Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and twenty-five. East China Sea Dragon Palace

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1025 , Dragon Clan's Choice

East China Sea Dragon Palace, Sea Eye.

Liu Haoan sat in the void, occasionally glanced at the Zulong sleeping in the universe, every time he glanced, he still felt shocked;

Such a vast body size is really unheard of, not seen with my own eyes. I would never believe that a creature needs a universe to fit it. It is no wonder that in the beginning, Zulong dared to compete for the only protagonist in the world. This body size alone can give He brings enough confidence.

However, Zulong is so vast, what about Yuanfenghuang and Shiqilin? Is it also the same vast power? Probably not too much difference, right?

Does this mean that both the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan have a hidden universe in their hands?

Calculating from this, are those famous caves and blessed places also a hidden world?

The more Liu Hao thought about it, the more he felt that this should be the case. If it was just a fairy rank, it would be enough to occupy one of the famous mountains and rivers, but once he entered Taiyi, after entering Daluo, the resources he needed could not be supported by a mere mountain range. ?

It can be said that it must be a small world.

There was something strange in Liu Hao's heart. He realized that he seemed to be petty. He had practiced so far, but he didn't even have a cave. Who would believe it? Someone asked fellow Taoist where is the fairy mountain? how do you answer You can't say that you are really at home everywhere, right?

"It seems that Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao, Zhao Gongming's subordinates, still choose to be officials in the Ministry of Finance of Tianting, right? In this way, will Wuyi Mountain be vacant? Do you want to occupy it?"

Liu Hao was very excited, but in the end he chose to give up. If he cultivated as Da Luo, he would occupy it;

But now I am a sub-sage cultivation base, if I really do this, I might be looked down upon by others. Instead of this, it is better to wait for Xiao Longer to wake up and go directly to the Ziwei Starfield to have a look. It's not that bad, is it?

East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Guang these days can be said to be a happy spring breeze, is there anything that makes him more excited than his own son getting the inheritance of the ancestor Zulong?

For the Dragon Clan, this is definitely a big deal. Ao Guang can't wait to tell the whole world about it, but he also understands that this matter has to be handled in a low-key manner. Before his Bing'er has grown up, he must not Let more people know about it.

As for whether Tongtian and Liu Hao will spread the word,

Ao Guang is really not worried, Tongtian is a sage, and it is just the inheritance of Zulong, and he is not regarded by Tongtian at all, and it is impossible to publicize it everywhere. What about Liu Hao? The son of the real dragon brought by others is also receiving the inheritance of the ancestral dragon, which can be said to be one, and it is impossible to pass it on to the outside world.

In this way, the secrecy is enough, but Ao Guang still has a little worry in his heart, that is, since his ancestors handed over the inheritance to two people at once, will these two people fight because of the dragon patriarch in the future?

If so, does his son Ao Bing really have a chance?

Ao Guang doesn't think he can stop Liu Hao's threat. Such a person who can chat with Tongtian Saint at will, such a strong man who has already obtained the title of Emperor Ziwei, unless the entire dragon clan is pushed up to symbolize the other party, there is not much at all. The winning percentage can be said.

But would the Dragon Clan really stand by their own Bing'er?

Ao Guang knew that it was absolutely impossible. If there were no absolute accidents, the hidden meridians of the Dragon Clan would not help each other in the end. The second position as the patriarch of the dragon clan, ruling the entire dragon clan in the future.

Thinking of this, Ao Guang felt more and more that his son Ao Bing's chances in the future were slim, and there was a high probability that he might become the other party's stepping stone to ascend to the throne of the dragon patriarch. It's as simple as ruling the future dragon clan. The Shui clan and the Linjia clan are all under the control of the future dragon clan patriarch. With such a huge force, which one can resist snatching it?

Not to mention the issue of rights, the luck contained in it alone is enough to make most people jealous. At least, he Ao Guang doesn't have the great willpower to let it go.

The more he thought about this, the more worried Ao Guang became. The original excitement these days disappeared without a trace, and he only hated his lack of means to help his son.

"You don't need to worry! Do you know about the Beiju Luzhou World Passage?"

Liu Hao didn't stay in the sea eye and waited all the time. When he came out, he saw Ao Guang's state, and after a little thought, he could understand what the other party was thinking.

In fact, Liu Hao didn't have much thought about Xiao Long'er's future competition for the position of the patriarch of the Great Desolate Dragon Clan. He could see the benefits in it, and would often be overshadowed by the hidden risks.

Is the position of Dragon Clan patriarch really that easy to sit on?

