Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and twenty-nine. Tathagata Haotian

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1029: Tathagata and Haotian

Lao Tzu recruited disciples without much fanfare, and it is normal for Haotian not to know. If the Tathagata hadn't reminded him today, he would only suddenly wake up when he saw it with his own eyes.

This news shocked Haotian's heart. Listening to his words, this disciple is clearly the character Liu Hao, the Emperor Ziwei, brought from the earth. It can make an exception for Lao Tzu, a saint, to accept disciples. It can be seen that there must be a great deal in it secret.

As a Daozu boy, Haotian can be said to be one of the people who knows the Sanqing best among the prehistoric people. Among the three, if you say which one is the most proud, Haotian will tell you without hesitation, Taoism respects Lao Tzu you!

Zixiao Palace has countless years, how many people have seen? Although he is a boy, his mind has long been complete. How could it be possible for someone who can be directly assigned by Hongjun to be the Emperor of Heaven without his own thoughts? It can be said that whether it is scheming or scheming, Haotian has no shortage at all, so he has a deep understanding of Sanqing;

He had analyzed the three people of Sanqing a long time ago, and he has a point of view that he has never talked about with anyone, and that is his guess about Sanqing;

Sanqing was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, this is the information known to all;

But how powerful is Pangu? Even if the primordial spirit is three-pointed and re-conceived, how can the starting point of its cultivation be a mere Da Luo Jinxian?

Haotian felt that this was very wrong from the beginning to the end. Therefore, he believed that even if Sanqing really had a great connection with Pangu Yuanshen, it was probably not transformed from the complete Pangu Yuanshen, and more, it was transformed by Pangu's three corpses incarnations. , that is, Pangu's good thoughts, evil thoughts and obsessions gave birth to Pangu Sanqing respectively;

Corresponding to good thoughts is Lao Tzu, which is Pangu’s great good thoughts on the prehistoric, so he was born to treat the prehistoric with the way of inaction, knowing that the world is not benevolent, and treats all things as dogs. Therefore, it is correct to treat all things and creatures and let their natural development , do not judge the good and evil of all things by fighting in the biological chain, let them fight for themselves, this is the great good of heaven and earth;

What about the original? Haotian thought that he was the incarnation of Pan Gu's evil thoughts, and his way was in line with the way of heaven. In other words, the original emphasis was on the unique correctness of the way of heaven, and all living beings can only live under the fate line arranged by the way of heaven, without crossing the boundary at all;

It sounds like it is not a big evil, but there is a saying about who is the way of heaven. With the original character, there is no need to say too much. I am the way of heaven, and all living beings should listen to my words. This is the original and true inner thought Therefore, he is the one who likes to meddle in the heaven and earth the most, and he is also the sage who directs the heaven and earth the most.

In the last Tongtian, Haotian believed that he was the incarnation of Pangu's obsession. With Pangu's great love for the prehistoric world,

If you are willing to sacrifice yourself to incarnate the world, you will naturally not be willing to let all beings in the wild world have to drift with the flow under the arrangement of fate;

That's why Pan Gu wanted to leave a glimmer of life for all living beings in the prehistoric and desolate, and it is also for this reason that the prehistoric world derived forty-nine and escaped one of them. Teachings, to intercept a ray of life for all beings in the world!

Corresponding to Sanqing, Haotian can easily judge Sanqing's character.

The primordial one is superior, the only one who respects me, the one who stands alone above the world, but happy to work for the welfare of all beings;

But what about me? How all living beings are is not in his thoughts at all;

Such a person is willing to break his own rules and accept apprentices again, then it must be that this disciple has some special qualities that are uniquely attractive to Lao Tzu. If the Tathagata was not present, Haotian would definitely take out the Haotian mirror at this time to observe Baobao Feng carefully just work.

Similarly, Haotian also had more thoughts about Liu Hao, he wondered if Liu Hao had premeditatedly brought Feng Baobao and others into the prehistoric world? Did you know that these people were not simple before? Did he already know that these people would be favored by Laozi Tongtian?

If so, what calculations are involved in this?

Most importantly, is there such a character on Earth?

If there are still, can I get ahead of myself? Take these people into the bag first, so as to increase the luck of the heaven?

