Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and twenty-eight. The Virgin of the Turtle Spirit

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1028: The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit

In the past, it was not difficult for Yuan Yuan to be persuaded by Zhun Ti, but now Yuan Yuan has changed his mind a lot. Who will make Fengshen revive? How many people are under his guidance? Where can afford to lose?

Especially compared with the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the number has decreased a lot, and he directly defected to Buddhism, which caused him to lose face, and made Honghuang have a lot of doubts about explaining teachings. In this way, he can get close to Buddhism That's weird.

It was not easy for the Buddhist sect to beg to come to him, and he would never feel comfortable if he didn't kill him severely.

That's why, no matter how much Zhunti persuaded him, he only thought that the other party was bibiking, and he didn't even have the intention to open his eyes. He made up his mind that he must let you bleed.

Zhunti was depressed. All along, he thought that Yuan Yuan was the most persuasive one among the three Qings. Only today did he realize that the most stubborn one might be Yuan Yuan.

"I think back to when the Yin and Shang conferred gods back then, our cooperation was always beneficial. Whenever I think of it, the poor monk is full of smiles!"

Zhunti was still unwilling, even though he knew it would not work, he still thought of various ways to try, but he didn't know that what he was originally waiting for was the word 'Fengshen'.

"Now that the Conferred Gods are revived, Buddhism is the most prosperous, and there are countless disciples. It just happens to be used to fill the vacancy in the list of Conferred Gods. I understand the meaning of fellow Taoists!"

Yuanyuan's words almost made Zhun Ti choke to death, please, my Buddhist sect is not a cut-off religion, although the number is much better than the previous cut-off religion, but it can't stand the charge of the list of gods, is it true that fellow Taoists want to unite with other The sage is looking for Buddhist troubles?

No wonder Zhun Ti thinks too much, and is used to calculating other sects, so it is inevitable for him to judge others by himself.

"Fellow Daoist, you're joking, now that the prehistoric demon clan is resurging, how can there be any shortage of people?"


Yuanyuan is still unwilling, but he also knows that it is still powerless to send many Buddhist disciples to the list of gods with the help of the disciples of interpretation and teaching. If he really does it, he may lose even more.

However, Zhunti heard Yuan's retreat from Yuan's cold snort, which also made him feel relieved, and he also knew how much Chanjiao wanted to evade the Fengshen who got up again, but what this meant was Since your Buddhist sect raised it, it is up to you to deal with it yourself. If you pull me to explain the teachings, it is no wonder that the teachings are aimed at Buddhism.

For the original attitude,

Zhunti is also happy, and he is not willing to confront Sanqing, even if the prehistoric Buddhism seems to be stronger than the combination of the three religions;

But among the three religions, there are sages covering them, and on top of that there is the Taoist ancestor of Taoism. No matter how powerful the Buddhism is, can it still completely wipe out the Taoism? At that time, can Sanqing bear it? What about Daozu Hongjun? What would you think?

Aside from saints, other forces, in Zhunti's view, are nothing more than chickens and dogs, and it is not just talk that all saints are ants;

Even if he couldn't do it himself, once there was a change, his avatar Bodhi Ancestor in the wilderness was not just for nothing, as long as he didn't get in the way of Sanqing's sect, Sanqing wouldn't say much when he saw Bodhi Patriarch make a move, right?

On the other side, Taiqingtian was brought out by Jiezhi, and he went straight to Shangqingtian. The water and fire boy beside Tongtian had been waiting for a long time. There was a hint of indifference in his heart, and he always felt that the other party's eyes were always swimming up and down his neck;

He wanted to test Tongtian's cultivation, but in the end he chose to give up. The Tongtian in front of him is not Lao Tzu. His impression of Tongtian is still at the stage of going crazy after the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. It is a kind of tyranny that directly wants to destroy the world. , even if he is an opponent whose heart beats when he sees a saint, think about it and let it go.

"Fellow Daoist! The poor monk just came from the Daoist Daoist..."

Tongtian interrupted the conversation before it finished;

"Oh? Fellow Daoist, you want to tell Pindao that I am already on your side? Pindao has already tried it once, and he is not afraid of doing it again!"

"Fellow Daoist thinks badly!"

Jieyin cursed secretly in his heart, why did he think that Lao Tzu came to suppress Tongtian? What were you thinking just now? He was still a bit happy in his heart. Sanqing still seemed to be full of conflicts, which was a good thing for Buddhism.

"Fellow Daoist! Fellow Daoist should know about Sun Wukong in Huaguo Mountain, but the situation has changed and we have to come here today!"

"Fellow Daoist, you might as well just say it, if it can satisfy the poor Daoist, then it's fine!"

After Jie Yin breathed a sigh of relief, he felt that something was wrong. The advantage of breaking Tongtian apart in front of him must be that the bottom line is very high. In other words, it is definitely difficult to satisfy the other party.