Naturally impossible!

Just one, inheriting the karma of the Dragon Clan and the Dragon Han Dynasty's first robbery, is enough to make a truly sensible person shy away.

Otherwise, it will not make Zulong unable to repair his injuries so far, and it will not make Zulong have to hide in the sea eye to suppress the eternal world. Such a long imprisonment career is enough for people to understand the karma in it What a horror.

At least, Liu Hao didn't want to.

Of course, if Xiao Long'er dares to take on this responsibility in the future, he will not stop him desperately. In his opinion, instead of this, it would be much better to be leisurely in other worlds besides the prehistoric.

Is there no other choice? If you really want to, the world of Xuanwu Dazun is not the same as a way out? This is a world that is higher than Honghuang seems to be, and perhaps it is a better choice.

It is also because of this that Liu Hao appeases Ao Guang who is in anxiety, but he thinks highly of Ao Guang. Ao Guang, who lives in the East China Sea, has long been used to living in his own three-acre land. The information from the outside world has also lost its sensitivity. Of course, there is also a reason why Ao Guang's information is not smooth enough. It is caused by insufficient cultivation.

Seeing that Ao Guang was confused, Liu Hao had no choice but to continue to explain.

"Beiju Luzhou, there is a world passage, through which, you can reach other worlds, a world completely different from the prehistoric world!"

"Which world did Fellow Daoist come from?"

Ao Guang thought through a lot at once;

In the prehistoric world, the dragons belonged to, not necessarily all came from the blood of the ancestor dragon, but the real dragon must have a relationship with the ancestor dragon, otherwise it would only be a fake real dragon, and its descendants would definitely not have five claws;

And Xiao Long'er can tell at a glance that it is a real dragon, and even his bloodline level is higher than his own. After comparing the two, why doesn't he understand that Xiao Long'er is from another world? It is logical to deduce that Liu Hao's sudden appearance comes from other worlds.

"Dragon clan, not only Honghuang has it!"

Ao Guang nodded straight after hearing this, but he thought too much, what should the world outside the prehistoric world be like? Are there other ancestor dragons? How strong is the Dragon Clan? What is the status? Can I also send some dragons to other worlds to find opportunities?

Wait, etc. Questions appeared in Ao Guang's mind one by one, and he was stunned unconsciously for a moment;

It's no wonder he thinks too much. In Honghuang, the restrictions of the dragon clan are too strong. The oath of Zulong is suppressed on the top of the entire dragon clan like a mountain of indecision. Without the cultivation of a saint, it is impossible to push away this mountain. , there is no possibility for the Dragon Clan to appear as a saint, so is it possible to go to other worlds to try?

As the patriarch promoted by the contemporary Dragon Clan, even though Ao Guangxiu is mediocre, he still has a lot of responsibilities in his heart, but he has nowhere to use his strength.

Now that he had such an opportunity, Ao Guang didn't want to let it go. He went to other worlds. Although it was equally dangerous, it also lacked the suppression of the prehistoric world, didn't it? Why not take a gamble?

Who to choose made Ao Guang difficult again. He knew very well that the best choice was actually his own son, Ao Bing, who was accepting the inheritance of the ancestor dragon. Not daring to take this risk, he fell into a dilemma.

Seeing his expression, Liu Hao chuckled without intending to disturb him. His consciousness swept over and saw that his sister was playing with Xiao Honghu, and his smile grew even wider.

The reason why he told Ao Guang this was that Liu Hao had a selfish intention. In the final analysis, he was fooling more prehistoric forces into the earth to help the earth share the future harm of the abyss. The Dragon Clan is also one of them. The pawns of the sea monster clan, even if their own cultivation is not very good, they should not be underestimated.

For the future of the earth, Liu Hao really worked hard, and he didn't want to miss any flowers and plants;

He also knew that with what he said, most of the dragons would not be able to run away. Perhaps at the beginning, the bloodline of the dragons sent would not be too high, but once the opponent gained a firm foothold, the follow-up strength would naturally increase, which was enough up;

However, he underestimated Ao Guang. With such an excellent opportunity, even though Ao Guang knew that the risk was not small, he was still very determined;

Because he understands that even if his son who accepted the inheritance of the ancestral dragon continues to live in the wilderness in the future, if there is any suppression of the dragon clan, he will still appear on Ao Bing's head. If he wants to improve his cultivation, he must pay Ten times the resources of ordinary people, this is still a desperate situation;

Since it is also dangerous in the prehistoric times, why not choose another path? It's all risk. The latter at least has no prehistoric suppression on the bottleneck. As long as the cultivation base is improved, isn't the risk reduced?

