Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and twenty-seven. Merit golden lotus seeds

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1027、Golden Lotus Seed

The return of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, was a well-known event even in Honghuang.

Above the nine heavens, the Jade Emperor Haotian was the first to feel it, and a sense of anger arose in his heart. When the monkey made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, although he cooperated with many saints in acting, he finally fulfilled the prestige of Monkey King, and he inevitably lost himself. For the sake of face, it's strange if I feel better in my heart.

Originally, after Sun Wukong learned the scriptures, he escaped into Buddhism and lived in seclusion in Huaguo Mountain. This was the outcome after discussions among many saints.

At that time, when outsiders see it, they will only say: Look, the Monkey King who was known as the "Monkey King" hundreds of years ago, isn't he shrunken now?

But now? The script is completely inconsistent with what was agreed before, and the grandson monkey of Tiangong is back again. With the addition of the cloak, is the next step going to continue to raise the banner of "Monkey King"?

It's no wonder Haotian is comfortable.

Fortunately, before he could react, the Buddhist explanation came. Tathagata had already come towards the heaven under the arrangement of Jieyin Zhunti. Just when Monkey King went into battle again, he arrived just in time, and the announcement came. It was only then that the anger in Haotian's heart was suppressed, and he also understood that the Tathagata asked people to notify him of re-entry, and it was basically a step for him to go down, so what could he do? Can we not go down?

Haotian knew that he had to go down this step. If he didn't go down, wouldn't it be impossible to send troops to Huaguo Mountain again?

If this is the case, which one should be sent to the soldiers and horses in the court today? That monkey is now a proper quasi-sage, in the entire heavenly court, except for their husband and wife, could it be impossible to send Emperor Zhenwu?

Who is the backer behind the monkey, how can Haotian not know? Even if he gritted his teeth and didn't give Buddha's face, would he give Empress Nuwa's face? As a married woman, Haotian knows too well that a woman will not reason with you if she is aggressive, let alone a Nuwa Empress who he can't resist at all;

If he really did this, the only outcome that Haotian could think of was that his own face would suffer even more. Most likely, the monkey would be taken away by Empress Nuwa and placed in Wa Palace for a period of time.

The strength is not as good as others, so what to do?

In terms of forbearance, in the prehistoric world, Haotian is definitely rare, just as the Buddhist gates handed up the steps, let's go down!

"Amitabha! Poor Monk Tathagata,

I have seen the Great Heavenly Venerable! "

Tathagata's words are already the limit of his etiquette, claiming to be a poor monk, bowing his head to pay respects to the 'Great Heavenly Venerable', the meaning is very simple, this matter, my Buddhist sect made a slight mistake, so I quickly came over and explained, the Great Heavenly Venerable can't speak like a lion!

Doesn't Haotian know the deep meaning of these words? Even if he stepped down the steps handed over by Buddhism, he still has to accept the benefits that should be received, but he is not in a hurry. Now, instead, he is thinking why Buddhism did not abide by the previous promise. Could there be some inside story that I don't know?

Thinking of this, Haotian didn't open his mouth, just nodded slightly, and waved his hand towards Tathagata, implying that you sit down, and I will listen to how you talk nonsense with me.

Tathagata didn't take it seriously, Shi Shiran just sat down cross-legged, Haotian here, he thought it was just a trivial matter, the real difficulty was Sanqing's side, the original promise was not fulfilled, Sanqing is not as easy-talking as Haotian , he was waiting, waiting for the information from the two of them, because he knew that when he came, the two sages of Jieyin and Zhunti had already split up and went to Sanqing Chaos to arrive at the scene.

In the chaos, there is no up, down, left, or right, but these words are only for saints or monks under Hunyuan. From the perspective of Jieyin Zhunti, they still have a firm sense of direction. Among the original and original arrivals, as for Tongtian, it can only be ranked last.

The two of them were also depressed. The resurgence of the gods caused Tongtian to leave the Zixiao Palace, so he had to take into account Tongtian's interests. This was due to the unspoken rules among saints, but they also knew that Tongtian was the most difficult to deal with. Wuyu was just talking about him, and he can only make a fuss after getting Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan settled.

Taiqingtian, the Taoist temple of Taiqing Laozi above the thirty-third heaven, is no longer within the heavenly court. Although it complements the meaning of the thirty-sixth heaven, it is far away from the chaos, and it is not accessible to ordinary monks at all. This reception is no longer here.

When I arrived here, I had already prepared the golden road, and there was no need for others to inform me.

"Meet the big brother!"