He sighed in his heart, and it hurt even more, and finally he chose to compromise.

Master Tongtian has countless disciples, but his personal disciples are pitifully few. All in all, there are only four of them. They are the eldest disciple Duobao, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.

Hong Huang, any direct disciples definitely coincide with the number of heavens. For example, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuanshi Tianzun take the meaning of twelve heavenly stems, the theory of perfection.

For example, the Eight Immortals collected by the Taishang Laojun have the meaning of 'men, women, old and young, poor and poor, rich and noble', covering the entire human race.

The same is true of Tongtian. The four personal disciples coincide with the meaning of the four directions and the four images. The best disciples are the ones who are looking for the inheritors of the four images in the prehistoric. There is no possibility, and the Four Elephants Holy Beast did not intentionally leave inheritance at all, so where can I find it?

Therefore, it was replaced by this. Among them, the Holy Mother of Guiling is the most suitable, because she was conceived by the Xuanwu holy beast, just like the Xuanwu Great Master's own daughter, and she is even more powerful in suppressing and cutting off the teaching. The other three disciples are much taller;

Because of this, the introduction can count on the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, and tend to swallow the sea of ​​​​blood mosquitoes, and directly publicize that the true spirit of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit does not exist.

But in fact, this is not the case. At any rate, she is a figure like Xuanwu Dazun's own daughter. Even if Jieyin plotted, she still failed, and now she has been suppressed by him in the golden lotus of merit. If it weren't for today, Jieyin would not have Take it out.

Why do you think he is not afraid of the Great Xuanwu? It's just that Jieyin doesn't know the horror of Xuanwu Great Monarch at all, otherwise, he would have brought it out long ago.

Today is considered to be a crooked fight, otherwise he will really suffer when he meets the Xuanwu Great Master in the future.

When he took out the Holy Mother of Guiling from the depths of the golden lotus of merit, he saw the endless joy on Tongtian's face, and he knew that today's business was over.

For Tongtian, the Holy Mother of Guiling is definitely the most painful place in his heart. His disciples have nothing to count. It is so tragic that the true spirit of the Guiling Virgin Mary does not exist. Now that she has been found, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

Compared with it, everything seems so insignificant, even if the reception is right in front of him, he just waved his hand, eager to drive the other party away.

Jieyin also knew that Tongtian didn't want to see him, so he nodded slightly, and walked away directly, but he didn't realize that the true spirit of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit had undergone great changes when he turned around and left, as if endless vitality was in its immortal aura. within a few breaths, a jade-white egg appeared in Tongtian's hands;

After a while, the jade-white egg began to grow larger. When it reached the size of half a meter, cracks began to appear on the eggshell, and then it split open, revealing a small figure in it, about three or four years old, with closed eyes , exuding a shallow breathing sound.

Seeing Tong Tian, ​​he burst out laughing, but he was really happy from the bottom of his heart. I don't know if his laughter was too loud, which woke up the newly conceived Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit in front of him. Rubbing his hands together for a while, he opened his sleepy eyes. There was endless ignorance in the innocent eyes, and it took a while for him to calm down.


This voice is very soft and has a waxy color, but it is as comfortable as Tianyin to Tongtian's ears.

"Okay! Hahaha! My disciple is back!"

Tong Tian didn't care about why he was repairing it. He knew very well that his disciple was still on his feet, and he also understood that there was a reason for the Xuanwu Palace. Others can't hide it from him.

For this, Tongtian can only be grateful. If it is said that the Guiling Virgin had the idea of ​​relying on the luck of Xuanwu Dazun at the beginning, Tongtian at this time is extremely pure. What kind of luck is not considered by him at all. Among them, he only thought about the return of his disciple.

The returned Mother of the Turtle Spirit is still ignorant, that is, the kindness that penetrates into the bone marrow, which makes her know nothing about the concept of Tongtian Cun, and others. Maybe in the future, when her cultivation level improves, she can also retrieve her memory. It is a reborn creature, but so what?

As long as you are your own disciple, everything else is just a trivial matter!

Not mentioning Tongtian Huanxi, but saying Zhun mention, at least it can be regarded as persuading Yuanshi Tianzun, but outsiders don't know what he paid.

Above the heavenly court, Reception Zhunti also sent the message, and the Tathagata, who was sitting quietly, slowly opened his eyes.

The Lingxiao Palace was originally a gift given to Haotian by Hongjun, and only in it can Haotian feel the aura of a saint. Therefore, when Tathagata opened his eyes, Haotian's hands moved, and looked at Tathagata curiously, Waiting for what conditions the other party will offer.

Haotian also knows that Sanqing has been publicized, and if he comes to him, the benefits will not be much, but there is no way to do this;

The matter has come to this point, and he can only accept it. If the monkey grandson comes to make trouble in Tiangong next time, he will not hide behind the scenes and watch the show. He must teach the other party a good lesson. If he is not killed, he can't be injured? As long as you don't beat him to death, Saint Nuwa won't have any opinion, right?

