupid at all, and she guessed the origin of these human races in this space to some extent;

But she didn't know how to face these people. Logically, as a human race, she should be respectful to them. However, as soon as this thought came out, she was reminded in her mind that she shouldn't do this, which made her not know what to do.

Just when she was in a dilemma, Lao Tzu's voice transmission came from her mind, and she finally got rid of the matter;

"My master called me, I will come to play with you next time!"

After speaking, he turned around and ran away regardless of how other people reacted. So far, Feng Baobao has no plans to fly. It seems that this is the most comfortable way.

"It seems that most of the saints have recruited new disciples!"

"This kind of pure heart has never been encountered in the ages. Even if the sky falls, it will not cause much change in her!"

"Of course! Otherwise, with Lao Tzu's sage mentality, how could he accept disciples?"

"That's true! She said she came from another world, and it seems that she has something to do with Liu Hao!"

"Not everyone can come to the Great Desolation! With her cultivation base, she can only be carried by Liu Hao to enter this place. It seems that many human races have stepped into the Primordial Desolation. My human race can gain a foothold in other worlds, it is a big deal!"

Not to mention the thoughts of these people in the ancestral land of the human race, but to say that Feng Baobao ran all the way to find Lao Tzu, with a trace of ignorance on his face;

When he saw Master Lao Tzu, he didn't mean to kneel down at all. Even if he tilted his head to ask, Lao Tzu didn't show any anger when he saw him. On the contrary, he was even more happy that Feng Bao Bao had maintained his innocence.

"Do you have a spirit treasure in your hand?"


Feng Baobao was puzzled, took out a boning knife in his left hand, and a kitchen knife in his right hand, and seemed to think of something, dropped one of them, and took out a golden ruyi. I snatched it when I was on a mission. I like it very much, but I don't know how to use it.

In Lao Tzu's eyes, such things are nothing more than rubbish among rubbish, but seeing the joy in his apprentice's eyes, he couldn't bear to say it, so he had to pretend he didn't know what was good or bad, reached out to take it and said:

"Let's put it here as a teacher first. I just have time to refine it for you!"

Feng Baobao had great trust in Lao Tzu, so he agreed with his nod, and even gave him the boning knife and kitchen knife without hesitation;

"Master, is there any news about Zhang Chulan?"

"He's practicing in Biyou Palace, maybe you'll be able to see him soon!"

"Biyou Palace, I think, it seems to be the home of Master Tongtian?"

"That's your uncle! Remember to call him 'uncle' when you meet him in the future!"

I don't care about it at all, but I also know that saints are respected. My third brother may be fine, but the second brother Yuanyuan takes this very seriously. In the future, if Feng Baobao calls his name directly, it will inevitably make the other party disliked. Given the meaning of prevention.

"Understood! Master, could it be that you are the Taoist Heavenly Venerable?"

Up to now, Feng Baobao finally remembered the name of his master. This was deduced from Uncle Tongtian, combined with the words of Cangjie and Suiren, he finally locked the origin of his master.

Lao Tzu was also a little depressed when he heard it. The disciples in front of him had only doubts on their faces but no shock. It seemed that his name as a saint was nothing more than that. This made him think that it would be better not to take him to his second brother.

I nodded to confirm my identity, and what I got in return was Feng Baobao nodding to confirm. Seeing that I had nothing else to do, my good guy, I forgot about it immediately, and turned around and sat down to look around. The unique folk song came up again, which made Lao Tzu speechless for a while.

He also knows that after being taught the exercises of his own disciple, there is no need to sit cross-legged to practice every day, and he will run on his own.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, it is difficult for Feng Baobao to sit down and learn various Taoist skills, and he is more used to direct melee combat. The threat of relying on absolute intuition is also not to be underestimated. Many Taoist techniques even have no effect on her, but they are always bad. something.

But I also know that it is extremely difficult to change Feng Baobao. Unless Feng Baobao is very curious to learn a certain Taoist skill, even if it is instilled in the other party, it will probably be forgotten quickly. This makes me a bit Muggle and can only take one step. Just look at it one step at a time.

Such a disciple is very worrisome. The old man who originally wanted to bestow the spirit treasure had other plans. Since Feng Baobao likes close combat and has weapons he has long been familiar with, it is better to give this spirit treasure to him. The two Bing strange knives are carefully refined;

Moreover, the rubbish Jin Ruyi Feng Baobao in front of him is very happy, and it is not impossible to develop it again.

Like Tong Tian, ​​I have been teaching Feng Baobao for a long time, and I plan to release her to practice.

"Zhang Chulan!"

"Sister Bao'er!"

Donghai, Biyou Palace, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu walked out of the Tongtian Dojo with their heads held high, and Feng Baobao's voice came to their ears, which was written by Lao Tzu;

For Feng Baobao's disciple, I am very precious, even if I like Feng Baobao's innocence that is unshakable in the world, I also have a headache about it;

Such a disciple doesn't need to worry about the other party's cultivation. In fact, Feng Baobao doesn't need to practice at all. He is already running his own exercises all the time. The energy in his body is rising steadily, and even the bottleneck is more than usual people are much more relaxed;

Another problem is equally serious. If such a disciple goes out, he will be deceived by others to sell it somewhere. It is too easy to trust others. In the plot, the fake monk on Longhu Mountain bragged a few times The beaded beaded Feng Baobao firmly believed in it. He didn't have any doubts at all. He just nodded and took out his wallet. He was even more cheerful when he bought it.