Haotian thinks so, why not Tathagata? If he could, he even wanted to go to the earth for a walk in person, but unfortunately he couldn’t. If he really did this, other forces would definitely pay more attention to the earth. At that time, it would definitely make the prehistoric monks step into the earth in one go, so , but will make the earth more uncontrollable;

Instead of this, it is better to keep a low profile, just taking advantage of the Monkey King incident to stuff more Buddhist disciples into the earth, which is much more reasonable and legal to outsiders.

The reason why Haotian was drawn to Haotian is also because of this point. Buddhism also needs a legitimate reason to take half of the control of Beiju Luzhou World Passage.

Tathagata is so impatient, it is also a last resort. If they don't make the first move, once the Daoist Sanqing is in front, it will become extremely difficult for the Buddhist sect to gain more control in the future.

He also expected that Haotian would agree, just to give a banner of justice, and the one who paid was Buddhism? It seems that not only has there been no loss, but also a lot of benefits, and Haotian has no reason not to agree.

Sure enough, Haotian nodded slightly to Tathagata. Although he didn't make a verbal promise, he gave his approval. This is enough for Tathagata, and the matter of Monkey King is also considered over.

The two reached an agreement on this point, which is a good start, especially Tathagata, the timing is just right, and they also want to discuss with Haotian more about how to deal with Honghuang's next situation;

Honghuang, even if Fengshen is restarted, it seems to have a completely different pattern from last time;

During the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the dynasties in the world were changed, relying on one time, the enemy and us were separated to fight, and there were people who should be robbed who held the list of gods to join them. Although there were many battles, they were still controllable. reflect the composition of personnel;

But now? It seems that there is no sign at all, it seems that all living beings in the world are included in it, and there is no territory set aside to fight against us, there is no way to escape, let alone say who is on the list, there is no rule, even a saint cannot sign a number;

In this situation, at the beginning, the major forces were quite happy. It seemed that as long as they recited the Huang Ting Sutra quietly at home, they would be fine. But as time went by, everyone found that something was wrong. It was uncontrollable, which meant that it was uncontrollable. calculation;

Especially the more powerful ones, the more uncertain they are in their hearts. When the sect is big, it is impossible to guarantee that everyone will not go out. , It is impossible to know who did it, and revenge is difficult to do.

And don’t think that Haotian is the Jade Emperor, so he can stay out of the matter and be an audience. He also has many direct descendants. These people are better above the Heavenly Court. If they go down to the Heavenly Court, the possibility of being killed is equally huge;

This is the team that Haotian managed to win over, he never wanted to lose everything so well, and in the current situation, how could these direct descendants let them stay in the heaven quietly?

No one knows better than Haotian and Tathagata that this major battle is coming, but it is absolutely false to say that they are thinking of forming an alliance. Although the competition between the two parties is not life and death, it is not much better;

But in the same way, no matter whether it is Tathagata or Haotian, they don't want to open this target too early. You must know that besides them, Honghuang also has many competitors. No one believes in the tacit understanding, anyway, he is the top leader of the prehistoric world, and the ability to mobilize resources in his hands is not comparable to other people, even the leader of the Shura clan like Styx.

Knowing this, Tathagata and Haotian are very clear that once the two of them set up a battle against each other, only Zhen Yuanzi and Kunpeng will benefit. Therefore, so far, the two have also tried their best to close their accounts Down, restrained again and again.

But how long this restraint can be maintained, the two of them also have no idea.

Fortunately, the appearance of the earth in front of them made their restrained postponement more possible, especially when they knew that the two rivals in their hearts had already crossed the border, and their thoughts became more tacit. No matter how confident they are, Tathagata and Haotian also understand that both Xuandu and Zhenyuanzi have the possibility to catch up with them, and they must not let it go.

Today, there is an additional tacit understanding between the two of them, and that is Liu Hao.

No matter how confident they are, they have to admit that this Liu Hao, who established his way with the cultivation system of a hundred schools of thought, has become a force now.

Compared with the two of them, Liu Hao has already carved his mark in the prehistoric world, but he knows little or even nothing about the earth side. This is definitely not what they would like to see.

At this time, they were also thinking about restricting Liu Hao's development in Honghuang, but after much deliberation, it seemed that there was really no good way to do it.

Tathagata and Haotian also understand that Liu Hao's basic card for the inheritance of hundreds of schools is in the human race, in Datang, the orthodox land of the human race, but that is the traditional site of Sanqing, and Buddhism has just introduced Mahayana Buddhism to the east, and its influence is very limited. Whether I can promote it is still a question, and how can I suppress the way of a hundred schools of thought?