"Da Tianzun! The meaning of the saint is to let Monkey King go to the earth world, so it will not make it difficult for Da Tianzun!"

As soon as Tathagata came up, he directly suppressed him with a saint. They are all people who are under the pressure of a saint. Tathagata is too aware of Haotian's unwillingness. Regardless of whether he has any effect, let's tease him first, and then talk about it. Besides, the meaning of the saint has been explained, and the other party can't open his mouth like a lion, right?

It has to be said that Tathagata's words made Haotian's heart move slightly, and he also saw Haotian's face tremble slightly. Although it was very superficial, if he hadn't observed it, he might not have noticed it, which made him smile even more .

Tathagata's smile did not feel that the effect of his teasing had been achieved. On the contrary, he knew very well that the teasing just now had no effect at all. Maybe others would be deceived by Haotian, but Tathagata would not, because he knew very well that all of this Everything about him is just pretending by Haotian for outsiders to see, just acting.

He is also happy to cooperate with Haotian, why not? He often acted for Jie Yinzhun to watch, wasn't Haotian at that time also willing to cooperate with him in acting?

Not to be reconciled, there are definitely some!

But it will definitely not be as it appears;

This unwillingness is not the unwillingness to be suppressed by the saint, but the desire for enlightenment!

This is true of Tathagata, and so is Haotian. If it is said that in this prehistoric world, the two can be said to be the one who knows each other best.

We all know each other very well, and we are still good friends!

"But I forgot to congratulate fellow daoist for improving to the next level!"

Haotian changed the topic abruptly, Tathagata's heart moved, and he also understood that Haotian was also beginning to condense his obsession and incarnation, but telling himself this, is it to form an alliance?

Tathagata did not accept Haotian's congratulations, and continued his topic:

"Beiju Luzhou World Passage is controlled by the demon clan, what does the Great Heavenly Lord think?"

"Buddhism is thriving, fellow Taoists seem to have benefited a lot!"

The two of them didn't agree with each other, and they talked about their own topics.

"The poor monk also thinks that Beiju Luzhou World Passage should be jointly managed by all parties! The Heavenly Court was established by the Taoist ancestor, and it is justified!"

"Dharma is spreading to the east, how many times will Tang Sanzang's Water and Land Ceremony be held?"

Haotian didn't want to be fooled, it was justifiable for Tianting to accept it, but he also set a target for the Yaozu, and then the Yaozu would only target Tianting, right? The benefits are all given to you by Buddhism, can you treat me, Haotian, as a fool?

"Buddhist sect supports Da Tianzun to take over the world channel, even Di Jun, an outdated demon emperor, can't refuse!"

Tathagata continued to offer conditions, but what he said was to be discussed with the help of Buddhism. There may be conflicts in this discussion, and Buddhism will also cover it. How good is this?

Haotian's heart moved, and it seemed that it was not unacceptable. Could it be that Buddhism had thought of this benefit for himself before coming? In order to let Monkey King come out, Buddhism is willing to pay such a high price? This seems a little unreasonable!

It's no wonder that Haotian is a bit suspicious, the bad guys have Buddhism to do it, and the good thing is taken by Heaven, when did Buddhism become so good?

Could it be that the earth has some benefits that I don't know about?

Haotian suddenly thought of the essence, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something hidden in it that he didn't know, he had to send more people into the earth to do it, his nephew was also a fool, so far there was no news, sitting on his butt Is it crooked?

"Who is the Buddha going to send to go again?"

Haotian moved slightly and asked, but the answer he got surprised him endlessly.

"Of course it's the monkey grandson, and it will save time for the great Tianzun to do it! It just happens that the combination of learning from the scriptures is fine, let them go together if they are not weak!"

"Fellow daoists are good at calculating! With the book "Journey to the West", the ones taken by fellow daoists in that world must be the biggest copy, right?"

"Fellow Daoist seems to have underestimated Emperor Ziwei, right?"

"Oh? That's right! Emperor Ziwei is still God, and I don't know what he is planning!"

"Who knows? I've heard that Tongtian Sage often drinks tea with each other, but I don't know if it's true or not!"

"Hehe!" Haotian squinted at Tathagata. This guy, who called him "Tongtian", seemed to disown him as a master and apprentice. Did he sit on the Buddhist side? "Fellow Daoist seems to be very jealous of Emperor Ziwei! Can you tell me the secret?"

Tathagata raised his head and glanced at Haotian, and it took him a while to open his mouth. If he hadn't received a reminder from Yinzhun, he would have completely ignored these people.

"Da Tianzun might as well pay more attention to the few characters that Emperor Ziwei brought into Honghuang before making any calculations! For example, Daodetianzun has accepted a new disciple, which is a great event for Honghuang!"

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