Lao Tzu is also very helpless about this, it is necessary for disciples to experience, especially under such a situation of great change, it is even more unsafe to lock it at home, and it is also worrying to let it out, and it is impossible for my eldest disciple Xuandu to take it with him. After much deliberation, the only option is to continue to let her go for a walk with Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu. Anyway, the trust between them is super strong, and the friendship is strong enough. Giving it to them will make me feel more at ease.

In this way, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu had been deduced early that they would leave the mountain, and Feng Baobao was sent to them.

This situation, in the eyes of Tongtian, is also joyful. Tongtian has resentment towards his elder brother, but it is only resentment, not to mention hating death. His disciples practiced together with his own disciples. This book is a kind of release of good intentions, and it is also a trust in himself, the third child. Why don't you like it?

At the same time, Tong Tian was also depressed. Others couldn't see it, but he could see the aura of a treasure on Feng Baobao's body at a glance. It was clearly the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda". With such a congenital treasure in his body, who would hurt Feng Baobao?

Such an innate treasure with obvious Lao Tzu's logo is protected, even if Jie Yin Zhun Ti sees it, he has to make a detour, right?

Tong Tian cursed secretly in his heart, and his nostalgia for the Chaos Clock increased, wondering if he could take back the Four Swords of Jade Immortals and bestow them on him? Is it good to take back the four swords with two swords? Do you want to try? Take it back and give it to Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu directly?

Tong Tian still held back in the end, but this idea sprouted in his heart, and one day, if he had the opportunity, he would definitely use it.

I am actually helpless, he has many treasures in his hand, but after thinking about it, it is really not suitable for Feng Baobao to use, such a guy who is used to melee confrontation, could I give the crutch in his hand?

In the end, he had to take out the materials in stock and upgrade the boning knife and kitchen knife in Feng Baobao's hands, abruptly promoted to the ranks of the best Houtian Lingbao. The stolen Jin Ruyi was also upgraded and transformed by Lao Tzu, so at least there was an extra guarantee;

The output is done, the final protection problem, choose and choose, I finally chose to bestow the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda', directly into Feng Baobao's sea of ​​consciousness, and the crisis will appear, it can be regarded as this new income for myself The disciples finally applied an insurance.

The secrets of heaven are chaotic, once the kite is released, it is difficult for me, a saint, to grasp all the details of the follow-up, not to mention the possibility of passing through the world passage to other worlds, no wonder I have to guard against it.

Biyou Palace is within the East China Sea. Liu Hao himself returned from the earth, and he also returned to the East China Sea. It took Xiao Long'er to accept the inheritance of the ancestral dragon. It didn't take three or two days. by;

But how big is the East China Sea? The three of Zhang Chulan who left Biyou Palace seemed to be in the same area as Liu Hao and his party, but they were actually far away from each other by an unknown distance.

There are quite a few forces in the East China Sea. Originally the strongest was the Jiejiao represented by Biyou Palace. However, since the Yin Shang conferred the gods, and after the Tongtian Saint entered the chaos, the Jiejiao had existed in name only, and the largest force was instead The group of Sanxians respected by Penglai;

Don't underestimate these loose immortals. To give an example, the three-star "Fu Lu Shou" who was ordered by the heavenly court is the best among them. The person who has already attained the Tao in ancient times was met by Zhen Yuanzi. also fellowship;

In other words, in the entire prehistoric world, the monks of the East China Sea are the group that has survived the most since ancient times, or their cultivation base is a bit shallower than the strongest of the saints, but this is just a matter of inheritance. It is inevitable to bring along the side to teach;

But it would be a big mistake to underestimate them based on this.

One is that they can survive till now, they basically have a unique inheritance on hand, and they don’t even lack spirit treasures in their hands;

In addition, the most important thing is the openness of casual cultivators. Apart from their own unique means, the communication between them is the most extensive in the whole prehistoric world;

If there are all kinds of skills in cultivation, then it must be in the East China Sea, among the group of casual cultivators in the East China Sea, you can see all the inheritances you have seen in this group, it can be said that the real civilization of the prehistoric era is controlled by them hands.

According to prehistoric legends, there are also many worlds under one person, and there is also the story of the list of gods. Since the three of Zhang Chulan arrived in the East China Sea, there is no reason to miss it. It is a pity that some things can be participated in without thinking. Is it something they can find if they want to look for it?

It is also because they are not familiar with the prehistoric, otherwise they can find any little aquarium monster in the sea to ask about it. The good thing is that they don't need to worry about it. He opened his arms and swayed, making Lao Tzu and Tong Tian, ​​who were paying attention to them, hold their foreheads endlessly.

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