What about Haotian? He actually thought that if he was really ruthless, it would have some effect, but once he made a move, anyone would be able to guess the purpose, besides, would Sanqing be happy?

Haotian didn't know either. Logically speaking, the emergence of the Hundred Schools system was indeed a blow to Taoism. Scholars all went to worship the Hundred Schools. Who would give their beliefs to Sanqing?

But Sanqing is no better than Buddhism, they really don't need 'faith', this is determined by their 'Tao';

Lao Tzu does nothing, advocates the way of nature, and emphasizes that existence is reasonable. Therefore, he did not stop the emergence of the Hundred Schools system at the beginning, and he will not have other opinions in the future;

What about the original? The emergence of the Baijia system has great benefits for the prehistoric world, and I feel a little reluctant in my heart. Now that I have endured it, it is impossible to make a move;

Tongtian would not do this anymore. The emergence of the Hundred Schools system, for the human race, is in line with his own teachings, and it is also fighting for a chance of survival for hundreds of millions of people. Is it too late for him to promote it? Where will it stop? It is also because of this that he has contact with Liu Haoduo.

What's more, Liu Hao also shared the interests of Baijia with Sanqing, so there was no reason to stop it.

Since Sanqing didn't have any thoughts, Haotian didn't dare to move lightly even if he had thoughts;

In the final analysis, his position as Emperor of Heaven is fundamentally due to the interests of the Taoist Sanqing.

Inside Lingxiao Palace, Tathagata and Haotian looked at each other, and both saw a trace of bitterness in each other's eyes.

"What does the Great Heavenly Lord think of Emperor Ziwei?"

"I expect that Emperor Ziwei will enter the Heavenly Court to take over after a while!"

"What the Great Tianzun said is true. As one of the Jade Emperor's Four Royals, Emperor Ziwei should also come to pay respects to the Great Tianzun when he takes office?"

Tathagata's words were strongly provocative, why couldn't Haotian hear it? But the other party is also a conspiracy, and the difference in status is there. Once it is revealed, it will be related to the dignity of his Great Heavenly Venerable, and he has to fall into the trap.

But Haotian is not a fool, even if there are fluctuations in his heart, there is still no hint of being fooled;

"Emperor Ziwei is from another world, so it is understandable that he is not clear about the many etiquettes of the prehistoric world!"

Tathagata sees Haotian's stubborn mouth, but he doesn't care about it. Some things can be said only, but he emphasizes it again and again, but it is inferior, and it is even more disgusting. Let's stop.

"There is a book "Journey to the West" in that world, and I don't know if there is a heaven!"

"The Buddha sent Arhats to go back and forth, so he should know a lot. If you don't tell me, it's fine, and you still come to make me happy?"

Haotian squinted his eyes, and when he asked back, he also strengthened his tone, trying to see some changes in Tathagata's face, but who is Tathagata? How could it be as he wished;

"He came and went in a hurry, and as soon as he found the book "Journey to the West", he hurried back. Now it seems that it will not be a big deal. The poor monk thought that he would send Avalokitesvara to take a look after some time. What do fellow Taoists think? "

"It's not a good thing for the Buddha to make such a big move!"

Haotian immediately stopped it. In his opinion, Buddhism has already planned to send a second batch of personnel. Once again, no matter how good the concealment is, it will definitely be known to the outside world. At that time, perhaps those low-key Kunpeng and Styx It's time to shoot, this is not a good thing.

Tathagata was not at all unhappy with Haotian's veto, just now he was just trying to see how much Haotian attaches importance to the earth? What do you think? No, it was found out right away.

"Speaking of which, the location of this channel is really troublesome. Once Emperor Juntai returns, the Yaozu will be no different than before."

"It seems that the Buddha is also worried that Emperor Jun Taiyi will come from behind?"

"Who dares to put the two of them down so easily?"

"Who says no? Even the reincarnated demon gods of chaos should not be underestimated. In terms of background, they will not be lacking. Since they can wake up in this great battle, they should have a chance. Has the Buddha thought about how to do it?" deal with them?"

"Amitabha!" Tathagata sang the Buddha's name aloud, and then said leisurely; "The poor monk went to peep in the long river of fate, but he got very little. In the long river, the turbulence is surging. This scene is poor. The monk has never heard of it since he was born, but he doesn't know whether it is good or bad?"

After Haotian heard this, his face moved slightly, and he quickly restrained it, and he didn't intend to answer Tathagata.

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