"Fellow Taoist has already left the Taoist sect, so don't do that!"

One sentence from Lao Tzu blocked the thinking of getting close to the lead, and he didn't care about the lead. He just hit it if he had a pole or no pole, and he didn't get any gains or disappointment.

"Fengshen restarted, the prehistoric world has undergone great changes, and many general trends have changed drastically. According to the past, there is no way to change things! What do brothers think?"

If you really don't want to pay anything for the reception, how can I be fooled? The sage promised, this is the general trend, you can change it if you say it? Am I shameless?

He didn't want to talk to him at all, as if he didn't hear Jieyin's words, he closed his eyes slightly and wandered out of the sky, which made Jieyin sigh in his heart, Buddhism is booming, but the family is not rich enough after all, if you can save a little, just a little, Now it seems that it is impossible to save, but I am always very unwilling in my heart.

"But I forgot to congratulate Brother Dao for accepting another good student!"

As soon as the words of Jieyin came out, they were full of deep meaning. To Lao Tzu's ears, there was clearly a hint of threat. This made Lao Tzu's slightly closed eyes suddenly open, and he fixedly looked at Jie Yin. There was a feeling that you would not Give me an explanation, don't leave, I can't kill you, can't I keep you?

Although Lao Tzu did not maximize his aura, the slightly leaked aura still shocked Jieying, how long has it been? Why has my cultivation improved so much?

He clearly remembered that when he held a meeting in Zixiao Palace some time ago, Lao Tzu's cultivation base was only a line higher than his own, and the gap was not widened at all in terms of level, but now it is still not only widening the gap, but even a kind of leap forward. He felt as if he could be crushed at any time.

You know, this is definitely not an illusion! If I didn't mention the status of a saint today, there is a high probability that I will be killed on the spot. The "congratulations" I said before was really too unreasonable, and I must hurry up to remedy it.

"Brother Dao is happy to accept a good apprentice, so how can the younger brother not congratulate him. A few days ago, the poor monk Jinlian bore a few lotus seeds, which happened to be handy. Brother Dao, don't be disgusted!"

This sentence of "Junior Brother" is not a relationship. It is clearly lowering oneself. While talking, he handed out a lotus seed. The golden light on it is not dazzling, and he can see it clearly The lines on it are even more fragrant. When ordinary people smell it, many longevity can be born from the flat end.

This is the lotus seed produced by the virtuous golden lotus. Even in the wild, it is definitely a precious thing, and it is the only thing that can be shown in front of Lao Tzu. When he took it out, his heart hurt;

Such a lotus seed can definitely make a Buddhist disciple completely change from the root. No matter how low heels, he can directly enter Xiantian. With a little luck, he can compete with the Xiantian demon gods for career positions. This is a calamity , something that only bears fruit once in 5.6 billion years, something that can't be seen outside at all.

"Brother, you are being polite!"

I am very happy, what is this for? This disciple of mine is very talented, but he is only a talent of soul and spirit, but he is too far away from his feet. Even if it is him, it will be difficult to come up with something that can completely change, this lotus seed of the golden lotus of merit. It's just right, just enough to completely make up for the foundation of the newly recruited disciples;

As for the threat just now, I don't know that the lead has been put down, so let him pass.

Seeing that Lao Tzu took the lotus seeds of the golden lotus of merit with a smile, and threw them into the prehistoric world, he calmed down after reciting "Amitabha Buddha" in his heart for several years, and the grief on his face became deeper and deeper. For Biaojin, he thought in his heart, could it be that Teacher Hongjun gave Sanqing a small treatment alone during this period of time?

It's no wonder that the reception meeting thinks so. Hongjun gave Sanqing a small fire, but it happened a long time ago. With this precedent, it's justified to do it again. Otherwise, he really doesn't know why it took such a short time. Inside, I can improve so much!

In the East China Sea, Feng Baobao, who was wandering around, didn't know that a golden light shot directly into her body, that is, her spirit was pure enough, so she felt it a little after entering the body. When the master's voice came to her ears, she immediately stopped paying attention after knowing that it was beneficial and harmless , Thinking so much, why not enjoy the sea view in front of you, this sea is much vaster than the earth, how can those fish, shrimps and the like be so big?

"Look, there's an island over there!"

Zhang Chulan's cheers came from her ears, and Feng Baobao stretched out her hand to look around her forehead. She didn't feel bored, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu beside her had long been tired of the same sea scenery.

He didn't mention what Feng Baobao and the others encountered on the island next, but said that in the chaos, Lao Tzu withdrew his spiritual thoughts, and a faint smile rose on his face. He was very satisfied with this new apprentice.