Ao Guang's consideration is absolutely correct. This is why Liu Hao did not hesitate to tell this information, so that Ao Guang understands that this is Liu Hao's kindness towards him. If this is the case, there is no need to worry about Liu Hao specifically targeting Isn't your own son? For the return of the Dragon Clan in the future, why not take a gamble? Don't my Dragon Clan have no hole cards?

"Thank you, Emperor, for reminding me!"

"It won't be long before this matter is hidden. Hong Huang still has many forces entering that world, but Beiju Luzhou is the territory of the monster clan. Whether they will sell the face of the dragon clan is up to you!"

"Could it be that the monster race directly occupied the passage?"

It's no wonder that Ao Guang was surprised. In his opinion, the Yaozu is looking for death. How could such a huge benefit be eaten by the Yaozu? Will the disciples of the saint be happy?

"Hehe, under the sage's door, it is naturally unimpeded!"

Liu Hao chuckled, not because he underestimated his Dragon Clan, but because he knew very well that these superficial Dragon Clan really couldn’t support the prestige of the Dragon Clan, no one dared to step on it, if Ao Guang didn’t invite the people from all over the world to suppress Haiyan The seniors of the Dragon Clan came out of the mountains, so they might not be able to share this benefit.

He knew very well that many powerful monster clans in Xuanwu Prefecture had already returned to Beiju Luzhou, and many of them had the demon emperor Taiyi. At that time, if the seniors invited by the Dragon Clan are not good enough, they may still return without success.

He didn't want the forces he had finally ignored to be blocked.

Beiju Luzhou, Emperor Jun still hasn't returned, Taiyi has become the governor, the first thing to do when he returns is to find Bai Ze and ask him;

It is also because of the agreement reached with Liu Hao and other quasi-sages that Bai Ze did not choose to hide the matter of the abyss, and don't think that Bai Ze is not loyal enough to the Yaozu;

This is still not a conflict. In Honghuang, there is no quasi-sage who does not want to continue to move forward and prove the Tao. Now that such a huge benefit is in front of him, it is only natural to hide it. Of course, if there is a need in the future, Bai Ze will also Be the first to report.

"So it seems that the earth also has my legend?"

"Back to the Demon Emperor, that's right! And it's not too young! It's just that it seems too long ago, and it's not as many as Haotian!"

"Shu Zier!"

Tai Yi disdained Haotian, but Bai Ze couldn't answer. Although Haotian was born as a boy of Daozu Hongjun, but his current cultivation base is not low at all, even higher than Bai Ze, so it's not his turn Disdain;

But he also knew the personality of the demon emperor in front of him, except for a few saints and emperors, it can be said that none of them would be taken seriously by Tai Yi;

He wanted to persuade Tai Yi, telling him that things were different now, but he chose to give up, as smart as him, how could he not know that he was being despised now?

It is more practical to have one thing more than one thing less.

Bai Ze also felt that Tai Yi's cultivation base has improved a lot, and he has taken another step away from the original peak. Perhaps it is because of this that he has returned with confidence. If it had been before, he would have been extremely happy, but not long ago, he saw Liu Hao's cultivation base. Biaojin, why don't you understand that the era of the Yaozu has really passed?

Up to now, he has already regretted a little, regretting that he hastily summoned the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor back from the long river of time. The situation is developing too fast, and it is beyond his control. Only a trace amount will do.

But things have come to this, so what?

It seems that being dispatched to the earth has become his best choice for Bai Ze. He can not only avoid the all-out struggle for the return of the demon king and the demon emperor, but also unexpectedly see the infinite possibilities in the future. Thinking of this, Bai Ze feels relaxed again Quite a few, seeing that the Demon Emperor Taiyi had no other attitude, bowed to say goodbye and left, but in return, Taiyi waved his hand subconsciously.

Compared with Di Jun, Tai Yi is still a little tender, extremely arrogant, but has little politics.

Fortunately, Bai Ze knew it well and didn't care too much about it. He left the palace and returned to the earth. He felt that although the aura of this world was lower than that of Honghuang, it was more comfortable and happy.

"In a short time, the two majesties will not summon me, why not take this opportunity to visit?"

Bai Ze murmured to himself, speaking of it, he was also working hard. He had to sit in the 100,000 mountains in the southwest, and was ready to be called back by Emperor Taiyi to inquire about the situation. This made him not know much about the earth so far. Now is a good time. I really don't want to miss it.

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