His smile was seen by Jieyin, but he had more thoughts. Suddenly, Jieyin found that maybe Lao Tzu, the new disciple he recruited, might not be simple. He was just a human being. I don’t believe it, if it’s just a fate, I will most likely throw it to the incarnation of Taishang Laojun, or simply let his disciple Xuandu collect it, and go to battle in person. It can only be said that there must be other factors that he has not considered. .

But if a sage can do it himself, he will think of "luck" after a while;

Thinking of this, he glanced slightly at Feng Baobao in the prehistoric world, but this glance shocked him. As expected, the strong luck above Feng Baobao's head made him feel shocked, vaguely It can be seen that the meaning of one world is clearly the honor that only the absolute protagonist of one world has.

Look at the two men next to Baobao Feng, one is tall and the other is low, the tall one is almost similar to Baobao Feng, and the one who is low is also not to be underestimated;

It's no wonder that Lao Tzu took action himself, and it's no wonder that Tongtian passed on the two of them at the end, why didn't he notice it before?

The regret in Jieyin's heart, Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan's luck above their heads may be a little less compared with many quasi-sages in the prehistoric period, but the victory is still in the rising period, and it will be a matter of time before they catch up, and even in the future It's not certain if it exceeds, so lucky, why didn't I notice it at the beginning?

That's right, if Liu Hao didn't bring the others, but brought these few people into the prehistoric world, how could it be bad? It wasn't just three people that Liu Hao brought in, what about the others?

Jieyin calculated silently in his heart, and looked towards Zhongnan Mountain, only to see that Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing had already followed Yun Zhongzi to learn Taoism, and they had clearly entered the Chanjiao Group, and Sanqing had separated several people early It's over!

That's right, I'm wondering why Lao Tzu's cultivation has improved so quickly? There must be such a factor in this, right? With the improvement of luck and Hongjun's small cooking again, it's no wonder that he has surpassed so much in one go, it's hard!

Then the earth must increase investment, otherwise it will be even more difficult to catch up in the future!

"Brother Dao! Sun Wukong is back, how about letting him go directly to that world as an outpost?"

After all, Jieyin is still a little bit angry, and he wants to save a little money in his bones. These words also make Laozi despise him, but he also knows Jieyin's character. He has already taken out a virtuous golden lotus seed today, and then let the other party bleed. The difficulty is definitely a step-up, so it's better to sell a cause and effect.

Jieyin also thinks so in his heart, he doesn't want to pay anything, but also wants to sell a cause and effect, and find a way to get it back in the future.

"Forget it! Since it's an outpost, you can't do it as a Buddhist. It just so happens that Nuwa Junior Sister has also made a move, why don't you let her take the lead!"

After receiving the introduction, he felt another pain in his heart, why didn't he know that Junior Sister Nuwa had made a move? Is this my excuse or is it true?

Jieyin calculated again in his heart, but what he got was an endless fog, as if the matter of Nuwa was beyond his ability to peek. Could it be that Nuwa's cultivation has also improved besides Sanqing?

Although Junior Sister Nuwa also has Hongjun's biography, but Xiaozao shouldn't have her share, right?

Jieyin is in a mess, feeling that many things have exceeded his expectations, and he is too concerned about Journey to the West, so that he is out of touch with the world?

"Since it's Sun Wukong, I will follow Daoist brother's words! However, can Daoist brother talk about Yuanyuan and Tongtian separately?"

Even if there is some reluctance in his heart, he has to accept it. He also knows that this is my last bottom line. , is still so domineering!

The promise is the promise, Jieyin still thinks about raising conditions; what I get, is that I just shake my head;

"At Yuanyuan, Zhunti has already gone, and he won't make it difficult for you. As for Tongtian, you need to discuss it yourself!"

I'm not stupid, even if it's not difficult, one more thing is better than one less thing, not to mention that it's not easy, especially for Tongtian, who took the lead by himself, and the previous goodwill of Feng Baobao would definitely be in vain, he He didn't even bother to answer, so he just shook his head and ignored the introduction.

The sadness on Jieying's face is even worse, and he knows that his calculation is impossible to realize, but he just can't bear to try it, and he is also very depressed. Sometimes he feels that he and Zhunti have stayed together for a long time before becoming In this way, it seems that I didn't have this personality before, right?

That's all, at least I persuaded the head of the Sanqing, and it's not a waste of time, I don't know what's going on with the younger brother, it shouldn't be difficult to get started, right?

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